/us/usc/t25/s1 Commissioner of Indian Affairs
/us/usc/t25/s1a Delegation of powers and duties by Secretary of the Interior and Commissioner of Indian Affairs
/us/usc/t25/s2 Duties of Commissioner
/us/usc/t25/s2a Assistant or deputy commissioners; appointment; powers and duties
/us/usc/t25/s3 Compilation of statutes regulating duties of Indian agents and inspectors
/us/usc/t25/s4 Defective record of deeds and papers legalized
/us/usc/t25/s5 Record of deeds by Indians requiring approval
/us/usc/t25/s6 Seal; authenticated and certified documents; evidence
/us/usc/t25/s7 Fees for furnishing certified copies of records
/us/usc/t25/s8 Accounts for claims and disbursements
/us/usc/t25/s9 Regulations by President
/us/usc/t25/s10 Employee to sign letters
/us/usc/t25/s11 Employee or employees to sign approval of tribal deeds
/us/usc/t25/s12 Agent to negotiate commutation of annuities
/us/usc/t25/s13 Expenditure of appropriations by Bureau
/us/usc/t25/s13-1 Authorization of appropriations for funds for basic educational support through parent committees
/us/usc/t25/s13a Carryover funding
/us/usc/t25/s13b Payment of care, tuition, assistance, and other expenses of Indians in boarding homes, institutions, and schools; payment of rewards
/us/usc/t25/s13c Source of funds to pay cost of lunches for nonboarding public school students
/us/usc/t25/s13d Limits on use of appropriated funds by Bureau for general or other welfare assistance
/us/usc/t25/s13d-1 Standards of need as basis for general assistance payments by Bureau of Indian Affairs; ratable reductions
/us/usc/t25/s13d-2 Enrollment and general assistance payments
/us/usc/t25/s13d-3 Tribal authority to change eligibility for, or amount of, general assistance payments
/us/usc/t25/s13e Expenses of exhibits; advance payments for services; termination of Federal supervision; treaty expenses
/us/usc/t25/s13f Tribal priority allocations in Alaska
/us/usc/t25/s14 Money accruing to Indians from Department of Veterans Affairs or other governmental agencies
/us/usc/t25/s14a Deposit of grant funds received by Bureau from other Federal agencies
/us/usc/t25/s14b Disposition of funds received from public for goods and services provided by Bureau of Indian Affairs
/us/usc/t25/s15 Utility facilities used in administration of Bureau; contracts for sale, operation, maintenance, repair or relocation of facilities; terms and conditions; exception; Congressional approval
/us/usc/t25/s16 Transportation of Indians in Bureau vehicles
/us/usc/t25/s17 Use of Bureau facilities
/us/usc/t25/s25 Superintendent for Five Civilized Tribes
/us/usc/t25/s25a Application of civil service laws
/us/usc/t25/s33 Superintendents in charge of reservations; administration of oath of office
/us/usc/t25/s36 Special agents and other officers to administer oaths
/us/usc/t25/s40 Limits of superintendencies, agencies, and subagencies
/us/usc/t25/s41 Special agents and commissioners
/us/usc/t25/s41a Indian inspectors
/us/usc/t25/s43 Persons paid for other services not paid for interpreting
/us/usc/t25/s44 Employment of Indians
/us/usc/t25/s45 Preference to Indians qualified for duties
/us/usc/t25/s46 Preference to Indians in employment of clerical, mechanical, and other help
/us/usc/t25/s47 Employment of Indian labor and purchase of products of Indian industry; participation in Mentor-Protege Program
/us/usc/t25/s47a Security required by Secretary; contracts with Indian-owned economic enterprise; public work
/us/usc/t25/s48 Right of tribes to direct employment of persons engaged for them
/us/usc/t25/s53 Disbursing officers; acting clerks
/us/usc/t25/s56 Quarters, fuel, and light for employees
/us/usc/t25/s58 Limitation on number and kind of employment
/us/usc/t25/s59 Transfer of funds for payment of employees; details for other service
/us/usc/t25/s60 Compensation prescribed to be in full
/us/usc/t25/s61 Estimates for personal services in Indian Office
/us/usc/t25/s62 Discontinuance and transfer of agencies
/us/usc/t25/s63 Consolidation of agencies
/us/usc/t25/s64 Services of agents dispensed with
/us/usc/t25/s65 Discontinuance of agents, subagents, and interpreters
/us/usc/t25/s66 Duties of agency devolved on superintendent of Indian school
/us/usc/t25/s71 Future treaties with Indian tribes
/us/usc/t25/s72 Abrogation of treaties
/us/usc/t25/s81 Contracts and agreements with Indian tribes
/us/usc/t25/s81a Counsel for prosecution of claims against the United States; cancellation; revival
/us/usc/t25/s81b Continuation of contracts with attorneys containing limitation of time where suits have been filed
/us/usc/t25/s82 Payments under contracts; aiding in making prohibited contracts
/us/usc/t25/s82a Contracts for payment of money permitted certain tribes; payment for legal services
/us/usc/t25/s85 Contracts relating to tribal funds or property
/us/usc/t25/s86 Encumbrances on lands allotted to applicants for enrollment in Five Civilized Tribes; use of interest on tribal funds
/us/usc/t25/s88 False vouchers, accounts, or claims
/us/usc/t25/s97 Proposals or bids for contracts to be preserved
/us/usc/t25/s98 Purchase of supplies without authority
/us/usc/t25/s99 Contracts for supplies in advance of appropriations
/us/usc/t25/s101 Payment for wagon transportation
/us/usc/t25/s102 Payment of costs for furnishing coal for Indian Service
/us/usc/t25/s104 Purchase of articles manufactured at schools
/us/usc/t25/s111 Payment of moneys and distribution of goods
/us/usc/t25/s112 Persons present at delivery of goods and money
/us/usc/t25/s113 Mode of disbursements
/us/usc/t25/s114 Payment of annuities in coin
/us/usc/t25/s115 Payment of annuities in goods
/us/usc/t25/s116 Indians 18 years of age to have right to receipt for annuity
/us/usc/t25/s117a Per capita distribution of funds to tribe members
/us/usc/t25/s117b Distribution of funds
/us/usc/t25/s117c Standards for approval of tribal payments; United States not liable for distribution of funds; continuing responsibility under other provisions
/us/usc/t25/s118 Payments in satisfaction of judgments
/us/usc/t25/s119 Allotment of tribal funds to individual Indians
/us/usc/t25/s120 Per capita payments to enrolled members of Choctaw and Chickasaw Tribes
/us/usc/t25/s121 Payment of share of tribal funds to helpless Indians
/us/usc/t25/s122 Limitation on application of tribal funds
/us/usc/t25/s123 Expenditure from tribal funds without specific appropriations
/us/usc/t25/s123a Tribal funds; use to purchase insurance for protection of tribal property
/us/usc/t25/s123b Tribal funds for traveling and other expenses
/us/usc/t25/s123c Advancement of tribal funds to Indian tribes; miscellaneous authorized purposes
/us/usc/t25/s123d Additional appropriations from tribal funds
/us/usc/t25/s124 Expenditures from tribal funds of Five Civilized Tribes without specific appropriations
/us/usc/t25/s125 Expenditure of moneys of tribes of Quapaw Agency
/us/usc/t25/s127 Moneys or annuities of hostile Indians
/us/usc/t25/s128 Appropriations not paid to Indians at war with United States
/us/usc/t25/s129 Moneys due Indians holding captives other than Indians withheld
/us/usc/t25/s130 Withholding of moneys or goods on account of intoxicating liquors
/us/usc/t25/s131 Advances to disbursing officers
/us/usc/t25/s132 Mode of distribution of goods
/us/usc/t25/s133 Rolls of Indians entitled to supplies
/us/usc/t25/s134 Appropriations for supplies available immediately; time for distribution
/us/usc/t25/s135 Supplies distributed so as to prevent deficiencies
/us/usc/t25/s136 Commutation of rations and other supplies; payment per capita
/us/usc/t25/s137 Supplies distributed to able-bodied males on condition
/us/usc/t25/s138 Goods withheld from chiefs violating treaty stipulations
/us/usc/t25/s139 Appropriations for subsistence
/us/usc/t25/s140 Diversion of appropriations for employees and supplies
/us/usc/t25/s145 Accounts between United States and tribes under reimbursable appropriations
/us/usc/t25/s146 Report of Indians present and receiving food
/us/usc/t25/s147 Appropriations for specified buildings; use for transportation of materials
/us/usc/t25/s148 Appropriations for supplies; transfer to Indian Service supply fund; expenditure
/us/usc/t25/s151 Deposits in bank by disbursing agents
/us/usc/t25/s152 Proceeds of sales of Indian lands
/us/usc/t25/s153 Appropriation to carry out treaties
/us/usc/t25/s154 Proceeds of sales of lands not subject to certain deductions
/us/usc/t25/s155 Disposal of miscellaneous revenues from Indian reservations, etc.
/us/usc/t25/s155b Proceeds of labor accounts; deposits limited to funds held in trust for Indian tribes or individuals
/us/usc/t25/s156 Deposit of funds from sales of lands and property of Five Civilized Tribes
/us/usc/t25/s157 Investments of stock required by treaties
/us/usc/t25/s158 Investment of proceeds of lands
/us/usc/t25/s159 Moneys due incompetents or orphans
/us/usc/t25/s160 Custody of stocks or bonds held in trust for tribes
/us/usc/t25/s161 Deposit in Treasury of trust funds
/us/usc/t25/s161a Tribal funds in trust in Treasury Department; investment by Secretary of the Treasury; maturities; interest; funds held in trust for individual Indians
/us/usc/t25/s161b “Indian Money, Proceeds of Labor” fund; separate accounts for respective tribes; rate of interest
/us/usc/t25/s161c Surplus above requirements of fund; transfer to surplus fund of Treasury; retransfer
/us/usc/t25/s161d Disposition of accrued interest
/us/usc/t25/s162a Deposit of tribal funds in banks; bond or collateral security; investments; collections from irrigation projects; affirmative action required
/us/usc/t25/s163 Roll of membership of Indian tribes
/us/usc/t25/s164 Restoration to tribal ownership of unclaimed per capita and other individual payments of tribal trust funds; deposit in general fund of the Treasury
/us/usc/t25/s165 Notice to Congressional committees
/us/usc/t25/s166 Applicability of Federal Advisory Committee Act
/us/usc/t25/s167 Trust status of lease payments
/us/usc/t25/s174 Superintendence by President over tribes west of Mississippi
/us/usc/t25/s175 United States attorneys to represent Indians
/us/usc/t25/s176 Survey of reservations
/us/usc/t25/s177 Purchases or grants of lands from Indians
/us/usc/t25/s178 Fees on behalf of Indian parties in contests under public land laws
/us/usc/t25/s179 Driving stock to feed on lands
/us/usc/t25/s180 Settling on or surveying lands belonging to Indians by treaty
/us/usc/t25/s181 Rights of white men marrying Indian women; tribal property
/us/usc/t25/s182 Rights of Indian women marrying white men; tribal property
/us/usc/t25/s183 Marriage of white men to Indian women; evidence
/us/usc/t25/s184 Rights of children born of marriages between white men and Indian women
/us/usc/t25/s185 Protection of Indians desiring civilized life
/us/usc/t25/s190 Sale of plants or tracts not needed for administrative or allotment purposes
/us/usc/t25/s192 Sale by agents of cattle or horses not required
/us/usc/t25/s193 Proceedings against goods seized for certain violations
/us/usc/t25/s194 Trial of right of property; burden of proof
/us/usc/t25/s196 Sale or other disposition of dead timber
/us/usc/t25/s197 Disposition of dead timber on reservations in Minnesota
/us/usc/t25/s198 Contagious and infectious diseases; quarantine
/us/usc/t25/s199 Access to records of Five Civilized Tribes
/us/usc/t25/s199a Custody of records; Oklahoma Historical Society
/us/usc/t25/s200 Report of offense or case of Indian incarcerated in agency jail
/us/usc/t25/s201 Penalties; how recovered
/us/usc/t25/s202 Inducing conveyances by Indians of trust interests in lands
/us/usc/t25/s211 Creation of Indian reservations
/us/usc/t25/s229 Injuries to property by Indians
/us/usc/t25/s230 Depositions by agents touching depredations
/us/usc/t25/s231 Enforcement of State laws affecting health and education; entry of State employees on Indian lands
/us/usc/t25/s232 Jurisdiction of New York State over offenses committed on reservations within State
/us/usc/t25/s233 Jurisdiction of New York State courts in civil actions
/us/usc/t25/s253 Wines for sacramental purposes
/us/usc/t25/s261 Power to appoint traders with Indians
/us/usc/t25/s262 Persons permitted to trade with Indians
/us/usc/t25/s263 Prohibition of trade by President
/us/usc/t25/s264 Trading without license; white persons as clerks
/us/usc/t25/s271 Employment of instructors for Indians
/us/usc/t25/s272 Superintendent of Indian schools
/us/usc/t25/s272a Other duties
/us/usc/t25/s273 Detail of Army officer
/us/usc/t25/s274 Employment of Indian girls and boys as assistants
/us/usc/t25/s275 Leaves of absence to employees
/us/usc/t25/s276 Vacant military posts or barracks for schools; detail of Army officers
/us/usc/t25/s277 Former Apache military post established as Theodore Roosevelt Indian School
/us/usc/t25/s278a Use of appropriated funds for education in sectarian schools prohibited; exceptions
/us/usc/t25/s279 Rations to mission schools
/us/usc/t25/s280 Patents of lands to missionary boards of religious organizations
/us/usc/t25/s280a Land in Alaska for schools or missions; general land laws
/us/usc/t25/s281 Children taking lands in severalty not excluded
/us/usc/t25/s282 Regulations by Secretary of the Interior to secure attendance at school
/us/usc/t25/s283 Regulations for withholding rations for nonattendance at schools
/us/usc/t25/s285 Withholding annuities from Osage Indians for nonattendance at schools
/us/usc/t25/s286 Sending child to school out of State without consent
/us/usc/t25/s287 Taking child to school in another State without written consent
/us/usc/t25/s290 Transportation of pupils under 14 at Government expense
/us/usc/t25/s290a Bureau appropriations as not limiting transportation of school children
/us/usc/t25/s291 Removal of Government property at schools
/us/usc/t25/s292 Suspension or discontinuance of schools
/us/usc/t25/s292a Discontinuance of boarding and day schools having small attendance
/us/usc/t25/s292b Establishment of single system of education in Alaska; transfer of Indian schools to State of Alaska
/us/usc/t25/s292c Unavailability of appropriated funds for boarding schools
/us/usc/t25/s293 Sale of lands purchased for day school or other Indian administrative uses
/us/usc/t25/s293a Conveyance of school properties to local school districts or public agencies
/us/usc/t25/s293b Conveyance of abandoned school properties in Alaska to local town or city officials or school authorities; reservation of rights and claims by United States and use conditions; violations and forfeiture of grant; determinations; reversion to United States
/us/usc/t25/s294 Sale of certain abandoned buildings on lands belonging to Indian tribes
/us/usc/t25/s295 Supervision of expenditure of appropriations for school purposes
/us/usc/t25/s302 Indian Reform School; rules and regulations; consent of parents to placing youth in reform school
/us/usc/t25/s304 South Dakota Indians; State course of study
/us/usc/t25/s304a Study and investigation of Indian education in United States and Alaska; contracts; report to Congress; appropriations
/us/usc/t25/s304b Deposits of funds of students and student activity associations in Indian schools
/us/usc/t25/s305 Indian Arts and Crafts Board; creation and composition; per diem payments
/us/usc/t25/s305a Promotion of economic welfare through development of arts and crafts; powers of Board
/us/usc/t25/s305a-1 Additional powers of Board; admission fees, rent, franchise fees and other fundraising activities; volunteers; transfer of revenues into special fund
/us/usc/t25/s305b Rules and regulations; submission to Secretary of the Interior
/us/usc/t25/s305c Appropriation
/us/usc/t25/s305d Criminal proceedings; civil actions
/us/usc/t25/s305e Cause of action for misrepresentation of Indian produced goods
/us/usc/t25/s305f Indian Arts and Crafts Board art collection
/us/usc/t25/s306 Expenditures for encouragement of industry and self-support; repayment
/us/usc/t25/s306a Advances for support of old, disabled, or indigent allottees; lien against land
/us/usc/t25/s309 Vocational training program; eligibility; contracts or agreements
/us/usc/t25/s309a Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t25/s309b Vocational education funds
/us/usc/t25/s310 Institute of American Indian and Alaska Native Culture and Arts Development
/us/usc/t25/s311 Opening highways
/us/usc/t25/s312 Rights-of-way for railway, telegraph, and telephone lines; town-site stations
/us/usc/t25/s313 Width of rights-of-way
/us/usc/t25/s314 Survey; maps; compensation
/us/usc/t25/s315 Time for completion of road; forfeiture
/us/usc/t25/s316 Rights of several roads through canyons
/us/usc/t25/s317 Regulations
/us/usc/t25/s318 Amendment or repeal of sections
/us/usc/t25/s318a Roads on Indian reservations; appropriation
/us/usc/t25/s319 Rights-of-way for telephone and telegraph lines
/us/usc/t25/s320 Acquisition of lands for reservoirs or materials
/us/usc/t25/s321 Rights-of-way for pipe lines
/us/usc/t25/s322 Applicability of certain provisions to Pueblo Indians
/us/usc/t25/s322a Renewal of rights-of-way without consent of Pueblo Tribes; authority of Secretary; compensation, etc.
/us/usc/t25/s323 Rights-of-way for all purposes across any Indian lands
/us/usc/t25/s324 Consent of certain tribes; consent of individual Indians
/us/usc/t25/s325 Payment and disposition of compensation
/us/usc/t25/s326 Laws unaffected
/us/usc/t25/s327 Application for grant by department or agency
/us/usc/t25/s328 Rules and regulations
/us/usc/t25/s334 Allotments to Indians not residing on reservations
/us/usc/t25/s335 Extension of provisions as to allotments
/us/usc/t25/s336 Allotments to Indians making settlement
/us/usc/t25/s337 Allotments in national forests
/us/usc/t25/s339 Tribes excepted from certain provisions
/us/usc/t25/s340 Extension of certain provisions
/us/usc/t25/s341 Power to grant rights-of-way not affected
/us/usc/t25/s342 Removal of Southern Utes to new reservation
/us/usc/t25/s343 Correction of errors in allotments and patents
/us/usc/t25/s344 Cancellation of allotment of unsuitable land
/us/usc/t25/s345 Actions for allotments
/us/usc/t25/s346 Proceedings in actions for allotments
/us/usc/t25/s347 Limitations of actions for lands patented in severalty under treaties
/us/usc/t25/s348 Patents to be held in trust; descent and partition
/us/usc/t25/s348a Extension of trust period for Indians of Klamath River Reservation
/us/usc/t25/s349 Patents in fee to allottees
/us/usc/t25/s350 Surrender of patent, and selection of other land
/us/usc/t25/s351 Patents with restrictions for lots in villages in Washington
/us/usc/t25/s352 Cancellation of trust patents within power or reservoir sites
/us/usc/t25/s352a Cancellation of patents in fee simple for allotments held in trust
/us/usc/t25/s352b Partial cancellation; issuance of new trust patents
/us/usc/t25/s352c Reimbursement of allottees or heirs for taxes paid on lands patented in fee before end of trust
/us/usc/t25/s353 Sections inapplicable to certain tribes
/us/usc/t25/s354 Lands not liable for debts prior to final patent
/us/usc/t25/s355 Laws applicable to lands of full-blooded members of Five Civilized Tribes
/us/usc/t25/s356 Allowance of undisputed claims of restricted allottees of Five Civilized Tribes
/us/usc/t25/s357 Condemnation of lands under laws of States
/us/usc/t25/s358 Repeal of statutory provisions relating to survey, classification, and allotments which provide for repayment out of Indian moneys
/us/usc/t25/s371 Descent of land
/us/usc/t25/s372 Ascertainment of heirs of deceased allottees; settlement of estates; sale of lands; deposit of Indian moneys
/us/usc/t25/s372-2 Indian probate judges
/us/usc/t25/s372a Heirs by adoption
/us/usc/t25/s373 Disposal by will of allotments held under trust
/us/usc/t25/s373a Disposition of trust or restricted estate of intestate without heirs; successor tribe; sale of land
/us/usc/t25/s373b Restricted estate or homestead on the public domain
/us/usc/t25/s373c Sections 373a and 373b as inapplicable to certain Indians
/us/usc/t25/s374 Attendance of witnesses
/us/usc/t25/s375 Determination of heirship of deceased members of Five Civilized Tribes
/us/usc/t25/s375a Jurisdiction of Secretary of the Interior over probate and distribution of estates not exceeding $2,500
/us/usc/t25/s375c Disbursement of sums not exceeding $500 to heirs or legatees
/us/usc/t25/s375d Disposition of estates of intestate members of Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Seminole Nations of Oklahoma dying without heirs
/us/usc/t25/s376 Oaths in investigations
/us/usc/t25/s378 Partition of allotment among heirs; patents
/us/usc/t25/s379 Sale of allotted lands by heirs
/us/usc/t25/s380 Lease of inherited allotments by superintendent
/us/usc/t25/s381 Irrigation lands; regulation of use of water
/us/usc/t25/s382 Irrigation projects under Reclamation Act
/us/usc/t25/s384 Employment of superintendents of irrigation
/us/usc/t25/s385 Maintenance charges; reimbursement of construction costs; apportionment of cost
/us/usc/t25/s385a Irrigation projects; deposit of assessments as trust fund; disposition of fund
/us/usc/t25/s385b Amounts creditable to fund
/us/usc/t25/s385c Appropriation and disposition of power revenues
/us/usc/t25/s386 Reimbursement of construction charges
/us/usc/t25/s386a Adjustment of reimbursable debts; construction charges
/us/usc/t25/s388 Claims for damages; settlement by agreement
/us/usc/t25/s389 Investigation and adjustment of irrigation charges on lands within projects on Indian reservations
/us/usc/t25/s389a Declaring lands to be temporarily nonirrigable
/us/usc/t25/s389b Elimination to permanently nonirrigable lands
/us/usc/t25/s389c Cancellation of charges in absence of lien or contract for payment
/us/usc/t25/s389d Rules and regulations
/us/usc/t25/s389e Actions taken to be included in report to Congress
/us/usc/t25/s390 Concessions on reservoir sites and other lands in Indian irrigation projects; leases for agricultural, grazing, and other purposes
/us/usc/t25/s391 Continuance of restrictions on alienation in patent
/us/usc/t25/s391a Sale for town site; removal of restriction
/us/usc/t25/s392 Consent to or approval of alienation of allotments by Secretary of the Interior
/us/usc/t25/s393 Leases of restricted allotments
/us/usc/t25/s393a Lands of Five Civilized Tribes
/us/usc/t25/s394 Leases of arid allotted lands
/us/usc/t25/s395 Leases of allotted lands where allottee is incapacitated
/us/usc/t25/s396 Leases of allotted lands for mining purposes
/us/usc/t25/s396a Leases of unallotted lands for mining purposes; duration of leases
/us/usc/t25/s396b Public auction of oil and gas leases; requirements
/us/usc/t25/s396c Lessees of restricted lands to furnish bonds for performance
/us/usc/t25/s396d Rules and regulations governing operations; limitations on oil or gas leases
/us/usc/t25/s396e Officials authorized to approve leases
/us/usc/t25/s396f Lands excepted from leasing provisions
/us/usc/t25/s396g Subsurface storage of oil or gas
/us/usc/t25/s397 Leases of lands for grazing or mining
/us/usc/t25/s398 Leases of unallotted lands for oil and gas mining purposes
/us/usc/t25/s398a Leases of unallotted lands for oil and gas mining purposes within Executive order Indian reservations
/us/usc/t25/s398b Proceeds from rentals, royalties, and bonuses; disposition
/us/usc/t25/s398c Taxes
/us/usc/t25/s398d Changes in boundaries of Executive order reservations
/us/usc/t25/s398e Applications for permits to prospect for oil and gas filed under other statutes; disposition
/us/usc/t25/s399 Leases of unallotted mineral lands withdrawn from entry under mining laws
/us/usc/t25/s400 Leases for mining purposes of reserved and unallotted lands in Fort Peck and Blackfeet Indian Reservations
/us/usc/t25/s400a Lease for mining purposes of land reserved for agency or school; disposition of proceeds; royalty
/us/usc/t25/s401 Leases for mining purposes of unallotted lands in Kaw Reservation
/us/usc/t25/s402 Leases of surplus lands
/us/usc/t25/s402a Lease of unallotted irrigable lands for farming purposes
/us/usc/t25/s403 Leases of lands held in trust
/us/usc/t25/s403a Lease of lands on Port Madison and Snohomish or Tulalip Indian Reservations in Washington
/us/usc/t25/s403a-1 Sale or partition by owners of interests in allotted lands in the Tulalip Reservation; termination of Federal title, trust, and restrictions
/us/usc/t25/s403a-2 Acquisition, management, and disposal of lands by Tulalip Tribe
/us/usc/t25/s403b Lease of restricted lands in State of Washington
/us/usc/t25/s403c Identity of lessor; period of lease
/us/usc/t25/s404 Sale on petition of allottee or heirs
/us/usc/t25/s405 Sale of allotment of noncompetent Indian
/us/usc/t25/s406 Sale of timber on lands held under trust
/us/usc/t25/s407 Sale of timber on unallotted lands
/us/usc/t25/s407d Charges for special services to purchasers of timber
/us/usc/t25/s408 Surrender of allotments by relinquishment for benefit of children
/us/usc/t25/s409 Sale of lands within reclamation projects
/us/usc/t25/s409a Sale of restricted lands; reinvestment in other restricted lands
/us/usc/t25/s410 Moneys from lease or sale of trust lands not liable for certain debts
/us/usc/t25/s411 Interest on moneys from proceeds of sale
/us/usc/t25/s412 Payment of taxes from share of allottee in tribal funds
/us/usc/t25/s412a Exemption from taxation of lands subject to restrictions against alienation; determination of homestead
/us/usc/t25/s413 Fees to cover cost of work performed for Indians
/us/usc/t25/s414 Reservation of minerals in sale of Choctaw-Chickasaw lands
/us/usc/t25/s415 Leases of restricted lands
/us/usc/t25/s415a Lease of lands of deceased Indians for benefit of heirs or devisees
/us/usc/t25/s415b Advance payment of rent or other consideration
/us/usc/t25/s415c Approval of leases
/us/usc/t25/s415d Lease of restricted lands under other laws unaffected
/us/usc/t25/s416 Leases of trust or restricted lands on San Xavier and Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Reservations for public, religious, educational, recreational, residential, business, farming or grazing purposes
/us/usc/t25/s416a Lease provisions
/us/usc/t25/s416b Development pursuant to lease
/us/usc/t25/s416c Lease of lands of deceased Indians for benefit of heirs or devisees
/us/usc/t25/s416d Advance payment of rent or other consideration
/us/usc/t25/s416e Approval of leases
/us/usc/t25/s416f Dedication of land for public purposes
/us/usc/t25/s416g Contract for water, sewerage, law enforcement, or other public services
/us/usc/t25/s416h Zoning, building, and sanitary regulations
/us/usc/t25/s416i Restrictions
/us/usc/t25/s416j Mission San Xavier del Bac
/us/usc/t25/s424 Negotiations for cession of lands
/us/usc/t25/s425 Classification and appraisement of unallotted and unreserved lands
/us/usc/t25/s426 Agreements with Indians not affected
/us/usc/t25/s1301 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s1302 Constitutional rights
/us/usc/t25/s1303 Habeas corpus
/us/usc/t25/s1304 Tribal jurisdiction over crimes of domestic violence
/us/usc/t25/s1311 Model code
/us/usc/t25/s1312 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t25/s1321 Assumption by State of criminal jurisdiction
/us/usc/t25/s1322 Assumption by State of civil jurisdiction
/us/usc/t25/s1323 Retrocession of jurisdiction by State
/us/usc/t25/s1324 Amendment of State constitutions or statutes to remove legal impediment; effective date
/us/usc/t25/s1325 Abatement of actions
/us/usc/t25/s1326 Special election
/us/usc/t25/s1331 Approval
/us/usc/t25/s1341 Authorization of Secretary
/us/usc/t25/s1401 Funds appropriated in satisfaction of judgments of Indian Claims Commission or United States Court of Federal Claims
/us/usc/t25/s1402 Plan for use or distribution of funds
/us/usc/t25/s1403 Preparation of plan
/us/usc/t25/s1404 Hearing transcripts and tribal support statements; submission to Congress with plan
/us/usc/t25/s1405 Effective date of plan; joint resolution of disapproval
/us/usc/t25/s1406 Rules and regulations
/us/usc/t25/s1407 Tax exemption; resources exemption limitation
/us/usc/t25/s1408 Resources exemption
/us/usc/t25/s1451 Congressional declaration of policy
/us/usc/t25/s1452 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s1453 Assistance or activities of other Federal agencies unaffected
/us/usc/t25/s1461 Administration as single Indian Revolving Loan Fund sums from diverse sources; availability of fund for loans to Indians and for administrative expenses
/us/usc/t25/s1462 Economic development; educational loans; limitation of loans to or investments in non-Indian organizations
/us/usc/t25/s1463 Repayment of loan; financing from other sources
/us/usc/t25/s1464 Maturity of loans; interest rate; interest deferral on educational loans
/us/usc/t25/s1465 Modification of amount of loan and document securing loan in collection of loan or in best interests of the United States
/us/usc/t25/s1466 Land and personal property title
/us/usc/t25/s1467 Security for loan; assignment of securities; reasonable assurance of repayment
/us/usc/t25/s1468 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t25/s1469 Rules and regulations
/us/usc/t25/s1481 Loan guaranties and insurance
/us/usc/t25/s1482 Premium charges; deposits in Indian Loan Guaranty and Insurance Fund
/us/usc/t25/s1483 Interest rate
/us/usc/t25/s1484 Application for loan; approval by Secretary; issuance of certificate; limitations on amount of loans to individual Indians or economic enterprises; review by Secretary
/us/usc/t25/s1485 Sale or assignment of loans and underlying security
/us/usc/t25/s1486 Loans ineligible for guaranty or insurance
/us/usc/t25/s1487 Loans eligible for insurance
/us/usc/t25/s1488 Lenders authorized to make loans; decrease or increase of liability under the guaranty
/us/usc/t25/s1489 Loans made by certain financial institutions without regard to limitations and restrictions of other Federal statutes with respect to certain particulars
/us/usc/t25/s1490 Maturity of loans
/us/usc/t25/s1491 Defaults; written notification; pro rata payments; subrogation and assignment rights of Secretary; cancellation of uncollectable portion of obligations; forbearance for benefit of borrower; interest or charges cessation date
/us/usc/t25/s1492 Claims for losses; submission to Secretary; reimbursement: single and aggregate loss limitations, conditions; assignment of note or judgment; collection or cancellation by Secretary; interest or charges cessation date
/us/usc/t25/s1493 Loan refusal; conditions; prohibition against acquisition of additional loans; payment of claims on loans made in good faith
/us/usc/t25/s1494 Evidence of eligibility of loan for and amount of guaranty or insurance; defenses and partial defenses against original lender
/us/usc/t25/s1495 Land and personal property titles
/us/usc/t25/s1496 Powers of Secretary; finality of financial transactions and property acquisitions, management, and dispositions
/us/usc/t25/s1497 Indian Loan Guaranty and Insurance Fund
/us/usc/t25/s1497a Supplemental surety bond guarantee
/us/usc/t25/s1498 Rules and regulations
/us/usc/t25/s1499 Limitation on guarantee of debt issues; approval of bond issue sale
/us/usc/t25/s1511 Interest subsidies; rules and regulations
/us/usc/t25/s1512 Authorization of appropriations for interest payments
/us/usc/t25/s1521 Indian Business Development Program; establishment; statement of purpose
/us/usc/t25/s1522 Conditions
/us/usc/t25/s1523 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t25/s1524 Rules and regulations
/us/usc/t25/s1541 Competent management and technical assistance for economic enterprises
/us/usc/t25/s1542 Agency cooperation; private contracts for management services and technical assistance
/us/usc/t25/s1543 Funds limitation for private contracts
/us/usc/t25/s1544 Additional compensation to contractors of Federal agency
/us/usc/t25/s1545 Livestock loans; cash settlements
/us/usc/t25/s1546 Disposition of cash settlements
/us/usc/t25/s1601 Congressional findings
/us/usc/t25/s1602 Declaration of national Indian health policy
/us/usc/t25/s1603 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s1611 Congressional statement of purpose
/us/usc/t25/s1612 Health professions recruitment program for Indians
/us/usc/t25/s1613 Health professions preparatory scholarship program for Indians
/us/usc/t25/s1613a Indian health professions scholarships
/us/usc/t25/s1614 Indian health service extern programs
/us/usc/t25/s1615 Continuing education allowances
/us/usc/t25/s1616 Community Health Representative Program
/us/usc/t25/s1616a Indian Health Service Loan Repayment Program
/us/usc/t25/s1616a-1 Scholarship and Loan Repayment Recovery Fund
/us/usc/t25/s1616b Recruitment activities
/us/usc/t25/s1616c Tribal recruitment and retention program
/us/usc/t25/s1616d Advanced training and research
/us/usc/t25/s1616e Nursing program
/us/usc/t25/s1616e-1 Nursing school clinics
/us/usc/t25/s1616f Tribal culture and history
/us/usc/t25/s1616g INMED program
/us/usc/t25/s1616h Health training programs of community colleges
/us/usc/t25/s1616i Additional incentives for health professionals
/us/usc/t25/s1616j Retention bonus
/us/usc/t25/s1616k Nursing residency program
/us/usc/t25/s1616l Community health aide program
/us/usc/t25/s1616m Matching grants to tribes for scholarship programs
/us/usc/t25/s1616n Tribal health program administration
/us/usc/t25/s1616o University of South Dakota pilot program
/us/usc/t25/s1616p Health professional chronic shortage demonstration programs
/us/usc/t25/s1616q Exemption from payment of certain fees
/us/usc/t25/s1621 Indian Health Care Improvement Fund
/us/usc/t25/s1621a Catastrophic Health Emergency Fund
/us/usc/t25/s1621b Health promotion and disease prevention services
/us/usc/t25/s1621c Diabetes prevention, treatment, and control
/us/usc/t25/s1621d Other authority for provision of services
/us/usc/t25/s1621e Reimbursement from certain third parties of costs of health services
/us/usc/t25/s1621f Crediting of reimbursements
/us/usc/t25/s1621g Health services research
/us/usc/t25/s1621h Mental health prevention and treatment services
/us/usc/t25/s1621i Managed care feasibility study
/us/usc/t25/s1621j California contract health services demonstration program
/us/usc/t25/s1621k Coverage of screening mammography
/us/usc/t25/s1621l Patient travel costs
/us/usc/t25/s1621m Epidemiology centers
/us/usc/t25/s1621v Offices of Indian Men’s Health and Indian Women’s Health
/us/usc/t25/s1621n Comprehensive school health education programs
/us/usc/t25/s1621o Indian youth grant program
/us/usc/t25/s1621p American Indians Into Psychology Program
/us/usc/t25/s1621q Prevention, control, and elimination of communicable and infectious diseases
/us/usc/t25/s1621r Contract health services payment study
/us/usc/t25/s1621s Prompt action on payment of claims
/us/usc/t25/s1621x Limitation on use of funds
/us/usc/t25/s1621t Licensing
/us/usc/t25/s1621u Liability for payment
/us/usc/t25/s1621y Contract health service administration and disbursement formula
/us/usc/t25/s1623 Special rules relating to Indians
/us/usc/t25/s1631 Consultation; closure of facilities; reports
/us/usc/t25/s1632 Safe water and sanitary waste disposal facilities
/us/usc/t25/s1633 Preferences to Indians and Indian firms
/us/usc/t25/s1634 Expenditure of non-Service funds for renovation
/us/usc/t25/s1636 Grant program for construction, expansion, and modernization of small ambulatory care facilities
/us/usc/t25/s1637 Indian health care delivery demonstration projects
/us/usc/t25/s1638 Land transfer
/us/usc/t25/s1638a Tribal management of federally owned quarters
/us/usc/t25/s1638b Applicability of Buy American requirement
/us/usc/t25/s1638c Contracts for personal services in Indian Health Service facilities
/us/usc/t25/s1638d Credit to appropriations of money collected for meals at Indian Health Service facilities
/us/usc/t25/s1638e Other funding, equipment, and supplies for facilities
/us/usc/t25/s1638f Indian country modular component facilities demonstration program
/us/usc/t25/s1638g Mobile health stations demonstration program
/us/usc/t25/s1641 Treatment of payments under Social Security Act health benefits programs
/us/usc/t25/s1642 Purchasing health care coverage
/us/usc/t25/s1643 Amount and use of funds reimbursed through medicare and medicaid available to Indian Health Service
/us/usc/t25/s1644 Grants to and contracts with the Service, Indian tribes, tribal organizations, and urban Indian organizations to facilitate outreach, enrollment, and coverage of Indians under Social Security Act health benefit programs and other health benefits programs
/us/usc/t25/s1645 Sharing arrangements with Federal agencies
/us/usc/t25/s1646 Authorization for emergency contract health services
/us/usc/t25/s1647 Eligible Indian veteran services
/us/usc/t25/s1647a Nondiscrimination under Federal health care programs in qualifications for reimbursement for services
/us/usc/t25/s1647b Access to Federal insurance
/us/usc/t25/s1647c General exceptions
/us/usc/t25/s1647d Navajo Nation medicaid agency feasibility study
/us/usc/t25/s1651 Purpose
/us/usc/t25/s1652 Contracts with, and grants to, urban Indian organizations
/us/usc/t25/s1653 Contracts and grants for provision of health care and referral services
/us/usc/t25/s1654 Contracts and grants for determination of unmet health care needs
/us/usc/t25/s1655 Evaluations; renewals
/us/usc/t25/s1656 Other contract and grant requirements
/us/usc/t25/s1657 Reports and records
/us/usc/t25/s1658 Limitation on contract authority
/us/usc/t25/s1659 Facilities renovation
/us/usc/t25/s1660 Urban Health Programs Branch
/us/usc/t25/s1660a Grants for alcohol and substance abuse related services
/us/usc/t25/s1660b Treatment of certain demonstration projects
/us/usc/t25/s1660c Urban NIAAA transferred programs
/us/usc/t25/s1660d Conferring with urban Indian organizations
/us/usc/t25/s1660e Expanded program authority for urban Indian organizations
/us/usc/t25/s1660f Community Health Representatives
/us/usc/t25/s1660g Use of Federal Government facilities and sources of supply
/us/usc/t25/s1660h Health information technology
/us/usc/t25/s1660i Deeming an Urban Indian organization and employees thereof to be a part of the public health service for the purposes of certain claims for personal injury
/us/usc/t25/s1661 Establishment of the Indian Health Service as an agency of the Public Health Service
/us/usc/t25/s1662 Automated management information system
/us/usc/t25/s1663 Office of Direct Service Tribes
/us/usc/t25/s1663a Nevada Area Office
/us/usc/t25/s1665 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s1665a Behavioral health prevention and treatment services
/us/usc/t25/s1665b Memoranda of agreement with the Department of the Interior
/us/usc/t25/s1665c Comprehensive behavioral health prevention and treatment program
/us/usc/t25/s1665d Mental health technician program
/us/usc/t25/s1665e Licensing requirement for mental health care workers
/us/usc/t25/s1665f Indian women treatment programs
/us/usc/t25/s1665g Indian youth program
/us/usc/t25/s1665h Inpatient and community-based mental health facilities design, construction, and staffing
/us/usc/t25/s1665i Training and community education
/us/usc/t25/s1665j Behavioral health program
/us/usc/t25/s1665k Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders programs
/us/usc/t25/s1665l Child sexual abuse prevention and treatment programs
/us/usc/t25/s1665m Domestic and sexual violence prevention and treatment
/us/usc/t25/s1665n Behavioral health research
/us/usc/t25/s1667 Findings and purpose
/us/usc/t25/s1667a Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s1667b Indian youth telemental health demonstration project
/us/usc/t25/s1667c Substance abuse and mental health services Administration grants
/us/usc/t25/s1667d Use of predoctoral psychology and psychiatry interns
/us/usc/t25/s1667e Indian youth life skills development demonstration program
/us/usc/t25/s1671 Reports
/us/usc/t25/s1672 Regulations
/us/usc/t25/s1674 Leases with Indian tribes
/us/usc/t25/s1675 Confidentiality of medical quality assurance records; qualified immunity for participants
/us/usc/t25/s1676 Limitation on use of funds appropriated to Indian Health Service
/us/usc/t25/s1677 Nuclear resource development health hazards
/us/usc/t25/s1678 Arizona as contract health service delivery area
/us/usc/t25/s1678a North Dakota and South Dakota as contract health service delivery area
/us/usc/t25/s1679 Eligibility of California Indians
/us/usc/t25/s1680 California as a contract health service delivery area
/us/usc/t25/s1680a Contract health facilities
/us/usc/t25/s1680b National Health Service Corps
/us/usc/t25/s1680c Health services for ineligible persons
/us/usc/t25/s1680d Infant and maternal mortality; fetal alcohol syndrome
/us/usc/t25/s1680e Contract health services for the Trenton Service Area
/us/usc/t25/s1680f Indian Health Service and Department of Veterans Affairs health facilities and services sharing
/us/usc/t25/s1680g Reallocation of base resources
/us/usc/t25/s1680h Demonstration projects for tribal management of health care services
/us/usc/t25/s1680i Child sexual abuse treatment programs
/us/usc/t25/s1680j Tribal leasing
/us/usc/t25/s1680l Shared services for long-term care
/us/usc/t25/s1680m Results of demonstration projects
/us/usc/t25/s1680n Priority for Indian reservations
/us/usc/t25/s1680v Director of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment
/us/usc/t25/s1680o Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t25/s1680p Annual budget submission
/us/usc/t25/s1680q Prescription drug monitoring
/us/usc/t25/s1680r Tribal health program option for cost sharing
/us/usc/t25/s1680s Disease and injury prevention report
/us/usc/t25/s1680t Other GAO reports
/us/usc/t25/s1680u Traditional health care practices
/us/usc/t25/s1682 Subrogation of claims by Indian Health Service
/us/usc/t25/s1683 Indian Catastrophic Health Emergency Fund
/us/usc/t25/s1684 Emergency plan for Indian safety and health
/us/usc/t25/s1685 Service of traditional foods in public facilities
/us/usc/t25/s1801 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s1802 Purpose
/us/usc/t25/s1803 Grants authorized
/us/usc/t25/s1804 Eligible grant recipients
/us/usc/t25/s1804a Planning grants
/us/usc/t25/s1805 Technical assistance contracts
/us/usc/t25/s1806 Eligibility studies
/us/usc/t25/s1807 Grants to tribally controlled colleges or universities
/us/usc/t25/s1808 Amount of grants
/us/usc/t25/s1809 Effect on other programs
/us/usc/t25/s1810 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t25/s1811 Grant adjustments
/us/usc/t25/s1812 Report on facilities
/us/usc/t25/s1813 Construction of new facilities
/us/usc/t25/s1814 Miscellaneous provisions
/us/usc/t25/s1815 Rules and regulations
/us/usc/t25/s1831 Purpose
/us/usc/t25/s1832 Establishment of program; program agreements
/us/usc/t25/s1833 Use of funds
/us/usc/t25/s1834 Compliance with matching requirement
/us/usc/t25/s1835 Allocation of funds
/us/usc/t25/s1836 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t25/s1851 Grants authorized
/us/usc/t25/s1852 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t25/s1861 Definition of tribally controlled postsecondary career and technical institution
/us/usc/t25/s1862 Tribally controlled postsecondary career and technical institutions program
/us/usc/t25/s1863 Applicability of other laws
/us/usc/t25/s1864 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t25/s1901 Congressional findings
/us/usc/t25/s1902 Congressional declaration of policy
/us/usc/t25/s1903 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s1911 Indian tribe jurisdiction over Indian child custody proceedings
/us/usc/t25/s1912 Pending court proceedings
/us/usc/t25/s1913 Parental rights; voluntary termination
/us/usc/t25/s1914 Petition to court of competent jurisdiction to invalidate action upon showing of certain violations
/us/usc/t25/s1915 Placement of Indian children
/us/usc/t25/s1916 Return of custody
/us/usc/t25/s1917 Tribal affiliation information and other information for protection of rights from tribal relationship; application of subject of adoptive placement; disclosure by court
/us/usc/t25/s1918 Reassumption of jurisdiction over child custody proceedings
/us/usc/t25/s1919 Agreements between States and Indian tribes
/us/usc/t25/s1920 Improper removal of child from custody; declination of jurisdiction; forthwith return of child: danger exception
/us/usc/t25/s1921 Higher State or Federal standard applicable to protect rights of parent or Indian custodian of Indian child
/us/usc/t25/s1922 Emergency removal or placement of child; termination; appropriate action
/us/usc/t25/s1923 Effective date
/us/usc/t25/s1931 Grants for on or near reservation programs and child welfare codes
/us/usc/t25/s1932 Grants for off-reservation programs for additional services
/us/usc/t25/s1933 Funds for on and off reservation programs
/us/usc/t25/s1934 “Indian” defined for certain purposes
/us/usc/t25/s1951 Information availability to and disclosure by Secretary
/us/usc/t25/s1952 Rules and regulations
/us/usc/t25/s1961 Locally convenient day schools
/us/usc/t25/s1962 Copies to the States
/us/usc/t25/s1963 Severability
/us/usc/t25/s2000 Declaration of policy
/us/usc/t25/s2001 Accreditation for the basic education of Indian children in Bureau of Indian Affairs schools
/us/usc/t25/s2002 National criteria for home-living situations
/us/usc/t25/s2003 Codification of regulations
/us/usc/t25/s2004 School boundaries
/us/usc/t25/s2005 Facilities construction
/us/usc/t25/s2006 Bureau of Indian Affairs education functions
/us/usc/t25/s2007 Allotment formula
/us/usc/t25/s2008 Administrative cost grants
/us/usc/t25/s2009 Division of Budget Analysis
/us/usc/t25/s2010 Uniform direct funding and support
/us/usc/t25/s2011 Policy for Indian control of Indian education
/us/usc/t25/s2012 Indian education personnel
/us/usc/t25/s2013 Computerized management information system
/us/usc/t25/s2014 Recruitment of Indian educators
/us/usc/t25/s2015 Annual report; audits
/us/usc/t25/s2016 Rights of Indian students
/us/usc/t25/s2017 Regulations
/us/usc/t25/s2018 Regional meetings and negotiated rulemaking
/us/usc/t25/s2019 Early childhood development program
/us/usc/t25/s2020 Tribal departments or divisions of education
/us/usc/t25/s2021 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s2101 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s2102 Minerals Agreements
/us/usc/t25/s2103 Secretary’s determination on Minerals Agreements
/us/usc/t25/s2104 Secretary’s review of prior Minerals Agreements
/us/usc/t25/s2105 Effect of other provisions
/us/usc/t25/s2106 Assistance to tribes or individuals during Minerals Agreement negotiations
/us/usc/t25/s2107 Regulations; consultation with Indian organizations; pending agreements
/us/usc/t25/s2108 Tribal right to develop mineral resources
/us/usc/t25/s2201 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s2202 Other applicable provisions
/us/usc/t25/s2203 Adoption of land consolidation plan with approval of Secretary
/us/usc/t25/s2204 Purchase of trust or restricted or controlled lands at no less than fair market value; requisite conditions
/us/usc/t25/s2205 Tribal probate codes; acquisitions of fractional interests by tribes
/us/usc/t25/s2206 Descent and distribution
/us/usc/t25/s2207 Full faith and credit to tribal actions under tribal ordinances limiting descent and distribution of trust or restricted or controlled lands
/us/usc/t25/s2208 Conveyancing authority upon sale or exchange of tribal lands; removal of trust status of individually owned lands
/us/usc/t25/s2209 Trusteeship title of United States for any Indian or Indian tribe
/us/usc/t25/s2210 Tax exemption
/us/usc/t25/s2211 Governing body of tribe; construction of chapter as not vesting with authority not authorized by tribal constitution or by-laws
/us/usc/t25/s2212 Fractional interest acquisition program
/us/usc/t25/s2213 Administration of acquired fractional interests; disposition of proceeds
/us/usc/t25/s2214 Establishing fair market value
/us/usc/t25/s2215 Acquisition Fund
/us/usc/t25/s2216 Trust and restricted land transactions
/us/usc/t25/s2217 Reports to Congress
/us/usc/t25/s2218 Approval of leases, rights-of-way, and sales of natural resources
/us/usc/t25/s2219 Application to Alaska
/us/usc/t25/s2220 Owner-managed interests
/us/usc/t25/s2221 Annual notice and filing; current whereabouts of interest owners
/us/usc/t25/s2301 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s2302 Payment of claims
/us/usc/t25/s2303 Notice
/us/usc/t25/s2304 Identification of right to payment and expedited claim payment
/us/usc/t25/s2305 Discharge and barring of claims
/us/usc/t25/s2306 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t25/s2307 Treatment of funds
/us/usc/t25/s2401 Congressional findings
/us/usc/t25/s2402 Purpose
/us/usc/t25/s2403 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s2411 Inter-departmental Memorandum of Agreement
/us/usc/t25/s2412 Tribal Action Plans
/us/usc/t25/s2413 Departmental responsibility
/us/usc/t25/s2414 Congressional intent in construction of laws
/us/usc/t25/s2414a Review of programs
/us/usc/t25/s2415 Federal facilities, property, and equipment; leasing of tribal property
/us/usc/t25/s2416 Newsletter
/us/usc/t25/s2431 Review of programs
/us/usc/t25/s2432 Indian education programs
/us/usc/t25/s2433 Emergency shelters
/us/usc/t25/s2434 Social services reports
/us/usc/t25/s2441 Review of programs
/us/usc/t25/s2442 Illegal narcotics traffic on Tohono O’odham and St. Regis Reservations; source eradication
/us/usc/t25/s2451 Bureau of Indian Affairs law enforcement and judicial training
/us/usc/t25/s2452 Medical assessment and treatment of juvenile offenders
/us/usc/t25/s2453 Juvenile detention centers
/us/usc/t25/s2454 Model Indian Juvenile Code
/us/usc/t25/s2455 Law enforcement and judicial report
/us/usc/t25/s2501 Declaration of policy
/us/usc/t25/s2502 Grants authorized
/us/usc/t25/s2502a Retrocession or re-assumption of Indian education funds
/us/usc/t25/s2503 Composition of grants
/us/usc/t25/s2504 Eligibility for grants
/us/usc/t25/s2505 Duration of eligibility determination
/us/usc/t25/s2506 Payment of grants; investment of funds
/us/usc/t25/s2507 Application with respect to Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act
/us/usc/t25/s2508 Role of the Director
/us/usc/t25/s2509 Regulations
/us/usc/t25/s2510 The tribally controlled grant school endowment program
/us/usc/t25/s2511 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s2701 Findings
/us/usc/t25/s2702 Declaration of policy
/us/usc/t25/s2703 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s2704 National Indian Gaming Commission
/us/usc/t25/s2705 Powers of Chairman
/us/usc/t25/s2706 Powers of Commission
/us/usc/t25/s2707 Commission staffing
/us/usc/t25/s2708 Commission; access to information
/us/usc/t25/s2709 Interim authority to regulate gaming
/us/usc/t25/s2710 Tribal gaming ordinances
/us/usc/t25/s2711 Management contracts
/us/usc/t25/s2712 Review of existing ordinances and contracts
/us/usc/t25/s2713 Civil penalties
/us/usc/t25/s2714 Judicial review
/us/usc/t25/s2715 Subpoena and deposition authority
/us/usc/t25/s2716 Investigative powers
/us/usc/t25/s2717 Commission funding
/us/usc/t25/s2717a Availability of class II gaming activity fees to carry out duties of Commission
/us/usc/t25/s2718 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t25/s2719 Gaming on lands acquired after
/us/usc/t25/s2720 Dissemination of information
/us/usc/t25/s2721 Severability
/us/usc/t25/s2801 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s2802 Indian law enforcement responsibilities
/us/usc/t25/s2803 Law enforcement authority
/us/usc/t25/s2804 Assistance by other agencies
/us/usc/t25/s2805 Regulations
/us/usc/t25/s2806 Jurisdiction
/us/usc/t25/s2807 Uniform allowance
/us/usc/t25/s2808 Source of funds
/us/usc/t25/s2809 Reports to tribes
/us/usc/t25/s2810 Assistant United States Attorney tribal liaisons
/us/usc/t25/s2811 Native American Issues Coordinator
/us/usc/t25/s2812 Indian Law and Order Commission
/us/usc/t25/s2813 Testimony by Federal employees
/us/usc/t25/s2814 Policies and protocol
/us/usc/t25/s2815 State, tribal, and local law enforcement cooperation
/us/usc/t25/s2901 Findings
/us/usc/t25/s2902 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s2903 Declaration of policy
/us/usc/t25/s2904 No restrictions
/us/usc/t25/s2905 Evaluations
/us/usc/t25/s2906 Use of English
/us/usc/t25/s3001 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s3002 Ownership
/us/usc/t25/s3003 Inventory for human remains and associated funerary objects
/us/usc/t25/s3004 Summary for unassociated funerary objects, sacred objects, and cultural patrimony
/us/usc/t25/s3005 Repatriation
/us/usc/t25/s3006 Review committee
/us/usc/t25/s3007 Penalty
/us/usc/t25/s3008 Grants
/us/usc/t25/s3009 Savings provision
/us/usc/t25/s3010 Special relationship between Federal Government and Indian tribes and Native Hawaiian organizations
/us/usc/t25/s3011 Regulations
/us/usc/t25/s3012 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t25/s3013 Enforcement
/us/usc/t25/s3051 Purposes
/us/usc/t25/s3052 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s3053 Reburial of human remains and cultural items
/us/usc/t25/s3054 Temporary closure for traditional and cultural purposes
/us/usc/t25/s3055 Forest products for traditional and cultural purposes
/us/usc/t25/s3056 Prohibition on disclosure
/us/usc/t25/s3057 Severability and savings provisions
/us/usc/t25/s3101 Findings
/us/usc/t25/s3102 Purposes
/us/usc/t25/s3103 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s3104 Management of Indian forest land
/us/usc/t25/s3105 Forest management deduction
/us/usc/t25/s3106 Forest trespass
/us/usc/t25/s3107 Direct payment of forest products receipts
/us/usc/t25/s3108 Secretarial recognition of tribal laws
/us/usc/t25/s3109 Indian forest land assistance account
/us/usc/t25/s3110 Tribal forestry programs
/us/usc/t25/s3111 Assessment of Indian forest land and management programs
/us/usc/t25/s3112 Alaska Native technical assistance program
/us/usc/t25/s3113 Establishment of Indian and Alaska Native forestry education assistance
/us/usc/t25/s3114 Postgraduation recruitment, education and training programs
/us/usc/t25/s3115 Cooperative agreement between Department of the Interior and Indian tribes
/us/usc/t25/s3115a Tribal forest assets protection
/us/usc/t25/s3115b Tribal forest management demonstration project
/us/usc/t25/s3116 Obligated service; breach of contract
/us/usc/t25/s3117 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t25/s3118 Regulations
/us/usc/t25/s3119 Severability
/us/usc/t25/s3120 Trust responsibility
/us/usc/t25/s3201 Findings and purpose
/us/usc/t25/s3202 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s3203 Reporting procedures
/us/usc/t25/s3204 Central registry
/us/usc/t25/s3205 Confidentiality
/us/usc/t25/s3206 Waiver of parental consent
/us/usc/t25/s3207 Character investigations
/us/usc/t25/s3208 Indian Child Abuse Treatment Grant Program
/us/usc/t25/s3209 Indian Child Resource and Family Services Centers
/us/usc/t25/s3210 Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Program
/us/usc/t25/s3301 Short title
/us/usc/t25/s3302 Findings
/us/usc/t25/s3303 Program authority
/us/usc/t25/s3304 Qualification for grants to tribes
/us/usc/t25/s3305 Allocation of grant funds
/us/usc/t25/s3306 Limitations on use of funds
/us/usc/t25/s3307 Administrative provisions
/us/usc/t25/s3321 Short title
/us/usc/t25/s3322 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s3323 Service conditions permitted
/us/usc/t25/s3324 Critical area service agreements
/us/usc/t25/s3325 General provisions
/us/usc/t25/s3401 Statement of purpose
/us/usc/t25/s3402 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s3403 Integration of services authorized
/us/usc/t25/s3404 Programs affected
/us/usc/t25/s3405 Plan requirements
/us/usc/t25/s3406 Plan review
/us/usc/t25/s3407 Plan approval; Secretarial authority; review of decision
/us/usc/t25/s3408 Job creation activities authorized
/us/usc/t25/s3409 Employer training placements
/us/usc/t25/s3410 Federal responsibilities
/us/usc/t25/s3411 No reduction in amounts
/us/usc/t25/s3412 Transfer of funds
/us/usc/t25/s3413 Administration of funds
/us/usc/t25/s3416 Labor market information on Indian work force
/us/usc/t25/s3417 Assignment of Federal personnel to State Indian economic development programs
/us/usc/t25/s3501 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s3502 Indian tribal energy resource development
/us/usc/t25/s3503 Indian tribal energy resource regulation
/us/usc/t25/s3504 Leases, business agreements, and rights-of-way involving energy development or transmission
/us/usc/t25/s3505 Federal power marketing administrations
/us/usc/t25/s3506 Wind and hydropower feasibility study
/us/usc/t25/s3507 Appraisals
/us/usc/t25/s3601 Findings
/us/usc/t25/s3602 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s3611 Office of Tribal Justice Support
/us/usc/t25/s3612 Survey of tribal judicial systems
/us/usc/t25/s3613 Base support funding for tribal justice systems
/us/usc/t25/s3614 Tribal judicial conferences
/us/usc/t25/s3621 Tribal justice systems
/us/usc/t25/s3631 Tribal authority
/us/usc/t25/s3651 Findings
/us/usc/t25/s3652 Purposes
/us/usc/t25/s3653 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s3661 Tribal justice training and technical assistance grants
/us/usc/t25/s3662 Tribal civil legal assistance grants
/us/usc/t25/s3663 Tribal criminal assistance grants
/us/usc/t25/s3664 No offset
/us/usc/t25/s3665 Tribal authority
/us/usc/t25/s3665a Office of Tribal Justice
/us/usc/t25/s3666 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t25/s3681 Grants
/us/usc/t25/s3682 Assistant probation officers
/us/usc/t25/s3701 Findings
/us/usc/t25/s3702 Purposes
/us/usc/t25/s3703 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s3711 Management of Indian rangelands and farmlands
/us/usc/t25/s3712 Indian participation in land management activities
/us/usc/t25/s3713 Indian agricultural lands trespass
/us/usc/t25/s3714 Assessment of Indian agricultural management programs
/us/usc/t25/s3715 Leasing of Indian agricultural lands
/us/usc/t25/s3731 Indian and Alaska Native agriculture management education assistance programs
/us/usc/t25/s3732 Postgraduation recruitment, education and training programs
/us/usc/t25/s3733 Cooperative agreement between Department of the Interior and Indian tribes
/us/usc/t25/s3734 Obligated service; breach of contract
/us/usc/t25/s3741 Regulations
/us/usc/t25/s3742 Trust responsibility
/us/usc/t25/s3743 Severability
/us/usc/t25/s3744 Federal, State and local authority
/us/usc/t25/s3745 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t25/s3746 Tribal immunity
/us/usc/t25/s3801 Findings
/us/usc/t25/s3802 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s3803 Dam Safety Maintenance and Repair Program
/us/usc/t25/s3804 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t25/s3805 Indian dam safety
/us/usc/t25/s3901 Findings and purposes
/us/usc/t25/s3902 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s3903 Inventory of open dumps
/us/usc/t25/s3904 Authority of Director of Indian Health Service
/us/usc/t25/s3905 Contract authority
/us/usc/t25/s3906 Tribal demonstration project
/us/usc/t25/s3907 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t25/s3908 Disclaimers
/us/usc/t25/s4001 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s4011 Responsibility of Secretary to account for daily and annual balances of Indian trust funds
/us/usc/t25/s4012 Authority for payment of claims for interest owed
/us/usc/t25/s4021 Purpose
/us/usc/t25/s4022 Voluntary withdrawal from trust funds program
/us/usc/t25/s4023 Judgment funds
/us/usc/t25/s4024 Technical assistance
/us/usc/t25/s4025 Grant program
/us/usc/t25/s4026 Return of withdrawn funds
/us/usc/t25/s4027 Savings provision
/us/usc/t25/s4028 Report to Congress
/us/usc/t25/s4029 Regulations
/us/usc/t25/s4041 Purposes
/us/usc/t25/s4042 Office of Special Trustee for American Indians
/us/usc/t25/s4043 Authorities and functions of Special Trustee
/us/usc/t25/s4044 Reconciliation report
/us/usc/t25/s4045 Staff and consultants
/us/usc/t25/s4046 Advisory board
/us/usc/t25/s4061 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t25/s4101 Congressional findings
/us/usc/t25/s4102 Administration through Office of Native American Programs
/us/usc/t25/s4103 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s4104 Waiver of matching funds requirements in Indian housing programs
/us/usc/t25/s4111 Block grants
/us/usc/t25/s4112 Indian housing plans
/us/usc/t25/s4113 Review of plans
/us/usc/t25/s4114 Treatment of program income and labor standards
/us/usc/t25/s4115 Environmental review
/us/usc/t25/s4116 Regulations
/us/usc/t25/s4117 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t25/s4131 National objectives and eligible families
/us/usc/t25/s4132 Eligible affordable housing activities
/us/usc/t25/s4133 Program requirements
/us/usc/t25/s4134 Types of investments
/us/usc/t25/s4135 Low-income requirement and income targeting
/us/usc/t25/s4137 Lease requirements and tenant selection
/us/usc/t25/s4138 Availability of records
/us/usc/t25/s4139 Noncompliance with affordable housing requirement
/us/usc/t25/s4140 Continued use of amounts for affordable housing
/us/usc/t25/s4145 Purpose
/us/usc/t25/s4145a Program authority
/us/usc/t25/s4145b Use of amounts for housing activities
/us/usc/t25/s4145c Inapplicability of other provisions
/us/usc/t25/s4145d Review and report
/us/usc/t25/s4151 Annual allocation
/us/usc/t25/s4152 Allocation formula
/us/usc/t25/s4161 Remedies for noncompliance
/us/usc/t25/s4162 Replacement of recipient
/us/usc/t25/s4163 Monitoring of compliance
/us/usc/t25/s4164 Performance reports
/us/usc/t25/s4165 Review and audit by Secretary
/us/usc/t25/s4166 GAO audits
/us/usc/t25/s4167 Reports to Congress
/us/usc/t25/s4168 Public availability of information
/us/usc/t25/s4181 Termination of Indian housing assistance under United States Housing Act of 1937
/us/usc/t25/s4182 Termination of new commitments for rental assistance
/us/usc/t25/s4183 Savings provision
/us/usc/t25/s4184 Effect on HOME Investment Partnerships Act
/us/usc/t25/s4191 Authority and requirements
/us/usc/t25/s4192 Security and repayment
/us/usc/t25/s4193 Payment of interest
/us/usc/t25/s4194 Training and information
/us/usc/t25/s4195 Limitations on amount of guarantees
/us/usc/t25/s4196 Demonstration program for guaranteed loans to finance tribal community and economic development activities
/us/usc/t25/s4211 50-year leasehold interest in trust or restricted lands for housing purposes
/us/usc/t25/s4212 Training and technical assistance
/us/usc/t25/s4221 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s4222 Block grants for affordable housing activities
/us/usc/t25/s4223 Housing plan
/us/usc/t25/s4224 Review of plans
/us/usc/t25/s4225 Treatment of program income and labor standards
/us/usc/t25/s4226 Environmental review
/us/usc/t25/s4227 Regulations
/us/usc/t25/s4228 Affordable housing activities
/us/usc/t25/s4229 Eligible affordable housing activities
/us/usc/t25/s4230 Program requirements
/us/usc/t25/s4231 Types of investments
/us/usc/t25/s4232 Low-income requirement and income targeting
/us/usc/t25/s4233 Lease requirements and tenant selection
/us/usc/t25/s4234 Repayment
/us/usc/t25/s4235 Annual allocation
/us/usc/t25/s4236 Allocation formula
/us/usc/t25/s4237 Remedies for noncompliance
/us/usc/t25/s4238 Monitoring of compliance
/us/usc/t25/s4239 Performance reports
/us/usc/t25/s4240 Review and audit by Secretary
/us/usc/t25/s4241 Government Accountability Office audits
/us/usc/t25/s4242 Reports to Congress
/us/usc/t25/s4243 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t25/s4301 Findings; purposes
/us/usc/t25/s4302 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s4303 Office of Native American Business Development
/us/usc/t25/s4304 Native American trade and export promotion
/us/usc/t25/s4305 Intertribal tourism demonstration projects
/us/usc/t25/s4306 Report to Congress
/us/usc/t25/s4306a Indian community development initiatives
/us/usc/t25/s4307 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t25/s4351 Purposes
/us/usc/t25/s4352 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s4353 Integrating Federal tourism assets to strengthen Native tourism opportunities
/us/usc/t25/s4354 Native American tourism and branding enhancement
/us/usc/t25/s4355 Effect
/us/usc/t25/s5101 Allotment of land on Indian reservations
/us/usc/t25/s5102 Existing periods of trust and restrictions on alienation extended
/us/usc/t25/s5103 Restoration of lands to tribal ownership
/us/usc/t25/s5104 Exchanges of land
/us/usc/t25/s5105 Title to lands
/us/usc/t25/s5106 Use of funds appropriated under section 5108
/us/usc/t25/s5107 Transfer and exchange of restricted Indian lands and shares of Indian tribes and corporations
/us/usc/t25/s5108 Acquisition of lands, water rights or surface rights; appropriation; title to lands; tax exemption
/us/usc/t25/s5109 Indian forestry units; rules and regulations
/us/usc/t25/s5110 New Indian reservations
/us/usc/t25/s5111 Allotments or holdings outside of reservations
/us/usc/t25/s5112 Indian corporations; appropriation for organizing
/us/usc/t25/s5113 Revolving fund; appropriation for loans
/us/usc/t25/s5114 Interest charges covered into revolving fund
/us/usc/t25/s5115 Vocational and trade schools; appropriation for tuition
/us/usc/t25/s5116 Standards for Indians appointed to Indian Office
/us/usc/t25/s5117 Indian preference laws applicable to Bureau of Indian Affairs and Indian Health Service positions
/us/usc/t25/s5118 Application generally
/us/usc/t25/s5119 Application to Alaska
/us/usc/t25/s5120 Continuation of allowances
/us/usc/t25/s5121 Claims or suits of Indian tribes against United States; rights unimpaired
/us/usc/t25/s5122 Offsets of gratuities
/us/usc/t25/s5123 Organization of Indian tribes; constitution and bylaws and amendment thereof; special election
/us/usc/t25/s5124 Incorporation of Indian tribes; charter; ratification by election
/us/usc/t25/s5125 Acceptance optional
/us/usc/t25/s5126 Mandatory application of sections 5102 and 5124
/us/usc/t25/s5127 Procedure
/us/usc/t25/s5128 Application of laws and treaties
/us/usc/t25/s5129 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s5130 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s5131 Publication of list of recognized tribes
/us/usc/t25/s5132 Indians eligible for loans
/us/usc/t25/s5133 Revolving fund; loans; regulations
/us/usc/t25/s5134 Sale of land by individual Indian owners
/us/usc/t25/s5135 Mortgages and deeds of trust by individual Indian owners; removal from trust or restricted status; application to Secretary
/us/usc/t25/s5136 Loans to purchasers of highly fractioned land
/us/usc/t25/s5137 Removal of duplicative appraisals
/us/usc/t25/s5138 Title in trust to United States
/us/usc/t25/s5139 Tribal rights and privileges in connection with loans
/us/usc/t25/s5140 Mortgaged property governed by State law
/us/usc/t25/s5141 Interest rates and taxes
/us/usc/t25/s5142 Reduction of unpaid principal
/us/usc/t25/s5143 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t25/s5144 Certification of rental proceeds
/us/usc/t25/s5201 Acquisition of agricultural and grazing lands for Indians; title to lands; tax exemption
/us/usc/t25/s5202 Purchase of restricted Indian lands; preference to Secretary of the Interior; waiver of preference
/us/usc/t25/s5203 Organization of tribes or bands; constitution; charter; right to participate in revolving credit fund
/us/usc/t25/s5204 Cooperative associations; charter; purposes; voting rights
/us/usc/t25/s5205 Amendment or revocation of charters; suits by and against associations
/us/usc/t25/s5206 Loans to individuals and groups; appropriation
/us/usc/t25/s5207 Availability and allocation of funds; royalties from mineral deposits
/us/usc/t25/s5208 Application of provisions to Osage County
/us/usc/t25/s5209 Rules and regulations; repeals
/us/usc/t25/s5210 Payment of gross production taxes; method
/us/usc/t25/s5301 Congressional statement of findings
/us/usc/t25/s5302 Congressional declaration of policy
/us/usc/t25/s5303 Tribal and Federal advisory committees
/us/usc/t25/s5304 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s5305 Reporting and audit requirements for recipients of Federal financial assistance
/us/usc/t25/s5306 Criminal activities involving grants, contracts, etc.; penalties
/us/usc/t25/s5307 Wage and labor standards
/us/usc/t25/s5308 Grant and cooperative agreements
/us/usc/t25/s5309 Use of excess funds
/us/usc/t25/s5310 Investment of advance payments; restrictions
/us/usc/t25/s5321 Self-determination contracts
/us/usc/t25/s5322 Grants to tribal organizations or tribes
/us/usc/t25/s5323 Retention of Federal employee coverage, rights and benefits by employees of tribal organizations
/us/usc/t25/s5324 Contract or grant provisions and administration
/us/usc/t25/s5325 Contract funding and indirect costs
/us/usc/t25/s5326 Indian Health Service: availability of funds for Indian self-determination or self-governance contract or grant support costs
/us/usc/t25/s5327 Department of the Interior: availability of funds for Indian self-determination or self-governance contract or grant support costs
/us/usc/t25/s5328 Rules and regulations
/us/usc/t25/s5329 Contract or grant specifications
/us/usc/t25/s5330 Rescission of contract or grant and assumption of control of program, etc.; authority; grounds; procedure; correction of violation as prerequisite to new contract or grant agreement; construction with occupational safety and health requirements
/us/usc/t25/s5331 Contract disputes and claims
/us/usc/t25/s5332 Sovereign immunity and trusteeship rights unaffected
/us/usc/t25/s5341 Donations for Indians; use of gifts; annual report to Congress
/us/usc/t25/s5342 Contracts for education, medical attention, relief and social welfare of Indians
/us/usc/t25/s5343 Use of Government property by States and Territories
/us/usc/t25/s5344 Rules and regulations; minimum standards of service
/us/usc/t25/s5345 Contracts for education in public schools; submission of education plan by contractor as prerequisite; criteria for approval of plan by Secretary of the Interior; participation by non-Indian students
/us/usc/t25/s5346 Local committee of Indian parents in school districts having school boards composed of non-Indian majority
/us/usc/t25/s5347 Reimbursement to school districts for educating non-resident students
/us/usc/t25/s5348 Computation of student count
/us/usc/t25/s5351 School construction, acquisition, or renovation contracts
/us/usc/t25/s5352 General education contract and grant provisions and requirements; school district quality and standards of excellence
/us/usc/t25/s5353 Availability of funds to agencies, institutions, and organizations
/us/usc/t25/s5354 Rules and regulations
/us/usc/t25/s5355 Eligibility for funds of tribe or tribal organization controlling or managing private schools
/us/usc/t25/s5356 Supplemental assistance to funds provided to local educational agencies
/us/usc/t25/s5361 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s5362 Tribal Self-Governance Program
/us/usc/t25/s5363 Funding agreements
/us/usc/t25/s5364 Compacts
/us/usc/t25/s5365 General provisions
/us/usc/t25/s5366 Provisions relating to the Secretary
/us/usc/t25/s5367 Construction programs and projects
/us/usc/t25/s5368 Payment
/us/usc/t25/s5369 Facilitation
/us/usc/t25/s5370 Discretionary application of other sections
/us/usc/t25/s5371 Annual budget list
/us/usc/t25/s5372 Reports
/us/usc/t25/s5373 Regulations
/us/usc/t25/s5374 Effect of circulars, policies, manuals, guidance, and rules
/us/usc/t25/s5375 Appeals
/us/usc/t25/s5376 Application of other provisions
/us/usc/t25/s5377 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t25/s5381 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s5382 Establishment
/us/usc/t25/s5383 Selection of participating Indian tribes
/us/usc/t25/s5384 Compacts
/us/usc/t25/s5385 Funding agreements
/us/usc/t25/s5386 General provisions
/us/usc/t25/s5387 Provisions relating to the Secretary
/us/usc/t25/s5388 Transfer of funds
/us/usc/t25/s5389 Construction projects
/us/usc/t25/s5390 Federal procurement laws and regulations
/us/usc/t25/s5391 Civil actions
/us/usc/t25/s5392 Facilitation
/us/usc/t25/s5393 Budget request
/us/usc/t25/s5394 Reports
/us/usc/t25/s5395 Disclaimers
/us/usc/t25/s5396 Application of other sections of this chapter
/us/usc/t25/s5397 Regulations
/us/usc/t25/s5398 Appeals
/us/usc/t25/s5399 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t25/s5411 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s5412 Indian Law Enforcement Foundation
/us/usc/t25/s5413 Administrative services and support
/us/usc/t25/s5421 National Fund for Excellence in American Indian Education
/us/usc/t25/s5422 Administrative services and support
/us/usc/t25/s5423 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s5501 Submarginal lands of United States held in trust for specified Indian tribes
/us/usc/t25/s5502 Designation of tribes
/us/usc/t25/s5503 Submarginal lands of United States held in trust for Stockbridge Munsee Indian Community
/us/usc/t25/s5504 Existing rights of possession, contract, interest, etc.
/us/usc/t25/s5505 Gross receipts from conveyed lands
/us/usc/t25/s5506 Tax exemption for conveyed lands and gross receipts; distribution of gross receipts to tribal members
/us/usc/t25/s5601 Findings
/us/usc/t25/s5602 Reaffirmation of policy
/us/usc/t25/s5611 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s5612 Establishment of demonstration project; selection of participating Indian tribes
/us/usc/t25/s5613 Indian trust asset management plan
/us/usc/t25/s5614 Forest land management and surface leasing activities
/us/usc/t25/s5615 Effect of subchapter
/us/usc/t25/s5631 Purpose
/us/usc/t25/s5632 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s5633 Under Secretary for Indian Affairs
/us/usc/t25/s5634 Office of Special Trustee for American Indians
/us/usc/t25/s5635 Appraisals and valuations
/us/usc/t25/s5636 Cost savings
/us/usc/t25/s5701 Purposes
/us/usc/t25/s5702 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s5703 Improving Tribal access to databases
/us/usc/t25/s5704 Guidelines for responding to cases of missing or murdered Indians
/us/usc/t25/s5705 Annual reporting requirements
/us/usc/t25/s5801 Findings
/us/usc/t25/s5802 Definitions
/us/usc/t25/s5803 Establishment of program
/us/usc/t25/s5804 Regulations
/us/usc/t25/s5805 Schools to business incubator pipeline
/us/usc/t25/s5806 Agency partnerships
/us/usc/t25/s5807 Authorizations of appropriations
As of Dec. 23, 2021