/us/usc/t10/s101 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s111 Executive department
/us/usc/t10/s112 Department of Defense: seal
/us/usc/t10/s113 Secretary of Defense
/us/usc/t10/s113a Transmission of annual defense authorization request
/us/usc/t10/s114 Annual authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t10/s115 Personnel strengths: requirement for annual authorization
/us/usc/t10/s115a Annual defense manpower profile report and related reports
/us/usc/t10/s116 Annual operations and maintenance report
/us/usc/t10/s117 Readiness reporting system
/us/usc/t10/s118 Annual report on major weapons systems sustainment
/us/usc/t10/s118a Quadrennial quality of life review
/us/usc/t10/s119 Special access programs: congressional oversight
/us/usc/t10/s119a Programs managed under alternative compensatory control measures: congressional oversight
/us/usc/t10/s120 Department of Defense executive aircraft controlled by Secretaries of military departments
/us/usc/t10/s121 Regulations
/us/usc/t10/s122 Official registers
/us/usc/t10/s122a Public availability of Department of Defense reports required by law
/us/usc/t10/s123 Authority to suspend officer personnel laws during war or national emergency
/us/usc/t10/s123a Suspension of end-strength and other strength limitations in time of war or national emergency
/us/usc/t10/s123b Forces stationed abroad: limitation on number
/us/usc/t10/s124 Detection and monitoring of aerial and maritime transit of illegal drugs: Department of Defense to be lead agency
/us/usc/t10/s125 Functions, powers, and duties: transfer, reassignment, consolidation, or abolition
/us/usc/t10/s126 Transfer of funds and employees
/us/usc/t10/s127 Emergency and extraordinary expenses
/us/usc/t10/s127a Operations for which funds are not provided in advance: funding mechanisms
/us/usc/t10/s127b Department of Defense rewards program
/us/usc/t10/s127c Purchase of weapons overseas: force protection
/us/usc/t10/s127e Support of special operations to combat terrorism
/us/usc/t10/s128 Control and physical protection of special nuclear material: limitation on dissemination of unclassified information
/us/usc/t10/s129 Civilian personnel management
/us/usc/t10/s129a General policy for total force management
/us/usc/t10/s129b Authority to procure personal services
/us/usc/t10/s129c Medical personnel: limitations on reductions
/us/usc/t10/s129d Disclosure to litigation support contractors
/us/usc/t10/s130 Authority to withhold from public disclosure certain technical data
/us/usc/t10/s130b Personnel in overseas, sensitive, or routinely deployable units: nondisclosure of personally identifying information
/us/usc/t10/s130c Nondisclosure of information: certain sensitive information of foreign governments and international organizations
/us/usc/t10/s130d Treatment under Freedom of Information Act of certain confidential information shared with State and local personnel
/us/usc/t10/s130e Treatment under Freedom of Information Act of certain critical infrastructure security information
/us/usc/t10/s130f Notification requirements for sensitive military operations
/us/usc/t10/s130h Prohibitions relating to missile defense information and systems
/us/usc/t10/s130i Protection of certain facilities and assets from unmanned aircraft
/us/usc/t10/s131 Office of the Secretary of Defense
/us/usc/t10/s132 Deputy Secretary of Defense
/us/usc/t10/s132a Chief Management Officer
/us/usc/t10/s133a Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
/us/usc/t10/s133b Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment
/us/usc/t10/s134 Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
/us/usc/t10/s135 Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)
/us/usc/t10/s136 Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
/us/usc/t10/s137 Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security
/us/usc/t10/s137a Deputy Under Secretaries of Defense
/us/usc/t10/s138 Assistant Secretaries of Defense
/us/usc/t10/s139 Director of Operational Test and Evaluation
/us/usc/t10/s139a Director of Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation
/us/usc/t10/s139b Special Operations Policy and Oversight Council
/us/usc/t10/s140 General Counsel
/us/usc/t10/s141 Inspector General
/us/usc/t10/s142 Chief Information Officer
/us/usc/t10/s143 Office of the Secretary of Defense personnel: limitation
/us/usc/t10/s144 Director of Small Business Programs
/us/usc/t10/s145 Principal Advisor on Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction
/us/usc/t10/s151 Joint Chiefs of Staff: composition; functions
/us/usc/t10/s152 Chairman: appointment; grade and rank
/us/usc/t10/s153 Chairman: functions
/us/usc/t10/s154 Vice Chairman
/us/usc/t10/s155 Joint Staff
/us/usc/t10/s156 Legal Counsel to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
/us/usc/t10/s161 Combatant commands: establishment
/us/usc/t10/s162 Combatant commands: assigned forces; chain of command
/us/usc/t10/s163 Role of Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff
/us/usc/t10/s164 Commanders of combatant commands: assignment; powers and duties
/us/usc/t10/s165 Combatant commands: administration and support
/us/usc/t10/s166 Combatant commands: budget proposals
/us/usc/t10/s166a Combatant commands: funding through the Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff
/us/usc/t10/s166b Combatant commands: funding for combating terrorism readiness initiatives
/us/usc/t10/s167 Unified combatant command for special operations forces
/us/usc/t10/s167b Unified combatant command for cyber operations
/us/usc/t10/s171 Armed Forces Policy Council
/us/usc/t10/s171a Council on Oversight of the National Leadership Command, Control, and Communications System
/us/usc/t10/s172 Explosive safety board
/us/usc/t10/s173 Advisory personnel
/us/usc/t10/s174 Advisory personnel: research and development
/us/usc/t10/s175 Reserve Forces Policy Board
/us/usc/t10/s176 Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
/us/usc/t10/s177 American Registry of Pathology
/us/usc/t10/s178 The Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine
/us/usc/t10/s179 Nuclear Weapons Council
/us/usc/t10/s180 Service academy athletic programs: review board
/us/usc/t10/s181 Joint Requirements Oversight Council
/us/usc/t10/s182 Center for Excellence in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance
/us/usc/t10/s183 Department of Defense Board of Actuaries
/us/usc/t10/s183a Military Aviation and Installation Assurance Clearinghouse for review of mission obstructions
/us/usc/t10/s187 Strategic Materials Protection Board
/us/usc/t10/s188 Interagency Council on the Strategic Capability of the National Laboratories
/us/usc/t10/s189 Communications Security Review and Advisory Board
/us/usc/t10/s191 Secretary of Defense: authority to provide for common performance of supply or service activities
/us/usc/t10/s192 Defense Agencies and Department of Defense Field Activities: oversight by the Secretary of Defense
/us/usc/t10/s193 Combat support agencies: oversight
/us/usc/t10/s194 Limitations on personnel
/us/usc/t10/s195 Defense Automated Printing Service: applicability of Federal printing requirements
/us/usc/t10/s196 Department of Defense Test Resource Management Center
/us/usc/t10/s197 Defense Logistics Agency: fees charged for logistics information
/us/usc/t10/s201 Certain intelligence officials: consultation and concurrence regarding appointments; evaluation of performance
/us/usc/t10/s204 Small Business Ombudsman for defense audit agencies
/us/usc/t10/s205 Missile Defense Agency
/us/usc/t10/s221 Future-years defense program: submission to Congress; consistency in budgeting
/us/usc/t10/s222 Future-years mission budget
/us/usc/t10/s222a Unfunded priorities of the armed forces and combatant commands: annual report
/us/usc/t10/s222b Unfunded priorities of the Missile Defense Agency: annual report
/us/usc/t10/s222c Armed forces: Out-Year Unconstrained Total Munitions Requirements; Out-Year inventory numbers
/us/usc/t10/s223 Ballistic missile defense programs: program elements
/us/usc/t10/s223a Ballistic missile defense programs: procurement
/us/usc/t10/s224 Ballistic missile defense programs: display of amounts for research, development, test, and evaluation
/us/usc/t10/s225 Acquisition accountability reports on the ballistic missile defense system
/us/usc/t10/s226 Special operations forces: display of service-common and other support and enabling capabilities
/us/usc/t10/s229 Programs for combating terrorism: display of budget information
/us/usc/t10/s231 Budgeting for construction of naval vessels: annual plan and certification
/us/usc/t10/s233 Operation and maintenance budget presentation
/us/usc/t10/s234 POW/MIA activities: display of budget information
/us/usc/t10/s235 Procurement of contract services: specification of amounts requested in budget
/us/usc/t10/s236 Personal protection equipment procurement: display of budget information
/us/usc/t10/s237 Embedded mental health providers of the reserve components: display of budget information
/us/usc/t10/s238 Cyber mission forces: program elements
/us/usc/t10/s239 National security space programs: major force program and budget assessment
/us/usc/t10/s239a Missile defense and defeat programs: major force program and budget assessment
/us/usc/t10/s239b Certain intelligence-related programs: budget justification materials
/us/usc/t10/s240a Audit of Department of Defense financial statements
/us/usc/t10/s240b Financial Improvement and Audit Remediation Plan
/us/usc/t10/s240c Audit: consolidated corrective action plan; centralized reporting system
/us/usc/t10/s240d Audits: audit of financial statements of Department of Defense components by independent external auditors
/us/usc/t10/s240e Audits: use of commercial data integration and analysis products in preparing audits
/us/usc/t10/s240f Audits: selection of service providers for audit services
/us/usc/t10/s240g Defense Business Audit Remediation Plan
/us/usc/t10/s240h Annual report on auditable financial statements
/us/usc/t10/s241 Reference to chapters 1003, 1005, and 1007
/us/usc/t10/s246 Militia: composition and classes
/us/usc/t10/s247 Militia duty: exemptions
/us/usc/t10/s251 Federal aid for State governments
/us/usc/t10/s252 Use of militia and armed forces to enforce Federal authority
/us/usc/t10/s253 Interference with State and Federal law
/us/usc/t10/s254 Proclamation to disperse
/us/usc/t10/s255 Guam and Virgin Islands included as “State”
/us/usc/t10/s261 During war or threat to national security
/us/usc/t10/s271 Use of information collected during military operations
/us/usc/t10/s272 Use of military equipment and facilities
/us/usc/t10/s273 Training and advising civilian law enforcement officials
/us/usc/t10/s274 Maintenance and operation of equipment
/us/usc/t10/s275 Restriction on direct participation by military personnel
/us/usc/t10/s276 Support not to affect adversely military preparedness
/us/usc/t10/s277 Reimbursement
/us/usc/t10/s278 Nonpreemption of other law
/us/usc/t10/s279 Assignment of Coast Guard personnel to naval vessels for law enforcement purposes
/us/usc/t10/s280 Enhancement of cooperation with civilian law enforcement officials
/us/usc/t10/s281 Procurement of equipment by State and local governments through the Department of Defense: equipment for counter-drug, homeland security, and emergency response activities
/us/usc/t10/s282 Emergency situations involving weapons of mass destruction
/us/usc/t10/s283 Situations involving bombings of places of public use, Government facilities, public transportation systems, and infrastructure facilities
/us/usc/t10/s284 Support for counterdrug activities and activities to counter transnational organized crime
/us/usc/t10/s301 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s311 Exchange of defense personnel between United States and friendly foreign countries: authority
/us/usc/t10/s312 Payment of personnel expenses necessary for theater security cooperation
/us/usc/t10/s313 Bilateral or regional cooperation programs: awards and mementos to recognize superior noncombat achievements or performance
/us/usc/t10/s321 Training with friendly foreign countries: payment of training and exercise expenses
/us/usc/t10/s322 Special operations forces: training with friendly foreign forces
/us/usc/t10/s331 Friendly foreign countries: authority to provide support for conduct of operations
/us/usc/t10/s332 Friendly foreign countries; international and regional organizations: defense institution capacity building
/us/usc/t10/s333 Foreign security forces: authority to build capacity
/us/usc/t10/s341 Department of Defense State Partnership Program
/us/usc/t10/s342 Regional Centers for Security Studies
/us/usc/t10/s343 Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation
/us/usc/t10/s344 Participation in multinational military centers of excellence
/us/usc/t10/s345 Regional Defense Combating Terrorism and Irregular Warfare Fellowship Program
/us/usc/t10/s346 Distribution to certain foreign personnel of education and training materials and information technology to enhance military interoperability with the armed forces
/us/usc/t10/s347 International engagement authorities for service academies
/us/usc/t10/s348 Aviation Leadership Program
/us/usc/t10/s349 Inter-American Air Forces Academy
/us/usc/t10/s350 Inter-European Air Forces Academy
/us/usc/t10/s351 Inter-American Defense College
/us/usc/t10/s352 Naval Small Craft Instruction and Technical Training School
/us/usc/t10/s361 Prohibition on providing financial assistance to terrorist countries
/us/usc/t10/s362 Prohibition on use of funds for assistance to units of foreign security forces that have committed a gross violation of human rights
/us/usc/t10/s381 Consolidated budget
/us/usc/t10/s382 Execution and administration of programs and activities
/us/usc/t10/s383 Assessment, monitoring, and evaluation of programs and activities
/us/usc/t10/s384 Department of Defense security cooperation workforce development
/us/usc/t10/s385 Department of Defense support for other departments and agencies of the United States Government that advance Department of Defense security cooperation objectives
/us/usc/t10/s386 Annual report
/us/usc/t10/s391 Reporting on cyber incidents with respect to networks and information systems of operationally critical contractors and certain other contractors
/us/usc/t10/s392 Executive agents for cyber test and training ranges
/us/usc/t10/s393 Reporting on penetrations of networks and information systems of certain contractors
/us/usc/t10/s394 Authorities concerning military cyber operations
/us/usc/t10/s395 Notification requirements for sensitive military cyber operations
/us/usc/t10/s396 Notification requirements for cyber weapons
/us/usc/t10/s397 Principal Information Operations Advisor
/us/usc/t10/s401 Humanitarian and civic assistance provided in conjunction with military operations
/us/usc/t10/s402 Transportation of humanitarian relief supplies to foreign countries
/us/usc/t10/s404 Foreign disaster assistance
/us/usc/t10/s405 Use of Department of Defense funds for United States share of costs of United Nations peacekeeping activities: limitation
/us/usc/t10/s407 Humanitarian demining assistance and stockpiled conventional munitions assistance: authority; limitations
/us/usc/t10/s408 Equipment and training of foreign personnel to assist in Department of Defense accounting for missing United States Government personnel
/us/usc/t10/s409 Center for Complex Operations
/us/usc/t10/s421 Funds for foreign cryptologic support
/us/usc/t10/s422 Use of funds for certain incidental purposes
/us/usc/t10/s423 Authority to use proceeds from counterintelligence operations of the military departments or the Defense Intelligence Agency
/us/usc/t10/s424 Disclosure of organizational and personnel information: exemption for specified intelligence agencies
/us/usc/t10/s425 Prohibition of unauthorized use of name, initials, or seal: specified intelligence agencies
/us/usc/t10/s426 Integration of Department of Defense intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities
/us/usc/t10/s427 Conflict Records Research Center
/us/usc/t10/s428 Defense industrial security
/us/usc/t10/s429 Appropriations for Defense intelligence elements: accounts for transfers; transfer authority
/us/usc/t10/s430 Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities Executive Agent
/us/usc/t10/s430a Executive agent for management and oversight of alternative compensatory control measures
/us/usc/t10/s430b Executive agent for open-source intelligence tools
/us/usc/t10/s431 Authority to engage in commercial activities as security for intelligence collection activities
/us/usc/t10/s432 Use, disposition, and auditing of funds
/us/usc/t10/s433 Relationship with other Federal laws
/us/usc/t10/s434 Reservation of defenses and immunities
/us/usc/t10/s435 Limitations
/us/usc/t10/s436 Regulations
/us/usc/t10/s437 Congressional oversight
/us/usc/t10/s441 Establishment
/us/usc/t10/s442 Missions
/us/usc/t10/s443 Imagery intelligence and geospatial information: support for foreign countries, regional organizations, and security alliances
/us/usc/t10/s444 Support from Central Intelligence Agency
/us/usc/t10/s451 Maps, charts, and books
/us/usc/t10/s452 Pilot charts
/us/usc/t10/s453 Sale of maps, charts, and navigational publications: prices; use of proceeds
/us/usc/t10/s454 Exchange of mapping, charting, and geodetic data with foreign countries, international organizations, nongovernmental organizations, and academic institutions
/us/usc/t10/s455 Maps, charts, and geodetic data: public availability; exceptions
/us/usc/t10/s456 Civil actions barred
/us/usc/t10/s457 Operational files previously maintained by or concerning activities of National Photographic Interpretation Center: authority to withhold from public disclosure
/us/usc/t10/s461 Management rights
/us/usc/t10/s462 Financial assistance to certain employees in acquisition of critical skills
/us/usc/t10/s467 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s480 Reports to Congress: submission in electronic form
/us/usc/t10/s481 Racial and ethnic issues; gender issues: surveys
/us/usc/t10/s481a Workplace and gender relations issues: surveys of Department of Defense civilian employees
/us/usc/t10/s482 Readiness reports
/us/usc/t10/s484 Quarterly cyber operations briefings
/us/usc/t10/s485 Monthly counterterrorism operations briefings
/us/usc/t10/s488 Management and review of electromagnetic spectrum
/us/usc/t10/s491 Nuclear weapons employment strategy of the United States: reports on modification of strategy
/us/usc/t10/s492 Biennial assessment and report on the delivery platforms for nuclear weapons and the nuclear command and control system
/us/usc/t10/s492a Annual report on the plan for the nuclear weapons stockpile, nuclear weapons complex, nuclear weapons delivery systems, and nuclear weapons command and control system
/us/usc/t10/s493 Reports to Congress on the modification of the force structure for the strategic nuclear weapons delivery systems of the United States
/us/usc/t10/s494 Nuclear force reductions
/us/usc/t10/s495 Strategic delivery systems
/us/usc/t10/s496 Consideration of expansion of nuclear forces of other countries
/us/usc/t10/s497 Notification required for reduction, consolidation, or withdrawal of nuclear forces based in Europe
/us/usc/t10/s497a Notification required for reduction or consolidation of dual-capable aircraft based in Europe
/us/usc/t10/s498 Unilateral change in nuclear weapons stockpile of the United States
/us/usc/t10/s499 Annual assessment of cyber resiliency of nuclear command and control system
/us/usc/t10/s499a Collection, storage, and sharing of data relating to nuclear security enterprise and nuclear forces
/us/usc/t10/s501 Definition
/us/usc/t10/s502 Enlistment oath: who may administer
/us/usc/t10/s503 Enlistments: recruiting campaigns; compilation of directory information
/us/usc/t10/s504 Persons not qualified
/us/usc/t10/s505 Regular components: qualifications, term, grade
/us/usc/t10/s506 Regular components: extension of enlistments during war
/us/usc/t10/s507 Extension of enlistment for members needing medical care or hospitalization
/us/usc/t10/s508 Reenlistment: qualifications
/us/usc/t10/s509 Voluntary extension of enlistments: periods and benefits
/us/usc/t10/s510 Enlistment incentives for pursuit of skills to facilitate national service
/us/usc/t10/s511 College First Program
/us/usc/t10/s513 Enlistments: Delayed Entry Program
/us/usc/t10/s514 Bounties prohibited; substitutes prohibited
/us/usc/t10/s515 Reenlistment after discharge as warrant officer
/us/usc/t10/s516 Effect upon enlisted status of acceptance of appointment as cadet or midshipman
/us/usc/t10/s517 Authorized daily average: members in pay grades E–8 and E–9
/us/usc/t10/s518 Temporary enlistments
/us/usc/t10/s519 Temporary enlistments: during war or emergency
/us/usc/t10/s520 Limitation on enlistment and induction of persons whose score on the Armed Forces Qualification Test is below a prescribed level
/us/usc/t10/s520b Applicants for enlistment: authority to use funds for the issue of authorized articles
/us/usc/t10/s520c Recruiting functions: provision of meals and refreshments
/us/usc/t10/s521 Authority to prescribe total strengths of officers on active duty and officer strengths in various categories
/us/usc/t10/s523 Authorized strengths: commissioned officers on active duty in grades of major, lieutenant colonel, and colonel and Navy grades of lieutenant commander, commander, and captain
/us/usc/t10/s525 Distribution of commissioned officers on active duty in general officer and flag officer grades
/us/usc/t10/s526 Authorized strength: general and flag officers on active duty
/us/usc/t10/s526a Authorized strength after
/us/usc/t10/s527 Authority to suspend sections 523, 525, and 526
/us/usc/t10/s528 Officers serving in certain intelligence positions: military status; application of distribution and strength limitations; pay and allowances
/us/usc/t10/s531 Original appointments of commissioned officers
/us/usc/t10/s532 Qualifications for original appointment as a commissioned officer
/us/usc/t10/s533 Service credit upon original appointment as a commissioned officer
/us/usc/t10/s541 Graduates of the United States Military, Naval, and Air Force Academies
/us/usc/t10/s571 Warrant officers: grades
/us/usc/t10/s572 Warrant officers: original appointment; service credit
/us/usc/t10/s573 Convening of selection boards
/us/usc/t10/s574 Warrant officer active-duty lists; competitive categories; number to be recommended for promotion; promotion zones
/us/usc/t10/s575 Recommendations for promotion by selection boards
/us/usc/t10/s576 Information to be furnished to selection boards; selection procedures
/us/usc/t10/s577 Promotions: effect of failure of selection for
/us/usc/t10/s578 Promotions: how made; effective date
/us/usc/t10/s579 Removal from a promotion list
/us/usc/t10/s580 Regular warrant officers twice failing of selection for promotion: involuntary retirement or separation
/us/usc/t10/s580a Enhanced authority for selective early discharges
/us/usc/t10/s581 Selective retirement
/us/usc/t10/s582 Warrant officer active-duty list: exclusions
/us/usc/t10/s583 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s591 Reference to chapters 1205 and 1207
/us/usc/t10/s601 Positions of importance and responsibility: generals and lieutenant generals; admirals and vice admirals
/us/usc/t10/s603 Appointments in time of war or national emergency
/us/usc/t10/s604 Senior joint officer positions: recommendations to the Secretary of Defense
/us/usc/t10/s605 Promotion to certain grades for officers with critical skills: colonel, lieutenant colonel, major, captain; captain, commander, lieutenant commander, lieutenant
/us/usc/t10/s611 Convening of selection boards
/us/usc/t10/s612 Composition of selection boards
/us/usc/t10/s613 Oath of members of selection boards
/us/usc/t10/s613a Nondisclosure of board proceedings
/us/usc/t10/s614 Notice of convening of selection boards
/us/usc/t10/s615 Information furnished to selection boards
/us/usc/t10/s616 Recommendations for promotion by selection boards
/us/usc/t10/s617 Reports of selection boards
/us/usc/t10/s618 Action on reports of selection boards
/us/usc/t10/s619 Eligibility for consideration for promotion: time-in-grade and other requirements
/us/usc/t10/s619a Eligibility for consideration for promotion: designation as joint qualified officer required before promotion to general or flag grade; exceptions
/us/usc/t10/s620 Active-duty lists
/us/usc/t10/s621 Competitive categories for promotion
/us/usc/t10/s622 Numbers to be recommended for promotion
/us/usc/t10/s623 Establishment of promotion zones
/us/usc/t10/s624 Promotions: how made
/us/usc/t10/s625 Authority to vacate promotions to grades of brigadier general and rear admiral (lower half)
/us/usc/t10/s626 Acceptance of promotions; oath of office
/us/usc/t10/s627 Failure of selection for promotion
/us/usc/t10/s628 Special selection boards
/us/usc/t10/s629 Removal from a list of officers recommended for promotion
/us/usc/t10/s630 Discharge of commissioned officers with less than six years of active commissioned service or found not qualified for promotion for first lieutenant or lieutenant (junior grade)
/us/usc/t10/s631 Effect of failure of selection for promotion: first lieutenants and lieutenants (junior grade)
/us/usc/t10/s632 Effect of failure of selection for promotion: captains and majors of the Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps and lieutenants and lieutenant commanders of the Navy
/us/usc/t10/s633 Retirement for years of service: regular lieutenant colonels and commanders
/us/usc/t10/s634 Retirement for years of service: regular colonels and Navy captains
/us/usc/t10/s635 Retirement for years of service: regular brigadier generals and rear admirals (lower half)
/us/usc/t10/s636 Retirement for years of service: regular officers in grades above brigadier general and rear admiral (lower half)
/us/usc/t10/s637 Selection of regular officers for continuation on active duty
/us/usc/t10/s637a Continuation on active duty: officers in certain military specialties and career tracks
/us/usc/t10/s638 Selective early retirement
/us/usc/t10/s638a Modification to rules for continuation on active duty; enhanced authority for selective early retirement and early discharges
/us/usc/t10/s638b Voluntary retirement incentive
/us/usc/t10/s639 Continuation on active duty to complete disciplinary action
/us/usc/t10/s640 Deferment of retirement or separation for medical reasons
/us/usc/t10/s641 Applicability of chapter
/us/usc/t10/s642 Entitlement of officers discharged or retired under this chapter to separation pay or retired pay
/us/usc/t10/s643 Chaplains: discharge or retirement upon loss of professional qualifications
/us/usc/t10/s645 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s646 Consideration of performance as a member of the Joint Staff
/us/usc/t10/s647 Force shaping authority
/us/usc/t10/s649a Officers in designated competitive categories
/us/usc/t10/s649b Selection for promotion
/us/usc/t10/s649c Eligibility for consideration for promotion
/us/usc/t10/s649d Opportunities for consideration for promotion
/us/usc/t10/s649e Promotions
/us/usc/t10/s649f Failure of selection for promotion
/us/usc/t10/s649g Retirement: retirement for years of service; selective early retirement
/us/usc/t10/s649h Continuation on active duty
/us/usc/t10/s649i Continuation on active duty: officers in certain military specialties and career tracks
/us/usc/t10/s649j Other administrative authorities
/us/usc/t10/s649k Regulations
/us/usc/t10/s651 Members: required service
/us/usc/t10/s652 Notice to Congress of proposed changes in units, assignments, etc. to which female members may be assigned
/us/usc/t10/s653 Minimum service requirement for certain flight crew positions
/us/usc/t10/s655 Designation of persons having interest in status of a missing member
/us/usc/t10/s656 Diversity in military leadership: plan
/us/usc/t10/s657 Prohibition on service in the armed forces by individuals convicted of certain sexual offenses
/us/usc/t10/s661 Management policies for joint qualified officers
/us/usc/t10/s662 Promotion policy objectives for joint officers
/us/usc/t10/s663 Joint duty assignments after completion of joint professional military education
/us/usc/t10/s664 Length of joint duty assignments
/us/usc/t10/s665 Procedures for monitoring careers of joint qualified officers
/us/usc/t10/s666 Reserve officers not on the active-duty list
/us/usc/t10/s668 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s671 Members not to be assigned outside United States before completing training
/us/usc/t10/s671a Members: service extension during war
/us/usc/t10/s671b Members: service extension when Congress is not in session
/us/usc/t10/s672 Reference to chapter 1209
/us/usc/t10/s673 Consideration of application for permanent change of station or unit transfer for members on active duty who are the victim of a sexual assault or related offense
/us/usc/t10/s674 Temporary administrative reassignment or removal of a member on active duty accused of committing a sexual assault or related offense
/us/usc/t10/s688 Retired members: authority to order to active duty; duties
/us/usc/t10/s688a Retired members: temporary authority to order to active duty in high-demand, low-density assignments
/us/usc/t10/s689 Retired members: grade in which ordered to active duty and upon release from active duty
/us/usc/t10/s690 Retired members ordered to active duty: limitation on number
/us/usc/t10/s691 Permanent end strength levels to support two major regional contingencies
/us/usc/t10/s701 Entitlement and accumulation
/us/usc/t10/s702 Cadets and midshipmen
/us/usc/t10/s703 Reenlistment leave
/us/usc/t10/s704 Use of leave; regulations
/us/usc/t10/s704a Administration of leave: prohibition on authorizing, granting, or assigning leave not expressly authorized by law
/us/usc/t10/s705 Rest and recuperation absence: qualified members extending duty at designated locations overseas
/us/usc/t10/s705a Rest and recuperation absence: certain members undergoing extended deployment to a combat zone
/us/usc/t10/s706 Administration of leave required to be taken
/us/usc/t10/s707 Payment upon disapproval of certain court-martial sentences for excess leave required to be taken
/us/usc/t10/s707a Payment upon disapproval of certain board of inquiry recommendations for excess leave required to be taken
/us/usc/t10/s708 Educational leave of absence
/us/usc/t10/s709 Emergency leave of absence
/us/usc/t10/s709a Expenses incurred in connection with leave canceled due to contingency operations: reimbursement
/us/usc/t10/s710 Career flexibility to enhance retention of members
/us/usc/t10/s711 Senior members of Military Staff Committee of United Nations: appointment
/us/usc/t10/s711a American National Red Cross: detail of commissioned officers
/us/usc/t10/s712 Foreign governments: detail to assist
/us/usc/t10/s713 State Department: assignment or detail as couriers and building inspectors
/us/usc/t10/s714 Senior leaders of the Department of Defense and other specified persons: authority to provide protection within the United States
/us/usc/t10/s715 Attending Physician to the Congress: grade
/us/usc/t10/s716 Commissioned officers: transfers among the armed forces, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the Public Health Service
/us/usc/t10/s717 Members of the armed forces: participation in international sports
/us/usc/t10/s719 Department of Commerce: assignment or detail of members of the armed forces to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
/us/usc/t10/s741 Rank: commissioned officers of the armed forces
/us/usc/t10/s742 Rank: warrant officers
/us/usc/t10/s743 Rank: Chief of Staff of the Army; Chief of Naval Operations; Chief of Staff of the Air Force; Commandant of the Marine Corps
/us/usc/t10/s747 Command: when different commands of Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard join
/us/usc/t10/s749 Command: commissioned officers in same grade or corresponding grades on duty at same place
/us/usc/t10/s750 Command: retired officers
/us/usc/t10/s771 Unauthorized wearing prohibited
/us/usc/t10/s771a Disposition on discharge
/us/usc/t10/s772 When wearing by persons not on active duty authorized
/us/usc/t10/s773 When distinctive insignia required
/us/usc/t10/s774 Religious apparel: wearing while in uniform
/us/usc/t10/s775 Issue of uniform without charge
/us/usc/t10/s776 Applicability of chapter
/us/usc/t10/s777 Wearing of insignia of higher grade before promotion (frocking): authority; restrictions
/us/usc/t10/s777a Wearing of insignia of higher grade before appointment to a grade above major general or rear admiral (frocking): authority; restrictions
/us/usc/t10/s801 Article 1. Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s802 Art. 2. Persons subject to this chapter
/us/usc/t10/s803 Art. 3. Jurisdiction to try certain personnel
/us/usc/t10/s804 Art. 4. Dismissed officer’s right to trial by court-martial
/us/usc/t10/s805 Art. 5. Territorial applicability of this chapter
/us/usc/t10/s806 Art. 6. Judge advocates and legal officers
/us/usc/t10/s806a Art. 6a. Investigation and disposition of matters pertaining to the fitness of military judges
/us/usc/t10/s806b Art. 6b. Rights of the victim of an offense under this chapter
/us/usc/t10/s807 Art. 7. Apprehension
/us/usc/t10/s808 Art. 8. Apprehension of deserters
/us/usc/t10/s809 Art. 9. Imposition of restraint
/us/usc/t10/s810 Art. 10. Restraint of persons charged
/us/usc/t10/s811 Art. 11. Reports and receiving of prisoners
/us/usc/t10/s812 Art. 12. Prohibition of confinement of members of the armed forces with enemy prisoners and certain others
/us/usc/t10/s813 Art. 13. Punishment prohibited before trial
/us/usc/t10/s814 Art. 14. Delivery of offenders to civil authorities
/us/usc/t10/s815 Art. 15. Commanding officer’s non-judicial punishment
/us/usc/t10/s816 Art 16. Courts-martial classified
/us/usc/t10/s817 Art. 17. Jurisdiction of courts-martial in general
/us/usc/t10/s818 Art. 18. Jurisdiction of general courts-martial
/us/usc/t10/s819 Art. 19. Jurisdiction of special courts-martial
/us/usc/t10/s820 Art. 20. Jurisdiction of summary courts-martial
/us/usc/t10/s821 Art. 21. Jurisdiction of courts-martial not exclusive
/us/usc/t10/s822 Art. 22. Who may convene general courts-martial
/us/usc/t10/s823 Art. 23. Who may convene special courts-martial
/us/usc/t10/s824 Art. 24. Who may convene summary courts-martial
/us/usc/t10/s825 Art. 25. Who may serve on courts-martial
/us/usc/t10/s825a Art. 25a. Number of court-martial members in capital cases
/us/usc/t10/s826 Art. 26. Military judge of a general or special court-martial
/us/usc/t10/s826a Art. 26a. Military magistrates
/us/usc/t10/s827 Art. 27. Detail of trial counsel and defense counsel
/us/usc/t10/s828 Art. 28. Detail or employment of reporters and interpreters
/us/usc/t10/s829 Art 29. Assembly and impaneling of members; detail of new members and military judges
/us/usc/t10/s830 Art 30. Charges and specifications
/us/usc/t10/s830a Art 30a. Proceedings conducted before referral
/us/usc/t10/s831 Art. 31. Compulsory self-incrimination prohibited
/us/usc/t10/s832 Art. 32. Preliminary hearing required before referral to general court-martial
/us/usc/t10/s833 Art 33. Disposition guidance
/us/usc/t10/s834 Art. 34. Advice to convening authority before referral for trial
/us/usc/t10/s835 Art. 35. Service of charges; commencement of trial
/us/usc/t10/s836 Art. 36. President may prescribe rules
/us/usc/t10/s837 Art. 37. Command influence
/us/usc/t10/s838 Art. 38. Duties of trial counsel and defense counsel
/us/usc/t10/s839 Art. 39. Sessions
/us/usc/t10/s840 Art. 40. Continuances
/us/usc/t10/s841 Art. 41. Challenges
/us/usc/t10/s842 Art. 42. Oaths
/us/usc/t10/s843 Art. 43. Statute of limitations
/us/usc/t10/s844 Art. 44. Former jeopardy
/us/usc/t10/s845 Art. 45. Pleas of the accused
/us/usc/t10/s846 Art. 46. Opportunity to obtain witnesses and other evidence in trials by court-martial
/us/usc/t10/s847 Art. 47. Refusal of person not subject to chapter to appear, testify, or produce evidence
/us/usc/t10/s848 Art. 48. Contempt
/us/usc/t10/s849 Art. 49. Depositions
/us/usc/t10/s850 Art. 50. Admissibility of sworn testimony from records of courts of inquiry
/us/usc/t10/s850a Art. 50a. Defense of lack of mental responsibility
/us/usc/t10/s851 Art. 51. Voting and rulings
/us/usc/t10/s852 Art. 52. Votes required for conviction, sentencing, and other matters
/us/usc/t10/s853 Art. 53. Findings and sentencing
/us/usc/t10/s853a Art. 53a. Plea agreements
/us/usc/t10/s854 Art. 54. Record of trial
/us/usc/t10/s855 Art. 55. Cruel and unusual punishments prohibited
/us/usc/t10/s856 Art. 56. Sentencing
/us/usc/t10/s857 Art. 57. Effective date of sentences
/us/usc/t10/s858 Art. 58. Execution of confinement
/us/usc/t10/s858a Art. 58a. Sentences: reduction in enlisted grade
/us/usc/t10/s858b Art. 58b. Sentences: forfeiture of pay and allowances during confinement
/us/usc/t10/s859 Art. 59. Error of law; lesser included offense
/us/usc/t10/s860 Art 60. Post-trial processing in general and special courts-martial
/us/usc/t10/s860a Art. 60a. Limited authority to act on sentence in specified post-trial circumstances
/us/usc/t10/s860b Art. 60b. Post-trial actions in summary courts-martial and certain general and special courts-martial
/us/usc/t10/s860c Art. 60c. Entry of judgment
/us/usc/t10/s861 Art. 61. Waiver of right to appeal; withdrawal of appeal
/us/usc/t10/s862 Art. 62. Appeal by the United States
/us/usc/t10/s863 Art. 63. Rehearings
/us/usc/t10/s864 Art. 64. Judge advocate review of finding of guilty in summary court-martial
/us/usc/t10/s865 Art. 65. Transmittal and review of records
/us/usc/t10/s866 Art. 66. Courts of Criminal Appeals
/us/usc/t10/s867 Art. 67. Review by the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces
/us/usc/t10/s867a Art. 67a. Review by the Supreme Court
/us/usc/t10/s868 Art. 68. Branch offices
/us/usc/t10/s869 Art. 69. Review by Judge Advocate General
/us/usc/t10/s870 Art. 70. Appellate counsel
/us/usc/t10/s872 Art. 72. Vacation of suspension
/us/usc/t10/s873 Art. 73. Petition for a new trial
/us/usc/t10/s874 Art. 74. Remission and suspension
/us/usc/t10/s875 Art. 75. Restoration
/us/usc/t10/s876 Art. 76. Finality of proceedings, findings, and sentences
/us/usc/t10/s876a Art. 76a. Leave required to be taken pending review of certain court-martial convictions
/us/usc/t10/s876b Art. 76b. Lack of mental capacity or mental responsibility: commitment of accused for examination and treatment
/us/usc/t10/s877 Art. 77. Principals
/us/usc/t10/s878 Art. 78. Accessory after the fact
/us/usc/t10/s879 Art. 79. Conviction of offense charged, lesser included offenses, and attempts
/us/usc/t10/s880 Art. 80. Attempts
/us/usc/t10/s881 Art. 81. Conspiracy
/us/usc/t10/s882 Art. 82. Soliciting commission of offenses
/us/usc/t10/s883 Art. 83. Malingering
/us/usc/t10/s884 Art. 84. Breach of medical quarantine
/us/usc/t10/s885 Art. 85. Desertion
/us/usc/t10/s886 Art. 86. Absence without leave
/us/usc/t10/s887 Art. 87. Missing movement; jumping from vessel
/us/usc/t10/s887a Art. 87a. Resistance, flight, breach of arrest, and escape
/us/usc/t10/s887b Art. 87b. Offenses against correctional custody and restriction
/us/usc/t10/s888 Art. 88. Contempt toward officials
/us/usc/t10/s889 Art. 89. Disrespect toward superior commissioned officer; assault of superior commissioned officer
/us/usc/t10/s890 Art. 90. Willfully disobeying superior commissioned officer
/us/usc/t10/s891 Art. 91. Insubordinate conduct toward warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer
/us/usc/t10/s892 Art. 92. Failure to obey order or regulation
/us/usc/t10/s893 Art. 93. Cruelty and maltreatment
/us/usc/t10/s893a Art. 93a. Prohibited activities with military recruit or trainee by person in position of special trust
/us/usc/t10/s894 Art. 94. Mutiny or sedition
/us/usc/t10/s895 Art. 95. Offenses by sentinel or lookout
/us/usc/t10/s895a Art. 95a. Disrespect toward sentinel or lookout
/us/usc/t10/s896 Art. 96. Release of prisoner without authority; drinking with prisoner
/us/usc/t10/s897 Art. 97. Unlawful detention
/us/usc/t10/s898 Art. 98. Misconduct as prisoner
/us/usc/t10/s899 Art. 99. Misbehavior before the enemy
/us/usc/t10/s900 Art. 100. Subordinate compelling surrender
/us/usc/t10/s901 Art. 101. Improper use of countersign
/us/usc/t10/s902 Art. 102. Forcing a safeguard
/us/usc/t10/s903 Art. 103. Spies
/us/usc/t10/s903a Art. 103a. Espionage
/us/usc/t10/s903b Art. 103b. Aiding the enemy
/us/usc/t10/s904 Art. 104. Public records offenses
/us/usc/t10/s904a Art. 104a. Fraudulent enlistment, appointment, or separation
/us/usc/t10/s904b Art. 104b. Unlawful enlistment, appointment, or separation
/us/usc/t10/s905 Art. 105. Forgery
/us/usc/t10/s905a Art. 105a. False or unauthorized pass offenses
/us/usc/t10/s906 Art. 106. Impersonation of officer, noncommissioned or petty officer, or agent or official
/us/usc/t10/s906a Art. 106a. Wearing unauthorized insignia, decoration, badge, ribbon, device, or lapel button
/us/usc/t10/s907 Art. 107. False official statements; false swearing
/us/usc/t10/s907a Art. 107a. Parole violation
/us/usc/t10/s908 Art. 108. Military property of United States—Loss, damage, destruction, or wrongful disposition
/us/usc/t10/s908a Art. 108a. Captured or abandoned property
/us/usc/t10/s909 Art. 109. Property other than military property of United States—Waste, spoilage, or destruction
/us/usc/t10/s909a Art. 109a. Mail matter: wrongful taking, opening, etc.
/us/usc/t10/s910 Art. 110. Improper hazarding of vessel or aircraft
/us/usc/t10/s911 Art. 111. Leaving scene of vehicle accident
/us/usc/t10/s912 Art. 112. Drunkenness and other incapacitation offenses
/us/usc/t10/s912a Art. 112a. Wrongful use, possession, etc., of controlled substances
/us/usc/t10/s913 Art. 113. Drunken or reckless operation of a vehicle, aircraft, or vessel
/us/usc/t10/s914 Art. 114. Endangerment offenses
/us/usc/t10/s915 Art. 115. Communicating threats
/us/usc/t10/s916 Art. 116. Riot or breach of peace
/us/usc/t10/s917 Art. 117. Provoking speeches or gestures
/us/usc/t10/s917a Art. 117a. Wrongful broadcast or distribution of intimate visual images
/us/usc/t10/s918 Art. 118. Murder
/us/usc/t10/s919 Art. 119. Manslaughter
/us/usc/t10/s919a Art. 119a. Death or injury of an unborn child
/us/usc/t10/s919b Art. 119b. Child endangerment
/us/usc/t10/s920 Art. 120. Rape and sexual assault generally
/us/usc/t10/s920a Art. 120a. Mails: deposit of obscene matter
/us/usc/t10/s920b Art. 120b. Rape and sexual assault of a child
/us/usc/t10/s920c Art. 120c. Other sexual misconduct
/us/usc/t10/s921 Art. 121. Larceny and wrongful appropriation
/us/usc/t10/s921a Art. 121a. Fraudulent use of credit cards, debit cards, and other access devices
/us/usc/t10/s921b Art. 121b. False pretenses to obtain services
/us/usc/t10/s922 Art. 122. Robbery
/us/usc/t10/s922a Art. 122a. Receiving stolen property
/us/usc/t10/s923 Art. 123. Offenses concerning Government computers
/us/usc/t10/s923a Art. 123a. Making, drawing, or uttering check, draft, or order without sufficient funds
/us/usc/t10/s924 Art. 124. Frauds against the United States
/us/usc/t10/s924a Art. 124a. Bribery
/us/usc/t10/s924b Art. 124b. Graft
/us/usc/t10/s925 Art. 125. Kidnapping
/us/usc/t10/s926 Art. 126. Arson; burning property with intent to defraud
/us/usc/t10/s927 Art. 127. Extortion
/us/usc/t10/s928 Art. 128. Assault
/us/usc/t10/s928a Art. 128a. Maiming
/us/usc/t10/s928b Art. 128b. Domestic violence
/us/usc/t10/s929 Art. 129. Burglary; unlawful entry
/us/usc/t10/s930 Art. 130. Stalking
/us/usc/t10/s931 Art. 131. Perjury
/us/usc/t10/s931a Art. 131a. Subornation of perjury
/us/usc/t10/s931b Art. 131b. Obstructing justice
/us/usc/t10/s931c Art. 131c. Misprision of serious offense
/us/usc/t10/s931d Art. 131d. Wrongful refusal to testify
/us/usc/t10/s931e Art. 131e. Prevention of authorized seizure of property
/us/usc/t10/s931f Art. 131f. Noncompliance with procedural rules
/us/usc/t10/s931g Art. 131g. Wrongful interference with adverse administrative proceeding
/us/usc/t10/s932 Art. 132. Retaliation
/us/usc/t10/s933 Art. 133. Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman
/us/usc/t10/s934 Art. 134. General article
/us/usc/t10/s935 Art. 135. Courts of inquiry
/us/usc/t10/s936 Art. 136. Authority to administer oaths
/us/usc/t10/s937 Art. 137. Articles to be explained
/us/usc/t10/s938 Art. 138. Complaints of wrongs
/us/usc/t10/s939 Art. 139. Redress of injuries to property
/us/usc/t10/s940 Art. 140. Delegation by the President
/us/usc/t10/s940a Art. 140a. Case management; data collection and accessibility
/us/usc/t10/s941 Art. 141. Status
/us/usc/t10/s942 Art. 142. Judges
/us/usc/t10/s943 Art. 143. Organization and employees
/us/usc/t10/s944 Art. 144. Procedure
/us/usc/t10/s945 Art. 145. Annuities for judges and survivors
/us/usc/t10/s946 Art. 146. Military Justice Review Panel
/us/usc/t10/s946a Art. 146a. Annual reports
/us/usc/t10/s948a Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s948b Military commissions generally
/us/usc/t10/s948c Persons subject to military commissions
/us/usc/t10/s948d Jurisdiction of military commissions
/us/usc/t10/s948h Who may convene military commissions
/us/usc/t10/s948i Who may serve on military commissions
/us/usc/t10/s948j Military judge of a military commission
/us/usc/t10/s948k Detail of trial counsel and defense counsel
/us/usc/t10/s948l Detail or employment of reporters and interpreters
/us/usc/t10/s948m Number of members; excuse of members; absent and additional members
/us/usc/t10/s948q Charges and specifications
/us/usc/t10/s948r Exclusion of statements obtained by torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment; prohibition of self-incrimination; admission of other statements of the accused
/us/usc/t10/s948s Service of charges
/us/usc/t10/s949a Rules
/us/usc/t10/s949b Unlawfully influencing action of military commission and United States Court of Military Commission Review
/us/usc/t10/s949c Duties of trial counsel and defense counsel
/us/usc/t10/s949d Sessions
/us/usc/t10/s949e Continuances
/us/usc/t10/s949f Challenges
/us/usc/t10/s949g Oaths
/us/usc/t10/s949h Former jeopardy
/us/usc/t10/s949i Pleas of the accused
/us/usc/t10/s949j Opportunity to obtain witnesses and other evidence
/us/usc/t10/s949k Defense of lack of mental responsibility
/us/usc/t10/s949l Voting and rulings
/us/usc/t10/s949m Number of votes required
/us/usc/t10/s949n Military commission to announce action
/us/usc/t10/s949o Record of trial
/us/usc/t10/s949p-1 Protection of classified information: applicability of subchapter
/us/usc/t10/s949p-2 Pretrial conference
/us/usc/t10/s949p-3 Protective orders
/us/usc/t10/s949p-4 Discovery of, and access to, classified information by the accused
/us/usc/t10/s949p-5 Notice by accused of intention to disclose classified information
/us/usc/t10/s949p-6 Procedure for cases involving classified information
/us/usc/t10/s949p-7 Introduction of classified information into evidence
/us/usc/t10/s949s Cruel or unusual punishments prohibited
/us/usc/t10/s949t Maximum limits
/us/usc/t10/s949u Execution of confinement
/us/usc/t10/s950a Error of law; lesser included offense
/us/usc/t10/s950b Review by the convening authority
/us/usc/t10/s950c Appellate referral; waiver or withdrawal of appeal
/us/usc/t10/s950d Interlocutory appeals by the United States
/us/usc/t10/s950e Rehearings
/us/usc/t10/s950f Review by United States Court of Military Commission Review
/us/usc/t10/s950g Review by United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit; writ of certiorari to Supreme Court
/us/usc/t10/s950h Appellate counsel
/us/usc/t10/s950i Execution of sentence; suspension of sentence
/us/usc/t10/s950j Finality of proceedings, findings, and sentences
/us/usc/t10/s950p Definitions; construction of certain offenses; common circumstances
/us/usc/t10/s950q Principals
/us/usc/t10/s950r Accessory after the fact
/us/usc/t10/s950s Conviction of lesser offenses
/us/usc/t10/s950t Crimes triable by military commission
/us/usc/t10/s951 Establishment; organization; administration
/us/usc/t10/s952 Parole
/us/usc/t10/s953 Remission or suspension of sentence; restoration to duty; reenlistment
/us/usc/t10/s954 Voluntary extension; probation
/us/usc/t10/s955 Prisoners transferred to or from foreign countries
/us/usc/t10/s956 Deserters, prisoners, members absent without leave: expenses and rewards
/us/usc/t10/s971 Service credit: officers may not count service performed while serving as cadet or midshipman
/us/usc/t10/s972 Members: effect of time lost
/us/usc/t10/s973 Duties: officers on active duty; performance of civil functions restricted
/us/usc/t10/s974 Military musical units and musicians: performance policies; restriction on performance in competition with local civilian musicians
/us/usc/t10/s976 Membership in military unions, organizing of military unions, and recognition of military unions prohibited
/us/usc/t10/s977 Conversion of military medical and dental positions to civilian medical and dental positions: limitation
/us/usc/t10/s978 Drug and alcohol abuse and dependency: testing of new entrants
/us/usc/t10/s979 Prohibition on loan and grant assistance to persons convicted of certain crimes
/us/usc/t10/s980 Limitation on use of humans as experimental subjects
/us/usc/t10/s981 Limitation on number of enlisted aides
/us/usc/t10/s982 Members: service on State and local juries
/us/usc/t10/s983 Institutions of higher education that prevent ROTC access or military recruiting on campus: denial of grants and contracts from Department of Defense, Department of Education, and certain other departments and agencies
/us/usc/t10/s985 Persons convicted of capital crimes; certain other persons: denial of specified burial-related benefits
/us/usc/t10/s987 Terms of consumer credit extended to members and dependents: limitations
/us/usc/t10/s988 Prohibition on ownership or trading of stocks in certain companies by certain officials of the Department of Defense
/us/usc/t10/s991 Management of deployments of members and measurement and data collection of unit operating and personnel tempo
/us/usc/t10/s992 Financial literacy training: financial services
/us/usc/t10/s993 Notification of permanent reduction of sizable numbers of members of the armed forces
/us/usc/t10/s994 Military working dogs: veterinary care for retired military working dogs
/us/usc/t10/s1001 Reference to chapter 1219
/us/usc/t10/s1030 Bonus to encourage Department of Defense personnel to refer persons for appointment as officers to serve in health professions
/us/usc/t10/s1031 Administration of oath
/us/usc/t10/s1032 Disability and death compensation: dependents of members held as captives
/us/usc/t10/s1033 Participation in management of specified non-Federal entities: authorized activities
/us/usc/t10/s1034 Protected communications; prohibition of retaliatory personnel actions
/us/usc/t10/s1035 Deposits of savings
/us/usc/t10/s1037 Counsel before foreign judicial tribunals and administrative agencies; court costs and bail
/us/usc/t10/s1038 Service credit: certain service in Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps
/us/usc/t10/s1039 Crediting of minority service
/us/usc/t10/s1040 Transportation of dependent patients
/us/usc/t10/s1041 Replacement of certificate of discharge
/us/usc/t10/s1042 Copy of certificate of service
/us/usc/t10/s1043 Service credit: service in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or the Public Health Service
/us/usc/t10/s1044 Legal assistance
/us/usc/t10/s1044a Authority to act as notary
/us/usc/t10/s1044b Military powers of attorney: requirement for recognition by States
/us/usc/t10/s1044c Advance medical directives of members and dependents: requirement for recognition by States
/us/usc/t10/s1044d Military testamentary instruments: requirement for recognition by States
/us/usc/t10/s1044e Special Victims’ Counsel for victims of sex-related offenses
/us/usc/t10/s1045 Voluntary withholding of State income tax from retired or retainer pay
/us/usc/t10/s1046 Overseas temporary foster care program
/us/usc/t10/s1047 Allowance for civilian clothing
/us/usc/t10/s1048 Gratuity payment to persons discharged for fraudulent enlistment
/us/usc/t10/s1049 Subsistence: miscellaneous persons
/us/usc/t10/s1052 Adoption expenses: reimbursement
/us/usc/t10/s1053 Financial institution charges incurred because of Government error in direct deposit of pay: reimbursement
/us/usc/t10/s1054 Defense of certain suits arising out of legal malpractice
/us/usc/t10/s1055 Waiver of security deposits for members renting private housing; authority to indemnify landlord
/us/usc/t10/s1056 Relocation assistance programs
/us/usc/t10/s1056a Reintegration of recovered Department of Defense personnel; post-isolation support activities for other recovered personnel
/us/usc/t10/s1057 Use of armed forces insignia on State license plates
/us/usc/t10/s1058 Responsibilities of military law enforcement officials at scenes of domestic violence
/us/usc/t10/s1059 Dependents of members separated for dependent abuse: transitional compensation; commissary and exchange benefits
/us/usc/t10/s1060 Military service of retired members with newly democratic nations: consent of Congress
/us/usc/t10/s1060a Special supplemental food program
/us/usc/t10/s1060b Military ID cards: dependents and survivors of retirees
/us/usc/t10/s1060c Provision of veterinary services in emergencies
/us/usc/t10/s1061 Survivors of certain Reserve and Guard members
/us/usc/t10/s1062 Certain former spouses
/us/usc/t10/s1063 Use of commissary stores and MWR retail facilities: members of reserve components and reserve retirees under age 60
/us/usc/t10/s1064 Use of commissary stores and MWR retail facilities: members of National Guard serving in federally declared disaster or national emergency
/us/usc/t10/s1065 Use of commissary stores and MWR facilities: certain veterans, caregivers for veterans, and Foreign Service officers
/us/usc/t10/s1071 Purpose of this chapter
/us/usc/t10/s1072 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s1073 Administration of this chapter
/us/usc/t10/s1073a Contracts for health care: best value contracting
/us/usc/t10/s1073b Recurring reports and publication of certain data
/us/usc/t10/s1073c Administration of Defense Health Agency and military medical treatment facilities
/us/usc/t10/s1073d Military medical treatment facilities
/us/usc/t10/s1074 Medical and dental care for members and certain former members
/us/usc/t10/s1074a Medical and dental care: members on duty other than active duty for a period of more than 30 days
/us/usc/t10/s1074b Medical and dental care: Academy cadets and midshipmen; members of, and designated applicants for membership in, Senior ROTC
/us/usc/t10/s1074c Medical care: authority to provide a wig
/us/usc/t10/s1074d Certain primary and preventive health care services
/us/usc/t10/s1074e Medical care: certain Reserves who served in Southwest Asia during the Persian Gulf Conflict
/us/usc/t10/s1074f Medical tracking system for members deployed overseas
/us/usc/t10/s1074g Pharmacy benefits program
/us/usc/t10/s1074h Medical and dental care: medal of honor recipients; dependents
/us/usc/t10/s1074i Reimbursement for certain travel expenses
/us/usc/t10/s1074j Sub-acute care program
/us/usc/t10/s1074k Long-term care insurance
/us/usc/t10/s1074l Notification to Congress of hospitalization of combat wounded members
/us/usc/t10/s1074m Mental health assessments for members of the armed forces deployed in support of a contingency operation
/us/usc/t10/s1074n Annual mental health assessments for members of the armed forces
/us/usc/t10/s1074o Provision of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for certain members
/us/usc/t10/s1075 TRICARE Select
/us/usc/t10/s1075a TRICARE Prime: cost sharing
/us/usc/t10/s1076 Medical and dental care for dependents: general rule
/us/usc/t10/s1076a TRICARE dental program
/us/usc/t10/s1076c Dental insurance plan: certain retirees and their surviving spouses and other dependents
/us/usc/t10/s1076d TRICARE program: TRICARE Reserve Select coverage for members of the Selected Reserve
/us/usc/t10/s1076e TRICARE program: TRICARE Retired Reserve coverage for certain members of the Retired Reserve who are qualified for a non-regular retirement but are not yet age 60
/us/usc/t10/s1076f TRICARE program: extension of coverage for certain members of the National Guard and dependents during certain disaster response duty
/us/usc/t10/s1077 Medical care for dependents: authorized care in facilities of uniformed services
/us/usc/t10/s1077a Access to military medical treatment facilities and other facilities
/us/usc/t10/s1078 Medical and dental care for dependents: charges
/us/usc/t10/s1078a Continued health benefits coverage
/us/usc/t10/s1078b Provision of food to certain members and dependents not receiving inpatient care in military medical treatment facilities
/us/usc/t10/s1079 Contracts for medical care for spouses and children: plans
/us/usc/t10/s1079a TRICARE program: treatment of refunds and other amounts collected
/us/usc/t10/s1079b Procedures for charging fees for care provided to civilians; retention and use of fees collected
/us/usc/t10/s1079c Provisional coverage for emerging services and supplies
/us/usc/t10/s1080 Contracts for medical care for spouses and children: election of facilities
/us/usc/t10/s1081 Contracts for medical care for spouses and children: review and adjustment of payments
/us/usc/t10/s1082 Contracts for health care: advisory committees
/us/usc/t10/s1083 Contracts for medical care for spouses and children: additional hospitalization
/us/usc/t10/s1084 Determinations of dependency
/us/usc/t10/s1085 Medical and dental care from another executive department: reimbursement
/us/usc/t10/s1086 Contracts for health benefits for certain members, former members, and their dependents
/us/usc/t10/s1086a Certain former spouses: extension of period of eligibility for health benefits
/us/usc/t10/s1086b Prohibition against requiring retired members to receive health care solely through the Department of Defense
/us/usc/t10/s1087 Programing facilities for certain members, former members, and their dependents in construction projects of the uniformed services
/us/usc/t10/s1088 Air evacuation patients: furnished subsistence
/us/usc/t10/s1089 Defense of certain suits arising out of medical malpractice
/us/usc/t10/s1090 Identifying and treating drug and alcohol dependence
/us/usc/t10/s1090a Commanding officer and supervisor referrals of members for mental health evaluations
/us/usc/t10/s1091 Personal services contracts
/us/usc/t10/s1092 Studies and demonstration projects relating to delivery of health and medical care
/us/usc/t10/s1092a Persons entering the armed forces: baseline health data
/us/usc/t10/s1093 Performance of abortions: restrictions
/us/usc/t10/s1094 Licensure requirement for health-care professionals
/us/usc/t10/s1094a Continuing medical education requirements: system for monitoring physician compliance
/us/usc/t10/s1095 Health care services incurred on behalf of covered beneficiaries: collection from third-party payers
/us/usc/t10/s1095a Medical care: members held as captives and their dependents
/us/usc/t10/s1095b TRICARE program: contractor payment of certain claims
/us/usc/t10/s1095c TRICARE program: facilitation of processing of claims
/us/usc/t10/s1095d TRICARE program: waiver of certain deductibles
/us/usc/t10/s1095e TRICARE program: beneficiary counseling and assistance coordinators
/us/usc/t10/s1095f TRICARE program: referrals and preauthorizations under TRICARE Prime
/us/usc/t10/s1095g TRICARE program: waiver of recoupment of erroneous payments caused by administrative error
/us/usc/t10/s1096 Military-civilian health services partnership program
/us/usc/t10/s1097 Contracts for medical care for retirees, dependents, and survivors: alternative delivery of health care
/us/usc/t10/s1097a TRICARE Prime: automatic enrollments; payment options
/us/usc/t10/s1097b TRICARE program: financial management
/us/usc/t10/s1097c TRICARE program: relationship with employer-sponsored group health plans
/us/usc/t10/s1097d TRICARE program: notice of change to benefits
/us/usc/t10/s1098 Incentives for participation in cost-effective health care plans
/us/usc/t10/s1099 Health care enrollment system
/us/usc/t10/s1100 Defense Health Program Account
/us/usc/t10/s1101 Resource allocation methods: capitation or diagnosis-related groups
/us/usc/t10/s1102 Confidentiality of medical quality assurance records: qualified immunity for participants
/us/usc/t10/s1103 Contracts for medical and dental care: State and local preemption
/us/usc/t10/s1104 Sharing of health-care resources with the Department of Veterans Affairs
/us/usc/t10/s1105 Specialized treatment facility program
/us/usc/t10/s1106 Submittal of claims: standard form; time limits
/us/usc/t10/s1107 Notice of use of an investigational new drug or a drug unapproved for its applied use
/us/usc/t10/s1107a Emergency use products
/us/usc/t10/s1108 Health care coverage through Federal Employees Health Benefits program: demonstration project
/us/usc/t10/s1109 Organ and tissue donor program
/us/usc/t10/s1110 Anthrax vaccine immunization program; procedures for exemptions and monitoring reactions
/us/usc/t10/s1110a Notification of certain individuals regarding options for enrollment under Medicare part B
/us/usc/t10/s1110b TRICARE program: extension of dependent coverage
/us/usc/t10/s1111 Establishment and purpose of Fund; definitions; authority to enter into agreements
/us/usc/t10/s1112 Assets of Fund
/us/usc/t10/s1113 Payments from the Fund
/us/usc/t10/s1114 Board of Actuaries
/us/usc/t10/s1115 Determination of contributions to the Fund
/us/usc/t10/s1116 Payments into the Fund
/us/usc/t10/s1117 Investment of assets of Fund
/us/usc/t10/s1121 Legion of Merit: award
/us/usc/t10/s1122 Medal for Merit: award
/us/usc/t10/s1123 Right to wear badges of military societies
/us/usc/t10/s1124 Cash awards for disclosures, suggestions, inventions, and scientific achievements
/us/usc/t10/s1125 Recognition for accomplishments: award of trophies
/us/usc/t10/s1126 Gold star lapel button: eligibility and distribution
/us/usc/t10/s1127 Precedence of the award of the Purple Heart
/us/usc/t10/s1128 Prisoner-of-war medal: issue
/us/usc/t10/s1129 Purple Heart: members killed or wounded in action by friendly fire
/us/usc/t10/s1129a Purple Heart: members killed or wounded in attacks by foreign terrorist organizations
/us/usc/t10/s1130 Consideration of proposals for decorations not previously submitted in timely fashion: procedures for review
/us/usc/t10/s1131 Purple Heart: limitation to members of the armed forces
/us/usc/t10/s1132 Presentation of decorations: prohibition on entering correctional facilities for presentation to prisoners convicted of serious violent felonies
/us/usc/t10/s1133 Bronze Star: limitation on persons eligible to receive
/us/usc/t10/s1134 Medal of honor: award to individual interred in Tomb of the Unknowns as representative of casualties of a war
/us/usc/t10/s1134a Medal of honor: Army, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard Medal of Honor Roll
/us/usc/t10/s1135 Replacement of military decorations
/us/usc/t10/s1136 Honorable service requirement for award of military decorations
/us/usc/t10/s1141 Involuntary separation defined
/us/usc/t10/s1142 Preseparation counseling; transmittal of certain records to Department of Veterans Affairs
/us/usc/t10/s1143 Employment assistance
/us/usc/t10/s1144 Employment assistance, job training assistance, and other transitional services: Department of Labor
/us/usc/t10/s1145 Health benefits
/us/usc/t10/s1146 Commissary and exchange benefits
/us/usc/t10/s1147 Use of military family housing
/us/usc/t10/s1148 Relocation assistance for personnel overseas
/us/usc/t10/s1149 Excess leave and permissive temporary duty
/us/usc/t10/s1150 Affiliation with Guard and Reserve units: waiver of certain limitations
/us/usc/t10/s1151 Retention of assistive technology and services provided before separation
/us/usc/t10/s1152 Assistance to eligible members and former members to obtain employment with law enforcement agencies
/us/usc/t10/s1153 Assistance to separated members to obtain employment with health care providers
/us/usc/t10/s1154 Assistance to eligible members and former members to obtain employment as teachers: Troops-to-Teachers Program
/us/usc/t10/s1155 Statement of benefits
/us/usc/t10/s1161 Commissioned officers: limitations on dismissal
/us/usc/t10/s1164 Warrant officers: separation for age
/us/usc/t10/s1165 Regular warrant officers: separation during three-year probationary period
/us/usc/t10/s1166 Regular warrant officers: elimination for unfitness or unsatisfactory performance
/us/usc/t10/s1167 Members under confinement by sentence of court-martial: separation after six months confinement
/us/usc/t10/s1168 Discharge or release from active duty: limitations
/us/usc/t10/s1169 Regular enlisted members: limitations on discharge
/us/usc/t10/s1170 Regular enlisted members: minority discharge
/us/usc/t10/s1171 Regular enlisted members: early discharge
/us/usc/t10/s1172 Enlisted members: during war or emergency; discharge
/us/usc/t10/s1173 Enlisted members: discharge for hardship
/us/usc/t10/s1174 Separation pay upon involuntary discharge or release from active duty
/us/usc/t10/s1174a Special separation benefits programs
/us/usc/t10/s1175 Voluntary separation incentive
/us/usc/t10/s1175a Voluntary separation pay and benefits
/us/usc/t10/s1176 Enlisted members: retention after completion of 18 or more, but less than 20, years of service
/us/usc/t10/s1177 Members diagnosed with or reasonably asserting post-traumatic stress disorder or traumatic brain injury: medical examination required before administrative separation
/us/usc/t10/s1178 System and procedures for tracking separations resulting from refusal to participate in anthrax vaccine immunization program
/us/usc/t10/s1181 Authority to establish procedures to consider the separation of officers for substandard performance of duty and for certain other reasons
/us/usc/t10/s1182 Boards of inquiry
/us/usc/t10/s1184 Removal of officer: action by Secretary upon recommendation of board of inquiry
/us/usc/t10/s1185 Rights and procedures
/us/usc/t10/s1186 Officer considered for removal: voluntary retirement or discharge
/us/usc/t10/s1187 Officers eligible to serve on boards
/us/usc/t10/s1201 Regulars and members on active duty for more than 30 days: retirement
/us/usc/t10/s1202 Regulars and members on active duty for more than 30 days: temporary disability retired list
/us/usc/t10/s1203 Regulars and members on active duty for more than 30 days: separation
/us/usc/t10/s1204 Members on active duty for 30 days or less or on inactive-duty training: retirement
/us/usc/t10/s1205 Members on active duty for 30 days or less: temporary disability retired list
/us/usc/t10/s1206 Members on active duty for 30 days or less or on inactive-duty training: separation
/us/usc/t10/s1206a Reserve component members unable to perform duties when ordered to active duty: disability system processing
/us/usc/t10/s1207 Disability from intentional misconduct or willful neglect: separation
/us/usc/t10/s1207a Members with over eight years of active service: eligibility for disability retirement for pre-existing conditions
/us/usc/t10/s1208 Computation of service
/us/usc/t10/s1209 Transfer to inactive status list instead of separation
/us/usc/t10/s1210 Members on temporary disability retired list: periodic physical examination; final determination of status
/us/usc/t10/s1211 Members on temporary disability retired list: return to active duty; promotion
/us/usc/t10/s1212 Disability severance pay
/us/usc/t10/s1213 Effect of separation on benefits and claims
/us/usc/t10/s1214 Right to full and fair hearing
/us/usc/t10/s1214a Members determined fit for duty in Physical Evaluation Board: prohibition on involuntary administrative separation or denial of reenlistment due to unsuitability based on medical conditions considered in evaluation
/us/usc/t10/s1215 Members other than Regulars: applicability of laws
/us/usc/t10/s1216 Secretaries: powers, functions, and duties
/us/usc/t10/s1216a Determinations of disability: requirements and limitations on determinations
/us/usc/t10/s1217 Academy cadets and midshipmen: applicability of chapter
/us/usc/t10/s1218 Discharge or release from active duty: claims for compensation, pension, or hospitalization
/us/usc/t10/s1218a Discharge or release from active duty: transition assistance for reserve component members injured while on active duty
/us/usc/t10/s1219 Statement of origin of disease or injury: limitations
/us/usc/t10/s1221 Effective date of retirement or placement of name on temporary disability retired list
/us/usc/t10/s1222 Physical evaluation boards
/us/usc/t10/s1251 Age 62: regular commissioned officers in grades below general and flag officer grades; exceptions
/us/usc/t10/s1252 Age 64: permanent professors at academies
/us/usc/t10/s1253 Age 64: regular commissioned officers in general and flag officer grades; exceptions
/us/usc/t10/s1263 Age 62: warrant officers
/us/usc/t10/s1275 Computation of retired pay: law applicable
/us/usc/t10/s1293 Twenty years or more: warrant officers
/us/usc/t10/s1305 Thirty years or more: regular warrant officers
/us/usc/t10/s1315 Computation of retired pay: law applicable
/us/usc/t10/s1331 Reference to chapter 1223
/us/usc/t10/s1370 Commissioned officers: general rule; exceptions
/us/usc/t10/s1371 Warrant officers: general rule
/us/usc/t10/s1372 Grade on retirement for physical disability: members of armed forces
/us/usc/t10/s1373 Higher grade for later physical disability: retired officers recalled to active duty
/us/usc/t10/s1375 Entitlement to commission: commissioned officers advanced on retired list
/us/usc/t10/s1376 Temporary disability retired lists
/us/usc/t10/s1401 Computation of retired pay
/us/usc/t10/s1401a Adjustment of retired pay and retainer pay to reflect changes in Consumer Price Index
/us/usc/t10/s1402 Recomputation of retired or retainer pay to reflect later active duty of members who first became members before
/us/usc/t10/s1402a Recomputation of retired or retainer pay to reflect later active duty of members who first became members after
/us/usc/t10/s1403 Disability retired pay: treatment under Internal Revenue Code of 1986
/us/usc/t10/s1404 Applicability of
/us/usc/t10/s1405 Years of service
/us/usc/t10/s1406 Retired pay base for members who first became members before
/us/usc/t10/s1407 Retired pay base for members who first became members after
/us/usc/t10/s1407a Retired pay base: officers retired in general or flag officer grades
/us/usc/t10/s1408 Payment of retired or retainer pay in compliance with court orders
/us/usc/t10/s1409 Retired pay multiplier
/us/usc/t10/s1410 Restoral of full retirement amount at age 62 for certain members entering on or after
/us/usc/t10/s1411 Rules of construction
/us/usc/t10/s1412 Administrative provisions
/us/usc/t10/s1413a Combat-related special compensation
/us/usc/t10/s1414 Members eligible for retired pay who are also eligible for veterans’ disability compensation for disabilities rated 50 percent or higher: concurrent payment of retired pay and veterans’ disability compensation
/us/usc/t10/s1415 Lump sum payment of certain retired pay
/us/usc/t10/s1431 Election of annuity: members of armed forces
/us/usc/t10/s1432 Election of annuity: former members of armed forces
/us/usc/t10/s1433 Mental incompetency of member
/us/usc/t10/s1434 Kinds of annuities that may be elected
/us/usc/t10/s1435 Eligible beneficiaries
/us/usc/t10/s1436 Computation of reduction in retired pay; withdrawal for severe financial hardship
/us/usc/t10/s1436a Coverage paid up at 30 years and age 70
/us/usc/t10/s1437 Payment of annuity
/us/usc/t10/s1438 Deposits for amounts not deducted
/us/usc/t10/s1439 Refund of amounts deducted from retired pay
/us/usc/t10/s1440 Annuities not subject to legal process
/us/usc/t10/s1441 Annuities in addition to other payments
/us/usc/t10/s1442 Recovery of annuity erroneously paid
/us/usc/t10/s1444 Regulations; determinations
/us/usc/t10/s1444a Regulations regarding payment of annuity to a representative payee
/us/usc/t10/s1445 Correction of administrative deficiencies
/us/usc/t10/s1446 Restriction on participation
/us/usc/t10/s1447 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s1448 Application of Plan
/us/usc/t10/s1448a Election to discontinue participation: one-year opportunity after second anniversary of commencement of payment of retired pay
/us/usc/t10/s1449 Mental incompetency of member
/us/usc/t10/s1450 Payment of annuity: beneficiaries
/us/usc/t10/s1451 Amount of annuity
/us/usc/t10/s1452 Reduction in retired pay
/us/usc/t10/s1453 Recovery of amounts erroneously paid
/us/usc/t10/s1454 Correction of administrative errors
/us/usc/t10/s1455 Regulations
/us/usc/t10/s1461 Establishment and purpose of Fund; definition
/us/usc/t10/s1462 Assets of Fund
/us/usc/t10/s1463 Payments from the Fund
/us/usc/t10/s1465 Determination of contributions to the Fund
/us/usc/t10/s1466 Payments into the Fund
/us/usc/t10/s1467 Investment of assets of Fund
/us/usc/t10/s1471 Forensic pathology investigations
/us/usc/t10/s1475 Death gratuity: death of members on active duty or inactive duty training and of certain other persons
/us/usc/t10/s1476 Death gratuity: death after discharge or release from duty or training
/us/usc/t10/s1477 Death gratuity: eligible survivors
/us/usc/t10/s1478 Death gratuity: amount
/us/usc/t10/s1479 Death gratuity: delegation of determinations, payments
/us/usc/t10/s1480 Death gratuity: miscellaneous provisions
/us/usc/t10/s1481 Recovery, care, and disposition of remains: decedents covered
/us/usc/t10/s1482 Expenses incident to death
/us/usc/t10/s1482a Expenses incident to death: civilian employees serving with an armed force
/us/usc/t10/s1483 Prisoners of war and interned enemy aliens
/us/usc/t10/s1484 Pensioners, indigent patients, and persons who die on military reservations
/us/usc/t10/s1485 Dependents of members of armed forces
/us/usc/t10/s1486 Other citizens of United States
/us/usc/t10/s1487 Temporary interment
/us/usc/t10/s1488 Removal of remains
/us/usc/t10/s1489 Death gratuity: members and employees dying outside the United States while assigned to intelligence duties
/us/usc/t10/s1490 Transportation of remains: certain retired members and dependents who die in military medical facilities
/us/usc/t10/s1491 Funeral honors functions at funerals for veterans
/us/usc/t10/s1501 System for accounting for missing persons
/us/usc/t10/s1501a Public-private partnerships; other forms of support
/us/usc/t10/s1502 Missing persons: initial report
/us/usc/t10/s1503 Actions of Secretary concerned; initial board inquiry
/us/usc/t10/s1504 Subsequent board of inquiry
/us/usc/t10/s1505 Further review
/us/usc/t10/s1506 Personnel files
/us/usc/t10/s1507 Recommendation of status of death
/us/usc/t10/s1508 Judicial review
/us/usc/t10/s1509 Program to resolve missing person cases
/us/usc/t10/s1510 Applicability to Coast Guard
/us/usc/t10/s1511 Return alive of person declared missing or dead
/us/usc/t10/s1512 Effect on State law
/us/usc/t10/s1513 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s1521 Posthumous commissions
/us/usc/t10/s1522 Posthumous warrants
/us/usc/t10/s1523 Posthumous commissions and warrants: effect on pay and allowances
/us/usc/t10/s1524 Posthumous commissions and warrants: determination of date of death
/us/usc/t10/s1551 Correction of name after separation from service under an assumed name
/us/usc/t10/s1552 Correction of military records: claims incident thereto
/us/usc/t10/s1553 Review of discharge or dismissal
/us/usc/t10/s1553a Review of a request for upgrade of discharge or dismissal
/us/usc/t10/s1554 Review of retirement or separation without pay for physical disability
/us/usc/t10/s1554a Review of separation with disability rating of 20 percent disabled or less
/us/usc/t10/s1554b Confidential review of characterization of terms of discharge of members of the armed forces who are victims of sex-related offenses
/us/usc/t10/s1555 Professional staff
/us/usc/t10/s1556 Ex parte communications prohibited
/us/usc/t10/s1557 Timeliness standards for disposition of applications before Corrections Boards
/us/usc/t10/s1558 Review of actions of selection boards: correction of military records by special boards; judicial review
/us/usc/t10/s1559 Personnel limitation
/us/usc/t10/s1561 Complaints of sexual harassment: investigation by commanding officers
/us/usc/t10/s1561a Civilian orders of protection: force and effect on military installations
/us/usc/t10/s1562 Database on domestic violence incidents
/us/usc/t10/s1563 Consideration of proposals for posthumous and honorary promotions and appointments: procedures for review
/us/usc/t10/s1564 Security clearance investigations
/us/usc/t10/s1564a Counterintelligence polygraph program
/us/usc/t10/s1564b Security vetting for foreign nationals
/us/usc/t10/s1565 DNA identification information: collection from certain offenders; use
/us/usc/t10/s1565a DNA samples maintained for identification of human remains: use for law enforcement purposes
/us/usc/t10/s1565b Victims of sexual assault: access to legal assistance and services of Sexual Assault Response Coordinators and Sexual Assault Victim Advocates
/us/usc/t10/s1566 Voting assistance: compliance assessments; assistance
/us/usc/t10/s1566a Voting assistance: voter assistance offices
/us/usc/t10/s1567 Duration of military protective orders
/us/usc/t10/s1567a Mandatory notification of issuance of military protective order to civilian law enforcement
/us/usc/t10/s1580 Emergency essential employees: designation
/us/usc/t10/s1580a Emergency essential employees: notification of required participation in anthrax vaccine immunization program
/us/usc/t10/s1581 Foreign National Employees Separation Pay Account
/us/usc/t10/s1582 Assistive technology, assistive technology devices, and assistive technology services
/us/usc/t10/s1583 Employment of certain persons without pay
/us/usc/t10/s1584 Employment of non-citizens
/us/usc/t10/s1585 Carrying of firearms
/us/usc/t10/s1585a Special agents of the Defense Criminal Investigative Service: authority to execute warrants and make arrests
/us/usc/t10/s1586 Rotation of career-conditional and career employees assigned to duty outside the United States
/us/usc/t10/s1587 Employees of nonappropriated fund instrumentalities: reprisals
/us/usc/t10/s1587a Employees of nonappropriated fund instrumentalities: senior executive pay levels
/us/usc/t10/s1588 Authority to accept certain voluntary services
/us/usc/t10/s1589 Participation in management of specified non-Federal entities: authorized activities
/us/usc/t10/s1591 Reimbursement for travel and transportation expenses when accompanying Members of Congress
/us/usc/t10/s1592 Prohibition on payment of severance pay to foreign nationals in the event of certain overseas base closures
/us/usc/t10/s1593 Uniform allowance: civilian employees
/us/usc/t10/s1594 Reimbursement for financial institution charges incurred because of Government error in direct deposit of pay
/us/usc/t10/s1595 Civilian faculty members at certain Department of Defense schools: employment and compensation
/us/usc/t10/s1596 Foreign language proficiency: special pay for proficiency beneficial for intelligence interests
/us/usc/t10/s1596a Foreign language proficiency: special pay for proficiency beneficial for other national security interests
/us/usc/t10/s1596b Foreign language proficiency: National Foreign Language Skills Registry
/us/usc/t10/s1597 Civilian positions: guidelines for reductions
/us/usc/t10/s1598 Assistance to terminated employees to obtain certification and employment as teachers or employment as teachers’ aides
/us/usc/t10/s1599a Financial assistance to certain employees in acquisition of critical skills
/us/usc/t10/s1599b Employees abroad: travel expenses; health care
/us/usc/t10/s1599c Health care professionals: enhanced appointment and compensation authority for personnel for care and treatment of wounded and injured members of the armed forces
/us/usc/t10/s1599d Financial management positions: authority to prescribe professional certification and credential standards
/us/usc/t10/s1599e Probationary period for employees
/us/usc/t10/s1599f United States Cyber Command recruitment and retention
/us/usc/t10/s1599g Public-private talent exchange
/us/usc/t10/s1599h Personnel management authority to attract experts in science and engineering
/us/usc/t10/s1601 Civilian intelligence personnel: general authority to establish excepted positions, appoint personnel, and fix rates of pay
/us/usc/t10/s1602 Basic pay
/us/usc/t10/s1603 Additional compensation, incentives, and allowances
/us/usc/t10/s1605 Benefits for certain employees assigned outside the United States
/us/usc/t10/s1606 Defense Intelligence Senior Executive Service
/us/usc/t10/s1607 Intelligence Senior Level positions
/us/usc/t10/s1608 Time-limited appointments
/us/usc/t10/s1609 Termination of defense intelligence employees
/us/usc/t10/s1610 Reductions and other adjustments in force
/us/usc/t10/s1611 Postemployment assistance: certain terminated intelligence employees
/us/usc/t10/s1612 Merit system principles and civil service protections: applicability
/us/usc/t10/s1613 Miscellaneous provisions
/us/usc/t10/s1614 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s1621 Defense Intelligence Agency merit pay system
/us/usc/t10/s1622 Uniform allowance: civilian employees
/us/usc/t10/s1623 Financial assistance to certain employees in acquisition of critical skills
/us/usc/t10/s1701 Management policies
/us/usc/t10/s1701a Management for acquisition workforce excellence
/us/usc/t10/s1702 Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment: authorities and responsibilities
/us/usc/t10/s1704 Service acquisition executives: authorities and responsibilities
/us/usc/t10/s1705 Department of Defense Acquisition Workforce Development Account
/us/usc/t10/s1706 Government performance of certain acquisition functions
/us/usc/t10/s1721 Designation of acquisition positions and acquisition workforce career fields
/us/usc/t10/s1722 Career development
/us/usc/t10/s1722a Special requirements for military personnel in the acquisition field
/us/usc/t10/s1722b Special requirements for civilian employees in the acquisition field
/us/usc/t10/s1723 General education, training, and experience requirements
/us/usc/t10/s1724 Contracting positions: qualification requirements
/us/usc/t10/s1725 Senior Military Acquisition Advisors
/us/usc/t10/s1731 Critical acquisition positions
/us/usc/t10/s1734 Career development
/us/usc/t10/s1735 Education, training, and experience requirements for critical acquisition positions
/us/usc/t10/s1737 Definitions and general provisions
/us/usc/t10/s1741 Policies and programs: establishment and implementation
/us/usc/t10/s1742 Internship, cooperative education, and scholarship programs
/us/usc/t10/s1745 Additional education and training programs available to acquisition personnel
/us/usc/t10/s1746 Defense Acquisition University
/us/usc/t10/s1747 Acquisition fellowship program
/us/usc/t10/s1748 Fulfillment standards for acquisition workforce training
/us/usc/t10/s1761 Management information system
/us/usc/t10/s1762 Demonstration project relating to certain acquisition personnel management policies and procedures
/us/usc/t10/s1764 Authority to establish different minimum requirements
/us/usc/t10/s1765 Competency development
/us/usc/t10/s1781 Office of Military Family Readiness Policy
/us/usc/t10/s1781a Department of Defense Military Family Readiness Council
/us/usc/t10/s1781b Department of Defense policy and plans for military family readiness
/us/usc/t10/s1781c Office of Special Needs
/us/usc/t10/s1782 Surveys of military families
/us/usc/t10/s1783 Family members serving on advisory committees
/us/usc/t10/s1784 Employment opportunities for military spouses
/us/usc/t10/s1784a Education and training opportunities for military spouses to expand employment and portable career opportunities
/us/usc/t10/s1785 Youth sponsorship program
/us/usc/t10/s1786 Dependent student travel within the United States
/us/usc/t10/s1787 Reporting of child abuse
/us/usc/t10/s1788 Additional family assistance
/us/usc/t10/s1788a Family support programs: immediate family members of members of special operations forces
/us/usc/t10/s1789 Chaplain-led programs: authorized support
/us/usc/t10/s1790 Military personnel citizenship processing
/us/usc/t10/s1791 Funding for military child care
/us/usc/t10/s1792 Child care employees
/us/usc/t10/s1793 Parent fees
/us/usc/t10/s1794 Child abuse prevention and safety at facilities
/us/usc/t10/s1795 Parent partnerships with child development centers
/us/usc/t10/s1796 Subsidies for family home day care
/us/usc/t10/s1797 Early childhood education program
/us/usc/t10/s1798 Child care services and youth program services for dependents: financial assistance for providers
/us/usc/t10/s1799 Child care services and youth program services for dependents: participation by children and youth otherwise ineligible
/us/usc/t10/s1800 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s2002 Dependents of members of armed forces: language training
/us/usc/t10/s2003 Aeronautical rating as pilot: qualifications
/us/usc/t10/s2004 Detail as students at law schools; commissioned officers; certain enlisted members
/us/usc/t10/s2004a Detail of commissioned officers as students at medical schools
/us/usc/t10/s2004b Detail of commissioned officers as students at schools of psychology
/us/usc/t10/s2005 Advanced education assistance: active duty agreement; reimbursement requirements
/us/usc/t10/s2006 Department of Defense Education Benefits Fund
/us/usc/t10/s2006a Assistance for education and training: availability of certain assistance for use only for certain programs of education
/us/usc/t10/s2007 Payment of tuition for off-duty training or education
/us/usc/t10/s2008 Authority to use funds for certain educational purposes
/us/usc/t10/s2009 Military colleges: female students
/us/usc/t10/s2012 Support and services for eligible organizations and activities outside Department of Defense
/us/usc/t10/s2013 Training at non-Government facilities
/us/usc/t10/s2014 Administrative actions adversely affecting military training or other readiness activities
/us/usc/t10/s2015 Program to assist members in obtaining professional credentials
/us/usc/t10/s2016 Undergraduate nurse training program: establishment through agreement with academic institution
/us/usc/t10/s2017 Limitation on establishment of postsecondary educational institutions pending notice to Congress
/us/usc/t10/s2031 Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps
/us/usc/t10/s2032 Responsibility of the Secretaries of the military departments to maximize enrollment and enhance efficiency
/us/usc/t10/s2033 Instructor qualifications
/us/usc/t10/s2034 Educational institutions not maintaining units of Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps: issuance of arms, tentage, and equipment
/us/usc/t10/s2035 Flexibility in authorities for management of programs and units
/us/usc/t10/s2101 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s2102 Establishment
/us/usc/t10/s2103 Eligibility for membership
/us/usc/t10/s2103a Students not eligible for advanced training: commitment to military service
/us/usc/t10/s2104 Advanced training; eligibility for
/us/usc/t10/s2105 Advanced training; failure to complete or to accept commission
/us/usc/t10/s2106 Advanced training; commission on completion
/us/usc/t10/s2107 Financial assistance program for specially selected members
/us/usc/t10/s2107a Financial assistance program for specially selected members: Army Reserve and Army National Guard
/us/usc/t10/s2108 Advanced standing; interruption of training; delay in starting obligated service; release from program
/us/usc/t10/s2109 Practical military training
/us/usc/t10/s2110 Logistical support
/us/usc/t10/s2111 Personnel: administrators and instructors
/us/usc/t10/s2111a Support for senior military colleges
/us/usc/t10/s2111b Senior military colleges: Department of Defense international student program
/us/usc/t10/s2112 Establishment
/us/usc/t10/s2112a Continued operation of University
/us/usc/t10/s2113 Administration of University
/us/usc/t10/s2113a Board of Regents
/us/usc/t10/s2113b Academic Health System
/us/usc/t10/s2114 Students: selection; status; obligation
/us/usc/t10/s2115 Graduates: limitation on number permitted to perform civilian Federal service
/us/usc/t10/s2116 Military nursing research
/us/usc/t10/s2120 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s2121 Establishment
/us/usc/t10/s2122 Eligibility for participation
/us/usc/t10/s2123 Members of the program: active duty obligation; failure to complete training; release from program
/us/usc/t10/s2124 Members of the program: numbers appointed
/us/usc/t10/s2125 Members of the program: exclusion from authorized strengths
/us/usc/t10/s2126 Members of the program: service credit
/us/usc/t10/s2127 Scholarships and financial assistance: payments
/us/usc/t10/s2128 Accession bonus for members of the program
/us/usc/t10/s2130a Financial assistance: nurse officer candidates
/us/usc/t10/s2131 Reference to chapter 1606
/us/usc/t10/s2138 Savings provision
/us/usc/t10/s2141 Educational assistance program: establishment
/us/usc/t10/s2142 Educational assistance program: eligibility
/us/usc/t10/s2143 Educational assistance: amount
/us/usc/t10/s2144 Subsistence allowance
/us/usc/t10/s2145 Adjustments of amount of educational assistance and of subsistence allowance
/us/usc/t10/s2146 Right of member upon subsequent reenlistment to lump-sum payment in lieu of educational assistance
/us/usc/t10/s2147 Right of member after reenlisting to transfer entitlement to spouse or dependent children
/us/usc/t10/s2148 Duration of entitlement
/us/usc/t10/s2149 Applications for educational assistance
/us/usc/t10/s2151 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s2152 Joint professional military education: general requirements
/us/usc/t10/s2153 Capstone course: newly selected general and flag officers
/us/usc/t10/s2154 Joint professional military education: three-phase approach
/us/usc/t10/s2155 Joint professional military education Phase II program of instruction
/us/usc/t10/s2156 Joint Forces Staff College: duration of principal course of instruction
/us/usc/t10/s2161 Degree granting authority for National Intelligence University
/us/usc/t10/s2162 Preparation of budget requests for operation of professional military education schools
/us/usc/t10/s2163 Degree granting authority for National Defense University
/us/usc/t10/s2164 Department of Defense domestic dependent elementary and secondary schools
/us/usc/t10/s2165 National Defense University: component institutions
/us/usc/t10/s2167 National Defense University: admission of private sector civilians to professional military education program
/us/usc/t10/s2167a Defense Cyber Investigations Training Academy: admission of private sector civilians to receive instruction
/us/usc/t10/s2168 Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center: degree of Associate of Arts in foreign language
/us/usc/t10/s2169 School of Nursing: establishment
/us/usc/t10/s2171 Education loan repayment program: enlisted members on active duty in specified military specialties
/us/usc/t10/s2173 Education loan repayment program: commissioned officers in specified health professions
/us/usc/t10/s2174 Interest payment program: members on active duty
/us/usc/t10/s2181 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s2182 Educational assistance: dependents of captives
/us/usc/t10/s2183 Educational assistance: former captives
/us/usc/t10/s2184 Termination of assistance
/us/usc/t10/s2185 Programs to be consistent with programs administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs
/us/usc/t10/s2191 Graduate fellowships
/us/usc/t10/s2192 Improvement of education in technical fields: general authority regarding education in science, mathematics, and engineering
/us/usc/t10/s2192a Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART) Defense Education Program
/us/usc/t10/s2192b Program on enhancement of preparation of dependents of members of armed forces for careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
/us/usc/t10/s2193 Improvement of education in technical fields: grants for higher education in science and mathematics
/us/usc/t10/s2193a Improvement of education in technical fields: general authority for support of elementary and secondary education in science and mathematics
/us/usc/t10/s2193b Improvement of education in technical fields: program for support of elementary and secondary education in science, mathematics, and technology
/us/usc/t10/s2194 Education partnerships
/us/usc/t10/s2195 Department of Defense cooperative education programs
/us/usc/t10/s2196 Manufacturing engineering education program
/us/usc/t10/s2197 Manufacturing experts in the classroom
/us/usc/t10/s2198 Management training program in Japanese language and culture
/us/usc/t10/s2199 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s2200 Programs; purpose
/us/usc/t10/s2200a Scholarship program
/us/usc/t10/s2200b Grant program
/us/usc/t10/s2200c Special considerations in awarding scholarships and grants
/us/usc/t10/s2200d Regulations
/us/usc/t10/s2200e Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s2200f Inapplicability to Coast Guard
/us/usc/t10/s2200g Establishment
/us/usc/t10/s2200h Program elements
/us/usc/t10/s2200i Model authorities
/us/usc/t10/s2200j Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s2201 Apportionment of funds: authority for exemption; excepted expenses
/us/usc/t10/s2202 Regulations on procurement, production, warehousing, and supply distribution functions
/us/usc/t10/s2203 Budget estimates
/us/usc/t10/s2204 Obligation of appropriations
/us/usc/t10/s2205 Reimbursements
/us/usc/t10/s2206 Disbursement of funds of military department to cover obligation of another agency of Department of Defense
/us/usc/t10/s2207 Expenditure of appropriations: limitation
/us/usc/t10/s2208 Working-capital funds
/us/usc/t10/s2209 Management funds
/us/usc/t10/s2210 Proceeds of sales of supplies: credit to appropriations
/us/usc/t10/s2211 Reimbursement for equipment, material, or services furnished members of the United Nations
/us/usc/t10/s2212 Obligations for contract services: reporting in budget object classes
/us/usc/t10/s2213 Limitation on acquisition of excess supplies
/us/usc/t10/s2214 Transfer of funds: procedure and limitations
/us/usc/t10/s2215 Transfer of funds to other departments and agencies: limitation
/us/usc/t10/s2216 Defense Modernization Account
/us/usc/t10/s2216a Rapidly meeting urgent needs: Joint Urgent Operational Needs Fund
/us/usc/t10/s2217 Comparable budgeting for common procurement weapon systems
/us/usc/t10/s2218 National Defense Sealift Fund
/us/usc/t10/s2218a National Sea-Based Deterrence Fund
/us/usc/t10/s2220 Performance based management: acquisition programs
/us/usc/t10/s2222 Defense business systems: business process reengineering; enterprise architecture; management
/us/usc/t10/s2223 Information technology: additional responsibilities of Chief Information Officers
/us/usc/t10/s2223a Information technology acquisition planning and oversight requirements
/us/usc/t10/s2224 Defense Information Assurance Program
/us/usc/t10/s2224a Information security: continued applicability of expiring Governmentwide requirements to the Department of Defense
/us/usc/t10/s2226 Contracted property and services: prompt payment of vouchers
/us/usc/t10/s2227 Electronic submission and processing of claims for contract payments
/us/usc/t10/s2228 Office of Corrosion Policy and Oversight
/us/usc/t10/s2229 Strategic policy on prepositioning of materiel and equipment
/us/usc/t10/s2229a Annual report on prepositioned materiel and equipment
/us/usc/t10/s2229b Comptroller General assessment of acquisition programs and initiatives
/us/usc/t10/s2231 Reference to chapter 1803
/us/usc/t10/s2241 Availability of appropriations for certain purposes
/us/usc/t10/s2241a Prohibition on use of funds for publicity or propaganda purposes within the United States
/us/usc/t10/s2241b Prohibition on contracts providing payments for activities at sporting events to honor members of the armed forces
/us/usc/t10/s2242 Authority to use appropriated funds for certain investigations and security services
/us/usc/t10/s2243 Authority to use appropriated funds to support student meal programs in overseas defense dependents’ schools
/us/usc/t10/s2244 Security investigations
/us/usc/t10/s2244a Equipment scheduled for retirement or disposal: limitation on expenditures for modifications
/us/usc/t10/s2245 Use of aircraft for proficiency flying: limitation
/us/usc/t10/s2249 Prohibition on use of funds for documenting economic or employment impact of certain acquisition programs
/us/usc/t10/s2249b Display of State, District of Columbia, commonwealth, and territorial flags by the armed forces
/us/usc/t10/s2251 Household furnishings and other property: personnel outside the United States or in Alaska or Hawaii
/us/usc/t10/s2252 Rewards: missing property
/us/usc/t10/s2253 Motor vehicles
/us/usc/t10/s2254 Treatment of reports of aircraft accident investigations
/us/usc/t10/s2254a Data files of military flight operations quality assurance systems: exemption from disclosure under Freedom of Information Act
/us/usc/t10/s2255 Aircraft accident investigation boards: composition requirements
/us/usc/t10/s2257 Use of recruiting materials for public relations
/us/usc/t10/s2259 Transit pass program: personnel in poor air quality areas
/us/usc/t10/s2260 Licensing of intellectual property: retention of fees
/us/usc/t10/s2261 Presentation of recognition items for recruitment and retention purposes
/us/usc/t10/s2262 Department of Defense conferences: collection of fees to cover Department of Defense costs
/us/usc/t10/s2263 United States contributions to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization common-funded budgets
/us/usc/t10/s2264 Reimbursement for assistance provided to nongovernmental entertainment-oriented media producers
/us/usc/t10/s2271 Management of space programs: joint program offices and officer management programs
/us/usc/t10/s2272 Space science and technology strategy: coordination
/us/usc/t10/s2273 Policy regarding assured access to space: national security payloads
/us/usc/t10/s2273a Space Rapid Capabilities Office
/us/usc/t10/s2274 Space situational awareness services and information: provision to non-United States Government entities
/us/usc/t10/s2275 Reports on integration of acquisition and capability delivery schedules for segments of major satellite acquisition programs and funding for such programs
/us/usc/t10/s2276 Commercial space launch cooperation
/us/usc/t10/s2278 Notification of foreign interference of national security space
/us/usc/t10/s2279 Foreign commercial satellite services and foreign launches
/us/usc/t10/s2279b Council on Oversight of the Department of Defense Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Enterprise
/us/usc/t10/s2279d Limitation on construction on United States territory of satellite positioning ground monitoring stations of certain foreign governments
/us/usc/t10/s2281 Global Positioning System
/us/usc/t10/s2283 Department of Defense small business strategy
/us/usc/t10/s2284 Explosive Ordnance Disposal Defense Program
/us/usc/t10/s2302 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s2302a Simplified acquisition threshold
/us/usc/t10/s2302b Implementation of simplified acquisition procedures
/us/usc/t10/s2302d Major system: definitional threshold amounts
/us/usc/t10/s2302e Contract authority for advanced development of initial or additional prototype units
/us/usc/t10/s2303 Applicability of chapter
/us/usc/t10/s2304 Contracts: competition requirements
/us/usc/t10/s2304a Task and delivery order contracts: general authority
/us/usc/t10/s2304b Task order contracts: advisory and assistance services
/us/usc/t10/s2304c Task and delivery order contracts: orders
/us/usc/t10/s2304d Task and delivery order contracts: definitions
/us/usc/t10/s2304e Contracts: prohibition on competition between Department of Defense and small businesses
/us/usc/t10/s2305 Contracts: planning, solicitation, evaluation, and award procedures
/us/usc/t10/s2305a Design-build selection procedures
/us/usc/t10/s2306 Kinds of contracts
/us/usc/t10/s2306a Cost or pricing data: truth in negotiations
/us/usc/t10/s2306b Multiyear contracts: acquisition of property
/us/usc/t10/s2306c Multiyear contracts: acquisition of services
/us/usc/t10/s2307 Contract financing
/us/usc/t10/s2308 Buy-to-budget acquisition: end items
/us/usc/t10/s2309 Allocation of appropriations
/us/usc/t10/s2310 Determinations and decisions
/us/usc/t10/s2311 Assignment and delegation of procurement functions and responsibilities
/us/usc/t10/s2312 Remission of liquidated damages
/us/usc/t10/s2313 Examination of records of contractor
/us/usc/t10/s2313a Defense Contract Audit Agency: annual report
/us/usc/t10/s2313b Performance of incurred cost audits
/us/usc/t10/s2314 Laws inapplicable to agencies named in
/us/usc/t10/s2315 Law inapplicable to the procurement of automatic data processing equipment and services for certain defense purposes
/us/usc/t10/s2316 Disclosure of identity of contractor
/us/usc/t10/s2318 Advocates for competition
/us/usc/t10/s2319 Encouragement of new competitors
/us/usc/t10/s2320 Rights in technical data
/us/usc/t10/s2321 Validation of proprietary data restrictions
/us/usc/t10/s2322 Management of intellectual property matters within the Department of Defense
/us/usc/t10/s2322a Requirement for consideration of certain matters during acquisition of noncommercial computer software
/us/usc/t10/s2323a Credit for Indian contracting in meeting certain subcontracting goals for small disadvantaged businesses
/us/usc/t10/s2324 Allowable costs under defense contracts
/us/usc/t10/s2325 Restructuring costs
/us/usc/t10/s2326 Undefinitized contractual actions: restrictions
/us/usc/t10/s2327 Contracts: consideration of national security objectives
/us/usc/t10/s2328 Release of technical data under Freedom of Information Act: recovery of costs
/us/usc/t10/s2329 Procurement of services: data analysis and requirements validation
/us/usc/t10/s2330 Procurement of contract services: management structure
/us/usc/t10/s2330a Procurement of services: tracking of purchases
/us/usc/t10/s2331 Procurement of services: contracts for professional and technical services
/us/usc/t10/s2333 Joint policies on requirements definition, contingency program management, and contingency contracting
/us/usc/t10/s2334 Independent cost estimation and cost analysis
/us/usc/t10/s2335 Prohibition on collection of political information
/us/usc/t10/s2337 Life-cycle management and product support
/us/usc/t10/s2337a Assessment, management, and control of operating and support costs for major weapon systems
/us/usc/t10/s2338 Micro-purchase threshold
/us/usc/t10/s2339 Prohibition on criminal history inquiries by contractors prior to conditional offer
/us/usc/t10/s2339a Requirements for information relating to supply chain risk
/us/usc/t10/s2339b Notification of Navy procurement production disruptions
/us/usc/t10/s2341 Authority to acquire logistic support, supplies, and services for elements of the armed forces deployed outside the United States
/us/usc/t10/s2342 Cross-servicing agreements
/us/usc/t10/s2343 Waiver of applicability of certain laws
/us/usc/t10/s2344 Methods of payment for acquisitions and transfers by the United States
/us/usc/t10/s2345 Liquidation of accrued credits and liabilities
/us/usc/t10/s2346 Crediting of receipts
/us/usc/t10/s2347 Limitation on amounts that may be obligated or accrued by the United States
/us/usc/t10/s2348 Inventories of supplies not to be increased
/us/usc/t10/s2349 Overseas Workload Program
/us/usc/t10/s2350 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s2350a Cooperative research and development agreements: NATO organizations; allied and friendly foreign countries
/us/usc/t10/s2350b Cooperative projects under Arms Export Control Act: acquisition of defense equipment
/us/usc/t10/s2350c Cooperative military airlift agreements: allied countries
/us/usc/t10/s2350d Cooperative logistic support agreements: NATO countries
/us/usc/t10/s2350e NATO Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) program: authority of Secretary of Defense
/us/usc/t10/s2350f Procurement of communications support and related supplies and services
/us/usc/t10/s2350g Authority to accept use of real property, services, and supplies from foreign countries in connection with mutual defense agreements and occupational arrangements
/us/usc/t10/s2350h Memorandums of agreement: Department of Defense ombudsman for foreign signatories
/us/usc/t10/s2350i Foreign contributions for cooperative projects
/us/usc/t10/s2350j Burden sharing contributions by designated countries and regional organizations
/us/usc/t10/s2350k Relocation within host nation of elements of armed forces overseas
/us/usc/t10/s2350l Cooperative agreements for reciprocal use of test facilities: foreign countries and international organizations
/us/usc/t10/s2350n North Atlantic Treaty Organization Joint Force Command
/us/usc/t10/s2351 Availability of appropriations
/us/usc/t10/s2353 Contracts: acquisition, construction, or furnishing of test facilities and equipment
/us/usc/t10/s2354 Contracts: indemnification provisions
/us/usc/t10/s2357 Technology protection features activities
/us/usc/t10/s2358 Research and development projects
/us/usc/t10/s2358a Authorities for certain positions at science and technology reinvention laboratories
/us/usc/t10/s2358b Joint reserve detachment of the Defense Innovation Unit
/us/usc/t10/s2359 Science and technology programs to be conducted so as to foster the transition of science and technology to higher levels of research, development, test, and evaluation
/us/usc/t10/s2359a Defense Research and Development Rapid Innovation Program
/us/usc/t10/s2359b Defense Acquisition Challenge Program
/us/usc/t10/s2360 Research and development laboratories: contracts for services of university students
/us/usc/t10/s2361 Award of grants and contracts to colleges and universities: requirement of competition
/us/usc/t10/s2361a Extramural acquisition innovation and research activities
/us/usc/t10/s2362 Research and educational programs and activities: historically black colleges and universities and minority-serving institutions of higher education
/us/usc/t10/s2363 Mechanisms to provide funds for defense laboratories for research and development of technologies for military missions
/us/usc/t10/s2364 Coordination and communication of defense research activities and technology domain awareness
/us/usc/t10/s2365 Global Research Watch Program
/us/usc/t10/s2366 Major systems and munitions programs: survivability testing and lethality testing required before full-scale production
/us/usc/t10/s2366a Major defense acquisition programs: determination required before Milestone A approval
/us/usc/t10/s2366b Major defense acquisition programs: certification required before Milestone B approval
/us/usc/t10/s2366c Major defense acquisition programs: submissions to Congress on Milestone C
/us/usc/t10/s2367 Use of federally funded research and development centers
/us/usc/t10/s2368 Centers for Science, Technology, and Engineering Partnership
/us/usc/t10/s2371 Research projects: transactions other than contracts and grants
/us/usc/t10/s2371a Cooperative research and development agreements under Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980
/us/usc/t10/s2371b Authority of the Department of Defense to carry out certain prototype projects
/us/usc/t10/s2372 Independent research and development costs: allowable costs
/us/usc/t10/s2372a Bid and proposal costs: allowable costs
/us/usc/t10/s2373 Procurement for experimental purposes
/us/usc/t10/s2374 Merit-based award of grants for research and development
/us/usc/t10/s2374a Prizes for advanced technology achievements
/us/usc/t10/s2375 Relationship of other provisions of law to procurement of commercial products and commercial services
/us/usc/t10/s2376 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s2377 Preference for commercial products and commercial services
/us/usc/t10/s2379 Procurement of a major weapon system as a commercial product: requirement for prior determination by Secretary of Defense and notification to Congress
/us/usc/t10/s2380 Commercial product and commercial service determinations by Department of Defense
/us/usc/t10/s2380a Treatment of certain products and services as commercial products and commercial services
/us/usc/t10/s2380b Treatment of commingled items purchased by contractors as commercial products
/us/usc/t10/s2381 Contracts: regulations for bids
/us/usc/t10/s2383 Contractor performance of acquisition functions closely associated with inherently governmental functions
/us/usc/t10/s2384 Supplies: identification of supplier and sources
/us/usc/t10/s2384a Supplies: economic order quantities
/us/usc/t10/s2385 Arms and ammunition: immunity from taxation
/us/usc/t10/s2386 Copyrights, patents, designs, etc.; acquisition
/us/usc/t10/s2389 Ensuring safety regarding insensitive munitions
/us/usc/t10/s2390 Prohibition on the sale of certain defense articles from the stocks of the Department of Defense
/us/usc/t10/s2391 Military base reuse studies and community planning assistance
/us/usc/t10/s2392 Prohibition on use of funds to relieve economic dislocations
/us/usc/t10/s2393 Prohibition against doing business with certain offerors or contractors
/us/usc/t10/s2395 Availability of appropriations for procurement of technical military equipment and supplies
/us/usc/t10/s2396 Advances for payments for compliance with foreign laws, rent in foreign countries, tuition, public utility services, and pay and supplies of armed forces of friendly foreign countries
/us/usc/t10/s2399 Operational test and evaluation of defense acquisition programs
/us/usc/t10/s2400 Low-rate initial production of new systems
/us/usc/t10/s2401 Requirement for authorization by law of certain contracts relating to vessels, aircraft, and combat vehicles
/us/usc/t10/s2401a Lease of vehicles, equipment, vessels, and aircraft
/us/usc/t10/s2402 Prohibition of contractors limiting subcontractor sales directly to the United States
/us/usc/t10/s2408 Prohibition on persons convicted of defense-contract related felonies and related criminal penalty on defense contractors
/us/usc/t10/s2409 Contractor employees: protection from reprisal for disclosure of certain information
/us/usc/t10/s2409a Incentives and consideration for qualified training programs
/us/usc/t10/s2410 Requests for equitable adjustment or other relief: certification
/us/usc/t10/s2410a Contracts for periods crossing fiscal years: severable service contracts; leases of real or personal property
/us/usc/t10/s2410b Contractor inventory accounting systems: standards
/us/usc/t10/s2410d Subcontracting plans: credit for certain purchases
/us/usc/t10/s2410f Debarment of persons convicted of fraudulent use of “Made in America” labels
/us/usc/t10/s2410g Advance notification of contract performance outside the United States
/us/usc/t10/s2410i Prohibition on contracting with entities that comply with the secondary Arab boycott of Israel
/us/usc/t10/s2410j Displaced contractor employees: assistance to obtain certification and employment as teachers or employment as teachers’ aides
/us/usc/t10/s2410k Defense contractors: listing of suitable employment openings with local employment service office
/us/usc/t10/s2410l Contracts for advisory and assistance services: cost comparison studies
/us/usc/t10/s2410m Retention of amounts collected from contractor during the pendency of contract dispute
/us/usc/t10/s2410n Products of Federal Prison Industries: procedural requirements
/us/usc/t10/s2410o Multiyear procurement authority: purchase of dinitrogen tetroxide, hydrazine, and hydrazine-related products
/us/usc/t10/s2410p Contracts: limitations on lead system integrators
/us/usc/t10/s2410q Multiyear contracts: purchase of electricity from renewable energy sources
/us/usc/t10/s2410r Contract working dogs: requirement to transfer animals to 341st Training Squadron after service life
/us/usc/t10/s2410s Security clearances for facilities of certain companies
/us/usc/t10/s2411 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s2412 Purposes
/us/usc/t10/s2413 Cooperative agreements
/us/usc/t10/s2414 Funding
/us/usc/t10/s2415 Distribution
/us/usc/t10/s2416 Subcontractor information
/us/usc/t10/s2417 Administrative and other costs
/us/usc/t10/s2418 Authority to provide certain types of technical assistance
/us/usc/t10/s2419 Advancing small business growth
/us/usc/t10/s2420 Regulations
/us/usc/t10/s2421 Plantations and farms: operation, maintenance, and improvement
/us/usc/t10/s2422 Bakery and dairy products: procurement outside the United States
/us/usc/t10/s2423 Laundry and dry cleaning services: procurement from facilities operated by the Navy Resale and Services Support Office
/us/usc/t10/s2424 Procurement of supplies and services from exchange stores outside the United States
/us/usc/t10/s2430 Major defense acquisition program defined
/us/usc/t10/s2430a Major subprograms
/us/usc/t10/s2431 Weapons development and procurement schedules
/us/usc/t10/s2431a Acquisition strategy
/us/usc/t10/s2431b Risk management and mitigation in major defense acquisition programs and major systems
/us/usc/t10/s2432 Selected Acquisition Reports
/us/usc/t10/s2433 Unit cost reports
/us/usc/t10/s2433a Critical cost growth in major defense acquisition programs
/us/usc/t10/s2435 Baseline description
/us/usc/t10/s2436 Major defense acquisition programs: incentive program for contractors to purchase capital assets manufactured in United States
/us/usc/t10/s2437 Development of major defense acquisition programs: sustainment of system to be replaced
/us/usc/t10/s2438 Performance assessments and root cause analyses
/us/usc/t10/s2439 Negotiation of price for technical data before development, production, or sustainment of major weapon systems
/us/usc/t10/s2440 Technology and industrial base plans
/us/usc/t10/s2441 Sustainment reviews
/us/usc/t10/s2442 Prohibition on use of lowest price technically acceptable source selection process
/us/usc/t10/s2443 Sustainment factors in weapon system design
/us/usc/t10/s2446a Requirement for modular open system approach in major defense acquisition programs; definitions
/us/usc/t10/s2446b Requirement to address modular open system approach in program capabilities development and acquisition weapon system design
/us/usc/t10/s2446c Requirements relating to availability of major system interfaces and support for modular open system approach
/us/usc/t10/s2447a Weapon system component or technology prototype projects: display of budget information
/us/usc/t10/s2447b Weapon system component or technology prototype projects: oversight
/us/usc/t10/s2447c Requirements and limitations for weapon system component or technology prototype projects
/us/usc/t10/s2447d Mechanisms to speed deployment of successful weapon system component or technology prototypes
/us/usc/t10/s2447e Definition of weapon system component
/us/usc/t10/s2448a Program cost, fielding, and performance goals in planning major defense acquisition programs
/us/usc/t10/s2448b Independent technical risk assessments
/us/usc/t10/s2451 Defense supply management
/us/usc/t10/s2452 Duties of Secretary of Defense
/us/usc/t10/s2453 Supply catalog: distribution and use
/us/usc/t10/s2454 Supply catalog: new or obsolete items
/us/usc/t10/s2456 Coordination with General Services Administration
/us/usc/t10/s2457 Standardization of equipment with North Atlantic Treaty Organization members
/us/usc/t10/s2458 Inventory management policies
/us/usc/t10/s2460 Definition of depot-level maintenance and repair
/us/usc/t10/s2461 Public-private competition required before conversion to contractor performance
/us/usc/t10/s2461a Development and implementation of system for monitoring cost saving resulting from public-private competitions
/us/usc/t10/s2463 Guidelines and procedures for use of civilian employees to perform Department of Defense functions
/us/usc/t10/s2464 Core logistics capabilities
/us/usc/t10/s2465 Prohibition on contracts for performance of firefighting or security-guard functions
/us/usc/t10/s2466 Limitations on the performance of depot-level maintenance of materiel
/us/usc/t10/s2469 Contracts to perform workloads previously performed by depot-level activities of the Department of Defense: requirement of competition
/us/usc/t10/s2470 Depot-level activities of the Department of Defense: authority to compete for maintenance and repair workloads of other Federal agencies
/us/usc/t10/s2472 Prohibition on management of depot employees by end strength
/us/usc/t10/s2474 Centers of Industrial and Technical Excellence: designation; public-private partnerships
/us/usc/t10/s2475 Consolidation, restructuring, or reengineering of organizations, functions, or activities: notification requirements
/us/usc/t10/s2476 Minimum capital investment for certain depots
/us/usc/t10/s2481 Defense commissary and exchange systems: existence and purpose
/us/usc/t10/s2482 Commissary stores: criteria for establishment or closure; store size
/us/usc/t10/s2483 Commissary stores: use of appropriated funds to cover operating expenses
/us/usc/t10/s2484 Commissary stores: merchandise that may be sold; uniform surcharges and pricing
/us/usc/t10/s2485 Commissary stores: operation
/us/usc/t10/s2487 Relationship between defense commissary system and exchange stores system
/us/usc/t10/s2488 Combined exchange and commissary stores
/us/usc/t10/s2489 Overseas commissary and exchange stores: access and purchase restrictions
/us/usc/t10/s2491 Uniform funding and management of morale, welfare, and recreation programs
/us/usc/t10/s2491a Department of Defense golf courses: limitation on use of appropriated funds
/us/usc/t10/s2491b Use of appropriated funds for operation of Armed Forces Recreation Center, Europe: limitation
/us/usc/t10/s2491c Retention of morale, welfare, and recreation funds by military installations: limitation
/us/usc/t10/s2492 Nonappropriated fund instrumentalities: contracts with other agencies and instrumentalities to provide and obtain goods and services
/us/usc/t10/s2492a Limitation on Department of Defense entities competing with private sector in offering personal information services
/us/usc/t10/s2493 Fisher Houses: administration as nonappropriated fund instrumentality
/us/usc/t10/s2494 Nonappropriated fund instrumentalities: furnishing utility services for morale, welfare, and recreation purposes
/us/usc/t10/s2495 Nonappropriated fund instrumentalities: purchase of alcoholic beverages
/us/usc/t10/s2495a Overseas package stores: treatment of United States wines
/us/usc/t10/s2495b Sale or rental of sexually explicit material prohibited
/us/usc/t10/s2500 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s2501 National security strategy for national technology and industrial base
/us/usc/t10/s2502 National Defense Technology and Industrial Base Council
/us/usc/t10/s2503 National defense program for analysis of the technology and industrial base
/us/usc/t10/s2504 Annual report to Congress
/us/usc/t10/s2504a Unfunded priorities of the national technology and industrial base: annual report
/us/usc/t10/s2505 National technology and industrial base: periodic defense capability assessments
/us/usc/t10/s2506 Department of Defense technology and industrial base policy guidance
/us/usc/t10/s2507 Data collection authority of President
/us/usc/t10/s2508 Industrial Base Fund
/us/usc/t10/s2509 Modernization of acquisition processes to ensure integrity of industrial base
/us/usc/t10/s2511 Defense dual-use critical technology program
/us/usc/t10/s2514 Encouragement of technology transfer
/us/usc/t10/s2518 Overseas foreign critical technology monitoring and assessment financial assistance program
/us/usc/t10/s2519 Federal Defense Laboratory Diversification Program
/us/usc/t10/s2521 Manufacturing Technology Program
/us/usc/t10/s2522 Armament retooling and manufacturing
/us/usc/t10/s2531 Defense memoranda of understanding and related agreements
/us/usc/t10/s2532 Offset policy; notification
/us/usc/t10/s2533 Determinations of public interest under chapter 83 of title 41
/us/usc/t10/s2533a Requirement to buy certain articles from American sources; exceptions
/us/usc/t10/s2533b Requirement to buy strategic materials critical to national security from American sources; exceptions
/us/usc/t10/s2533c Prohibition on acquisition of sensitive materials from non-allied foreign nations
/us/usc/t10/s2534 Miscellaneous limitations on the procurement of goods other than United States goods
/us/usc/t10/s2535 Defense Industrial Reserve
/us/usc/t10/s2536 Award of certain contracts to entities controlled by a foreign government: prohibition
/us/usc/t10/s2537 Improved national defense control of technology diversions overseas
/us/usc/t10/s2538 Industrial mobilization: orders; priorities; possession of manufacturing plants; violations
/us/usc/t10/s2539 Industrial mobilization: plants; lists
/us/usc/t10/s2539a Industrial mobilization: Board on Mobilization of Industries Essential for Military Preparedness
/us/usc/t10/s2539b Availability of samples, drawings, information, equipment, materials, and certain services
/us/usc/t10/s2540 Establishment of loan guarantee program
/us/usc/t10/s2540a Transferability
/us/usc/t10/s2540b Limitations
/us/usc/t10/s2540c Fees charged and collected
/us/usc/t10/s2540d Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s2541 Establishment of loan guarantee program
/us/usc/t10/s2541a Fees charged and collected
/us/usc/t10/s2541b Administration
/us/usc/t10/s2541c Transferability, additional limitations, and definition
/us/usc/t10/s2541d Reports
/us/usc/t10/s2545 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s2546 Civilian management of the defense acquisition system
/us/usc/t10/s2546a Customer-oriented acquisition system
/us/usc/t10/s2547 Acquisition-related functions of chiefs of the armed forces
/us/usc/t10/s2548 Performance assessments of the defense acquisition system
/us/usc/t10/s2551 Equipment and barracks: national veterans’ organizations
/us/usc/t10/s2552 Equipment for instruction and practice: American National Red Cross
/us/usc/t10/s2553 Equipment and services: Presidential inaugural ceremonies
/us/usc/t10/s2554 Equipment and other services: Boy Scout Jamborees
/us/usc/t10/s2555 Transportation services: international Girl Scout events
/us/usc/t10/s2556 Shelter for homeless; incidental services
/us/usc/t10/s2557 Excess nonlethal supplies: availability for humanitarian relief, domestic emergency assistance, and homeless veterans assistance
/us/usc/t10/s2558 National military associations: assistance at national conventions
/us/usc/t10/s2559 Provision of medical care to foreign military and diplomatic personnel: reimbursement required; waiver for provision of reciprocal services
/us/usc/t10/s2560 Aircraft and vehicles: limitation on leasing to non-Federal agencies
/us/usc/t10/s2561 Humanitarian assistance
/us/usc/t10/s2563 Articles and services of industrial facilities: sale to persons outside the Department of Defense
/us/usc/t10/s2564 Provision of support for certain sporting events
/us/usc/t10/s2564a Provision of assistance for adaptive sports programs: members of the armed forces; certain veterans
/us/usc/t10/s2565 Nuclear test monitoring equipment: furnishing to foreign governments
/us/usc/t10/s2566 Space and services: provision to military welfare societies
/us/usc/t10/s2567 Space and services: provision to WIC offices
/us/usc/t10/s2568 Retention of combat uniforms by members deployed in support of contingency operations
/us/usc/t10/s2568a Damaged personal protective equipment: award to members separating from the Armed Forces and veterans
/us/usc/t10/s2571 Interchange of supplies and services
/us/usc/t10/s2572 Documents, historical artifacts, and condemned or obsolete combat materiel: loan, gift, or exchange
/us/usc/t10/s2574 Armament: sale of individual pieces
/us/usc/t10/s2575 Disposition of unclaimed property
/us/usc/t10/s2576 Surplus military equipment: sale to State and local law enforcement, firefighting, homeland security, and emergency management agencies
/us/usc/t10/s2576a Excess personal property: sale or donation for law enforcement activities
/us/usc/t10/s2576b Excess personal property: sale or donation to assist firefighting agencies
/us/usc/t10/s2577 Disposal of recyclable materials
/us/usc/t10/s2578 Vessels: transfer between departments
/us/usc/t10/s2579 War booty: procedures for handling and retaining battlefield objects
/us/usc/t10/s2580 Donation of excess chapel property
/us/usc/t10/s2581 Excess UH–1 Huey and AH–1 Cobra helicopters: requirements for transfer to foreign countries
/us/usc/t10/s2583 Military animals: transfer and adoption
/us/usc/t10/s2601 General gift funds
/us/usc/t10/s2601a Direct acceptance of gifts by members of the armed forces and Department of Defense and Coast Guard employees and their families
/us/usc/t10/s2602 American National Red Cross: cooperation and assistance
/us/usc/t10/s2603 Acceptance of fellowships, scholarships, or grants
/us/usc/t10/s2604 United Seamen’s Service: cooperation and assistance
/us/usc/t10/s2605 Acceptance of gifts for defense dependents’ schools
/us/usc/t10/s2606 Scouting: cooperation and assistance in foreign areas
/us/usc/t10/s2607 Acceptance of gifts for the Defense Intelligence College
/us/usc/t10/s2608 Acceptance of contributions for defense programs, projects, and activities; Defense Cooperation Account
/us/usc/t10/s2610 Competitions for excellence: acceptance of monetary awards
/us/usc/t10/s2611 Regional centers for security studies: acceptance of gifts and donations
/us/usc/t10/s2612 National Defense University: acceptance of gifts
/us/usc/t10/s2613 Acceptance of frequent traveler miles, credits, points, and tickets: use to facilitate rest and recuperation travel of deployed members and their families
/us/usc/t10/s2614 Emergency communications equipment: acceptance from local public safety agencies for temporary use related to disasters
/us/usc/t10/s2615 Military museums and military education programs: cooperative agreement authority
/us/usc/t10/s2631 Supplies: preference to United States vessels
/us/usc/t10/s2631a Contingency planning: sealift and related intermodal transportation requirements
/us/usc/t10/s2632 Transportation to and from certain places of employment and on military installations
/us/usc/t10/s2633 Stevedoring and terminal services: vessels carrying cargo or passengers sponsored by military department
/us/usc/t10/s2635 Medical emergency helicopter transportation assistance and limitation of individual liability
/us/usc/t10/s2636 Deductions from amounts due carriers
/us/usc/t10/s2636a Loss or damage to personal property transported at Government expense: full replacement value; deduction from amounts due carriers
/us/usc/t10/s2637 Transportation in certain areas outside the United States
/us/usc/t10/s2638 Transportation of civilian clothing of enlisted members
/us/usc/t10/s2639 Transportation to and from school for certain minor dependents
/us/usc/t10/s2640 Charter air transportation of members of the armed forces
/us/usc/t10/s2641 Transportation of certain veterans on Department of Defense aeromedical evacuation aircraft
/us/usc/t10/s2641a Transportation of American Samoa veterans on Department of Defense aircraft for certain medical care in Hawaii
/us/usc/t10/s2641b Space-available travel on Department of Defense aircraft: program authorized and eligible recipients
/us/usc/t10/s2642 Transportation services provided to certain non-Department of Defense agencies and entities: use of Department of Defense reimbursement rate
/us/usc/t10/s2643 Commissary and exchange services: transportation overseas
/us/usc/t10/s2644 Control of transportation systems in time of war
/us/usc/t10/s2645 Indemnification of Department of Transportation for losses covered by vessel war risk insurance
/us/usc/t10/s2646 Travel services: procurement for official and unofficial travel under one contract
/us/usc/t10/s2647 Next-of-kin of persons unaccounted for from conflicts after World War II: transportation to annual meetings
/us/usc/t10/s2648 Persons and supplies: sea, land, and air transportation
/us/usc/t10/s2649 Civilian passengers and commercial cargoes: transportation on Department of Defense vessels, vehicles, and aircraft
/us/usc/t10/s2650 Civilian personnel in Alaska
/us/usc/t10/s2651 Passengers and merchandise to Guam: sea transport
/us/usc/t10/s2652 Prohibition on charge of certain tariffs on aircraft traveling through channel routes
/us/usc/t10/s2661 Miscellaneous administrative provisions relating to real property
/us/usc/t10/s2662 Real property transactions: reports to congressional committees
/us/usc/t10/s2663 Land acquisition authorities
/us/usc/t10/s2664 Limitations on real property acquisition
/us/usc/t10/s2665 Sale of certain interests in land; logs
/us/usc/t10/s2667 Leases: non-excess property of military departments and Defense Agencies
/us/usc/t10/s2668 Easements for rights-of-way
/us/usc/t10/s2668a Easements: granting restrictive easements in connection with land conveyances
/us/usc/t10/s2670 Use of facilities by private organizations; use as polling places
/us/usc/t10/s2671 Military reservations and facilities: hunting, fishing, and trapping
/us/usc/t10/s2672 Protection of buildings, grounds, property, and persons
/us/usc/t10/s2674 Operation and control of Pentagon Reservation and defense facilities in National Capital Region
/us/usc/t10/s2675 Leases: foreign countries
/us/usc/t10/s2678 Feral horses and burros: removal from military installations
/us/usc/t10/s2679 Installation-support services: intergovernmental support agreements
/us/usc/t10/s2681 Use of test and evaluation installations by commercial entities
/us/usc/t10/s2682 Facilities for defense agencies
/us/usc/t10/s2683 Relinquishment of legislative jurisdiction; minimum drinking age on military installations
/us/usc/t10/s2684 Cooperative agreements for management of cultural resources
/us/usc/t10/s2684a Agreements to limit encroachments and other constraints on military training, testing, and operations
/us/usc/t10/s2685 Adjustment of or surcharge on selling prices in commissary stores to provide funds for construction and improvement of commissary store facilities
/us/usc/t10/s2686 Utilities and services: sale; expansion and extension of systems and facilities
/us/usc/t10/s2687 Base closures and realignments
/us/usc/t10/s2687a Overseas base closures and realignments and basing master plans
/us/usc/t10/s2688 Utility systems: conveyance authority
/us/usc/t10/s2691 Restoration of land used by permit or damaged by mishap; reimbursement of state costs of fighting wildland fires
/us/usc/t10/s2692 Storage, treatment, and disposal of nondefense toxic and hazardous materials
/us/usc/t10/s2694 Conservation and cultural activities
/us/usc/t10/s2694a Conveyance of surplus real property for natural resource conservation
/us/usc/t10/s2694b Participation in wetland mitigation banks
/us/usc/t10/s2694c Participation in conservation banking programs
/us/usc/t10/s2695 Acceptance of funds to cover administrative expenses relating to certain real property transactions
/us/usc/t10/s2696 Real property: transfer between armed forces and screening requirements for other Federal use
/us/usc/t10/s2697 Acceptance and use of landing fees charged for use of domestic military airfields by civil aircraft
/us/usc/t10/s2700 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s2701 Environmental restoration program
/us/usc/t10/s2702 Research, development, and demonstration program
/us/usc/t10/s2703 Environmental restoration accounts
/us/usc/t10/s2704 Commonly found unregulated hazardous substances
/us/usc/t10/s2705 Notice of environmental restoration activities
/us/usc/t10/s2707 Environmental restoration projects for environmental responses
/us/usc/t10/s2708 Contracts for handling hazardous waste from defense facilities
/us/usc/t10/s2709 Investment control process for environmental technologies
/us/usc/t10/s2710 Inventory of unexploded ordnance, discarded military munitions, and munitions constituents at defense sites (other than operational ranges)
/us/usc/t10/s2711 Annual report on defense environmental programs
/us/usc/t10/s2721 Property records: maintenance on quantitative and monetary basis
/us/usc/t10/s2722 Theft or loss of ammunition, destructive devices, and explosives: report to Secretary of the Treasury
/us/usc/t10/s2723 Notice to congressional committees of certain security and counterintelligence failures within defense programs
/us/usc/t10/s2731 Definition
/us/usc/t10/s2732 Payment of claims: availability of appropriations
/us/usc/t10/s2733 Property loss; personal injury or death: incident to noncombat activities of Department of Army, Navy, or Air Force
/us/usc/t10/s2733a Medical malpractice claims by members of the uniformed services
/us/usc/t10/s2734 Property loss; personal injury or death: incident to noncombat activities of the armed forces; foreign countries
/us/usc/t10/s2734a Property loss; personal injury or death: incident to noncombat activities of armed forces in foreign countries; international agreements
/us/usc/t10/s2734b Property loss; personal injury or death: incident to activities of armed forces of foreign countries in United States; international agreements
/us/usc/t10/s2735 Settlement: final and conclusive
/us/usc/t10/s2736 Property loss; personal injury or death: advance payment
/us/usc/t10/s2737 Property loss; personal injury or death: incident to use of property of the United States and not cognizable under other law
/us/usc/t10/s2738 Property loss: reimbursement of members for certain losses of household effects caused by hostile action
/us/usc/t10/s2739 Amounts recovered from third parties for loss or damage to personal property shipped or stored at Government expense: crediting to appropriations
/us/usc/t10/s2740 Property loss: reimbursement of members and civilian employees for full replacement value of household effects when contractor reimbursement not available
/us/usc/t10/s2771 Final settlement of accounts: deceased members
/us/usc/t10/s2772 Share of fines and forfeitures to benefit Armed Forces Retirement Home
/us/usc/t10/s2773 Designation, powers, and accountability of deputy disbursing officials
/us/usc/t10/s2773a Departmental accountable officials
/us/usc/t10/s2773b Parking of funds: prohibition; penalties
/us/usc/t10/s2774 Claims for overpayment of pay and allowances and of travel and transportation allowances
/us/usc/t10/s2775 Liability of members assigned to military housing
/us/usc/t10/s2776 Use of receipts of public money for current expenditures
/us/usc/t10/s2777 Requisitions for advances and removal of charges outstanding in accounts of advances
/us/usc/t10/s2779 Use of funds because of fluctuations in currency exchange rates of foreign countries
/us/usc/t10/s2780 Debt collection
/us/usc/t10/s2781 Availability of appropriations: exchange fees; losses in accounts
/us/usc/t10/s2782 Damage to real property: disposition of amounts recovered
/us/usc/t10/s2783 Nonappropriated fund instrumentalities: financial management and use of nonappropriated funds
/us/usc/t10/s2784 Management of purchase cards
/us/usc/t10/s2784a Management of travel cards
/us/usc/t10/s2785 Remittance addresses: regulation of alterations
/us/usc/t10/s2786 Department of Defense payments by electronic transfers of funds: exercise of authority for waivers
/us/usc/t10/s2787 Reports of survey
/us/usc/t10/s2788 Property accountability: regulations
/us/usc/t10/s2789 Individual equipment: unauthorized disposition
/us/usc/t10/s2790 Recovery of improperly disposed of Department of Defense property
/us/usc/t10/s2801 Scope of chapter; definitions
/us/usc/t10/s2802 Military construction projects
/us/usc/t10/s2803 Emergency construction
/us/usc/t10/s2804 Contingency construction
/us/usc/t10/s2805 Unspecified minor construction
/us/usc/t10/s2806 Contributions for North Atlantic Treaty Organizations Security Investment
/us/usc/t10/s2807 Architectural and engineering services and construction design
/us/usc/t10/s2808 Construction authority in the event of a declaration of war or national emergency
/us/usc/t10/s2809 Long-term facilities contracts for certain activities and services
/us/usc/t10/s2811 Repair of facilities
/us/usc/t10/s2812 Lease-purchase of facilities
/us/usc/t10/s2813 Acquisition of existing facilities in lieu of authorized construction
/us/usc/t10/s2814 Special authority for development of Ford Island, Hawaii
/us/usc/t10/s2815 Military installation resilience projects
/us/usc/t10/s2821 Requirement for authorization of appropriations for construction and acquisition of military family housing
/us/usc/t10/s2822 Requirement for authorization of number of family housing units
/us/usc/t10/s2824 Authorization for acquisition of existing family housing in lieu of construction
/us/usc/t10/s2825 Improvements to family housing units
/us/usc/t10/s2826 Military family housing: local comparability of room patterns and floor areas
/us/usc/t10/s2827 Relocation of military family housing units
/us/usc/t10/s2828 Leasing of military family housing
/us/usc/t10/s2829 Multi-year contracts for supplies and services
/us/usc/t10/s2830 Occupancy of substandard family housing units
/us/usc/t10/s2831 Military family housing management account
/us/usc/t10/s2832 Homeowners assistance program
/us/usc/t10/s2833 Family housing support
/us/usc/t10/s2834 Participation in Department of State housing pools
/us/usc/t10/s2835 Long-term leasing of military family housing to be constructed
/us/usc/t10/s2835a Use of military family housing constructed under build and lease authority to house other members
/us/usc/t10/s2836 Military housing rental guarantee program
/us/usc/t10/s2838 Leasing of military family housing to Secretary of Defense
/us/usc/t10/s2851 Supervision of military construction projects
/us/usc/t10/s2852 Military construction projects: waiver of certain restrictions
/us/usc/t10/s2853 Authorized cost and scope of work variations
/us/usc/t10/s2854 Restoration or replacement of damaged or destroyed facilities
/us/usc/t10/s2854a Conveyance of damaged or deteriorated military family housing; use of proceeds
/us/usc/t10/s2855 Law applicable to contracts for architectural and engineering services and construction design
/us/usc/t10/s2856 Military unaccompanied housing: local comparability of floor areas
/us/usc/t10/s2858 Limitation on the use of funds for expediting a construction project
/us/usc/t10/s2859 Construction requirements related to antiterrorism and force protection or urban-training operations
/us/usc/t10/s2860 Availability of appropriations
/us/usc/t10/s2861 Military construction projects in connection with industrial facility investment program
/us/usc/t10/s2862 Turn-key selection procedures
/us/usc/t10/s2863 Payment of contractor claims
/us/usc/t10/s2864 Master plans for major military installations
/us/usc/t10/s2865 Work in Process Curve charts and outlay tables for military construction projects
/us/usc/t10/s2866 Water conservation at military installations
/us/usc/t10/s2867 Energy monitoring and utility control system specification for military construction and military family housing activities
/us/usc/t10/s2868 Utility services: furnishing for certain buildings
/us/usc/t10/s2869 Exchange of property at military installations
/us/usc/t10/s2870 Use of qualified apprentices by military construction contractors
/us/usc/t10/s2871 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s2872 General authority
/us/usc/t10/s2872a Utilities and services
/us/usc/t10/s2872b Treatment of breach of contract
/us/usc/t10/s2873 Direct loans and loan guarantees
/us/usc/t10/s2874 Leasing of housing
/us/usc/t10/s2875 Investments
/us/usc/t10/s2876 Rental guarantees
/us/usc/t10/s2877 Differential lease payments
/us/usc/t10/s2878 Conveyance or lease of existing property and facilities
/us/usc/t10/s2879 Window fall prevention devices in military family housing units
/us/usc/t10/s2880 Unit size and type
/us/usc/t10/s2881 Ancillary supporting facilities
/us/usc/t10/s2881a Pilot projects for acquisition or construction of military unaccompanied housing
/us/usc/t10/s2882 Effect of assignment of members to housing units acquired or constructed under alternative authority
/us/usc/t10/s2883 Department of Defense Housing Funds
/us/usc/t10/s2883a Funds for housing allowances of members of the armed forces assigned to certain military family housing units
/us/usc/t10/s2884 Reports
/us/usc/t10/s2885 Oversight and accountability for privatization projects
/us/usc/t10/s2890 Rights and responsibilities of tenants of housing units
/us/usc/t10/s2890a Chief Housing Officer
/us/usc/t10/s2891 Requirements relating to contracts for provision of housing units
/us/usc/t10/s2891a Requirements relating to management of housing units
/us/usc/t10/s2891b Considerations of eligible entity housing history in contracts for privatized military housing
/us/usc/t10/s2891c Financial transparency
/us/usc/t10/s2892 Maintenance work order system for housing units
/us/usc/t10/s2892a Access by tenants to historical maintenance information
/us/usc/t10/s2892b Prohibition on requirement to disclose personally identifiable information in requests for certain maintenance
/us/usc/t10/s2893 Treatment of incentive fees for landlords of housing units for failure to remedy health or environmental hazards
/us/usc/t10/s2894 Landlord-tenant dispute resolution process and treatment of certain payments during process
/us/usc/t10/s2894a Complaint database
/us/usc/t10/s2901 Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program
/us/usc/t10/s2902 Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program Council
/us/usc/t10/s2903 Executive Director
/us/usc/t10/s2904 Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program Scientific Advisory Board
/us/usc/t10/s2911 Energy policy of the Department of Defense
/us/usc/t10/s2912 Availability and use of energy cost savings
/us/usc/t10/s2913 Energy savings contracts and activities
/us/usc/t10/s2914 Energy resilience and conservation construction projects
/us/usc/t10/s2915 Facilities: use of renewable forms of energy and energy efficient products
/us/usc/t10/s2916 Sale of electricity from alternate energy and cogeneration production facilities
/us/usc/t10/s2917 Development of geothermal energy on military lands
/us/usc/t10/s2918 Fuel sources for heating systems; prohibition on converting certain heating facilities
/us/usc/t10/s2919 Department of Defense participation in programs for management of energy demand or reduction of energy usage during peak periods
/us/usc/t10/s2922 Liquid fuels and natural gas: contracts for storage, handling, or distribution
/us/usc/t10/s2922a Contracts for energy or fuel for military installations
/us/usc/t10/s2922b Procurement of energy systems using renewable forms of energy
/us/usc/t10/s2922c Procurement of gasohol as motor vehicle fuel
/us/usc/t10/s2922d Procurement of fuel derived from coal, oil shale, and tar sands
/us/usc/t10/s2922e Acquisition of certain fuel sources: authority to waive contract procedures; acquisition by exchange; sales authority
/us/usc/t10/s2922f Preference for energy efficient electric equipment
/us/usc/t10/s2922g Preference for motor vehicles using electric or hybrid propulsion systems
/us/usc/t10/s2922h Limitation on procurement of drop-in fuels
/us/usc/t10/s2924 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s2925 Annual Department of Defense energy management reports
/us/usc/t10/s2926 Operational energy
/us/usc/t10/s7001 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s7011 Organization
/us/usc/t10/s7012 Department of the Army: seal
/us/usc/t10/s7013 Secretary of the Army
/us/usc/t10/s7014 Office of the Secretary of the Army
/us/usc/t10/s7015 Under Secretary of the Army
/us/usc/t10/s7016 Assistant Secretaries of the Army
/us/usc/t10/s7017 Secretary of the Army: successors to duties
/us/usc/t10/s7018 Administrative Assistant
/us/usc/t10/s7019 General Counsel
/us/usc/t10/s7020 Inspector General
/us/usc/t10/s7021 Army Reserve Forces Policy Committee
/us/usc/t10/s7022 Financial management
/us/usc/t10/s7023 Chief of Legislative Liaison
/us/usc/t10/s7024 Director of Small Business Programs
/us/usc/t10/s7031 The Army Staff: function; composition
/us/usc/t10/s7032 The Army Staff: general duties
/us/usc/t10/s7033 Chief of Staff
/us/usc/t10/s7034 Vice Chief of Staff
/us/usc/t10/s7035 Deputy Chiefs of Staff and Assistant Chiefs of Staff
/us/usc/t10/s7036 Chiefs of branches: appointment; duties
/us/usc/t10/s7037 Judge Advocate General, Deputy Judge Advocate General, and general officers of Judge Advocate General’s Corps: appointment; duties
/us/usc/t10/s7038 Office of Army Reserve: appointment of Chief
/us/usc/t10/s7061 Regulations
/us/usc/t10/s7062 Policy; composition; organized peace establishment
/us/usc/t10/s7063 Basic branches
/us/usc/t10/s7064 Special branches
/us/usc/t10/s7065 Assignment and detail: officers assigned or detailed to basic and special branches
/us/usc/t10/s7067 Army Medical Department
/us/usc/t10/s7068 Medical Service Corps: organization; Chief and assistant chiefs
/us/usc/t10/s7069 Army Nurse Corps: composition; Chief and assistant chief; appointment; grade
/us/usc/t10/s7070 Army Medical Specialist Corps: organization; Chief
/us/usc/t10/s7072 Judge Advocate General’s Corps
/us/usc/t10/s7073 Chaplains
/us/usc/t10/s7074 Commands: territorial organization; engineer tactical units
/us/usc/t10/s7075 Regular Army: composition
/us/usc/t10/s7081 Dental Corps: Chief, functions
/us/usc/t10/s7083 Public Affairs Specialty
/us/usc/t10/s7084 Chief of Veterinary Corps
/us/usc/t10/s7101 Officers on active duty: minimum strength based on requirements
/us/usc/t10/s7110 Regular Army: strength in grade; general officers
/us/usc/t10/s7131 Definition
/us/usc/t10/s7138 Regular Army: reenlistment after service as an officer
/us/usc/t10/s7142 Army: percentage of high-school graduates
/us/usc/t10/s7151 Commissioned officer grades
/us/usc/t10/s7152 General officers: title of office
/us/usc/t10/s7153 Commissioned officers: appointment without specification of branch; transfer between branches
/us/usc/t10/s7176 Retention on active duty
/us/usc/t10/s7191 Non-regular officers: status
/us/usc/t10/s7203 Retired commissioned officers: status
/us/usc/t10/s7213 Corps of Engineers: assignment or transfer of officers to duties involving civil functions
/us/usc/t10/s7214 Corps of Engineers: detail of officers to assist Mayor of District of Columbia
/us/usc/t10/s7216 Leader of Army Band: appointment
/us/usc/t10/s7217 Duties: chaplains; assistance required of commanding officers
/us/usc/t10/s7218 Duties: warrant officers; limitations
/us/usc/t10/s7222 Rank: commissioned officers serving under temporary appointments
/us/usc/t10/s7225 Rank: warrant officers
/us/usc/t10/s7229 Command: commissioned officers of Army Medical Department
/us/usc/t10/s7231 Command: chaplains
/us/usc/t10/s7233 Requirement of exemplary conduct
/us/usc/t10/s7239 Enlisted members: officers not to use as servants
/us/usc/t10/s7251 Presentation of United States flag upon retirement
/us/usc/t10/s7252 Service credit: regular enlisted members; service as an officer to be counted as enlisted service
/us/usc/t10/s7253 Flying officer rating: qualifications
/us/usc/t10/s7263 When Secretary may require
/us/usc/t10/s7271 Medal of honor: award
/us/usc/t10/s7272 Distinguished-service cross: award
/us/usc/t10/s7273 Distinguished-service medal: award
/us/usc/t10/s7274 Medal of honor; distinguished-service cross; distinguished-service medal: limitations on award
/us/usc/t10/s7275 Medal of honor; distinguished-service cross; distinguished-service medal: delegation of power to award
/us/usc/t10/s7276 Silver star: award
/us/usc/t10/s7277 Medal of honor; distinguished-service cross; distinguished-service medal; silver star: replacement
/us/usc/t10/s7278 Medal of honor; distinguished-service cross; distinguished-service medal; silver star: availability of appropriations
/us/usc/t10/s7279 Distinguished flying cross: award; limitations
/us/usc/t10/s7280 Soldier’s Medal: award; limitations
/us/usc/t10/s7281 Service medals: issue; replacement; availability of appropriations
/us/usc/t10/s7282 Medals: posthumous award and presentation
/us/usc/t10/s7283 Civil War battle streamers
/us/usc/t10/s7284 Medal of honor: duplicate medal
/us/usc/t10/s7285 Medal of honor: presentation of Medal of Honor Flag
/us/usc/t10/s7286 Korea Defense Service Medal
/us/usc/t10/s7311 Twenty years or more: regular or reserve commissioned officers
/us/usc/t10/s7314 Twenty to thirty years: enlisted members
/us/usc/t10/s7317 Thirty years or more: regular enlisted members
/us/usc/t10/s7318 Thirty years or more: regular commissioned officers
/us/usc/t10/s7320 More than thirty years: permanent professors and the Director of Admissions of the United States Military Academy
/us/usc/t10/s7321 Mandatory retirement: Superintendent of the United States Military Academy; waiver authority
/us/usc/t10/s7324 Forty years or more: Army officers
/us/usc/t10/s7325 Computation of years of service: voluntary retirement; enlisted members
/us/usc/t10/s7326 Computation of years of service: voluntary retirement; regular and reserve commissioned officers
/us/usc/t10/s7329 Computation of retired pay: law applicable
/us/usc/t10/s7341 General rule
/us/usc/t10/s7342 Higher grade for service in special positions
/us/usc/t10/s7343 Highest grade held satisfactorily: Reserve enlisted members reduced in grade not as a result of the member’s misconduct
/us/usc/t10/s7344 Higher grade after 30 years of service: warrant officers and enlisted members
/us/usc/t10/s7345 Restoration to former grade: retired warrant officers and enlisted members
/us/usc/t10/s7346 Retired lists
/us/usc/t10/s7361 Computation of retired pay
/us/usc/t10/s7362 Recomputation of retired pay to reflect advancement on retired list
/us/usc/t10/s7371 Army War College and United States Army Command and General Staff College: civilian faculty members
/us/usc/t10/s7374 Expert accountant for Inspector General
/us/usc/t10/s7375 Production of supplies and munitions: hours and pay of laborers and mechanics
/us/usc/t10/s7377 Civilian special agents of the Criminal Investigation Command: authority to execute warrants and make arrests
/us/usc/t10/s7381 Fatality reviews
/us/usc/t10/s7401 Members of Army: detail as students, observers, and investigators at educational institutions, industrial plants, and hospitals
/us/usc/t10/s7402 Enlisted members of Army: schools
/us/usc/t10/s7403 Army Ranger training: instructor staffing; safety
/us/usc/t10/s7406 Service schools: leaves of absence for instructors
/us/usc/t10/s7409 Rifle ranges: availability for use by members and civilians
/us/usc/t10/s7414 Degree granting authority for United States Army Command and General Staff College
/us/usc/t10/s7415 The Judge Advocate General’s School: master of laws in military law
/us/usc/t10/s7417 Military history fellowships
/us/usc/t10/s7418 Drill sergeant trainees: human relations training
/us/usc/t10/s7419 Recruit basic training: separate housing for male and female recruits
/us/usc/t10/s7420 Recruit basic training: privacy
/us/usc/t10/s7421 Degree granting authority for United States Army War College
/us/usc/t10/s7422 Degree granting authority for United States Army Armament Graduate School
/us/usc/t10/s7431 Establishment; Superintendent; faculty
/us/usc/t10/s7432 Departments and professors: titles
/us/usc/t10/s7433 Superintendent; faculty: appointment and detail
/us/usc/t10/s7433a Superintendent: condition for detail to position
/us/usc/t10/s7434 Command and supervision
/us/usc/t10/s7435 Dean of Academic Board
/us/usc/t10/s7436 Permanent professors; director of admissions
/us/usc/t10/s7437 Chaplain
/us/usc/t10/s7438 Civilian faculty: number; compensation
/us/usc/t10/s7440 Quartermaster
/us/usc/t10/s7441 Faculty and other officers: leaves of absence
/us/usc/t10/s7441a Cadets: appointment by the President
/us/usc/t10/s7442 Cadets: appointment; numbers, territorial distribution
/us/usc/t10/s7443 Cadets: appointment; to bring Corps to full strength
/us/usc/t10/s7446 Cadets: requirements for admission
/us/usc/t10/s7447 Cadets; nominees: effect of redistricting of States
/us/usc/t10/s7448 Cadets: agreement to serve as officer
/us/usc/t10/s7449 Cadets: organization of Corps; service; instruction
/us/usc/t10/s7450 Cadets: clothing and equipment
/us/usc/t10/s7451 Cadets: deficiencies in conduct or studies; effect of failure on successor
/us/usc/t10/s7452 Cadets: hazing
/us/usc/t10/s7453 Cadets: degree and commission on graduation
/us/usc/t10/s7454 Buildings and grounds: memorial hall; buildings for religious worship
/us/usc/t10/s7455 Board of Visitors
/us/usc/t10/s7456 Use of certain gifts
/us/usc/t10/s7457 Acceptance of guarantees with gifts for major projects
/us/usc/t10/s7458 Grants for faculty research for scientific, literary, and educational purposes: acceptance; authorized grantees
/us/usc/t10/s7459 Mixed-funded athletic and recreational extracurricular programs: authority to manage appropriated funds in same manner as nonappropriated funds
/us/usc/t10/s7460 Cadets: charges and fees for attendance; limitation
/us/usc/t10/s7461 Policy on sexual harassment and sexual violence
/us/usc/t10/s7462 Support of athletic programs
/us/usc/t10/s7481 Establishment: purpose
/us/usc/t10/s7482 Operation
/us/usc/t10/s7483 Transportation and subsistence during travel
/us/usc/t10/s7484 Quartermaster and ordnance property: sales
/us/usc/t10/s7486 Academy of Health Sciences: admission of civilians in physician assistant training program
/us/usc/t10/s7487 United States Army War College: acceptance of grants for faculty research for scientific, literary, and educational purposes
/us/usc/t10/s7532 Factories and arsenals: manufacture at
/us/usc/t10/s7536 Equipment: post bakeries, schools, kitchens, and mess halls
/us/usc/t10/s7540 Architectural and engineering services
/us/usc/t10/s7541 Army arsenals: treatment of unutilized or underutilized plant-capacity costs
/us/usc/t10/s7542 Technical data packages for large-caliber cannon: prohibition on transfers to foreign countries; exception
/us/usc/t10/s7543 Army industrial facilities: sales of manufactured articles or services outside Department of Defense
/us/usc/t10/s7544 Army industrial facilities: cooperative activities with non-Army entities
/us/usc/t10/s7551 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s7552 Policy
/us/usc/t10/s7553 Armament Retooling and Manufacturing Support Initiative
/us/usc/t10/s7554 Property management contracts and leases
/us/usc/t10/s7555 ARMS Initiative loan guarantee program
/us/usc/t10/s7561 Rations
/us/usc/t10/s7562 Clothing
/us/usc/t10/s7563 Clothing: replacement when destroyed to prevent contagion
/us/usc/t10/s7564 Navy and Marine Corps: camp equipment and transportation; when on shore duty with Army
/us/usc/t10/s7565 Colors, standards, and guidons of demobilized organizations: disposition
/us/usc/t10/s7591 Utilities: proceeds from overseas operations
/us/usc/t10/s7592 Radiograms and telegrams: forwarding charges due connecting commercial facilities
/us/usc/t10/s7593 Quarters: heat and light
/us/usc/t10/s7594 Furnishing of heraldic services
/us/usc/t10/s7595 Army Military History Institute: fee for providing historical information to the public
/us/usc/t10/s7621 Quartermaster supplies: members of armed forces; veterans; executive or military departments and employees; prices
/us/usc/t10/s7622 Rations: commissioned officers in field
/us/usc/t10/s7624 Medical supplies: civilian employees of the Army; American National Red Cross; Armed Forces Retirement Home
/us/usc/t10/s7625 Ordnance property: officers of armed forces; civilian employees of Army; American National Red Cross; educational institutions; homes for veterans’ orphans
/us/usc/t10/s7626 Aircraft supplies and services: foreign military or air attaché
/us/usc/t10/s7627 Supplies: educational institutions
/us/usc/t10/s7628 Airplane parts and accessories: civilian flying schools
/us/usc/t10/s7629 Proceeds: disposition
/us/usc/t10/s7652 Rifles and ammunition for target practice: educational institutions having corps of cadets
/us/usc/t10/s7653 Ordnance and ordnance stores: District of Columbia high schools
/us/usc/t10/s7654 Quartermaster supplies: military instruction camps
/us/usc/t10/s7655 Arms and ammunition: agencies and departments of the United States
/us/usc/t10/s7656 Aircraft and equipment: civilian aviation schools
/us/usc/t10/s7657 Sale of ammunition for avalanche-control purposes
/us/usc/t10/s7682 Obsolete or excess material: sale to National Council of Boy Scouts of America
/us/usc/t10/s7683 Excess non-automatic service rifles: loan or donation for funeral and other ceremonial purposes
/us/usc/t10/s7684 Surplus obsolete ordnance: sale to patriotic organizations
/us/usc/t10/s7685 Obsolete ordnance: loan to educational institutions and State soldiers and sailors’ orphans’ homes
/us/usc/t10/s7686 Obsolete ordnance: gift to State homes for soldiers and sailors
/us/usc/t10/s7687 Sale of excess, obsolete, or unserviceable ammunition and ammunition components
/us/usc/t10/s7688 Armor-piercing ammunition and components: condition on disposal
/us/usc/t10/s7689 Transfer of material and equipment to the Architect of the Capitol
/us/usc/t10/s7690 Recyclable munitions materials: sale; use of proceeds
/us/usc/t10/s7712 Disposition of effects of deceased persons by summary court-martial
/us/usc/t10/s7714 Collection of captured flags, standards, and colors
/us/usc/t10/s7721 Authority and responsibilities of the Secretary of the Army
/us/usc/t10/s7722 Interment and inurnment policy
/us/usc/t10/s7723 Advisory committee on Arlington National Cemetery
/us/usc/t10/s7724 Executive Director
/us/usc/t10/s7725 Superintendents
/us/usc/t10/s7726 Oversight and inspections
/us/usc/t10/s7727 Cemetery concessions contracts
/us/usc/t10/s7749 Property: for United States surveys
/us/usc/t10/s7771 Acceptance of donations: land for mobilization, training, supply base, or aviation field
/us/usc/t10/s7772 Heritage Center for the National Museum of the United States Army: development and operation
/us/usc/t10/s7776 Emergency construction: fortifications
/us/usc/t10/s7777 Permits: military reservations; landing ferries, erecting bridges, driving livestock
/us/usc/t10/s7778 Licenses: military reservations; erection and use of buildings; Young Men’s Christian Association
/us/usc/t10/s7779 Use of public property
/us/usc/t10/s7780 Acquisition of buildings in District of Columbia
/us/usc/t10/s7781 Cyber Center for Education and Innovation-Home of the National Cryptologic Museum
/us/usc/t10/s7801 Definition
/us/usc/t10/s7802 Admiralty claims against the United States
/us/usc/t10/s7803 Admiralty claims by United States
/us/usc/t10/s7804 Salvage claims by United States
/us/usc/t10/s7806 Settlement or compromise: final and conclusive
/us/usc/t10/s7831 Custody of departmental records and property
/us/usc/t10/s7837 Settlement of accounts: remission or cancellation of indebtedness of members
/us/usc/t10/s7838 Settlement of accounts: affidavit of company commander
/us/usc/t10/s7839 Settlement of accounts: oaths
/us/usc/t10/s7840 Final settlement of officer’s accounts
/us/usc/t10/s7841 Payment of small amounts to public creditors
/us/usc/t10/s7842 Settlement of accounts of line officers
/us/usc/t10/s8001 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s8011 Organization
/us/usc/t10/s8012 Department of the Navy: seal
/us/usc/t10/s8013 Secretary of the Navy
/us/usc/t10/s8013a Secretary of the Navy: powers with respect to Coast Guard
/us/usc/t10/s8014 Office of the Secretary of the Navy
/us/usc/t10/s8015 Under Secretary of the Navy
/us/usc/t10/s8016 Assistant Secretaries of the Navy
/us/usc/t10/s8017 Secretary of the Navy: successors to duties
/us/usc/t10/s8018 Administrative Assistant
/us/usc/t10/s8019 General Counsel
/us/usc/t10/s8020 Naval Inspector General: detail; duties
/us/usc/t10/s8022 Office of Naval Research: duties
/us/usc/t10/s8023 Office of Naval Research: appropriations; time limit
/us/usc/t10/s8024 Naval Research Advisory Committee
/us/usc/t10/s8025 Financial management
/us/usc/t10/s8026 Consultation with Commandant of the Marine Corps on major decisions directly concerning Marine Corps aviation
/us/usc/t10/s8027 Chief of Legislative Affairs
/us/usc/t10/s8028 Director of Small Business Programs
/us/usc/t10/s8031 Office of the Chief of Naval Operations: function; composition
/us/usc/t10/s8032 Office of the Chief of Naval Operations: general duties
/us/usc/t10/s8033 Chief of Naval Operations
/us/usc/t10/s8035 Vice Chief of Naval Operations
/us/usc/t10/s8036 Deputy Chiefs of Naval Operations
/us/usc/t10/s8037 Assistant Chiefs of Naval Operations
/us/usc/t10/s8038 Director for Expeditionary Warfare
/us/usc/t10/s8041 Headquarters, Marine Corps: function; composition
/us/usc/t10/s8042 Headquarters, Marine Corps: general duties
/us/usc/t10/s8043 Commandant of the Marine Corps
/us/usc/t10/s8044 Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps
/us/usc/t10/s8045 Deputy Commandants
/us/usc/t10/s8046 Staff Judge Advocate to the Commandant of the Marine Corps
/us/usc/t10/s8047 Legislative Assistant to the Commandant
/us/usc/t10/s8061 Department of the Navy: composition
/us/usc/t10/s8062 United States Navy: composition; functions
/us/usc/t10/s8063 United States Marine Corps: composition; functions
/us/usc/t10/s8071 Bureaus: names; location
/us/usc/t10/s8072 Bureaus: distribution of business; orders; records; expenses
/us/usc/t10/s8075 Bureau Chiefs: succession to duties
/us/usc/t10/s8077 Surgeon General: appointment; duties
/us/usc/t10/s8078 Bureau of Medicine and Surgery: Dental Corps; Chief; functions
/us/usc/t10/s8079 Appointment of chiropractors in the Medical Service Corps
/us/usc/t10/s8081 Chief of Naval Personnel; Deputy Chief of Naval Personnel
/us/usc/t10/s8082 Chaplain Corps and Chief of Chaplains
/us/usc/t10/s8082a Deputy Chief of Chaplains
/us/usc/t10/s8083 Office of Navy Reserve: appointment of Chief
/us/usc/t10/s8084 Office of Marine Forces Reserve: appointment of Commander
/us/usc/t10/s8088 Judge Advocate General’s Corps: Office of the Judge Advocate General; Judge Advocate General; appointment, term, emoluments, duties
/us/usc/t10/s8089 Office of the Judge Advocate General: Deputy Judge Advocate General; Assistant Judge Advocates General
/us/usc/t10/s8090 Staff corps of the Navy
/us/usc/t10/s8101 Prescribed number; vacancies
/us/usc/t10/s8102 Regular Navy: retired flag officers on active duty
/us/usc/t10/s8103 Suspension: preceding sections
/us/usc/t10/s8111 Navy: grades above chief warrant officer, W–5
/us/usc/t10/s8112 Marine Corps: grades above chief warrant officer, W–5
/us/usc/t10/s8113 Navy and Marine Corps: warrant officer grades
/us/usc/t10/s8118 Rank of line and staff corps officers of the Navy and officers of the Marine Corps
/us/usc/t10/s8120 Expiration: rights of member
/us/usc/t10/s8132 Regular Navy: transfers, line and staff corps
/us/usc/t10/s8135 Regular Marine Corps: order of filling vacancies in grade of second lieutenant
/us/usc/t10/s8137 Regular Navy: officers designated for engineering duty, aeronautical engineering duty, and special duty
/us/usc/t10/s8138 Regular Marine Corps: judge advocates
/us/usc/t10/s8139 Regular Navy and Regular Marine Corps: officers designated for limited duty
/us/usc/t10/s8146 Navy and Marine Corps: temporary appointments of officers designated for limited duty
/us/usc/t10/s8162 Aviation commands: eligibility
/us/usc/t10/s8163 Naval shipyards
/us/usc/t10/s8164 Marine Corps officers: limitation on power to command
/us/usc/t10/s8165 Staff corps officers: limitation on power to command
/us/usc/t10/s8166 Precedence accorded commanding officers
/us/usc/t10/s8167 Requirement of exemplary conduct
/us/usc/t10/s8168 Consular powers: senior officer present afloat
/us/usc/t10/s8169 Policy as to leave and liberty
/us/usc/t10/s8171 Continuation of authority after loss of vessel or aircraft
/us/usc/t10/s8172 Marine Corps organizations on vessels: authority of officers
/us/usc/t10/s8183 State Department: assignment of enlisted members as custodians of buildings in foreign countries
/us/usc/t10/s8185 Nautical Schools: detail of naval officers as superintendents or instructors
/us/usc/t10/s8186 Technical institutions: detail of naval officers to promote knowledge of naval engineering and naval architecture
/us/usc/t10/s8211 Navy Regulations
/us/usc/t10/s8212 Additional regulations for Marine Corps
/us/usc/t10/s8213 Enlisted grades and ratings: authority to establish
/us/usc/t10/s8214 Enlisted members: authority for transfer between Marine Corps and Hospital Corps of the Navy
/us/usc/t10/s8215 Citizenship of officers of vessels
/us/usc/t10/s8216 Aviation duties: number of personnel assigned
/us/usc/t10/s8217 Aviation training facilities
/us/usc/t10/s8218 Aviation designations: naval flight officer
/us/usc/t10/s8219 Medical Department: composition
/us/usc/t10/s8220 Dental services: responsibilities of senior dental officer
/us/usc/t10/s8221 Chaplains: divine services
/us/usc/t10/s8222 Indebtedness to Marine Corps Exchanges: payment from appropriated funds in certain cases
/us/usc/t10/s8225 Female members: congressional review period for assignment to duty on submarines or for reconfiguration of submarines
/us/usc/t10/s8226 Fatality reviews
/us/usc/t10/s8241 Navy ration: persons entitled to
/us/usc/t10/s8242 Rations
/us/usc/t10/s8243 Fixing cost on certain vessels and stations
/us/usc/t10/s8244 Enlisted members assigned to mess: basic allowance for subsistence paid to mess
/us/usc/t10/s8245 Flight rations
/us/usc/t10/s8246 Subsistence in hospital messes: hospital ration
/us/usc/t10/s8247 Sale of meals by general messes
/us/usc/t10/s8253 Loans: Supply Corps officers
/us/usc/t10/s8261 Presentation of United States flag upon retirement
/us/usc/t10/s8262 Higher retired grade and pay for members who serve satisfactorily under temporary appointments
/us/usc/t10/s8263 Emergency shore duty: advance of funds
/us/usc/t10/s8264 Shore patrol duty: payment of expenses
/us/usc/t10/s8265 Mileage books: commutation tickets
/us/usc/t10/s8266 Uniforms, accouterments, and equipment: sale at cost
/us/usc/t10/s8267 Uniform: sale to former members of the naval service
/us/usc/t10/s8270 Pension to persons serving ten years
/us/usc/t10/s8271 Settlement of accounts: remission or cancellation of indebtedness of members
/us/usc/t10/s8281 Members of the naval service in other United States hospitals
/us/usc/t10/s8282 Insane members of the naval service
/us/usc/t10/s8283 Emergency medical treatment: reimbursement for expense
/us/usc/t10/s8286 United States Navy Band; officer in charge
/us/usc/t10/s8287 United States Marine Band; United States Marine Drum and Bugle Corps: composition; appointment and promotion of members
/us/usc/t10/s8291 Medal of honor
/us/usc/t10/s8292 Navy cross
/us/usc/t10/s8293 Distinguished-service medal
/us/usc/t10/s8294 Silver star medal
/us/usc/t10/s8295 Distinguished flying cross
/us/usc/t10/s8296 Navy and Marine Corps Medal
/us/usc/t10/s8297 Additional awards
/us/usc/t10/s8298 Limitations of time
/us/usc/t10/s8300 Posthumous awards
/us/usc/t10/s8301 Delegation of power to award
/us/usc/t10/s8302 Regulations
/us/usc/t10/s8303 Replacement
/us/usc/t10/s8304 Availability of appropriations
/us/usc/t10/s8305 Commemorative or special medals: facsimiles and ribbons
/us/usc/t10/s8306 Medal of honor: duplicate medal
/us/usc/t10/s8307 Medal of honor: presentation of Medal of Honor Flag
/us/usc/t10/s8308 Korea Defense Service Medal
/us/usc/t10/s8317 Minors enlisted upon false statement of age
/us/usc/t10/s8321 Officers: 40 years
/us/usc/t10/s8322 Officers: 30 years
/us/usc/t10/s8323 Officers: 20 years
/us/usc/t10/s8324 Officers: creditable service
/us/usc/t10/s8325 Officers: retired grade and pay
/us/usc/t10/s8326 Enlisted members: 30 years
/us/usc/t10/s8327 Officers and enlisted members of the Navy Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve: 30 years; 20 years; retired pay
/us/usc/t10/s8328 Computation of years of service: voluntary retirement
/us/usc/t10/s8329 Officers not to be retired for misconduct
/us/usc/t10/s8330 Enlisted members: transfer to Fleet Reserve and Fleet Marine Corps Reserve; retainer pay
/us/usc/t10/s8331 Members of the Fleet Reserve and Fleet Marine Corps Reserve: transfer to the retired list; retired pay
/us/usc/t10/s8332 Conclusiveness of transfers
/us/usc/t10/s8333 Computation of retired and retainer pay
/us/usc/t10/s8334 Higher grade after 30 years of service: warrant officers and enlisted members
/us/usc/t10/s8335 Restoration to former grade: warrant officers and enlisted members
/us/usc/t10/s8336 Highest grade held satisfactorily: Reserve enlisted members reduced in grade not as a result of the member’s misconduct
/us/usc/t10/s8371 Mandatory retirement: Superintendent of the United States Naval Academy; waiver authority
/us/usc/t10/s8372 Regular Navy and Regular Marine Corps; officers designated for limited duty: retirement for length of service or failures of selection for promotion; discharge for failures of selection for promotion; reversion to prior status; retired grade; retired pay
/us/usc/t10/s8373 Navy Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve; officers: elimination from active status; computation of total commissioned service
/us/usc/t10/s8374 Treatment of fractions of years of service in computing retired pay and separation pay
/us/usc/t10/s8375 Navy and Marine Corps; warrant officers, W–1: limitation on dismissal
/us/usc/t10/s8383 Retired members: grade
/us/usc/t10/s8384 Promotion of retired members to higher enlisted grades: retention of grade upon release from active duty
/us/usc/t10/s8385 Members of the Fleet Reserve and Fleet Marine Corps Reserve: authority to recall
/us/usc/t10/s8386 Members of the Fleet Reserve and Fleet Marine Corps Reserve: release from active duty
/us/usc/t10/s8392 Disposition of effects
/us/usc/t10/s8411 Aviation cadets: grade; procurement; transfer
/us/usc/t10/s8412 Aviation cadets: benefits
/us/usc/t10/s8413 Aviation cadets: appointment as reserve officers
/us/usc/t10/s8415 Reserve student aviation pilots; reserve aviation pilots: appointments in commissioned grade
/us/usc/t10/s8431 Recruit basic training: separate housing for male and female recruits
/us/usc/t10/s8432 Recruit basic training: privacy
/us/usc/t10/s8451 Location
/us/usc/t10/s8451a Superintendent
/us/usc/t10/s8452 Civilian teachers: number; compensation
/us/usc/t10/s8453 Midshipmen: appointment
/us/usc/t10/s8454 Midshipmen: number
/us/usc/t10/s8455 Midshipmen: allotment upon redistricting of Congressional Districts
/us/usc/t10/s8456 Midshipmen: nomination and selection to fill vacancies
/us/usc/t10/s8458 Midshipmen: qualifications for admission
/us/usc/t10/s8459 Midshipmen: agreement for length of service
/us/usc/t10/s8460 Midshipmen: clothing and equipment; uniform allowance
/us/usc/t10/s8461 Midshipmen: dismissal for best interests of the service
/us/usc/t10/s8462 Midshipmen: discharge for unsatisfactory conduct or inaptitude
/us/usc/t10/s8463 Midshipmen: discharge for deficiency
/us/usc/t10/s8464 Hazing: definition; prohibition
/us/usc/t10/s8465 Failure to report violation: dismissal
/us/usc/t10/s8466 Course of study
/us/usc/t10/s8467 Degree on graduation
/us/usc/t10/s8468 Board of Visitors
/us/usc/t10/s8469 Band: composition
/us/usc/t10/s8470 Permanent professors: promotion
/us/usc/t10/s8470a Permanent professors: retirement for years of service; authority for deferral
/us/usc/t10/s8471 Midshipmen’s store, trade shops, dairy, and laundry: nonappropriated fund instrumentality and accounts
/us/usc/t10/s8472 Chapel: crypt and window spaces
/us/usc/t10/s8473 Gifts, bequests, and loans of property: acceptance for benefit and use of Naval Academy
/us/usc/t10/s8474 United States Naval Academy Museum Fund: references to Fund
/us/usc/t10/s8475 Acceptance of guarantees with gifts for major projects
/us/usc/t10/s8476 Operation of Naval Academy dairy farm
/us/usc/t10/s8477 Grants for faculty research for scientific, literary, and educational purposes: acceptance; authorized grantees
/us/usc/t10/s8478 Mixed-funded athletic and recreational extracurricular programs: authority to manage appropriated funds in same manner as nonappropriated funds
/us/usc/t10/s8479 Midshipmen: charges and fees for attendance; limitation
/us/usc/t10/s8480 Policy on sexual harassment and sexual violence
/us/usc/t10/s8481 Support of athletic and physical fitness programs
/us/usc/t10/s8541 Function
/us/usc/t10/s8542 President; assistants
/us/usc/t10/s8543 Provost and Academic Dean
/us/usc/t10/s8544 Civilian teachers: number; compensation
/us/usc/t10/s8545 Officers of the other armed forces; enlisted members: admission
/us/usc/t10/s8546 Officers of foreign countries: admission
/us/usc/t10/s8547 Students at institutions of higher education: admission
/us/usc/t10/s8548 Degree granting authority for United States Naval Postgraduate School
/us/usc/t10/s8549 Defense industry civilians: admission to defense product development program
/us/usc/t10/s8550 Grants for faculty research for scientific, literary, and educational purposes: acceptance; authorized grantees
/us/usc/t10/s8581 Civilian member: definition; exceptions
/us/usc/t10/s8582 Deferred annuity policy required
/us/usc/t10/s8583 Annuity premium to be paid by monthly installments; government reimbursement
/us/usc/t10/s8584 Age of retirement
/us/usc/t10/s8585 Computation of life annuity
/us/usc/t10/s8586 Physical disability retirement
/us/usc/t10/s8587 Election of annuity for self and beneficiary
/us/usc/t10/s8588 Regulations
/us/usc/t10/s8591 Degree granting authority for Naval War College
/us/usc/t10/s8592 Degree granting authority for Marine Corps University
/us/usc/t10/s8593 Naval War College: acceptance of grants for faculty research for scientific, literary, and educational purposes
/us/usc/t10/s8594 Marine Corps University: acceptance of grants for faculty research for scientific, literary, and educational purposes
/us/usc/t10/s8604 Schools near naval activities: financial aid
/us/usc/t10/s8605 Promotion of health and prevention of accidents
/us/usc/t10/s8607 Administration of liberated and occupied areas
/us/usc/t10/s8611 Attendance at meetings of technical, professional, or scientific organizations
/us/usc/t10/s8612 Employment of outside architects and engineers
/us/usc/t10/s8614 Apprehension of deserters and prisoners; operation of shore patrols
/us/usc/t10/s8616 Collection, preservation, and display of captured flags
/us/usc/t10/s8619 Leases of waterfront property from States or municipalities
/us/usc/t10/s8620 Gifts for welfare of enlisted members
/us/usc/t10/s8621 Acceptance and care of gifts to vessels
/us/usc/t10/s8622 Naval Historical Center Fund: references to Fund
/us/usc/t10/s8623 Acquisition of land for radio stations and for other purposes
/us/usc/t10/s8624 Transportation on naval vessels during wartime
/us/usc/t10/s8625 Navy Reserve flag
/us/usc/t10/s8626 Navy Reserve yacht pennant
/us/usc/t10/s8627 Foreign naval vessels and aircraft: supplies and services
/us/usc/t10/s8628 Merchant vessels: supplies
/us/usc/t10/s8629 Purchase of fuel
/us/usc/t10/s8631 Accounting for expenditures for obtaining information
/us/usc/t10/s8633 Auxiliary vessels: extended lease authority
/us/usc/t10/s8634 Submarine safety programs: participation of NATO naval personnel
/us/usc/t10/s8635 Establishment of the Southern Sea Otter Military Readiness Areas
/us/usc/t10/s8661 Classification
/us/usc/t10/s8662 Naming
/us/usc/t10/s8663 Number in service in time of peace
/us/usc/t10/s8664 Suspension of construction in case of treaty
/us/usc/t10/s8667 Changing category or type: limitations
/us/usc/t10/s8669 Contracts: applicability of chapter 65 of title 41
/us/usc/t10/s8669a Construction of combatant and escort vessels and assignment of vessel projects
/us/usc/t10/s8669b Senior Technical Authority for each naval vessel class
/us/usc/t10/s8670 Contracts for nuclear ships: sales of naval shipyard articles and services to private shipyards
/us/usc/t10/s8671 Determination of vessel delivery dates
/us/usc/t10/s8673 Model Basin; investigation of hull designs
/us/usc/t10/s8674 Examination of vessels; striking of vessels from Naval Vessel Register
/us/usc/t10/s8675 Vessels stricken from Naval Vessel Register: sale
/us/usc/t10/s8675a Vessels stricken from Naval Vessel Register: contracts for dismantling on net-cost basis
/us/usc/t10/s8676 Vessels stricken from Naval Vessel Register; captured vessels: conveyance by donation
/us/usc/t10/s8676a Vessels stricken from Naval Vessel Register: use for experimental purposes
/us/usc/t10/s8676b Vessels stricken from Naval Vessel Register: transfer by gift or otherwise for use as artificial reefs
/us/usc/t10/s8677 Disposals to foreign nations
/us/usc/t10/s8678 Chief of Naval Operations: certification required for disposal of combatant vessels
/us/usc/t10/s8679 Construction of vessels in foreign shipyards: prohibition
/us/usc/t10/s8680 Overhaul, repair, etc. of vessels in foreign shipyards: restrictions
/us/usc/t10/s8681 Repair or maintenance of naval vessels: handling of hazardous waste
/us/usc/t10/s8682 Service craft stricken from Naval Vessel Register; obsolete boats: use of proceeds from exchange or sale
/us/usc/t10/s8683 Ship overhaul work: availability of appropriations for unusual cost overruns and for changes in scope of work
/us/usc/t10/s8684 Overhaul of naval vessels: competition between public and private shipyards
/us/usc/t10/s8685 Preservation of Navy shipbuilding capability
/us/usc/t10/s8686 Support for transfers of decommissioned vessels and shipboard equipment
/us/usc/t10/s8687 Status of Government rights in the designs of vessels, boats, and craft, and components thereof
/us/usc/t10/s8688 Warranty requirements for shipbuilding contracts
/us/usc/t10/s8689 Requirements for availability of funds relating to advanced naval nuclear fuel systems based on low-enriched uranium
/us/usc/t10/s8690 Limitation on length of overseas forward deployment of naval vessels
/us/usc/t10/s8691 Nuclear-powered aircraft carriers: dismantlement and disposal
/us/usc/t10/s8692 Ford-class aircraft carriers: cost limitation baselines
/us/usc/t10/s8701 Authority to provide for necessary salvage facilities
/us/usc/t10/s8702 Acquisition and transfer of vessels and equipment
/us/usc/t10/s8703 Settlement of claims
/us/usc/t10/s8704 Disposition of receipts
/us/usc/t10/s8715 Naval Observatory: administration
/us/usc/t10/s8716 Naval Observatory: exchange of information with foreign offices
/us/usc/t10/s8720 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s8721 Jurisdiction and control
/us/usc/t10/s8722 Administration
/us/usc/t10/s8723 Periodic re-examination of production requirements
/us/usc/t10/s8724 Protection of oil reserves; contracts for conservation
/us/usc/t10/s8725 Acquisition by condemnation and purchase
/us/usc/t10/s8727 Cooperative or unit plans in the naval petroleum reserves
/us/usc/t10/s8728 Agreements and leases: provision for change
/us/usc/t10/s8729 Re-lease of certain lands: lessee’s preferential right
/us/usc/t10/s8730 Disposition of products
/us/usc/t10/s8731 Requirements as to consultation and approval
/us/usc/t10/s8732 Authorizations of appropriations
/us/usc/t10/s8733 Disposition of royalties
/us/usc/t10/s8735 Foreign interest
/us/usc/t10/s8736 Regulations
/us/usc/t10/s8737 Violations by lessee
/us/usc/t10/s8738 Rifle, Colorado, plant; possession, use, and transfer of
/us/usc/t10/s8739 Certain oil shale reserves: transfer of jurisdiction and petroleum exploration, development, and production
/us/usc/t10/s8742 Physical examination: employees engaged in hazardous occupations
/us/usc/t10/s8743 Employment of aliens
/us/usc/t10/s8746 Administration of oaths by clerks and employees
/us/usc/t10/s8747 Transportation of dependents and household effects of civilian personnel stationed outside the United States: payment in lieu of transportation
/us/usc/t10/s8748 Naval War College and Marine Corps University: civilian faculty members
/us/usc/t10/s8749 Civil service mariners of Military Sealift Command: release of drug and alcohol test results to Coast Guard
/us/usc/t10/s8749a Civil service mariners of Military Sealift Command: alcohol testing
/us/usc/t10/s8750 Special agents of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service: authority to execute warrants and make arrests
/us/usc/t10/s8752 Contracts for research
/us/usc/t10/s8753 Tolls and fares: payment or reimbursement
/us/usc/t10/s8754 Marine mammals: use for national defense purposes
/us/usc/t10/s8761 Obsolete and other material: gift or sale to Boy Scouts of America, Naval Sea Cadet Corps and Young Marines of the Marine Corps League
/us/usc/t10/s8761a Uniform clothing: sale to Naval Sea Cadet Corps
/us/usc/t10/s8761b Authority to make grants for purposes of Naval Sea Cadet Corps
/us/usc/t10/s8762 Excess clothing: sale for distribution to needy
/us/usc/t10/s8763 Useless ordnance material: disposition of proceeds on sale
/us/usc/t10/s8764 Devices and trophies: transfer to other agencies
/us/usc/t10/s8765 Obsolete material and articles of historical interest: loan or gift
/us/usc/t10/s8766 Loan or gift of articles to ships’ sponsors and donors
/us/usc/t10/s8767 Equipment for instruction in seamanship: loan to military schools
/us/usc/t10/s8771 Quarters or other accommodations: to whom furnished
/us/usc/t10/s8772 Quarters: accommodations in place for members on sea duty or assigned to duty in connection with commissioning or fitting out of a ship
/us/usc/t10/s8773 Quarters: temporary; transient members
/us/usc/t10/s8776 Quarters: extension telephones
/us/usc/t10/s8777 Quarters: Nurse Corps officers; assignment in hospitals
/us/usc/t10/s8779 Officers’ messes and quarters: limitations on employment of enlisted members
/us/usc/t10/s8780 Heat and light for Young Men’s Christian Association buildings
/us/usc/t10/s8781 Marine Corps post laundries: disposition of receipts
/us/usc/t10/s8782 Naval and Marine Corps Historical Centers: fee for providing historical information to the public
/us/usc/t10/s8801 Sales: members of the naval service and Coast Guard; widows and widowers; civilian employees and other persons
/us/usc/t10/s8802 Sales: members of Army and Air Force; prices
/us/usc/t10/s8803 Sales: veterans under treatment
/us/usc/t10/s8804 Ships’ stores: sale of goods and services
/us/usc/t10/s8805 Acceptance of Government checks outside the United States
/us/usc/t10/s8806 Subsistence and other supplies: members of armed forces; veterans; executive or military departments and employees; prices
/us/usc/t10/s8821 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s8822 Admiralty claims against the United States
/us/usc/t10/s8823 Admiralty claims by the United States
/us/usc/t10/s8851 Scope of chapter
/us/usc/t10/s8852 Jurisdiction
/us/usc/t10/s8853 Court in which proceedings brought
/us/usc/t10/s8854 Effect of failure to start proceedings
/us/usc/t10/s8855 Appointment of prize commissioners and special prize commissioners
/us/usc/t10/s8856 Duties of United States attorney
/us/usc/t10/s8857 Duties of commanding officer of capturing vessel
/us/usc/t10/s8858 Duties of prize master
/us/usc/t10/s8859 Libel and proceedings by United States attorney
/us/usc/t10/s8860 Duties of prize commissioners
/us/usc/t10/s8861 Interrogation of witnesses by prize commissioners
/us/usc/t10/s8862 Duties of marshal
/us/usc/t10/s8863 Prize property appropriated for the use of the United States
/us/usc/t10/s8864 Delivery of property on stipulation
/us/usc/t10/s8865 Sale of prize
/us/usc/t10/s8866 Mode of making sale
/us/usc/t10/s8867 Transfer of prize property to another district for sale
/us/usc/t10/s8868 Disposition of prize money
/us/usc/t10/s8869 Security for costs
/us/usc/t10/s8870 Costs and expenses a charge on prize property
/us/usc/t10/s8871 Payment of costs and expenses from prize fund
/us/usc/t10/s8872 Recaptures: award of salvage, costs, and expenses
/us/usc/t10/s8873 Allowance of expenses to marshals
/us/usc/t10/s8874 Payment of witness fees
/us/usc/t10/s8875 Commissions of auctioneers
/us/usc/t10/s8876 Compensation of prize commissioners and special prize commissioners
/us/usc/t10/s8877 Accounts of clerks of district courts
/us/usc/t10/s8878 Interfering with delivery, custody, or sale of prize property
/us/usc/t10/s8879 Powers of district court over prize property notwithstanding appeal
/us/usc/t10/s8880 Appeals and amendments in prize causes
/us/usc/t10/s8881 Reciprocal privileges to cobelligerent
/us/usc/t10/s8891 Scope of chapter
/us/usc/t10/s8892 Stay of suit
/us/usc/t10/s8893 Stay of proceedings for preserving evidence after stay of suit
/us/usc/t10/s8894 Stay of proceedings for taking evidence before suit is filed
/us/usc/t10/s8895 Stay extended or shortened
/us/usc/t10/s8896 Reconsideration of stay
/us/usc/t10/s8897 Duration of stay
/us/usc/t10/s8898 Restricted certificate
/us/usc/t10/s8899 Investigation before issue of certificate
/us/usc/t10/s8900 Evidence admissible when witness is not available
/us/usc/t10/s8901 Composition
/us/usc/t10/s8902 Appointment and enlistment in reserve components
/us/usc/t10/s8903 Release from Militia duty upon order to active duty in reserve components
/us/usc/t10/s8904 Availability of material for Naval Militia
/us/usc/t10/s8911 Custody of departmental records and property
/us/usc/t10/s8912 Accounts of paymasters of lost or captured naval vessels
/us/usc/t10/s8913 Disposal of public stores by order of commanding officer
/us/usc/t10/s8921 Unauthorized use of Marine Corps insignia
/us/usc/t10/s8931 National Oceanographic Partnership Program
/us/usc/t10/s8932 National Ocean Research Leadership Council
/us/usc/t10/s8933 Ocean Research Advisory Panel
/us/usc/t10/s8942 Rifles and ammunition for target practice: educational institutions having corps of midshipmen
/us/usc/t10/s8943 Supplies: military instruction camps
/us/usc/t10/s8951 Safety and effectiveness information; hydrographic information
/us/usc/t10/s9011 Organization
/us/usc/t10/s9012 Department of the Air Force: seal
/us/usc/t10/s9013 Secretary of the Air Force
/us/usc/t10/s9014 Office of the Secretary of the Air Force
/us/usc/t10/s9015 Under Secretary of the Air Force
/us/usc/t10/s9016 Assistant Secretaries of the Air Force
/us/usc/t10/s9017 Secretary of the Air Force: successors to duties
/us/usc/t10/s9018 Administrative Assistant
/us/usc/t10/s9019 General Counsel
/us/usc/t10/s9020 Inspector General
/us/usc/t10/s9021 Space Force Acquisition Council
/us/usc/t10/s9021a Air Force Reserve Forces Policy Committee
/us/usc/t10/s9022 Financial management
/us/usc/t10/s9023 Chief of Legislative Liaison
/us/usc/t10/s9024 Director of Small Business Programs
/us/usc/t10/s9031 The Air Staff: function; composition
/us/usc/t10/s9032 The Air Staff: general duties
/us/usc/t10/s9033 Chief of Staff
/us/usc/t10/s9034 Vice Chief of Staff
/us/usc/t10/s9035 Deputy Chiefs of Staff and Assistant Chiefs of Staff
/us/usc/t10/s9036 Surgeon General: appointment; duties
/us/usc/t10/s9037 Judge Advocate General, Deputy Judge Advocate General: appointment; duties
/us/usc/t10/s9038 Office of Air Force Reserve: appointment of Chief
/us/usc/t10/s9039 Chief of Chaplains: appointment; duties
/us/usc/t10/s9040 Oversight of nuclear deterrence mission
/us/usc/t10/s9061 Regulations
/us/usc/t10/s9062 Policy; composition; aircraft authorization
/us/usc/t10/s9063 Designation: officers to perform certain professional functions
/us/usc/t10/s9064 Air Force nurses: Chief; appointment
/us/usc/t10/s9065 Commands: territorial organization
/us/usc/t10/s9066 Regular Air Force: composition
/us/usc/t10/s9067 Assistant Surgeon General for Dental Services
/us/usc/t10/s9081 The United States Space Force
/us/usc/t10/s9082 Chief of Space Operations
/us/usc/t10/s9083 Officer career field for space
/us/usc/t10/s9110 Regular Air Force: strength in grade; general officers
/us/usc/t10/s9131 Definition
/us/usc/t10/s9132 Regular Air Force: gender-free basis for acceptance of original enlistments
/us/usc/t10/s9137 Regular Air Force: aviation cadets; qualifications, grade, limitations
/us/usc/t10/s9138 Regular Air Force: reenlistment after service as an officer
/us/usc/t10/s9151 Commissioned officer grades
/us/usc/t10/s9160 Warrant officers: original appointment; qualifications
/us/usc/t10/s9176 Retention on active duty
/us/usc/t10/s9191 Non-regular officers: status
/us/usc/t10/s9203 Retired commissioned officers: status
/us/usc/t10/s9217 Duties: chaplains; assistance required of commanding officers
/us/usc/t10/s9218 Duties: warrant officers; limitations
/us/usc/t10/s9222 Rank: commissioned officers serving under temporary appointments
/us/usc/t10/s9225 Rank: warrant officers
/us/usc/t10/s9229 Command: commissioned officers in certain designated categories
/us/usc/t10/s9231 Command: chaplains
/us/usc/t10/s9233 Requirement of exemplary conduct
/us/usc/t10/s9239 Enlisted members: officers not to use as servants
/us/usc/t10/s9251 Presentation of United States flag upon retirement
/us/usc/t10/s9252 Service credit: regular enlisted members; service as an officer to be counted as enlisted service
/us/usc/t10/s9253 Flying officer rating: qualifications
/us/usc/t10/s9263 When Secretary may require
/us/usc/t10/s9271 Medal of honor: award
/us/usc/t10/s9272 Air Force cross: award
/us/usc/t10/s9273 Distinguished-service medal: award
/us/usc/t10/s9274 Medal of honor; Air Force cross; distinguished-service medal: limitations on award
/us/usc/t10/s9275 Medal of honor; Air Force cross; distinguished-service medal: delegation of power to award
/us/usc/t10/s9276 Silver star: award
/us/usc/t10/s9277 Medal of honor; Air Force cross; distinguished-service cross; distinguished-service medal; silver star: replacement
/us/usc/t10/s9278 Medal of honor; Air Force cross; distinguished-service cross; distinguished-service medal; silver star: availability of appropriations
/us/usc/t10/s9279 Distinguished flying cross: award; limitations
/us/usc/t10/s9280 Airman’s Medal: award; limitations
/us/usc/t10/s9281 Service medals: issue; replacement; availability of appropriations
/us/usc/t10/s9282 Medals: posthumous award and presentation
/us/usc/t10/s9284 Medal of honor: duplicate medal
/us/usc/t10/s9285 Medal of honor: presentation of Medal of Honor Flag
/us/usc/t10/s9286 Korea Defense Service Medal
/us/usc/t10/s9307 Aviation cadets: discharge
/us/usc/t10/s9311 Twenty years or more: regular or reserve commissioned officers
/us/usc/t10/s9314 Twenty to thirty years: enlisted members
/us/usc/t10/s9317 Thirty years or more: regular enlisted members
/us/usc/t10/s9318 Thirty years or more: regular commissioned officers
/us/usc/t10/s9320 More than thirty years: permanent professors and the Director of Admissions of the United States Air Force Academy
/us/usc/t10/s9321 Mandatory retirement: Superintendent of the United States Air Force Academy; waiver authority
/us/usc/t10/s9324 Forty years or more: Air Force officers
/us/usc/t10/s9325 Computation of years of service: voluntary retirement; enlisted members
/us/usc/t10/s9326 Computation of years of service: voluntary retirement; regular and reserve commissioned officers
/us/usc/t10/s9329 Computation of retired pay: law applicable
/us/usc/t10/s9341 General rule
/us/usc/t10/s9342 Higher grade for service in special positions
/us/usc/t10/s9343 Highest grade held satisfactorily: Reserve enlisted members reduced in grade not as a result of the member’s misconduct
/us/usc/t10/s9344 Higher grade after 30 years of service: warrant officers and enlisted members
/us/usc/t10/s9345 Restoration to former grade: retired warrant officers and enlisted members
/us/usc/t10/s9346 Retired lists
/us/usc/t10/s9361 Computation of retired pay
/us/usc/t10/s9362 Recomputation of retired pay to reflect advancement on retired list
/us/usc/t10/s9371 Air University: civilian faculty members
/us/usc/t10/s9375 Production of supplies and munitions: hours and pay of laborers and mechanics
/us/usc/t10/s9377 Civilian special agents of the Office of Special Investigations: authority to execute warrants and make arrests
/us/usc/t10/s9381 Fatality reviews
/us/usc/t10/s9401 Members of Air Force: detail as students, observers, and investigators at educational institutions, industrial plants, and hospitals
/us/usc/t10/s9402 Enlisted members of Air Force: schools
/us/usc/t10/s9403 Aviation cadets and aviation students: schools
/us/usc/t10/s9404 Aviation students: detail of enlisted members of Air Force
/us/usc/t10/s9405 Civilian flying school instructors: instruction at Air Force training commands
/us/usc/t10/s9406 Service schools: leaves of absence for instructors
/us/usc/t10/s9414 Degree granting authority for United States Air Force Institute of Technology
/us/usc/t10/s9414a United States Air Force Institute of Technology: admission of certain private sector civilians
/us/usc/t10/s9414b United States Air Force Institute of Technology: administration
/us/usc/t10/s9415 Community College of the Air Force: associate degrees
/us/usc/t10/s9417 Degree granting authority for Air University
/us/usc/t10/s9419 Recruit basic training: separate housing for male and female recruits
/us/usc/t10/s9420 Recruit basic training: privacy
/us/usc/t10/s9431 Establishment; Superintendent; faculty
/us/usc/t10/s9432 Departments and professors: titles
/us/usc/t10/s9433 Superintendent; faculty: appointment and detail
/us/usc/t10/s9433a Superintendent: condition for detail to position
/us/usc/t10/s9434 Command and supervision
/us/usc/t10/s9435 Dean of the Faculty
/us/usc/t10/s9436 Permanent professors; director of admissions
/us/usc/t10/s9438 Civilian faculty: number; compensation
/us/usc/t10/s9441 Faculty and other officers: leaves of absence
/us/usc/t10/s9441a Cadets: appointment by the President
/us/usc/t10/s9442 Cadets: appointment; numbers, territorial distribution
/us/usc/t10/s9443 Cadets: appointment; to bring to full strength
/us/usc/t10/s9446 Cadets: requirements for admission
/us/usc/t10/s9447 Cadets; nominees: effect of redistricting of States
/us/usc/t10/s9448 Cadets: agreement to serve as officer
/us/usc/t10/s9449 Cadets: organization; service; instruction
/us/usc/t10/s9450 Cadets: clothing and equipment
/us/usc/t10/s9451 Cadets: deficiencies in conduct or studies; effect of failure on successor
/us/usc/t10/s9452 Cadets: hazing
/us/usc/t10/s9453 Cadets: degree and commission on graduation
/us/usc/t10/s9454 Buildings and grounds: buildings for religious worship
/us/usc/t10/s9455 Board of Visitors
/us/usc/t10/s9456 Acceptance of guarantees with gifts for major projects
/us/usc/t10/s9457 Grants for faculty research for scientific, literary, and educational purposes: acceptance; authorized grantees
/us/usc/t10/s9459 Mixed-funded athletic and recreational extracurricular programs: authority to manage appropriated funds in same manner as nonappropriated funds
/us/usc/t10/s9460 Cadets: charges and fees for attendance; limitation
/us/usc/t10/s9461 Policy on sexual harassment and sexual violence
/us/usc/t10/s9462 Support of athletic programs
/us/usc/t10/s9481 Establishment: purpose
/us/usc/t10/s9482 Operation
/us/usc/t10/s9483 Transportation and subsistence during travel
/us/usc/t10/s9484 Quartermaster and ordnance property: sales
/us/usc/t10/s9487 Air War College: acceptance of grants for faculty research for scientific, literary, and educational purposes
/us/usc/t10/s9491 Status as federally chartered corporation; purposes
/us/usc/t10/s9492 Status as volunteer civilian auxiliary of the Air Force
/us/usc/t10/s9493 Activities performed as federally chartered nonprofit corporation
/us/usc/t10/s9494 Activities performed as auxiliary of the Air Force
/us/usc/t10/s9495 Funds appropriated for the Civil Air Patrol
/us/usc/t10/s9496 Miscellaneous personnel authorities
/us/usc/t10/s9497 Board of Governors
/us/usc/t10/s9498 Regulations
/us/usc/t10/s9511 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s9511a Civil Reserve Air Fleet contracts: payment rate
/us/usc/t10/s9512 Contracts for the inclusion or incorporation of defense features
/us/usc/t10/s9514 Indemnification of Department of Transportation for losses covered by defense-related aviation insurance
/us/usc/t10/s9515 Charter air transportation services: minimum annual purchase amount for carriers participating in Civil Reserve Air Fleet
/us/usc/t10/s9516 Airlift service
/us/usc/t10/s9517 Level of readiness of Civil Reserve Air Fleet carriers
/us/usc/t10/s9532 Factories, arsenals, and depots: manufacture at
/us/usc/t10/s9536 Equipment: bakeries, schools, kitchens, and mess halls
/us/usc/t10/s9540 Architectural and engineering services
/us/usc/t10/s9561 Rations
/us/usc/t10/s9562 Clothing
/us/usc/t10/s9563 Clothing: replacement when destroyed to prevent contagion
/us/usc/t10/s9564 Navy and Marine Corps: camp equipment and transportation; when on shore duty with Air Force
/us/usc/t10/s9565 Colors, standards, and guidons of demobilized organizations: disposition
/us/usc/t10/s9591 Utilities: proceeds from overseas operations
/us/usc/t10/s9592 Radiograms and telegrams: forwarding charges due connecting commercial facilities
/us/usc/t10/s9593 Quarters: heat and light
/us/usc/t10/s9594 Air Force Military History Institute: fee for providing historical information to the public
/us/usc/t10/s9621 Subsistence and other supplies: members of armed forces; veterans; executive or military departments and employees; prices
/us/usc/t10/s9622 Rations: commissioned officers in field
/us/usc/t10/s9624 Medical supplies: civilian employees of the Air Force; American National Red Cross; Armed Forces Retirement Home
/us/usc/t10/s9625 Ordnance property: officers of armed forces; civilian employees of Air Force; American National Red Cross; educational institutions; homes for veterans’ orphans
/us/usc/t10/s9626 Aircraft supplies and services: foreign military or other state aircraft
/us/usc/t10/s9627 Supplies: educational institutions
/us/usc/t10/s9628 Airplane parts and accessories: civilian flying schools
/us/usc/t10/s9629 Proceeds: disposition
/us/usc/t10/s9652 Rifles and ammunition for target practice: educational institutions having corps of cadets
/us/usc/t10/s9653 Ordnance and ordnance stores: District of Columbia high schools
/us/usc/t10/s9654 Supplies: military instruction camps
/us/usc/t10/s9655 Arms and ammunition: agencies and departments of United States
/us/usc/t10/s9656 Aircraft and equipment: civilian aviation schools
/us/usc/t10/s9682 Obsolete or excess material: sale to National Council of Boy Scouts of America
/us/usc/t10/s9684 Surplus obsolete ordnance: sale to patriotic organizations
/us/usc/t10/s9685 Obsolete ordnance: loan to educational institutions and State soldiers’ and sailors’ orphans’ homes
/us/usc/t10/s9686 Obsolete ordnance: gift to State homes for soldiers and sailors
/us/usc/t10/s9712 Disposition of effects of deceased persons by summary court-martial
/us/usc/t10/s9771 Acceptance of donations: land for mobilization, training, supply base, or aviation field
/us/usc/t10/s9773 Acquisition and construction: air bases and depots
/us/usc/t10/s9776 Emergency construction: fortifications
/us/usc/t10/s9777 Permits: military reservations; landing ferries, erecting bridges, driving livestock
/us/usc/t10/s9778 Licenses: military reservations; erection and use of buildings; Young Men’s Christian Association
/us/usc/t10/s9779 Use of public property
/us/usc/t10/s9780 Acquisition of buildings in District of Columbia
/us/usc/t10/s9781 Disposition of real property at missile sites
/us/usc/t10/s9782 Maintenance and repair of real property
/us/usc/t10/s9783 Johnston Atoll: reimbursement for support provided to civil air carriers
/us/usc/t10/s9801 Definition
/us/usc/t10/s9802 Admiralty claims against the United States
/us/usc/t10/s9803 Admiralty claims by United States
/us/usc/t10/s9804 Salvage claims by United States
/us/usc/t10/s9806 Settlement or compromise: final and conclusive
/us/usc/t10/s9831 Custody of departmental records and property
/us/usc/t10/s9837 Settlement of accounts: remission or cancellation of indebtedness of members
/us/usc/t10/s9838 Settlement of accounts: affidavit of squadron commander
/us/usc/t10/s9839 Settlement of accounts: oaths
/us/usc/t10/s9840 Final settlement of officer’s accounts
/us/usc/t10/s9841 Payment of small amounts to public creditors
/us/usc/t10/s9842 Settlement of accounts of line officers
/us/usc/t10/s10001 Definition of State
/us/usc/t10/s10101 Reserve components named
/us/usc/t10/s10102 Purpose of reserve components
/us/usc/t10/s10102a Deployment prioritization and readiness of Army components
/us/usc/t10/s10103 Basic policy for order into Federal service
/us/usc/t10/s10104 Army Reserve: composition
/us/usc/t10/s10105 Army National Guard of the United States: composition
/us/usc/t10/s10106 Army National Guard: when a component of the Army
/us/usc/t10/s10107 Army National Guard of the United States: status when not in Federal service
/us/usc/t10/s10108 Navy Reserve: administration
/us/usc/t10/s10109 Marine Corps Reserve: administration
/us/usc/t10/s10110 Air Force Reserve: composition
/us/usc/t10/s10111 Air National Guard of the United States: composition
/us/usc/t10/s10112 Air National Guard: when a component of the Air Force
/us/usc/t10/s10113 Air National Guard of the United States: status when not in Federal service
/us/usc/t10/s10114 Coast Guard Reserve
/us/usc/t10/s10141 Ready Reserve; Standby Reserve; Retired Reserve: placement and status of members; training categories
/us/usc/t10/s10142 Ready Reserve
/us/usc/t10/s10143 Ready Reserve: Selected Reserve
/us/usc/t10/s10144 Ready Reserve: Individual Ready Reserve
/us/usc/t10/s10145 Ready Reserve: placement in
/us/usc/t10/s10146 Ready Reserve: transfer from
/us/usc/t10/s10147 Ready Reserve: training requirements
/us/usc/t10/s10148 Ready Reserve: failure to satisfactorily perform prescribed training
/us/usc/t10/s10149 Ready Reserve: continuous screening
/us/usc/t10/s10150 Ready Reserve: transfer back from Standby Reserve
/us/usc/t10/s10151 Standby Reserve: composition
/us/usc/t10/s10152 Standby Reserve: inactive status list
/us/usc/t10/s10153 Standby Reserve: status of members
/us/usc/t10/s10154 Retired Reserve
/us/usc/t10/s10171 United States Army Reserve Command
/us/usc/t10/s10172 Navy Reserve Force
/us/usc/t10/s10173 Marine Forces Reserve
/us/usc/t10/s10174 Air Force Reserve Command
/us/usc/t10/s10201 Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower and Reserve Affairs
/us/usc/t10/s10202 Regulations
/us/usc/t10/s10203 Reserve affairs: designation of general or flag officer of each armed force
/us/usc/t10/s10204 Personnel records
/us/usc/t10/s10205 Members of Ready Reserve: requirement of notification of change of status
/us/usc/t10/s10206 Members: physical examinations
/us/usc/t10/s10207 Mobilization forces: maintenance
/us/usc/t10/s10208 Annual mobilization exercise
/us/usc/t10/s10209 Regular and reserve components: discrimination prohibited
/us/usc/t10/s10210 Dissemination of information
/us/usc/t10/s10211 Policies and regulations: participation of Reserve officers in preparation and administration
/us/usc/t10/s10212 Gratuitous services of officers: authority to accept
/us/usc/t10/s10213 Reserve components: dual membership prohibited
/us/usc/t10/s10214 Adjutants general and assistant adjutants general: reference to other officers of National Guard
/us/usc/t10/s10215 Officers of Army National Guard of the United States and Air National Guard of the United States: authority with respect to Federal status
/us/usc/t10/s10216 Military technicians (dual status)
/us/usc/t10/s10217 Non-dual status technicians
/us/usc/t10/s10218 Army and Air Force Reserve technicians: conditions for retention; mandatory retirement under civil service laws
/us/usc/t10/s10219 Suicide prevention and resilience program
/us/usc/t10/s10301 Reserve Forces Policy Board
/us/usc/t10/s10302 Army Reserve Forces Policy Committee
/us/usc/t10/s10303 Navy Reserve Policy Board
/us/usc/t10/s10304 Marine Corps Reserve Policy Board
/us/usc/t10/s10305 Air Force Reserve Forces Policy Committee
/us/usc/t10/s10501 National Guard Bureau
/us/usc/t10/s10502 Chief of the National Guard Bureau: appointment; adviser on National Guard matters; grade; succession
/us/usc/t10/s10503 Functions of National Guard Bureau: charter
/us/usc/t10/s10504 Chief of National Guard Bureau: annual reports
/us/usc/t10/s10505 Vice Chief of the National Guard Bureau
/us/usc/t10/s10506 Other senior National Guard Bureau officers
/us/usc/t10/s10507 National Guard Bureau: assignment of officers of regular or reserve components
/us/usc/t10/s10508 National Guard Bureau: general provisions
/us/usc/t10/s10541 National Guard and reserve component equipment: annual report to Congress
/us/usc/t10/s10543 National Guard and reserve component equipment procurement and military construction funding: inclusion in future-years defense program
/us/usc/t10/s12001 Authorized strengths: reserve components
/us/usc/t10/s12002 Authorized strengths: Army and Air Force reserve components, exclusive of members on active duty
/us/usc/t10/s12003 Authorized strengths: commissioned officers in an active status
/us/usc/t10/s12004 Strength in grade: reserve general and flag officers in an active status
/us/usc/t10/s12005 Strength in grade: commissioned officers in grades below brigadier general or rear admiral (lower half) in an active status
/us/usc/t10/s12006 Strength limitations: authority to waive in time of war or national emergency
/us/usc/t10/s12007 Reserve officers of the Army: distribution
/us/usc/t10/s12008 Army Reserve and Air Force Reserve: warrant officers
/us/usc/t10/s12009 Army and Air Force reserve components: temporary increases
/us/usc/t10/s12010 Computations for Navy Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve: rule when fraction occurs in final result
/us/usc/t10/s12011 Authorized strengths: reserve officers on active duty or on full-time National Guard duty for administration of the reserves or the National Guard
/us/usc/t10/s12012 Authorized strengths: senior enlisted members on active duty or on full-time National Guard duty for administration of the reserves or the National Guard
/us/usc/t10/s12101 Definition
/us/usc/t10/s12102 Reserve components: qualifications
/us/usc/t10/s12103 Reserve components: terms
/us/usc/t10/s12104 Reserve components: transfers
/us/usc/t10/s12105 Army Reserve and Air Force Reserve: transfer from Guard components
/us/usc/t10/s12106 Army and Air Force Reserve: transfer to upon withdrawal as member of National Guard
/us/usc/t10/s12107 Army National Guard of United States; Air National Guard of the United States: enlistment in
/us/usc/t10/s12108 Enlisted members: discharge or retirement for years of service or for age
/us/usc/t10/s12201 Reserve officers: qualifications for appointment
/us/usc/t10/s12202 Commissioned officer grades
/us/usc/t10/s12203 Commissioned officers: appointment, how made; term
/us/usc/t10/s12204 Commissioned officers: original appointment; limitation
/us/usc/t10/s12205 Commissioned officers: appointment; educational requirement
/us/usc/t10/s12206 Commissioned officers: appointment of former commissioned officers
/us/usc/t10/s12207 Commissioned officers: service credit upon original appointment
/us/usc/t10/s12208 Officers: appointment upon transfer
/us/usc/t10/s12209 Officer candidates: enlisted Reserves
/us/usc/t10/s12210 Attending Physician to the Congress: reserve grade
/us/usc/t10/s12211 Officers: Army National Guard of the United States
/us/usc/t10/s12212 Officers: Air National Guard of the United States
/us/usc/t10/s12213 Officers; Army Reserve: transfer from Army National Guard of the United States
/us/usc/t10/s12214 Officers; Air Force Reserve: transfer from Air National Guard of the United States
/us/usc/t10/s12215 Commissioned officers: reserve grade of adjutants general and assistant adjutants general
/us/usc/t10/s12241 Warrant officers: grades; appointment, how made; term
/us/usc/t10/s12242 Warrant officers: promotion
/us/usc/t10/s12243 Warrant officers: suspension of laws for promotion or mandatory retirement or separation during war or emergency
/us/usc/t10/s12244 Warrant officers: discharge or retirement for years of service or for age
/us/usc/t10/s12301 Reserve components generally
/us/usc/t10/s12302 Ready Reserve
/us/usc/t10/s12303 Ready Reserve: members not assigned to, or participating satisfactorily in, units
/us/usc/t10/s12304 Selected Reserve and certain Individual Ready Reserve members; order to active duty other than during war or national emergency
/us/usc/t10/s12304a Army Reserve, Navy Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, and Air Force Reserve: order to active duty to provide assistance in response to a major disaster or emergency
/us/usc/t10/s12304b Selected Reserve: order to active duty for preplanned missions in support of the combatant commands
/us/usc/t10/s12305 Authority of President to suspend certain laws relating to promotion, retirement, and separation
/us/usc/t10/s12306 Standby Reserve
/us/usc/t10/s12307 Retired Reserve
/us/usc/t10/s12308 Retention after becoming qualified for retired pay
/us/usc/t10/s12309 Reserve officers: use of in expansion of armed forces
/us/usc/t10/s12310 Reserves: for organizing, administering, etc., reserve components
/us/usc/t10/s12311 Active duty agreements
/us/usc/t10/s12312 Active duty agreements: release from duty
/us/usc/t10/s12313 Reserves: release from active duty
/us/usc/t10/s12314 Reserves: kinds of duty
/us/usc/t10/s12315 Reserves: duty with or without pay
/us/usc/t10/s12316 Payment of certain Reserves while on duty
/us/usc/t10/s12317 Reserves: theological students; limitations
/us/usc/t10/s12318 Reserves on active duty: duties; funding
/us/usc/t10/s12319 Ready Reserve: muster duty
/us/usc/t10/s12320 Reserve officers: grade in which ordered to active duty
/us/usc/t10/s12321 Reserve Officer Training Corps units: limitation on number of Reserves assigned
/us/usc/t10/s12322 Active duty for health care
/us/usc/t10/s12323 Active duty pending line of duty determination required for response to sexual assault
/us/usc/t10/s12401 Army and Air National Guard of the United States: status
/us/usc/t10/s12402 Army and Air National Guard of the United States: commissioned officers; duty in National Guard Bureau
/us/usc/t10/s12403 Army and Air National Guard of the United States: members; status in which ordered into Federal service
/us/usc/t10/s12404 Army and Air National Guard of the United States: mobilization; maintenance of organization
/us/usc/t10/s12405 National Guard in Federal service: status
/us/usc/t10/s12406 National Guard in Federal service: call
/us/usc/t10/s12407 National Guard in Federal service: period of service; apportionment
/us/usc/t10/s12408 National Guard in Federal service: physical examination
/us/usc/t10/s12501 Reserve components: detail of members of regular and reserve components to assist
/us/usc/t10/s12502 Chief and assistant chief of staff of National Guard divisions and wings in Federal service: detail
/us/usc/t10/s12503 Ready Reserve: funeral honors duty
/us/usc/t10/s12521 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s12522 Establishment of insurance program
/us/usc/t10/s12523 Risk insured
/us/usc/t10/s12524 Enrollment and election of benefits
/us/usc/t10/s12525 Benefit amounts
/us/usc/t10/s12526 Premiums
/us/usc/t10/s12527 Payment of premiums
/us/usc/t10/s12528 Reserve Mobilization Income Insurance Fund
/us/usc/t10/s12529 Board of Actuaries
/us/usc/t10/s12530 Payment of benefits
/us/usc/t10/s12531 Purchase of insurance
/us/usc/t10/s12532 Termination for nonpayment of premiums; forfeiture
/us/usc/t10/s12533 Termination of program
/us/usc/t10/s12552 Funeral honors functions at funerals for veterans
/us/usc/t10/s12601 Compensation: Reserve on active duty accepting from any person
/us/usc/t10/s12602 Members of Army National Guard of United States and Air National Guard of United States: credit for service as members of National Guard
/us/usc/t10/s12603 Attendance at inactive-duty training assemblies: commercial travel at Federal supply schedule rates
/us/usc/t10/s12604 Billeting in Department of Defense facilities: Reserves attending inactive-duty training
/us/usc/t10/s12605 Presentation of United States flag: members transferred from an active status or discharged after completion of eligibility for retired pay
/us/usc/t10/s12641 Standards and procedures: Secretary to prescribe
/us/usc/t10/s12642 Standards and qualifications: result of failure to comply with
/us/usc/t10/s12643 Boards for appointment, promotion, and certain other purposes: composition
/us/usc/t10/s12644 Members physically not qualified for active duty: discharge or transfer to retired status
/us/usc/t10/s12645 Commissioned officers: retention until completion of required service
/us/usc/t10/s12646 Commissioned officers: retention of after completing 18 or more, but less than 20, years of service
/us/usc/t10/s12647 Commissioned officers: retention in active status while assigned to Selective Service System or serving as United States property and fiscal officers
/us/usc/t10/s12681 Reserves: discharge authority
/us/usc/t10/s12682 Reserves: discharge upon becoming ordained minister of religion
/us/usc/t10/s12683 Reserve officers: limitation on involuntary separation
/us/usc/t10/s12684 Reserves: separation for absence without authority or sentence to imprisonment
/us/usc/t10/s12685 Reserves separated for cause: character of discharge
/us/usc/t10/s12686 Reserves on active duty within two years of retirement eligibility: limitation on release from active duty
/us/usc/t10/s12687 Reserves under confinement by sentence of court-martial: separation after six months confinement
/us/usc/t10/s12731 Age and service requirements
/us/usc/t10/s12731a Temporary special retirement qualification authority
/us/usc/t10/s12731b Special rule for members with physical disabilities not incurred in line of duty
/us/usc/t10/s12732 Entitlement to retired pay: computation of years of service
/us/usc/t10/s12733 Computation of retired pay: computation of years of service
/us/usc/t10/s12734 Time not creditable toward years of service
/us/usc/t10/s12735 Inactive status list
/us/usc/t10/s12736 Service credited for retired pay benefits not excluded for other benefits
/us/usc/t10/s12737 Limitation on active duty
/us/usc/t10/s12738 Limitations on revocation of retired pay
/us/usc/t10/s12739 Computation of retired pay
/us/usc/t10/s12740 Eligibility: denial upon certain punitive discharges or dismissals
/us/usc/t10/s12741 Retirement for service in an active status performed in the Selected Reserve of the Ready Reserve after eligibility for regular retirement
/us/usc/t10/s12771 Reserve officers: grade on transfer to Retired Reserve
/us/usc/t10/s12772 Reserve commissioned officers who have served as Attending Physician to the Congress: grade on transfer to Retired Reserve
/us/usc/t10/s12773 Limitation on accrual of increased pay or benefits
/us/usc/t10/s12774 Retired lists
/us/usc/t10/s14001 Applicability of this part
/us/usc/t10/s14002 Reserve active-status lists: requirement for each armed force
/us/usc/t10/s14003 Reserve active-status lists: position of officers on the list
/us/usc/t10/s14004 Reserve active-status lists: eligibility for Reserve promotion
/us/usc/t10/s14005 Competitive categories
/us/usc/t10/s14006 Determination of years in grade
/us/usc/t10/s14101 Convening of selection boards
/us/usc/t10/s14102 Selection boards: appointment and composition
/us/usc/t10/s14103 Oath of members
/us/usc/t10/s14104 Nondisclosure of board proceedings
/us/usc/t10/s14105 Notice of convening of promotion board
/us/usc/t10/s14106 Communication with board by officers under consideration
/us/usc/t10/s14107 Information furnished by the Secretary concerned to promotion boards
/us/usc/t10/s14108 Recommendations by promotion boards
/us/usc/t10/s14109 Reports of promotion boards: in general
/us/usc/t10/s14110 Reports of promotion boards: review by Secretary
/us/usc/t10/s14111 Reports of selection boards: transmittal to President
/us/usc/t10/s14112 Dissemination of names of officers selected
/us/usc/t10/s14301 Eligibility for consideration for promotion: general rules
/us/usc/t10/s14302 Promotion zones
/us/usc/t10/s14303 Eligibility for consideration for promotion: minimum years of service in grade
/us/usc/t10/s14304 Eligibility for consideration for promotion: maximum years of service in grade
/us/usc/t10/s14305 Establishment of promotion zones: mandatory consideration for promotion
/us/usc/t10/s14306 Establishment of promotion zones: Navy Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve running mate system
/us/usc/t10/s14307 Number of officers to be recommended for promotion
/us/usc/t10/s14308 Promotions: how made
/us/usc/t10/s14309 Acceptance of promotion; oath of office
/us/usc/t10/s14310 Removal of officers from a list of officers recommended for promotion
/us/usc/t10/s14311 Delay of promotion: involuntary
/us/usc/t10/s14312 Delay of promotion: voluntary
/us/usc/t10/s14313 Authority to vacate promotions to grade of brigadier general or rear admiral (lower half)
/us/usc/t10/s14314 Army and Air Force commissioned officers: generals ceasing to occupy positions commensurate with grade; State adjutants general
/us/usc/t10/s14315 Position vacancy promotions: Army and Air Force officers
/us/usc/t10/s14316 Army National Guard and Air National Guard: appointment to and Federal recognition in a higher reserve grade after selection for promotion
/us/usc/t10/s14317 Officers in transition to and from the active-status list or active-duty list
/us/usc/t10/s14501 Failure of selection for promotion
/us/usc/t10/s14502 Special selection boards: correction of errors
/us/usc/t10/s14503 Discharge of officers with less than six years of commissioned service or found not qualified for promotion to first lieutenant or lieutenant (junior grade)
/us/usc/t10/s14504 Effect of failure of selection for promotion: reserve first lieutenants of the Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps and reserve lieutenants (junior grade) of the Navy
/us/usc/t10/s14505 Effect of failure of selection for promotion: reserve captains of the Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps and reserve lieutenants of the Navy
/us/usc/t10/s14506 Effect of failure of selection for promotion: reserve majors of the Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps and reserve lieutenant commanders of the Navy
/us/usc/t10/s14507 Removal from the reserve active-status list for years of service: reserve lieutenant colonels and colonels of the Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps and reserve commanders and captains of the Navy
/us/usc/t10/s14508 Removal from the reserve active-status list for years of service: reserve general and flag officers
/us/usc/t10/s14509 Separation at age 62: reserve officers in grades below brigadier general or rear admiral (lower half)
/us/usc/t10/s14510 Separation at age 62: brigadier generals and rear admirals (lower half)
/us/usc/t10/s14511 Separation at age 64: officers in grade of major general or rear admiral and above
/us/usc/t10/s14512 Separation at age 66: officers holding certain offices
/us/usc/t10/s14513 Failure of selection for promotion: transfer, retirement, or discharge
/us/usc/t10/s14514 Discharge or retirement for years of service or after selection for early removal
/us/usc/t10/s14515 Discharge or retirement for age
/us/usc/t10/s14516 Separation to be considered involuntary
/us/usc/t10/s14517 Entitlement of officers discharged under this chapter to separation pay
/us/usc/t10/s14518 Continuation of officers to complete disciplinary action
/us/usc/t10/s14519 Deferment of retirement or separation for medical reasons
/us/usc/t10/s14701 Selection of officers for continuation on the reserve active-status list
/us/usc/t10/s14702 Retention on reserve active-status list of certain officers in the grade of major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, or brigadier general
/us/usc/t10/s14703 Authority to retain chaplains and officers in medical specialties until specified age
/us/usc/t10/s14704 Selective early removal from the reserve active-status list
/us/usc/t10/s14705 Selective early retirement: reserve general and flag officers of the Navy and Marine Corps
/us/usc/t10/s14706 Computation of total years of service
/us/usc/t10/s14901 Separation of chaplains for loss of professional qualifications
/us/usc/t10/s14902 Separation for substandard performance and for certain other reasons
/us/usc/t10/s14903 Boards of inquiry
/us/usc/t10/s14904 Rights and procedures
/us/usc/t10/s14905 Officer considered for removal: retirement or discharge
/us/usc/t10/s14906 Officers eligible to serve on boards
/us/usc/t10/s14907 Army National Guard of the United States and Air National Guard of the United States: discharge and withdrawal of Federal recognition of officers absent without leave
/us/usc/t10/s16131 Educational assistance program: establishment; amount
/us/usc/t10/s16131a Accelerated payment of educational assistance
/us/usc/t10/s16132 Eligibility for educational assistance
/us/usc/t10/s16132a Authority to transfer unused education benefits to family members
/us/usc/t10/s16133 Time limitation for use of entitlement
/us/usc/t10/s16134 Termination of assistance
/us/usc/t10/s16135 Failure to participate satisfactorily; penalties
/us/usc/t10/s16136 Administration of program
/us/usc/t10/s16161 Purpose
/us/usc/t10/s16162 Educational assistance program
/us/usc/t10/s16162a Accelerated payment of educational assistance
/us/usc/t10/s16163 Eligibility for educational assistance
/us/usc/t10/s16163a Authority to transfer unused education benefits to family members
/us/usc/t10/s16164 Time limitation for use of entitlement
/us/usc/t10/s16165 Termination of assistance
/us/usc/t10/s16166 Administration of program
/us/usc/t10/s16167 Sunset
/us/usc/t10/s16201 Financial assistance: health-care professionals in reserve components
/us/usc/t10/s16202 Reserve service: required active duty for training
/us/usc/t10/s16203 Penalties and limitations
/us/usc/t10/s16204 Regulations
/us/usc/t10/s16301 Education loan repayment program: members of Selected Reserve
/us/usc/t10/s16302 Education loan repayment program: health professions officers serving in Selected Reserve with wartime critical medical skill shortages
/us/usc/t10/s16303 Loan repayment program: chaplains serving in the Selected Reserve
/us/usc/t10/s16401 Marine Corps Platoon Leaders Class: college tuition assistance program
/us/usc/t10/s18231 Purpose
/us/usc/t10/s18232 Definitions
/us/usc/t10/s18233 Acquisition
/us/usc/t10/s18233a Notice and wait requirements for certain projects
/us/usc/t10/s18233b Authority to carry out small projects with operation and maintenance funds
/us/usc/t10/s18234 Location and use
/us/usc/t10/s18235 Administration; other use permitted by Secretary
/us/usc/t10/s18236 Contributions to States; other use permitted by States
/us/usc/t10/s18237 Supervision of construction: compliance with State law
/us/usc/t10/s18238 Army National Guard of United States; Air National Guard of United States: limitation on relocation of units
/us/usc/t10/s18239 Waiver of certain restrictions
/us/usc/t10/s18240 Acquisition of facilities by exchange
/us/usc/t10/s18501 Reserve components: personnel and logistic support by military departments
/us/usc/t10/s18502 Reserve components: supplies, services, and facilities
/us/usc/t10/s18505 Reserves traveling for inactive-duty training: space-required travel on military aircraft
As of Dec. 23, 2021