/us/usc/t2/s1 Time for election of Senators
/us/usc/t2/s1a Election to be certified by governor
/us/usc/t2/s1b Countersignature of certificate of election
/us/usc/t2/s2a Reapportionment of Representatives; time and manner; existing decennial census figures as basis; statement by President; duty of clerk
/us/usc/t2/s2b Number of Representatives from each State in 78th and subsequent Congresses
/us/usc/t2/s2c Number of Congressional Districts; number of Representatives from each District
/us/usc/t2/s5 Nominations for Representatives at large
/us/usc/t2/s6 Reduction of representation
/us/usc/t2/s7 Time of election
/us/usc/t2/s8 Vacancies
/us/usc/t2/s9 Voting for Representatives
/us/usc/t2/s21 Oath of Senators
/us/usc/t2/s22 Oath of President of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s23 Presiding officer of Senate may administer oaths
/us/usc/t2/s24 Secretary of Senate or assistant secretary may administer oaths
/us/usc/t2/s25 Oath of Speaker, Members, and Delegates
/us/usc/t2/s25a Delegate to House of Representatives from District of Columbia
/us/usc/t2/s26 Roll of Representatives-elect
/us/usc/t2/s27 Change of place of meeting
/us/usc/t2/s28 Parliamentary precedents of House of Representatives
/us/usc/t2/s28a Compilation of the Precedents of House of Representatives; date of completion; biennial update; printing and availability of copies
/us/usc/t2/s28b Printing and binding as public document of Precedents of House of Representatives; number of sets authorized
/us/usc/t2/s28c Distribution of Precedents by Director of the Government Publishing Office
/us/usc/t2/s28d Distribution of Precedents by Director of the Government Publishing Office for official use; particular distribution; marking and ownership of sets
/us/usc/t2/s28e Distribution of Precedents by Joint Committee on Printing of surplus sets; additional printing, etc., of sets under authority of Joint Committee
/us/usc/t2/s29 Condensed and simplified versions of House precedents; other useful materials in summary form; form and distribution to Members of Congress, Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico, and others; appointment and compensation of personnel; utilization of services of personnel of Federal agencies
/us/usc/t2/s29a Early organization of House of Representatives
/us/usc/t2/s30 Term of service of Members of Congress as trustees or directors of corporations or institutions appropriated for
/us/usc/t2/s30a Jury duty exemption of elected officials of legislative branch
/us/usc/t2/s30b Notice of objecting to proceeding
/us/usc/t2/s131 Collections composing Library; location
/us/usc/t2/s132 Departments of Library
/us/usc/t2/s132a Appropriations for increase of general library
/us/usc/t2/s132a-1 Obligations for reimbursable and revolving fund activities; limitation
/us/usc/t2/s132a-2 Furniture, furnishings, and office and library equipment; transfer of funds
/us/usc/t2/s132a-3 Authority to transfer amounts between categories of appropriations
/us/usc/t2/s132b Joint Committee on the Library
/us/usc/t2/s133 Joint Committee during recess of Congress
/us/usc/t2/s134 Incidental expenses of law library
/us/usc/t2/s135 Purchase of books for law library
/us/usc/t2/s135a National library service for the blind and print disabled
/us/usc/t2/s135b Local and regional centers; preference to blind and other physically handicapped veterans; rules and regulations; authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t2/s136 Librarian of Congress; rules and regulations
/us/usc/t2/s136-1 Appointment and term of service of Librarian of Congress
/us/usc/t2/s136a-2 Librarian of Congress and Deputy Librarian of Congress; compensation
/us/usc/t2/s136c Authorized additional expenses and services for which Library of Congress salary appropriations are available
/us/usc/t2/s137 Use and regulation of law library
/us/usc/t2/s137c Withdrawal of books from Library of Congress
/us/usc/t2/s138 Law library; hours kept open
/us/usc/t2/s140 Employees; fitness
/us/usc/t2/s141 Allocation of responsibilities for Library buildings and grounds
/us/usc/t2/s141a Design, installation, and maintenance of security systems; transfer of responsibility
/us/usc/t2/s141b Collections, physical security, control, and preservation of order and decorum within the library
/us/usc/t2/s142a Office of administrative assistant and disbursing officer in Library of Congress abolished; transfer of duties to appointee of Librarian
/us/usc/t2/s142b Certifying officers of the Library of Congress; accountability; relief by Comptroller General
/us/usc/t2/s142c Enforcement of liability of certifying officers of Library of Congress
/us/usc/t2/s142d Disbursing officer of the Library of Congress; disbursements in accordance with voucher; examination of vouchers; liability
/us/usc/t2/s142e Disbursing Officer of the Library of Congress; disbursements for Congressional Budget Office, accountability; financial management support to Congressional Budget Office under agreement of Librarian of Congress and Director of Congressional Budget Office; Congressional Budget Office certifying officers: voucher certifications, accountability, relief by Comptroller General
/us/usc/t2/s142f Office of Technology Assessment; disbursement of funds, computation and disbursement of basic pay, and provision of financial management support by Library of Congress
/us/usc/t2/s142g Copyright Royalty Tribunal; computation and disbursement of pay of Tribunal personnel by Library of Congress
/us/usc/t2/s142h Biomedical Ethics Board; disbursement of funds, computation and disbursement of basic pay, and provision of financial management services and support by Library of Congress
/us/usc/t2/s142i United States Capitol Preservation Commission; provision of financial management services and support by Library of Congress
/us/usc/t2/s142j John C. Stennis Center for Public Service Training and Development; disbursement of funds, computation and disbursement of basic pay, and provision of financial management services and support by Library of Congress; payment for services
/us/usc/t2/s142k Library of Congress disbursing office; payroll processing functions
/us/usc/t2/s142l Disbursing Officer of Library of Congress; disbursements for Office of Congressional Workplace Rights; voucher certifications, accountability and relief by Comptroller General
/us/usc/t2/s143 Appropriations for Library Building and Grounds
/us/usc/t2/s143a Disbursement of funds
/us/usc/t2/s143b Payments in advance for subscriptions or other charges
/us/usc/t2/s143c Use of other library funds to make payments
/us/usc/t2/s143d Funds available for workers compensation payments
/us/usc/t2/s144 Copies of Statutes at Large
/us/usc/t2/s145 Copies of journals and documents
/us/usc/t2/s145a Periodical binding of printed hearings of committee testimony
/us/usc/t2/s146 Deposit of Journals of Senate and House
/us/usc/t2/s149 Transfer of books to other libraries
/us/usc/t2/s149a Permitting use of proceeds from disposition of surplus or obsolete personal property
/us/usc/t2/s150 Sale of copies of card indexes and other publications
/us/usc/t2/s151 Smithsonian Library
/us/usc/t2/s152 Care and use of Smithsonian Library
/us/usc/t2/s153 Control of library of House of Representatives
/us/usc/t2/s154 Library of Congress Trust Fund Board; members; quorum; seal; rules and regulations
/us/usc/t2/s155 Compensation and expenses of Library of Congress Trust Fund Board
/us/usc/t2/s156 Gifts, etc., to Library of Congress Trust Fund Board
/us/usc/t2/s157 Funds of Library of Congress Trust Fund Board; management of
/us/usc/t2/s158 Deposits by Library of Congress Trust Fund Board with Treasurer of United States
/us/usc/t2/s158a Temporary possession of gifts of money or securities to Library of Congress; investment
/us/usc/t2/s159 Perpetual succession and suits by or against Library of Congress Trust Fund Board
/us/usc/t2/s160 Disbursement of gifts, etc., to Library
/us/usc/t2/s161 Tax exemption of gifts, etc., to Library of Congress
/us/usc/t2/s162 Compensation of Library of Congress employees
/us/usc/t2/s162a Gross salary of Library of Congress employees
/us/usc/t2/s162b Little Scholars Child Development Center; employee compensation and personnel matters
/us/usc/t2/s164 Index and digest of State legislation; preparation
/us/usc/t2/s164a Official distribution of State legislation index and digest
/us/usc/t2/s165 Authorization for appropriation for biennial index
/us/usc/t2/s166 Congressional Research Service
/us/usc/t2/s166a Equal access to Congressional Research Service Reports
/us/usc/t2/s167i Suspension of prohibitions against use of Library buildings and grounds
/us/usc/t2/s167j Area comprising Library of Congress grounds; “buildings and grounds” defined
/us/usc/t2/s168 Constitution of the United States; preparation and publication of revised edition; annotations; supplements; decennial editions and supplements
/us/usc/t2/s168a Printing of Constitution Annotated as Senate documents
/us/usc/t2/s168b Printing and distribution of additional copies of Constitution Annotated
/us/usc/t2/s168c Printing and distribution of decennial editions and supplements to Constitution Annotated
/us/usc/t2/s168d Authorization of appropriations for Constitution Annotated
/us/usc/t2/s169 Positions in Library of Congress exempt from citizenship requirement
/us/usc/t2/s170 American Television and Radio Archives
/us/usc/t2/s171 Congressional declaration of findings and purpose as to Center for the Book
/us/usc/t2/s172 Definitions
/us/usc/t2/s173 Establishment of Center for the Book
/us/usc/t2/s174 Function of Center for the Book
/us/usc/t2/s175 Administrative provisions
/us/usc/t2/s176 Mass Book Deacidification Facility; operation by Librarian of Congress
/us/usc/t2/s177 Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry
/us/usc/t2/s179l National Film Registry of Library of Congress
/us/usc/t2/s179m Duties of Librarian of Congress
/us/usc/t2/s179v Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t2/s179n National Film Preservation Board
/us/usc/t2/s179o Responsibilities and powers of Board
/us/usc/t2/s179p National Film Registry Collection of Library of Congress
/us/usc/t2/s179q Seal of National Film Registry
/us/usc/t2/s179r Remedies
/us/usc/t2/s179s Limitations of remedies
/us/usc/t2/s179t Staff of Board; experts and consultants
/us/usc/t2/s179u Definitions
/us/usc/t2/s179w Effective date
/us/usc/t2/s180 Legislative information retrieval system
/us/usc/t2/s181 Program for exchange of information among legislative branch agencies
/us/usc/t2/s182 Cooperative Acquisitions Program Revolving Fund
/us/usc/t2/s182a Revolving fund for duplication services associated with audiovisual conservation center
/us/usc/t2/s182b Revolving fund for sales shop and other services
/us/usc/t2/s182c Revolving fund for FEDLINK program and Federal Research program
/us/usc/t2/s182d Audits by Comptroller General
/us/usc/t2/s182e Library of Congress National Collection Stewardship Fund
/us/usc/t2/s183 Written history of the House of Representatives
/us/usc/t2/s183a Oral history of the House of Representatives
/us/usc/t2/s184 Incorporation of digital collections into educational curricula
/us/usc/t2/s185 Inspector General of the Library of Congress
/us/usc/t2/s190d Legislative review by standing committees of the Senate and the House of Representatives
/us/usc/t2/s190f General appropriation bills
/us/usc/t2/s190g Nonconsideration of certain private bills and resolutions
/us/usc/t2/s190l Private claims pending before Congress; taking of testimony
/us/usc/t2/s190m Subpoena for taking testimony; compensation of officers and witnesses; return of depositions
/us/usc/t2/s191 Oaths to witnesses
/us/usc/t2/s192 Refusal of witness to testify or produce papers
/us/usc/t2/s193 Privilege of witnesses
/us/usc/t2/s194 Certification of failure to testify or produce; grand jury action
/us/usc/t2/s194a Request by Congressional committees to officers or employees of Federal departments, agencies, etc., concerned with foreign countries or multilateral organizations for expression of views and opinions
/us/usc/t2/s195 Fees of witnesses in District of Columbia
/us/usc/t2/s195a Restriction on payment of witness fees or travel and subsistence expenses to persons subpenaed by Congressional committees
/us/usc/t2/s195b Fees for witnesses requested to appear before Majority Policy Committee or Minority Policy Committee
/us/usc/t2/s196 Senate resolutions for investigations; limit of cost
/us/usc/t2/s197 Compensation of employees
/us/usc/t2/s198 Adjournment
/us/usc/t2/s199 Member of commission, board, etc., appointed by President pro tempore of Senate; recommendation process; applicability
/us/usc/t2/s271 Establishment
/us/usc/t2/s272 Legislative Counsel
/us/usc/t2/s273 Compensation
/us/usc/t2/s274 Staff; office equipment and supplies
/us/usc/t2/s275 Functions
/us/usc/t2/s276 Disbursement of appropriations
/us/usc/t2/s276a Expenditures
/us/usc/t2/s276b Travel and related expenses
/us/usc/t2/s281 Establishment
/us/usc/t2/s281a Purpose and policy
/us/usc/t2/s281b Functions
/us/usc/t2/s282 Legislative Counsel
/us/usc/t2/s282a Staff; Deputy Legislative Counsel; delegation of functions
/us/usc/t2/s282b Compensation
/us/usc/t2/s282c Expenditures
/us/usc/t2/s282d Official mail matter
/us/usc/t2/s282e Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t2/s285 Establishment
/us/usc/t2/s285a Purpose and policy
/us/usc/t2/s285b Functions
/us/usc/t2/s285c Law Revision Counsel
/us/usc/t2/s285d Staff; Deputy Law Revision Counsel; delegation of functions
/us/usc/t2/s285e Compensation
/us/usc/t2/s285f Expenditures
/us/usc/t2/s285g Availability of applicable accounts of House
/us/usc/t2/s287 Establishment
/us/usc/t2/s287a Parliamentarian
/us/usc/t2/s287b Staff; Deputy Parliamentarian; delegation of functions
/us/usc/t2/s287c Compensation
/us/usc/t2/s287d Expenditures
/us/usc/t2/s288 Office of Senate Legal Counsel
/us/usc/t2/s288a Senate Joint Leadership Group
/us/usc/t2/s288b Requirements for authorizing representation activity
/us/usc/t2/s288c Defending the Senate, committee, subcommittee, member, officer, or employee of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s288d Enforcement of Senate subpena or order
/us/usc/t2/s288e Intervention or appearance
/us/usc/t2/s288f Immunity proceedings
/us/usc/t2/s288g Advisory and other functions
/us/usc/t2/s288h Defense of certain constitutional powers
/us/usc/t2/s288i Representation conflict or inconsistency
/us/usc/t2/s288j Consideration of resolutions to direct counsel
/us/usc/t2/s288k Attorney General relieved of responsibility
/us/usc/t2/s288l Procedural provisions
/us/usc/t2/s288m Contingent fund
/us/usc/t2/s288n Travel and related expenses
/us/usc/t2/s291 Congressional declaration of purpose
/us/usc/t2/s292 Positions affected
/us/usc/t2/s293 Compensation schedules
/us/usc/t2/s294 Position standards and descriptions
/us/usc/t2/s295 Placement of positions in compensation schedules
/us/usc/t2/s296 Step increases; waiting periods; service in Armed Forces; automatic advancement
/us/usc/t2/s297 Appointments and reclassifications to higher compensation levels
/us/usc/t2/s298 Reductions in compensation level
/us/usc/t2/s300 Establishment of positions; payment from applicable accounts
/us/usc/t2/s301 Preservation of existing appointing authorities
/us/usc/t2/s302 Regulations
/us/usc/t2/s303 Dual compensation
/us/usc/t2/s351 Establishment
/us/usc/t2/s352 Membership
/us/usc/t2/s353 Executive Director; additional personnel; detail of personnel of other agencies
/us/usc/t2/s354 Use of United States mails
/us/usc/t2/s355 Administrative support services
/us/usc/t2/s356 Functions
/us/usc/t2/s357 Report by Commission to President with respect to pay
/us/usc/t2/s358 Recommendations of President with respect to pay
/us/usc/t2/s359 Effective date of recommendations of President
/us/usc/t2/s360 Effect of recommendations on existing law and prior recommendations
/us/usc/t2/s361 Publication of recommendations
/us/usc/t2/s362 Requirements applicable to recommendations
/us/usc/t2/s363 Additional function
/us/usc/t2/s364 Provision relating to certain other pay adjustments
/us/usc/t2/s381 Definitions
/us/usc/t2/s382 Notice of contest
/us/usc/t2/s383 Response of contestee
/us/usc/t2/s384 Service and filing of papers other than notice of contest
/us/usc/t2/s385 Default of contestee
/us/usc/t2/s386 Deposition
/us/usc/t2/s387 Notice of depositions
/us/usc/t2/s388 Subpena for attendance at deposition
/us/usc/t2/s389 Officer and witness fees
/us/usc/t2/s390 Penalty for failure to appear, testify, or produce documents
/us/usc/t2/s391 Certification and filing of depositions
/us/usc/t2/s392 Record
/us/usc/t2/s393 Filing of pleadings, motions, depositions, appendixes, briefs, and other papers
/us/usc/t2/s394 Computation of time
/us/usc/t2/s395 Death of contestant
/us/usc/t2/s396 Allowance of party’s expenses
/us/usc/t2/s471 Congressional findings and declaration of purpose
/us/usc/t2/s472 Office of Technology Assessment
/us/usc/t2/s473 Technology Assessment Board
/us/usc/t2/s474 Director of Office of Technology Assessment
/us/usc/t2/s475 Powers of Office of Technology Assessment
/us/usc/t2/s476 Technology Assessment Advisory Council
/us/usc/t2/s477 Utilization of services of Library of Congress
/us/usc/t2/s478 Utilization of the Government Accountability Office
/us/usc/t2/s479 Coordination of activities with National Science Foundation
/us/usc/t2/s481 Authorization of appropriations; availability of appropriations
/us/usc/t2/s501 House Communications Standards Commission
/us/usc/t2/s502 Select Committee on Standards and Conduct of the Senate
/us/usc/t2/s503 Official mail of persons entitled to use congressional frank
/us/usc/t2/s504 Mass mailings by Senate offices; quarterly statements; publication of summary tabulations
/us/usc/t2/s505 Mass mailing of information by Senators under frank; quarterly registration with Secretary of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s506 Mass mailing sent by House Members
/us/usc/t2/s601 Establishment
/us/usc/t2/s602 Duties and functions
/us/usc/t2/s603 Public access to budget data
/us/usc/t2/s605 Sale or lease of property, supplies, or services
/us/usc/t2/s605a Contracting parity
/us/usc/t2/s606 Disposition of surplus or obsolete property
/us/usc/t2/s607 Lump-sum payments for annual leave to separated employees
/us/usc/t2/s608 Lump-sum payments to enhance staff recruitment and to reward exceptional performance
/us/usc/t2/s609 Employee training
/us/usc/t2/s610 Repayment of student loan on behalf of employee
/us/usc/t2/s611 Employee development program
/us/usc/t2/s612 Executive exchange program
/us/usc/t2/s613 Establishment of senior level positions
/us/usc/t2/s621 Congressional declaration of purpose
/us/usc/t2/s622 Definitions
/us/usc/t2/s623 Continuing study of additional budget reform proposals
/us/usc/t2/s631 Timetable
/us/usc/t2/s632 Annual adoption of concurrent resolution on the budget
/us/usc/t2/s633 Committee allocations
/us/usc/t2/s634 Concurrent resolution on the budget must be adopted before budget-related legislation is considered
/us/usc/t2/s635 Permissible revisions of concurrent resolutions on the budget
/us/usc/t2/s636 Provisions relating to consideration of concurrent resolutions on the budget
/us/usc/t2/s637 Legislation dealing with Congressional budget must be handled by Budget Committees
/us/usc/t2/s638 House committee action on all appropriation bills to be completed by June 10
/us/usc/t2/s639 Reports, summaries, and projections of Congressional budget actions
/us/usc/t2/s640 House approval of regular appropriation bills
/us/usc/t2/s641 Reconciliation
/us/usc/t2/s642 Budget-related legislation must be within appropriate levels
/us/usc/t2/s643 Determinations and points of order
/us/usc/t2/s644 Extraneous matter in reconciliation legislation
/us/usc/t2/s645 Adjustments
/us/usc/t2/s645a Effect of adoption of special order of business in House of Representatives
/us/usc/t2/s651 Budget-related legislation not subject to appropriations
/us/usc/t2/s653 Analysis by Congressional Budget Office
/us/usc/t2/s654 Study by Government Accountability Office of forms of Federal financial commitment not reviewed annually by Congress
/us/usc/t2/s655 Off-budget agencies, programs, and activities
/us/usc/t2/s656 Member User Group
/us/usc/t2/s658 Definitions
/us/usc/t2/s658a Exclusions
/us/usc/t2/s658b Duties of Congressional committees
/us/usc/t2/s658c Duties of Director; statements on bills and joint resolutions other than appropriations bills and joint resolutions
/us/usc/t2/s658d Legislation subject to point of order
/us/usc/t2/s658e Provisions relating to House of Representatives
/us/usc/t2/s658f Requests to Congressional Budget Office from Senators
/us/usc/t2/s658g Clarification of application
/us/usc/t2/s661 Purposes
/us/usc/t2/s661a Definitions
/us/usc/t2/s661b OMB and CBO analysis, coordination, and review
/us/usc/t2/s661c Budgetary treatment
/us/usc/t2/s661d Authorizations
/us/usc/t2/s661e Treatment of deposit insurance and agencies and other insurance programs
/us/usc/t2/s661f Effect on other laws
/us/usc/t2/s681 Disclaimer
/us/usc/t2/s682 Definitions
/us/usc/t2/s683 Rescission of budget authority
/us/usc/t2/s684 Proposed deferrals of budget authority
/us/usc/t2/s685 Transmission of messages; publication
/us/usc/t2/s686 Reports by Comptroller General
/us/usc/t2/s687 Suits by Comptroller General
/us/usc/t2/s688 Procedure in House of Representatives and Senate
/us/usc/t2/s801 Establishment, etc., of Congressional Award Board
/us/usc/t2/s802 Program
/us/usc/t2/s803 Board organization
/us/usc/t2/s804 Administration
/us/usc/t2/s805 Regional award directors of program; appointment criteria
/us/usc/t2/s806 Powers, functions, and limitations
/us/usc/t2/s807 Audits
/us/usc/t2/s808 Termination
/us/usc/t2/s831 John Heinz Competitive Excellence Award
/us/usc/t2/s900 Statement of budget enforcement through sequestration; definitions
/us/usc/t2/s901 Enforcing discretionary spending limits
/us/usc/t2/s901a Enforcement of budget goal
/us/usc/t2/s902 Enforcing pay-as-you-go
/us/usc/t2/s903 Enforcing deficit targets
/us/usc/t2/s904 Reports and orders
/us/usc/t2/s905 Exempt programs and activities
/us/usc/t2/s906 General and special sequestration rules
/us/usc/t2/s907 The baseline
/us/usc/t2/s907a Suspension in event of war or low growth
/us/usc/t2/s907b Modification of Presidential order
/us/usc/t2/s907c Flexibility among defense programs, projects, and activities
/us/usc/t2/s907d Special reconciliation process
/us/usc/t2/s922 Judicial review
/us/usc/t2/s931 Purpose
/us/usc/t2/s932 Definitions and applications
/us/usc/t2/s933 PAYGO estimates and PAYGO scorecards
/us/usc/t2/s934 Annual report and sequestration order
/us/usc/t2/s935 Calculating a sequestration
/us/usc/t2/s936 Adjustment for current policies
/us/usc/t2/s937 Application of BBEDCA
/us/usc/t2/s938 Determinations and points of order
/us/usc/t2/s939 Limitation on changes to the Social Security Act
/us/usc/t2/s1101 Congressional findings
/us/usc/t2/s1102 Definitions
/us/usc/t2/s1103 Establishment of John C. Stennis Center for Public Service Training and Development
/us/usc/t2/s1104 Purposes and authority of Center
/us/usc/t2/s1105 John C. Stennis Center for Public Service Development Trust Fund
/us/usc/t2/s1106 Expenditures and audit of trust fund
/us/usc/t2/s1107 Executive Director of Center
/us/usc/t2/s1108 Administrative provisions
/us/usc/t2/s1109 Authorization for appropriations
/us/usc/t2/s1110 Appropriations
/us/usc/t2/s1151 Open World Leadership Center
/us/usc/t2/s1161 Bill Emerson National Hunger Fellows and Mickey Leland International Hunger Fellows
/us/usc/t2/s1301 Definitions
/us/usc/t2/s1302 Application of laws
/us/usc/t2/s1311 Rights and protections under title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964, Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and title I of Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
/us/usc/t2/s1312 Rights and protections under Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993
/us/usc/t2/s1313 Rights and protections under Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938
/us/usc/t2/s1314 Rights and protections under Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988
/us/usc/t2/s1315 Rights and protections under Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act
/us/usc/t2/s1316 Rights and protections relating to veterans’ employment and reemployment
/us/usc/t2/s1316a Legislative branch appointments
/us/usc/t2/s1316b Rights and protections relating to criminal history inquiries
/us/usc/t2/s1317 Prohibition of intimidation or reprisal
/us/usc/t2/s1331 Rights and protections under Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 relating to public services and accommodations; procedures for remedy of violations
/us/usc/t2/s1341 Rights and protections under Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970; procedures for remedy of violations
/us/usc/t2/s1351 Application of chapter 71 of title 5 relating to Federal service labor-management relations; procedures for remedy of violations
/us/usc/t2/s1361 Generally applicable remedies and limitations
/us/usc/t2/s1362 Notices
/us/usc/t2/s1371 Study and recommendations regarding General Accounting Office, Government Printing Office, and Library of Congress
/us/usc/t2/s1381 Establishment of Office of Congressional Workplace Rights
/us/usc/t2/s1382 Officers, staff, and other personnel
/us/usc/t2/s1383 Procedural rules
/us/usc/t2/s1384 Substantive regulations
/us/usc/t2/s1385 Expenses
/us/usc/t2/s1386 Disposition of surplus or obsolete personal property
/us/usc/t2/s1387 Semiannual report of disbursements
/us/usc/t2/s1388 Workplace climate surveys of employing offices
/us/usc/t2/s1401 Procedure for consideration of alleged violations
/us/usc/t2/s1402 Initiation of procedures
/us/usc/t2/s1402a Preliminary review of claims
/us/usc/t2/s1403 Mediation
/us/usc/t2/s1405 Hearing
/us/usc/t2/s1406 Appeal to Board
/us/usc/t2/s1407 Judicial review of Board decisions and enforcement
/us/usc/t2/s1408 Civil action
/us/usc/t2/s1409 Judicial review of regulations
/us/usc/t2/s1410 Other judicial review prohibited
/us/usc/t2/s1411 Effect of failure to issue regulations
/us/usc/t2/s1412 Expedited review of certain appeals
/us/usc/t2/s1413 Privileges and immunities
/us/usc/t2/s1414 Settlement
/us/usc/t2/s1415 Payments
/us/usc/t2/s1416 Confidentiality
/us/usc/t2/s1417 Option to request remote work assignment or paid leave of absence during pendency of procedures
/us/usc/t2/s1431 Exercise of rulemaking powers
/us/usc/t2/s1432 Political affiliation and place of residence
/us/usc/t2/s1433 Nondiscrimination rules of House and Senate
/us/usc/t2/s1434 Judicial branch coverage study
/us/usc/t2/s1435 Savings provisions
/us/usc/t2/s1437 Sense of Senate regarding adoption of simplified and streamlined acquisition procedures for Senate acquisitions
/us/usc/t2/s1437a Training and education programs of employing offices
/us/usc/t2/s1437b Support for out-of-area covered employees
/us/usc/t2/s1438 Severability
/us/usc/t2/s1501 Purposes
/us/usc/t2/s1502 Definitions
/us/usc/t2/s1503 Exclusions
/us/usc/t2/s1504 Agency assistance
/us/usc/t2/s1511 Cost of regulations
/us/usc/t2/s1512 Consideration for Federal funding
/us/usc/t2/s1513 Impact on local governments
/us/usc/t2/s1514 Enforcement in House of Representatives
/us/usc/t2/s1515 Exercise of rulemaking powers
/us/usc/t2/s1516 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t2/s1531 Regulatory process
/us/usc/t2/s1532 Statements to accompany significant regulatory actions
/us/usc/t2/s1533 Small government agency plan
/us/usc/t2/s1534 State, local, and tribal government input
/us/usc/t2/s1535 Least burdensome option or explanation required
/us/usc/t2/s1536 Assistance to Congressional Budget Office
/us/usc/t2/s1537 Pilot program on small government flexibility
/us/usc/t2/s1538 Annual statements to Congress on agency compliance
/us/usc/t2/s1551 Baseline study of costs and benefits
/us/usc/t2/s1552 Report on Federal mandates by Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
/us/usc/t2/s1553 Special authorities of Advisory Commission
/us/usc/t2/s1554 Annual report to Congress regarding Federal court rulings
/us/usc/t2/s1555 “Federal mandate” defined
/us/usc/t2/s1556 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t2/s1571 Judicial review
/us/usc/t2/s1601 Findings
/us/usc/t2/s1602 Definitions
/us/usc/t2/s1603 Registration of lobbyists
/us/usc/t2/s1604 Reports by registered lobbyists
/us/usc/t2/s1605 Disclosure and enforcement
/us/usc/t2/s1606 Penalties
/us/usc/t2/s1607 Rules of construction
/us/usc/t2/s1608 Severability
/us/usc/t2/s1609 Identification of clients and covered officials
/us/usc/t2/s1610 Estimates based on tax reporting system
/us/usc/t2/s1611 Exempt organizations
/us/usc/t2/s1612 Sense of Senate that lobbying expenses should remain nondeductible
/us/usc/t2/s1613 Prohibition on provision of gifts or travel by registered lobbyists to Members of Congress and to congressional employees
/us/usc/t2/s1614 Annual audits and reports by Comptroller General
/us/usc/t2/s1701 National Recording Registry of the Library of Congress
/us/usc/t2/s1702 Duties of Librarian of Congress
/us/usc/t2/s1703 Seal of the National Recording Registry
/us/usc/t2/s1704 National Recording Registry Collection of the Library of Congress
/us/usc/t2/s1711 Establishment of program by Librarian of Congress
/us/usc/t2/s1712 Promoting accessibility and public awareness of sound recordings
/us/usc/t2/s1721 Establishment
/us/usc/t2/s1722 Appointment of members
/us/usc/t2/s1723 Service of members; meetings
/us/usc/t2/s1724 Responsibilities of Board
/us/usc/t2/s1725 General powers of Board
/us/usc/t2/s1741 Definitions
/us/usc/t2/s1742 Staff; experts and consultants
/us/usc/t2/s1743 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t2/s1801 Appointment
/us/usc/t2/s1802 Compensation
/us/usc/t2/s1803 Delegation of authority
/us/usc/t2/s1804 Deputy Architect of the Capitol to act in case of absence, disability, or vacancy
/us/usc/t2/s1805 Deputy Architect of the Capitol
/us/usc/t2/s1808 Inspector General of the Architect of the Capitol
/us/usc/t2/s1811 Powers and duties
/us/usc/t2/s1812 Care and superintendence of Capitol
/us/usc/t2/s1813 Exterior of Capitol
/us/usc/t2/s1814 Repairs of Capitol
/us/usc/t2/s1816 Construction contracts
/us/usc/t2/s1816a Design-build contracts
/us/usc/t2/s1816b Architect of the Capitol, authority for personal services contracts with legal entities
/us/usc/t2/s1817 Transfer of discontinued apparatus to other branches
/us/usc/t2/s1817a Disposition of surplus or obsolete personal property
/us/usc/t2/s1818 Rental or lease of storage space
/us/usc/t2/s1819 Computer backup facilities for legislative offices
/us/usc/t2/s1820 Acquisition of real property for Capitol Police
/us/usc/t2/s1821 Small purchase contracting authority
/us/usc/t2/s1822 Leasing of space
/us/usc/t2/s1823 Acquisition of real property for Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate
/us/usc/t2/s1823a Acquisition of real property for Library of Congress
/us/usc/t2/s1824 Energy and environmental measures in Capitol Complex Master Plan
/us/usc/t2/s1824a Recyclable materials
/us/usc/t2/s1826 Easements for rights-of-way
/us/usc/t2/s1827 Support and maintenance during emergencies
/us/usc/t2/s1831 Human resources program
/us/usc/t2/s1832 Assignment and reassignment of personnel
/us/usc/t2/s1833 Lighting, heating, and ventilating House of Representatives
/us/usc/t2/s1834 Heating and ventilating Senate wing
/us/usc/t2/s1835 Interagency details
/us/usc/t2/s1841 Single per annum gross rates of pay
/us/usc/t2/s1842 Conversion of existing pay rates
/us/usc/t2/s1843 Obsolete references
/us/usc/t2/s1844 Savings provisions
/us/usc/t2/s1845 Effect on existing law
/us/usc/t2/s1846 Exemptions
/us/usc/t2/s1847 Authorization to fix basic rate of compensation for certain positions
/us/usc/t2/s1848 Compensation of certain positions in Office of Architect of the Capitol
/us/usc/t2/s1849 Compensation of certain positions under jurisdiction of Architect of the Capitol
/us/usc/t2/s1850 Compensation of registered nurses
/us/usc/t2/s1851 Gratuities for survivors of deceased employees
/us/usc/t2/s1852 Withholding and remittance of State income tax
/us/usc/t2/s1853 Exemption of officers and employees of Architect of Capitol from certain Federal pay provisions
/us/usc/t2/s1854 Overtime compensation for certain employees of Architect of Capitol
/us/usc/t2/s1861 Appropriations under control of Architect of the Capitol
/us/usc/t2/s1862 Transfer of funds
/us/usc/t2/s1862a Use of construction project funds to reimburse Capitol Police for related overtime costs
/us/usc/t2/s1862b Transfer of amounts appropriated for Architect of the Capitol under House Office Buildings
/us/usc/t2/s1863 Funds out of Contingent Expenses, Architect of the Capitol Appropriation
/us/usc/t2/s1864 Funds out of Capitol Buildings, Architect of the Capitol Appropriation
/us/usc/t2/s1865 Capitol Police Buildings and Grounds Account
/us/usc/t2/s1866 Certification of vouchers
/us/usc/t2/s1867 Advancement and reimbursement of expenses for flying American flags and providing certification services therefor
/us/usc/t2/s1868 Semiannual compilation and report of expenditures
/us/usc/t2/s1868a Semiannual report of disbursements
/us/usc/t2/s1869 Advance payments
/us/usc/t2/s1870 House Historic Buildings Revitalization Trust Fund
/us/usc/t2/s1871 Expired appropriations available for deposit into Employees’ Compensation Fund
/us/usc/t2/s1872 Use of expired funds for unemployment compensation payments
/us/usc/t2/s1873 Acceptance of travel expenses from non-Federal sources
/us/usc/t2/s1881 Definitions
/us/usc/t2/s1881a Providing Capitol-flown flags for families of fallen heroes
/us/usc/t2/s1881b Regulations and procedures
/us/usc/t2/s1881c Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t2/s1881d Effective date
/us/usc/t2/s1901 Establishment; officer appointments
/us/usc/t2/s1902 Compensation of Chief
/us/usc/t2/s1903 Chief Administrative Officer
/us/usc/t2/s1904 Certifying officers
/us/usc/t2/s1905 Deposit and use of reimbursements for law enforcement assistance
/us/usc/t2/s1905a Reimbursement for salaries paid for service at Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
/us/usc/t2/s1906 Disposal of surplus property
/us/usc/t2/s1907 Transfer of disbursing function
/us/usc/t2/s1907a Authority to transfer amounts between salaries and general expenses
/us/usc/t2/s1907b Funds available for workers compensation payments
/us/usc/t2/s1908 Legal representation authority
/us/usc/t2/s1909 Inspector General for the United States Capitol Police
/us/usc/t2/s1910 Report of disbursements
/us/usc/t2/s1911 General Counsel to the Chief of Police and the United States Capitol Police
/us/usc/t2/s1921a Sole and exclusive authority of Board and Chief to determine rates of pay
/us/usc/t2/s1922 Unified payroll administration
/us/usc/t2/s1923 Unified schedules of rates of basic pay and leave system
/us/usc/t2/s1926 Educational assistance program for employees
/us/usc/t2/s1927 Bonuses, retention allowances, and additional compensation
/us/usc/t2/s1930 Applicable pay rate upon appointment
/us/usc/t2/s1931 Additional compensation for employees with specialty assignments and proficiencies
/us/usc/t2/s1932 Application of premium pay limits on annualized basis
/us/usc/t2/s1933 Clarification of authorities regarding certain personnel benefits
/us/usc/t2/s1934 Waiver by Chief of Capitol Police of claims arising out of erroneous payments to officers and employees
/us/usc/t2/s1941 Uniform
/us/usc/t2/s1942 Uniform to display United States flag or colors
/us/usc/t2/s1944 Wearing uniform on duty
/us/usc/t2/s1951 Establishment of United States Capitol Police Memorial Fund
/us/usc/t2/s1952 Payments from Fund for families of Detective Gibson and Private First Class Chestnut and certain other United States Capitol Police employees
/us/usc/t2/s1953 Tax treatment of Fund
/us/usc/t2/s1954 Administration by Capitol Police Board
/us/usc/t2/s1961 Policing of Capitol Buildings and Grounds
/us/usc/t2/s1962 Detail of police
/us/usc/t2/s1963 Protection of grounds
/us/usc/t2/s1964 Security systems for Capitol buildings and grounds
/us/usc/t2/s1965 Maintenance of security systems for Capitol buildings and grounds
/us/usc/t2/s1966 Protection of Members of Congress, officers of Congress, and members of their families
/us/usc/t2/s1967 Law enforcement authority
/us/usc/t2/s1968 Citation release
/us/usc/t2/s1969 Regulation of traffic by Capitol Police Board
/us/usc/t2/s1970 Assistance by Executive departments and agencies
/us/usc/t2/s1971 Contributions of meals and refreshments during emergency duty
/us/usc/t2/s1972 Contributions of comfort and other incidental items and services during emergency duty
/us/usc/t2/s1973 Support and maintenance expenditures during emergency duty
/us/usc/t2/s1974 Capitol Police special officers
/us/usc/t2/s1975 Overseas travel
/us/usc/t2/s1975a Overseas travel to accompany members of House leadership
/us/usc/t2/s1976 Acceptance of donations of animals
/us/usc/t2/s1977 Settlement and payment of tort claims
/us/usc/t2/s1978 Deployment outside of jurisdiction
/us/usc/t2/s1979 Release of security information
/us/usc/t2/s1980 Mounted horse unit
/us/usc/t2/s1981 Advance payments
/us/usc/t2/s1982 Acceptance of surplus or obsolete property
/us/usc/t2/s2001 House Office Building; control, supervision, and care
/us/usc/t2/s2002 Acquisition of buildings and facilities for use in emergency situation
/us/usc/t2/s2003 Speaker as member of House Office Building commission
/us/usc/t2/s2004 Assignment of rooms in House Office Building
/us/usc/t2/s2005 Vacant rooms; assignment to Representatives
/us/usc/t2/s2006 Withdrawal by Representative of request for vacant rooms
/us/usc/t2/s2007 Exchange of rooms
/us/usc/t2/s2008 Record of assignment of rooms
/us/usc/t2/s2009 Assignment of rooms to Commissioner from Puerto Rico
/us/usc/t2/s2010 Assignment of rooms; control of by House
/us/usc/t2/s2011 Assignment of unoccupied space
/us/usc/t2/s2012 Furniture for House of Representatives
/us/usc/t2/s2013 Revolving fund for House gymnasium; deposit of receipts; availability for expenditure
/us/usc/t2/s2021 Additional Senate office building
/us/usc/t2/s2022 Acquisition of buildings and facilities for use in emergency situation
/us/usc/t2/s2023 Control, care, and supervision of Senate Office Building
/us/usc/t2/s2024 Assignment of space in Senate Office Building
/us/usc/t2/s2025 Senate Garage
/us/usc/t2/s2026 Senate Staff Health and Fitness Facility Revolving Fund
/us/usc/t2/s2041 House of Representatives restaurant, cafeteria, and food services
/us/usc/t2/s2042 Senate Restaurants; management by Architect of the Capitol
/us/usc/t2/s2043 Authorization and direction to effectuate purposes of sections 2042 to 2047 of this title
/us/usc/t2/s2044 Special deposit account
/us/usc/t2/s2045 Deposits and disbursements under special deposit account
/us/usc/t2/s2046 Bond of Architect, Assistant Architect, and other employees
/us/usc/t2/s2047 Supersedure of prior provisions for maintenance and operation of Senate Restaurants
/us/usc/t2/s2049 Loans for Senate Restaurants
/us/usc/t2/s2050 Transfer of appropriations for management personnel and miscellaneous restaurant expenses to special deposit account
/us/usc/t2/s2051 Continued benefits for certain Senate Restaurants employees
/us/usc/t2/s2052 Senate restaurant deficit fund; deposit of proceeds from surcharge on orders
/us/usc/t2/s2061 Designation of play areas on Capitol grounds for children attending day care center
/us/usc/t2/s2062 House of Representatives Child Care Center
/us/usc/t2/s2063 Senate Employee Child Care Center
/us/usc/t2/s2064 Senate Employee Child Care Center employee benefits
/us/usc/t2/s2065 Reimbursement of Senate day care center employees
/us/usc/t2/s2081 United States Capitol Preservation Commission
/us/usc/t2/s2082 Authority of Commission to accept gifts and conduct other transactions relating to works of fine art and other property
/us/usc/t2/s2083 Capitol Preservation Fund
/us/usc/t2/s2084 Audits by the Comptroller General
/us/usc/t2/s2085 Advisory boards
/us/usc/t2/s2086 Definition
/us/usc/t2/s2101 Senate Commission on Art
/us/usc/t2/s2102 Duties of Commission
/us/usc/t2/s2103 Supervision and maintenance of Old Senate Chamber
/us/usc/t2/s2104 Publication of list of works of art, historical objects, and exhibits
/us/usc/t2/s2105 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t2/s2107 Conservation, restoration, replication, or replacement of items in United States Senate Collection
/us/usc/t2/s2108 Provisions relating to Senate Commission on Art
/us/usc/t2/s2121 House of Representatives Fine Arts Board
/us/usc/t2/s2122 Acceptance of gifts on behalf of the House of Representatives
/us/usc/t2/s2131 National Statuary Hall
/us/usc/t2/s2131a Eligibility for placement of statues in National Statuary Hall
/us/usc/t2/s2132 Replacement of statue in Statuary Hall
/us/usc/t2/s2133 Acceptance and supervision of works of fine arts
/us/usc/t2/s2134 Art exhibits
/us/usc/t2/s2135 Private studios and works of art
/us/usc/t2/s2141 Supervision of Botanic Garden
/us/usc/t2/s2142 Superintendent of Botanic Garden and greenhouses
/us/usc/t2/s2143 Utilization of personnel by Architect of the Capitol for maintenance and operation of Botanic Garden
/us/usc/t2/s2144 Disbursement of appropriations for Botanic Garden
/us/usc/t2/s2145 Restriction on use of appropriation for Botanic Garden
/us/usc/t2/s2146 National Garden
/us/usc/t2/s2147 Plant material exchanges
/us/usc/t2/s2148 Administration of educational outreach and services
/us/usc/t2/s2162 Capitol Power Plant
/us/usc/t2/s2162a Promoting maximum efficiency in operation of Capitol Power Plant
/us/usc/t2/s2163 Capitol Grounds shuttle service
/us/usc/t2/s2164 Transportation of House Pages by Capitol Grounds shuttle service
/us/usc/t2/s2167 Congressional Award Youth Park
/us/usc/t2/s2168 Memorandum of understanding for provision of services of the United States Capitol telephone exchange for the House
/us/usc/t2/s2169 Capitol complex E–85 refueling station
/us/usc/t2/s2170 Battery recharging stations for privately owned vehicles in parking areas under the jurisdiction of the Senate at no net cost to the Federal Government
/us/usc/t2/s2171 Battery recharging stations for privately owned vehicles in parking areas under the jurisdiction of the House of Representatives at no net cost to the Federal Government
/us/usc/t2/s2171a Battery recharging stations for privately owned vehicles in parking areas under the jurisdiction of the Librarian of Congress at no net cost to the Federal Government
/us/usc/t2/s2172 Office of Congressional Accessibility Services
/us/usc/t2/s2181 Assignment of space for meetings of joint committees, conference committees, etc.
/us/usc/t2/s2182 Use of space formerly occupied by Library of Congress
/us/usc/t2/s2183 Protection of buildings and property
/us/usc/t2/s2184 Purchase of furniture or carpets for House or Senate
/us/usc/t2/s2185 Estimates for improvements in grounds
/us/usc/t2/s2186 Square 580 landscape maintenance
/us/usc/t2/s2201 Designation of facility as Capitol Visitor Center; purposes of facility; treatment of the Capitol Visitor Center
/us/usc/t2/s2202 Designation and naming within the Capitol Visitor Center
/us/usc/t2/s2203 Use of the Emancipation Hall of the Capitol Visitor Center
/us/usc/t2/s2211 Establishment
/us/usc/t2/s2212 Appointment and supervision of Chief Executive Officer for Visitor Services
/us/usc/t2/s2213 General duties of Chief Executive Officer
/us/usc/t2/s2214 Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer
/us/usc/t2/s2215 Gift Shop
/us/usc/t2/s2216 Food service operations
/us/usc/t2/s2231 Establishment and accounts
/us/usc/t2/s2232 Deposits in the Fund
/us/usc/t2/s2233 Use of monies
/us/usc/t2/s2234 Administration of Fund
/us/usc/t2/s2241 Transfer of Capitol Guide Service
/us/usc/t2/s2242 Duties of employees of Capitol Guide Service
/us/usc/t2/s2251 Office of Congressional Accessibility Services
/us/usc/t2/s2252 Transfer from Capitol Guide Service
/us/usc/t2/s2261 Transfer date
/us/usc/t2/s2271 Jurisdictions unaffected
/us/usc/t2/s2272 Acceptance of volunteer services
/us/usc/t2/s2273 Coins treated as gifts
/us/usc/t2/s2281 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t2/s4101 Authority of officers of Congress over Congressional employees
/us/usc/t2/s4102 Purchase of supplies for Senate and House
/us/usc/t2/s4103 Contracts to furnish property, supplies, or services to Congress; terms varying from those offered other entities of Federal Government
/us/usc/t2/s4104 American goods to be preferred in purchases for Senate and House
/us/usc/t2/s4105 Purchase of paper, envelopes, etc., for stationery rooms of Senate and House
/us/usc/t2/s4106 Stationery rooms of House and Senate; specification of classes of articles purchasable
/us/usc/t2/s4107 Withdrawal of unexpended balances of appropriations
/us/usc/t2/s4108 Semiannual statements of expenditures by Secretary of Senate and Chief Administrative Officer of House
/us/usc/t2/s4109 Detailed reports of receipts and expenditures by Secretary of Senate and Chief Administrative Officer of House
/us/usc/t2/s4110 Monuments to deceased Senators or House Members
/us/usc/t2/s4111 Annual report by Comptroller General of the United States on cybersecurity and surveillance threats to Congress
/us/usc/t2/s4121 Monies received by Attending Physician from sale of prescription drugs or other sources; deposit of receipts
/us/usc/t2/s4122 Deposit of fees for services by Office of Attending Physician; availability of amounts deposited
/us/usc/t2/s4123 Authority of Attending Physician in response to medical contingencies or public health emergencies at Capitol
/us/usc/t2/s4131 House Recording Studio; Senate Recording Studio and Senate Photographic Studio
/us/usc/t2/s4132 Senate Recording Studio and Senate Photographic Studio as successors to Senate Recording and Photographic Studios; rules, regulations, and fees for photographs and photographic services
/us/usc/t2/s4301 Committee staffs
/us/usc/t2/s4302 Maximum annual rate of compensation of Chief of Staff of Joint Committee on Taxation
/us/usc/t2/s4303 Preparation and contents of statement of appropriations
/us/usc/t2/s4311 Approval of employment and compensation of committee employees by House standing committees
/us/usc/t2/s4312 Regulations governing availability of appropriations for House committee employees
/us/usc/t2/s4313 Adjustment of House of Representatives allowances by Committee on House Oversight
/us/usc/t2/s4314 Limitation on allowance authority of Committee on House Oversight
/us/usc/t2/s4315 Overtime pay for FBI employees detailed to House Committee on Appropriations
/us/usc/t2/s4331 Computation of compensation for stenographic assistance of committees payable from Senate contingent fund
/us/usc/t2/s4332 Assistance to Senators with committee memberships by employees in office of Senator
/us/usc/t2/s4333 Expenses of committees payable from Senate contingent fund
/us/usc/t2/s4334 Availability of funds for franked mail expenses
/us/usc/t2/s4335 Employment of civilian employees of executive branch of Government by Senate Committee on Appropriations; restoration to former position
/us/usc/t2/s4336 Discretionary authority of Senate Committee on Appropriations
/us/usc/t2/s4337 Transfer of funds by Chairman of Senate Committee on Appropriations
/us/usc/t2/s4338 Designation by Senator who is Chairman or Vice Chairman of Senate Select Committee on Ethics of employee in office of that Senator to perform part-time service for Committee; amount reimbursable; procedure applicable
/us/usc/t2/s4501 Compensation of Members of Congress
/us/usc/t2/s4502 Appropriation of funds for compensation of Members of Congress and for administrative expenses at levels authorized by law and recommended by the President for Federal employees
/us/usc/t2/s4503 Jury and witness service by Senate and House employees
/us/usc/t2/s4504 Nonpay status for Congressional employees studying under Congressional staff fellowships
/us/usc/t2/s4505 Voluntary separation incentive payments
/us/usc/t2/s4506 Death gratuity payments as gifts
/us/usc/t2/s4507 Longevity compensation
/us/usc/t2/s4508 Longevity compensation for telephone operators on United States telephone exchange and members of Capitol Police paid by Chief Administrative Officer of House
/us/usc/t2/s4509 Longevity compensation not applicable to individuals paid by Secretary of Senate; savings provision
/us/usc/t2/s4521 Mode of payment
/us/usc/t2/s4522 Deductions for withdrawal
/us/usc/t2/s4523 Deductions for delinquent indebtedness
/us/usc/t2/s4524 Withholding of charitable contributions from salaries paid by Secretary of Senate and from employees of Architect of Capitol
/us/usc/t2/s4531 House of Representatives pay adjustments; action by Chief Administrative Officer of House
/us/usc/t2/s4532 Rates of compensation disbursed by Chief Administrative Officer of House; adjustments by Speaker; “Member of the House of Representatives” defined
/us/usc/t2/s4533 Single per annum gross rates of pay for employees
/us/usc/t2/s4534 Obsolete references in existing law to basic pay rates
/us/usc/t2/s4535 Saving provision
/us/usc/t2/s4536 Student loan repayment program for House employees
/us/usc/t2/s4537 Lump sum payment for accrued annual leave of House employees
/us/usc/t2/s4538 Reimbursement of residential telecommunications expenses for House Members, officers, and employees
/us/usc/t2/s4551 Day for paying salaries of the House of Representatives
/us/usc/t2/s4552 Certificates to pay rolls of employees of House
/us/usc/t2/s4553 Gratuities for survivors of deceased House employees; computation
/us/usc/t2/s4554 Waiver by Speaker of House of claims of United States arising out of erroneous payments to officers or employees paid by Chief Administrative Officer of House
/us/usc/t2/s4555 Withholding of State income tax by Chief Administrative Officer of House
/us/usc/t2/s4556 State income tax withholding; definitions
/us/usc/t2/s4557 Withholding of charitable contributions by Chief Administrative Officer of House
/us/usc/t2/s4558 Withholding of charitable contributions; definitions
/us/usc/t2/s4559 Certification of indebtedness of employees of House; withholding of amount
/us/usc/t2/s4560 Deductions by Chief Administrative Officer in disbursement of gratuity appropriations
/us/usc/t2/s4571 Senate pay adjustments; action by President pro tempore of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s4572 Rates of compensation paid by Secretary of Senate; applicability of Senate pay adjustments by President pro tempore of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s4573 Senate pay adjustments; action by President pro tempore of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s4574 Limit on rate of compensation of Senate officers and employees
/us/usc/t2/s4575 Gross rate of compensation of employees paid by Secretary of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s4575a Change in maximum rates of pay for statutory employees
/us/usc/t2/s4576 Availability of appropriated funds for payment to an individual of pay from more than one position; conditions
/us/usc/t2/s4577 Availability of appropriations during first three months of any fiscal year for aggregate of payments of gross compensation made to employees from Senate appropriation account for “Salaries, Officers and Employees”
/us/usc/t2/s4578 Restriction on payment of dual compensation by Secretary of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s4579 Student loan repayment program for Senate employees
/us/usc/t2/s4580 Lump sum payment for accrued annual leave of Senate employees
/us/usc/t2/s4581 Aggregate gross compensation of employee of Senator of State with population under 5,000,000
/us/usc/t2/s4591 Vice President, Senators, officers, and employees paid by Secretary of Senate; payment of salary; advance payment
/us/usc/t2/s4592 Payment of sums due deceased Senators and Senate personnel
/us/usc/t2/s4593 Waiver by Secretary of Senate of claims of United States arising out of erroneous payments to Vice President, Senator, or Senate employee paid by Secretary of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s4594 Withholding and remittance of State income tax by Secretary of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s4595 Payment for unaccrued leave
/us/usc/t2/s4701 Subletting duties of employees of Senate or House
/us/usc/t2/s4702 Notification of post-employment restrictions for Members of Congress and employees
/us/usc/t2/s4711 Committee on Standards of Official Conduct of House of Representatives
/us/usc/t2/s4712 Posting of travel and financial disclosure reports on public website of Clerk of the House of Representatives
/us/usc/t2/s4713 Reporting payments made to witnesses before Committee on Standards of Official Conduct
/us/usc/t2/s4721 Referral of ethics violations by Senate Ethics Committee to Government Accountability Office for investigation
/us/usc/t2/s4722 Mandatory Senate ethics training for Members and staff
/us/usc/t2/s4723 Annual report by Select Committee on Ethics
/us/usc/t2/s4724 Amendment to Senate conflict of interest rule
/us/usc/t2/s4725 Gifts and travel
/us/usc/t2/s4726 Guidelines relating to restrictions on registered lobbyist participation in travel and disclosure
/us/usc/t2/s4727 Senate privately paid travel public website
/us/usc/t2/s4728 Notification of post-employment restrictions for Senators and employees
/us/usc/t2/s4901 Congressional pages
/us/usc/t2/s4902 John W. McCormack Residential Page School
/us/usc/t2/s4903 Education of other minors who are Senate employees
/us/usc/t2/s4911 House of Representatives Page Board; establishment and purpose
/us/usc/t2/s4912 Membership of Page Board
/us/usc/t2/s4913 Regulations of Page Board
/us/usc/t2/s4914 Academic year and summer term for page program
/us/usc/t2/s4915 Service of page during academic year and summer term; filling of vacancies; eligibility
/us/usc/t2/s4916 Definitions
/us/usc/t2/s4917 Page residence hall and page meal plan
/us/usc/t2/s4931 Daniel Webster Senate Page Residence Revolving Fund
/us/usc/t2/s5101 Employment of administrative assistants for Speaker and House Majority and Minority Leaders; compensation; appropriations
/us/usc/t2/s5102 Appointment of consultants by Speaker, Majority Leader, and Minority Leader of House; compensation
/us/usc/t2/s5103 Single per annum gross rates of allowances for personal services in offices of Speaker, Leaders, and Whips
/us/usc/t2/s5104 Authority of Speaker and Minority Leader to allocate funds among certain House leadership offices
/us/usc/t2/s5105 Transfer of appropriations by House Leadership Offices
/us/usc/t2/s5106 Allowance for compensation of interns in House leadership offices
/us/usc/t2/s5121 Expense allowance of Speaker of House of Representatives
/us/usc/t2/s5122 Personal services in office of Speaker; payments
/us/usc/t2/s5123 Speaker’s Office for Legislative Floor Activities
/us/usc/t2/s5124 Lump sum allowance for Speaker
/us/usc/t2/s5141 Additional employees in offices of House Minority Leader, Majority Whip, and Chief Deputy Majority Whip; authorization; compensation
/us/usc/t2/s5142 Additional amounts for personnel and equipment for House Majority and Minority Leaders and Majority and Minority Whips
/us/usc/t2/s5143 Compensation of certain House minority employees
/us/usc/t2/s5144 Lump-sum allowances for House Minority Leader and Majority Whip
/us/usc/t2/s5145 Lump-sum allowances for House Majority Floor Leader, Minority Floor Leader, Majority Whip, and Minority Whip
/us/usc/t2/s5146 Lump-sum allowances for House Majority Whip and Minority Whip
/us/usc/t2/s5161 Training and program development activities of Republican Conference and Democratic Steering and Policy Committee
/us/usc/t2/s5162 Republican Policy Committee
/us/usc/t2/s5301 Representatives’ and Delegates’ salaries payable monthly
/us/usc/t2/s5302 Salaries payable monthly after taking oath
/us/usc/t2/s5303 End-of-the-month salary payment schedule inapplicable to Senators
/us/usc/t2/s5304 Salaries of Representatives, Delegates, and Resident Commissioners elected for unexpired terms
/us/usc/t2/s5305 Disposition of unpaid salary and other sums on death of Representative or Resident Commissioner
/us/usc/t2/s5306 Deductions for absence
/us/usc/t2/s5307 Certification of salary and mileage accounts
/us/usc/t2/s5308 Substitute to sign certificates for salary and accounts
/us/usc/t2/s5309 Disbursement of compensation of House Members by Chief Administrative Officer
/us/usc/t2/s5310 Certificate of salary during recess
/us/usc/t2/s5321 Employees of Members of House of Representatives
/us/usc/t2/s5322 Lyndon Baines Johnson congressional interns
/us/usc/t2/s5322a Allowance for compensation of interns in member offices
/us/usc/t2/s5323 Pay of clerical assistants as affected by death of Senator or Representative
/us/usc/t2/s5324 Pay of clerical assistants as affected by death or resignation of Member of House
/us/usc/t2/s5325 Performance of duties by clerical assistants of dead or resigned Member of House
/us/usc/t2/s5326 “Member of the House” defined
/us/usc/t2/s5327 Termination of service of Members of House
/us/usc/t2/s5328 Authority to prescribe regulations
/us/usc/t2/s5329 Vouchers
/us/usc/t2/s5341 Representational allowance for Members of House of Representatives
/us/usc/t2/s5342 Reimbursement of transportation expenses for employees in office of House Member
/us/usc/t2/s5343 Staff expenses for House Members attending organizational caucus or conference
/us/usc/t2/s5344 Payments and reimbursements for certain House staff expenses
/us/usc/t2/s5345 Annotated United States Code for Members of House of Representatives to be paid for from Members’ Representational Allowance
/us/usc/t2/s5346 Transportation of official records and papers to House Member’s district
/us/usc/t2/s5347 Delivery of bills and resolutions
/us/usc/t2/s5348 Delivery of Congressional Record
/us/usc/t2/s5349 Limitation on printed copies of U.S. Code to House
/us/usc/t2/s5350 Delivery of reports of disbursements
/us/usc/t2/s5351 Delivery of Daily Calendar
/us/usc/t2/s5352 Delivery of Congressional Pictorial Directory
/us/usc/t2/s5501 Temporary appointments in case of vacancies or incapacity of House officers; compensation
/us/usc/t2/s5502 House emergency operations positions
/us/usc/t2/s5503 Actions against officers for official acts
/us/usc/t2/s5504 Officers of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s5505 Payments from applicable accounts of House of Representatives
/us/usc/t2/s5506 Appropriations for expenses of House; restrictions
/us/usc/t2/s5507 Transfers of amounts appropriated for House
/us/usc/t2/s5508 Account in House of Representatives for Employees’ Compensation Fund
/us/usc/t2/s5509 Incidental use of equipment and supplies
/us/usc/t2/s5510 Providing assistance to House of Representatives in response to cybersecurity events
/us/usc/t2/s5511 Transfer of funds
/us/usc/t2/s5512 Use of available balances of expired appropriations
/us/usc/t2/s5513 House of Representatives Modernization Initiatives Account
/us/usc/t2/s5521 Compensation of Chaplain of House
/us/usc/t2/s5531 Program to increase employment opportunities in House of Representatives for individuals with disabilities
/us/usc/t2/s5532 Advance payments
/us/usc/t2/s5533 House of Representatives Revolving Fund
/us/usc/t2/s5534 House revolving fund for stationery allowances; disposition of moneys from stationery sales; availability of unexpended balances
/us/usc/t2/s5535 Report of disbursements for House of Representatives
/us/usc/t2/s5536 Office equipment for House Members, officers, and committees
/us/usc/t2/s5537 Net Expenses of Equipment Revolving Fund
/us/usc/t2/s5538 Net Expenses of Telecommunications Revolving Fund
/us/usc/t2/s5539 Commissions and charges for public telephone or telecommunications services; deposit of receipts
/us/usc/t2/s5540 Disposal of used or surplus furniture and equipment by Chief Administrative Officer of House; procedure; deposit of receipts
/us/usc/t2/s5541 Fees for internal delivery in House of Representatives of nonpostage mail from outside sources
/us/usc/t2/s5542 Regulations for safe handling of mail matter
/us/usc/t2/s5543 Rebates under Government Travel Charge Card Program
/us/usc/t2/s5544 Deposit of House Information Resources reimbursements for services
/us/usc/t2/s5545 House Services Revolving Fund
/us/usc/t2/s5546 Support services for House during emergency; memorandum of understanding with an executive agency
/us/usc/t2/s5547 Emergency expenditures for meals, refreshments, and other support and maintenance
/us/usc/t2/s5548 Payments to ensure continuing availability of goods and services during the coronavirus emergency
/us/usc/t2/s5561 Reporters for House of Representatives
/us/usc/t2/s5562 Preservation of reports, statements, or documents filed with Clerk of House
/us/usc/t2/s5563 Index to House daily calendar
/us/usc/t2/s5571 Office of General Counsel of House; administrative provisions
/us/usc/t2/s5581 Participation by House in interparliamentary institutions; reception of members of foreign legislative bodies and foreign officials; meetings with Government officials
/us/usc/t2/s5582 Office of Interparliamentary Affairs
/us/usc/t2/s5591 Media support services
/us/usc/t2/s5601 Sergeant at Arms of House; additional compensation
/us/usc/t2/s5602 Tenure of office of Sergeant at Arms
/us/usc/t2/s5603 Symbol of office of Sergeant at Arms
/us/usc/t2/s5604 Duties of Sergeant at Arms
/us/usc/t2/s5605 Law enforcement authority of Sergeant at Arms
/us/usc/t2/s5606 Arrangements for attendance at funeral of deceased House Members; payment of funeral expenses and expenses of attending funeral rites
/us/usc/t2/s5621 Corrections Calendar Office
/us/usc/t2/s5622 Lump sum allowance for Corrections Calendar Office
/us/usc/t2/s5623 Effective date
/us/usc/t2/s5624 Transfer of positions in Corrections Calendar Office
/us/usc/t2/s6101 Transfer of funds from appropriations account of the Office of the Vice President and the Offices of the Secretaries for the Majority and Minority to the Senate contingent fund
/us/usc/t2/s6102 Expense allowance of Majority and Minority Leaders of Senate; expense allowance of Majority and Minority Whips; methods of payment; taxability
/us/usc/t2/s6111 Compensation of President pro tempore of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s6112 Compensation of Deputy President pro tempore of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s6113 Appointment and compensation of employees by President pro tempore of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s6114 Appointment and compensation of Administrative Assistant, Legislative Assistant, and Executive Secretary for Deputy President pro tempore of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s6115 Expense allowance of President pro tempore of Senate; methods of payment; taxability
/us/usc/t2/s6116 Special delivery postage allowance for President of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s6117 Stationery allowance for President of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s6118 Long-distance telephone calls for Vice President
/us/usc/t2/s6131 Appointment of employees by Senate Majority and Minority Leaders; compensation
/us/usc/t2/s6132 Assistants to Senate Majority and Minority Leaders for Floor Operations; establishment of positions; appointment; compensation
/us/usc/t2/s6133 Chiefs of Staff for Senate Majority and Minority Leaders; appointment; compensation
/us/usc/t2/s6134 Compensation and appointment of employees by Senate Majority and Minority Whips
/us/usc/t2/s6135 Representation Allowance Account for Majority and Minority Leaders of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s6136 Transfer of funds from representation allowance of Majority and Minority Leaders of Senate to expense allowance; availability; definitions
/us/usc/t2/s6137 Transfer of funds from appropriations account of Majority and Minority Leaders of Senate to appropriations account, Miscellaneous Items, within Senate contingent fund
/us/usc/t2/s6138 Transfer of funds from appropriations account of Majority and Minority Whips of Senate to appropriations account, Miscellaneous Items, within Senate contingent fund
/us/usc/t2/s6151 Compensation of Secretaries for Senate Majority and Minority
/us/usc/t2/s6152 Appointment and compensation of employees by Secretaries for Senate Majority and Minority; gross compensation
/us/usc/t2/s6153 Salaries and expenses for Senate Majority and Minority Policy Committees and Senate Majority and Minority Conference Committees
/us/usc/t2/s6154 Offices of the Secretaries of the Conference of the Majority and the Conference of the Minority
/us/usc/t2/s6155 Payment of expenses of Conference of Majority and Conference of Minority from Senate contingent fund
/us/usc/t2/s6156 Appointment and compensation of employees by Secretary of Conference of Majority of Senate and Secretary of Conference of Minority of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s6157 Services of consultants to Majority and Minority Conference Committee of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s6158 Utilization of funds for specialized training of professional staff for Majority and Minority Conference Committee of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s6159 Expense allowance for Chairmen of Majority and Minority Conference Committees of Senate; method of payment; taxability
/us/usc/t2/s6160 Expense allowance for Chairmen of Majority and Minority Policy Committees of Senate; method of payment; taxability
/us/usc/t2/s6301 Senators’ salaries
/us/usc/t2/s6302 Salaries of Senators
/us/usc/t2/s6311 Organizational expenses of Senator-elect
/us/usc/t2/s6312 Clerks to Senators-elect
/us/usc/t2/s6313 Senators’ Official Personnel and Office Expense Account
/us/usc/t2/s6314 Mail, telegraph, telephone, stationery, office supplies, and home State office and travel expenses for Senators
/us/usc/t2/s6315 Telecommunications services for Senators; payment of costs out of contingent fund
/us/usc/t2/s6316 United States Code Annotated or United States Code Service; procurement for Senators
/us/usc/t2/s6317 Home State office space for Senators; lease of office space
/us/usc/t2/s6318 Additional home State office space for Senators; declaration of disaster or emergency
/us/usc/t2/s6319 Transportation of official records and papers to a Senator’s State
/us/usc/t2/s6320 Purchase of office equipment or furnishings by Senators
/us/usc/t2/s6501 Appointment of consultants by Majority Leader, Minority Leader, Secretary of Senate, and Legislative Counsel of Senate; compensation
/us/usc/t2/s6502 Procurement of temporary help
/us/usc/t2/s6503 Payments from Senate contingent fund
/us/usc/t2/s6504 Committee on Rules and Administration; designation of employees to approve vouchers for payments from Senate contingent fund
/us/usc/t2/s6505 Appropriations for contingent expenses of Senate; restrictions
/us/usc/t2/s6506 Separate accounts for “Secretary of the Senate” and for “Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate”; establishment within Senate contingent fund; inclusion of funds in existing accounts
/us/usc/t2/s6507 Insurance of office funds of Secretary of Senate and Sergeant at Arms; payment of premiums
/us/usc/t2/s6508 Transfers from appropriations account for expenses of Office of Secretary of Senate and Office of Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s6509 Vouchering Senate office charges
/us/usc/t2/s6510 Materials, supplies, and fuel payments from Senate contingent fund
/us/usc/t2/s6511 Liquidation from appropriations of any unpaid obligations chargeable to rescinded unexpended balances of funds
/us/usc/t2/s6512 Expense allowance for Secretary of Senate, Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate, and Secretaries for Senate Majority and Minority
/us/usc/t2/s6513 Per diem and subsistence expenses from Senate contingent fund
/us/usc/t2/s6514 Orientation seminars, etc., for new Senators, Senate officials, or members of staffs of Senators or Senate officials; payment of expenses
/us/usc/t2/s6515 Payment of fees for services of Attending Physician and for use of Senate health and fitness facilities
/us/usc/t2/s6516 Sale of waste paper and condemned furniture
/us/usc/t2/s6517 Receipts from sale of used or surplus furniture and furnishings of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s6518 Workers compensation payments
/us/usc/t2/s6532 Death, resignation, or disability of Secretary and Assistant Secretary of Senate; Financial Clerk deemed successor as disbursing officer
/us/usc/t2/s6533 Death, resignation, or disability of Secretary of Senate; Assistant Secretary of Senate to act as Secretary; written designation of absent status
/us/usc/t2/s6534 Compensation of Assistant Secretary of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s6535 Compensation of Parliamentarian of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s6536 Compensation of Financial Clerk of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s6538 Employment of additional administrative assistants
/us/usc/t2/s6539 Abolition of statutory positions in Office of Secretary of Senate; Secretary’s authority to establish and fix compensation for positions
/us/usc/t2/s6540 Adjustment of rate of compensation by Secretary of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s6541 Professional archivist; Secretary’s authority to obtain services from General Services Administration
/us/usc/t2/s6542 Employees of Senate Disbursing Office; designation by Secretary of Senate to administer oaths and affirmations
/us/usc/t2/s6543 Designation of reporters
/us/usc/t2/s6544 Substitute reporters of debates and expert transcribers; temporary reporters of debates and expert transcribers; payments from Senate contingent fund
/us/usc/t2/s6561 Advance payments by Secretary of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s6562 Transfers of funds by Secretary of Senate; approval of Committee on Appropriations
/us/usc/t2/s6563 Payment of certain expenses
/us/usc/t2/s6564 Travel expenses of Secretary of Senate; advancement of travel funds to designated employees
/us/usc/t2/s6565 Advancement by Secretary of Senate of travel funds to employees under his jurisdiction for Federal Election Campaign Act travel expenses
/us/usc/t2/s6566 Authority to procure technical support and other services and incur travel expenses; payment of such expenses
/us/usc/t2/s6567 Funds for Secretary of Senate to assist in proper discharge within United States of responsibilities to foreign parliamentary groups or other foreign officials
/us/usc/t2/s6568 Banking and financial transactions of Secretary of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s6572 Purchases of stationery and materials for folding
/us/usc/t2/s6573 Senate revolving fund for stationery allowances; availability of unexpended balances; withdrawals
/us/usc/t2/s6574 Senate Office of Public Records Revolving Fund
/us/usc/t2/s6575 Fees for copies from Senate journals
/us/usc/t2/s6576 Senate Gift Shop
/us/usc/t2/s6577 Senate legislative information system
/us/usc/t2/s6578 Senate Leader’s Lecture Series
/us/usc/t2/s6592 Limitation on compensation of Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s6593 Deputy Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper to act on death, resignation, disability, or absence of Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s6594 Compensation of Deputy Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s6595 Compensation of Administrative Assistant to Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s6596 Employment of personnel by Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate at daily rates of compensation; authorization; limitation on amount of compensation
/us/usc/t2/s6597 Abolition of statutory positions in Office of Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate; authority to establish and fix compensation for positions
/us/usc/t2/s6598 Designation by Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate of persons to approve vouchers for payment of moneys
/us/usc/t2/s6599 Use by Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate of individual consultants or organizations, and department and agency personnel
/us/usc/t2/s6611 Transfers from appropriations account for expenses of Office of Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s6612 Travel expenses of Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s6613 Advances to Sergeant at Arms of Senate for extraordinary expenses
/us/usc/t2/s6614 Funds advanced by Secretary of Senate to Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate to defray office expenses; accountability; maximum amount; vouchers
/us/usc/t2/s6615 Deposit of moneys for credit to account within Senate contingent fund for “Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate”
/us/usc/t2/s6616 Support services for Senate during emergency; memorandum of understanding with an executive agency
/us/usc/t2/s6617 Law enforcement authority of Sergeant-at-Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate
/us/usc/t2/s6618 Data processing equipment, software, and services
/us/usc/t2/s6619 Advance payments for computer programing services
/us/usc/t2/s6620 Provision of services and equipment on a reimbursable basis
/us/usc/t2/s6621 Payment for telecommunications equipment and services; definitions
/us/usc/t2/s6622 Certification of telecommunications equipment and services as official
/us/usc/t2/s6623 Report on telecommunications to Committee on Rules and Administration
/us/usc/t2/s6624 Metered charges on copiers; “Sergeant at Arms” and “user” defined; certification of services and equipment as official; deposit of payments; availability for expenditure
/us/usc/t2/s6625 Receipts from sales of items by Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate, to Senators, etc., to be credited to appropriation from which purchased
/us/usc/t2/s6626 Reimbursements to Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate for equipment provided to Senators, etc., which has been lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise unaccounted for; deposit of receipts
/us/usc/t2/s6627 Compensation for lost or damaged property
/us/usc/t2/s6628 Treatment of electronic services provided by Sergeant at Arms
/us/usc/t2/s6629 Purchase, lease, exchange, maintenance, and operation of vehicles out of account for Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate within Senate contingent fund; authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t2/s6630 Disposal of used or surplus furniture and equipment by Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate; procedure; deposit of receipts
/us/usc/t2/s6631 Transfer of excess or surplus educationally useful equipment to public schools
/us/usc/t2/s6632 Disposal of used or surplus automobiles and trucks by Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate; procedure; deposit of receipts
/us/usc/t2/s6633 Media support services
/us/usc/t2/s6634 Senate Hair Care Services
/us/usc/t2/s6635 Office of Senate Health Promotion
/us/usc/t2/s6636 Senate Computer Center
/us/usc/t2/s6652 Compensation of employees of Chaplain of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s6653 Postage allowance for Chaplain of Senate
/us/usc/t2/s6654 Payment of expenses of the Chaplain of the Senate from the contingent fund of the Senate
As of Dec. 23, 2021