/us/usc/t13/s1 Definitions
/us/usc/t13/s2 Bureau of the Census
/us/usc/t13/s3 Seal
/us/usc/t13/s4 Functions of Secretary; regulations; delegation
/us/usc/t13/s5 Questionnaires; number, form, and scope of inquiries
/us/usc/t13/s6 Information from other Federal departments and agencies; acquisition of reports from other governmental and private sources
/us/usc/t13/s7 Printing; requisitions upon Director of the Government Publishing Office; publication of bulletins and reports
/us/usc/t13/s8 Authenticated transcripts or copies of certain returns; other data; restriction on use; disposition of fees received
/us/usc/t13/s9 Information as confidential; exception
/us/usc/t13/s11 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t13/s12 Mechanical and electronic development
/us/usc/t13/s13 Procurement of professional services
/us/usc/t13/s15 Leases for 1980 decennial census
/us/usc/t13/s16 Address information reviewed by States and local governments
/us/usc/t13/s21 Director of the Census; duties
/us/usc/t13/s22 Qualifications of permanent personnel
/us/usc/t13/s23 Additional officers and employees
/us/usc/t13/s24 Special employment provisions
/us/usc/t13/s25 Duties of supervisors, enumerators, and other employees
/us/usc/t13/s26 Transportation by contract
/us/usc/t13/s41 Collection and publication
/us/usc/t13/s42 Contents of reports; number of bales of linter; distribution; publication by Department of Agriculture
/us/usc/t13/s43 Records and reports of cotton ginners
/us/usc/t13/s44 Foreign cotton statistics
/us/usc/t13/s45 Simultaneous publication of cotton reports
/us/usc/t13/s61 Collection and publication
/us/usc/t13/s62 Additional statistics
/us/usc/t13/s63 Duplicate collection of statistics prohibited; access to available statistics
/us/usc/t13/s81 Statistics on apparel and textile industries
/us/usc/t13/s91 Collection and publication
/us/usc/t13/s101 Defective, dependent, and delinquent classes; crime
/us/usc/t13/s102 Religion
/us/usc/t13/s103 Designation of reports
/us/usc/t13/s131 Collection and publication; five-year periods
/us/usc/t13/s132 Controlling law; effect on other agencies
/us/usc/t13/s141 Population and other census information
/us/usc/t13/s161 Quinquennial censuses; inclusion of certain data
/us/usc/t13/s163 Authority of other agencies
/us/usc/t13/s181 Population
/us/usc/t13/s182 Surveys
/us/usc/t13/s183 Use of most recent population data
/us/usc/t13/s184 Definitions
/us/usc/t13/s191 Geographic scope of censuses
/us/usc/t13/s193 Preliminary and supplemental statistics
/us/usc/t13/s195 Use of sampling
/us/usc/t13/s196 Special censuses
/us/usc/t13/s211 Receiving or securing compensation for appointment of employees
/us/usc/t13/s212 Refusal or neglect of employees to perform duties
/us/usc/t13/s213 False statements, certificates, and information
/us/usc/t13/s214 Wrongful disclosure of information
/us/usc/t13/s221 Refusal or neglect to answer questions; false answers
/us/usc/t13/s222 Giving suggestions or information with intent to cause inaccurate enumeration of population
/us/usc/t13/s223 Refusal, by owners, proprietors, etc., to assist census employees
/us/usc/t13/s224 Failure to answer questions affecting companies, businesses, religious bodies, and other organizations; false answers
/us/usc/t13/s225 Applicability of penal provisions in certain cases
/us/usc/t13/s241 Evidence
/us/usc/t13/s301 Collection and publication
/us/usc/t13/s302 Rules, regulations, and orders
/us/usc/t13/s303 Secretary of Treasury functions
/us/usc/t13/s304 Filing export information, delayed filings, penalties for failure to file
/us/usc/t13/s305 Penalties for unlawful export information activities
/us/usc/t13/s306 Delegation of functions
/us/usc/t13/s307 Relationship to general census law
/us/usc/t13/s401 Exchange of census information with Bureau of Economic Analysis
/us/usc/t13/s402 Providing business data to Designated Statistical Agencies
As of Dec. 23, 2021