/us/usc/t48/s50e Appropriations for benefit of natives; purchase of supplies for resale to natives, cooperatives, and Department employees
/us/usc/t48/s50f Disposal of miscellaneous revenues from schools, hospitals, and other Indian Service facilities
/us/usc/t48/s644a Jurisdiction of district court of cases arising on or within Midway, Wake, Johnston, Sand, etc., Islands; laws applicable to jury trials
/us/usc/t48/s731 Territory included under name Puerto Rico
/us/usc/t48/s731a Change of name; Puerto Rico
/us/usc/t48/s731b Organization of a government pursuant to a constitution
/us/usc/t48/s731c Submission of sections 731b to 731e of this title to people of Puerto Rico for referendum; convening of constitutional convention; requisites of constitution
/us/usc/t48/s731d Ratification of constitution by Congress
/us/usc/t48/s731e Chapter continued in force and effect
/us/usc/t48/s733 Citizens; former Spanish subjects and children; body politic; name
/us/usc/t48/s733a Citizens; residence in island of citizens of United States
/us/usc/t48/s734 United States laws extended to Puerto Rico; internal revenue receipts covered into treasury
/us/usc/t48/s734a Extension of industrial alcohol and internal revenue laws to Puerto Rico
/us/usc/t48/s736 Puerto Rican law modified
/us/usc/t48/s737 Privileges and immunities
/us/usc/t48/s738 Free interchange of merchandise with United States
/us/usc/t48/s739 Duties on foreign imports; books and pamphlets in English language
/us/usc/t48/s740 Duties and taxes to constitute fund for benefit of Puerto Rico; ports of entry
/us/usc/t48/s741 Export duties, taxes, etc.; bonds to anticipate revenues
/us/usc/t48/s741a Internal-revenue taxes; levy and collection; discrimination
/us/usc/t48/s742 Acknowledgment of deeds
/us/usc/t48/s744 Coasting trade laws
/us/usc/t48/s745 Tax exempt bonds
/us/usc/t48/s745a Public improvement bonds sold to United States or agency thereof excluded from public indebtedness
/us/usc/t48/s745b Refunding bonds excluded temporarily in computing indebtedness
/us/usc/t48/s746 Public lands and buildings; reservations; rights prior to
/us/usc/t48/s747 Public property transferred; “control” defined
/us/usc/t48/s748 Conveyance by President to people of lands, buildings, etc.
/us/usc/t48/s749 Harbors and navigable waters transferred; definitions
/us/usc/t48/s751 Interstate commerce and certain other laws inapplicable to Puerto Rico
/us/usc/t48/s752 Corporate real estate holdings
/us/usc/t48/s794 Official reports
/us/usc/t48/s795 Government expenses payable out of revenues
/us/usc/t48/s821 Legislative power
/us/usc/t48/s845 Income tax laws; modification or repeal by legislature
/us/usc/t48/s864 Appeals, certiorari, removal of causes, etc.; use of English language
/us/usc/t48/s868 Fees part of United States revenues
/us/usc/t48/s869 Fees payable by United States out of revenue of Puerto Rico
/us/usc/t48/s872 Habeas corpus; mandamus; suit to restrain assessment or collection of taxes
/us/usc/t48/s874 Judicial process; officials to be citizens of United States; oath
/us/usc/t48/s891 Resident Commissioner; election
/us/usc/t48/s892 Qualifications of Commissioner; appointment to fill vacancy
/us/usc/t48/s893 Salary of Commissioner; allowances; franking privilege
/us/usc/t48/s894 Salary and traveling expenses; payment
/us/usc/t48/s910 Slum clearance and urban redevelopment and renewal projects; powers of government
/us/usc/t48/s910a Authorization of loans, conveyances, etc., by government and municipalities
/us/usc/t48/s910b Ratification of prior acts
/us/usc/t48/s911 Legislative authorization to create authorities
/us/usc/t48/s912 Authority to appoint commissioners; powers of authorities
/us/usc/t48/s913 Authorization of loans, conveyances, etc., by municipalities
/us/usc/t48/s914 Issuance of bonds and obligations
/us/usc/t48/s915 Bonds as public debt
/us/usc/t48/s916 Ratification of previous legislation
/us/usc/t48/s1392 Local laws continued; courts
/us/usc/t48/s1394 Customs duties and internal-revenue taxes
/us/usc/t48/s1395 Tax laws continued; tax on sugar
/us/usc/t48/s1396 Duties and taxes covered into Virgin Islands treasury
/us/usc/t48/s1397 Income tax laws of United States in force; payment of proceeds; levy of surtax on all taxpayers
/us/usc/t48/s1402 Extension of industrial alcohol and internal revenue laws to Virgin Islands
/us/usc/t48/s1403 Issuance of bonds or other obligations by government or municipalities; use of proceeds; limit on public indebtedness; terms, execution, interest rate, and sale price; taxes
/us/usc/t48/s1403a Expenditure of bond proceeds for public improvements
/us/usc/t48/s1403b Bond liability of United States
/us/usc/t48/s1405 Geographical application of subchapter; land and waters included in term “Virgin Islands”
/us/usc/t48/s1405c Transfer of property to government
/us/usc/t48/s1405q Laws continued in force until modified; patent, trade mark, and copyright laws extended to Virgin Islands; jurisdiction of district court
/us/usc/t48/s1406f Judicial process; title of criminal prosecutions
/us/usc/t48/s1406h Taxes, duties and fees as funds for benefit of municipalities; appropriations
/us/usc/t48/s1406i Taxes and fees; power to assess and collect; ports of entry; export duties
/us/usc/t48/s1406l Effective date
/us/usc/t48/s1406m Short title
/us/usc/t48/s1408 Legislative authority to create authorities; appointment of members; powers of authorities
/us/usc/t48/s1408a Issuance of notes, bonds, and obligations
/us/usc/t48/s1408b Authorization of loans, conveyances, etc., by government and municipalities
/us/usc/t48/s1408c Grants-in-aid by Federal Government
/us/usc/t48/s1408d Ratification of prior acts
/us/usc/t48/s1408e Additional powers
/us/usc/t48/s1411 Guano districts; claim by United States
/us/usc/t48/s1412 Notice of discovery of guano and proofs
/us/usc/t48/s1413 Completion of proof on death of discoverer
/us/usc/t48/s1414 Exclusive privileges of discoverer
/us/usc/t48/s1415 Restrictions upon exportation
/us/usc/t48/s1416 Regulation of trade
/us/usc/t48/s1417 Criminal jurisdiction
/us/usc/t48/s1418 Employment of land and naval forces in protection of rights
/us/usc/t48/s1419 Right to abandon islands
/us/usc/t48/s1421 Territory included under name Guam
/us/usc/t48/s1421a Unincorporated territory; capital; powers of government; suits against government; type of government; supervision
/us/usc/t48/s1421b Bill of rights
/us/usc/t48/s1421c Certain laws continued in force; modification or repeal of laws
/us/usc/t48/s1421d Salaries and allowances of officers and employees
/us/usc/t48/s1421e Duty on articles
/us/usc/t48/s1421f Title to property transferred
/us/usc/t48/s1421f-1 Acknowledgment of deeds
/us/usc/t48/s1421g Establishment and maintenance of public bodies and offices
/us/usc/t48/s1421h Duties, taxes, and fees; proceeds collected to constitute fund for benefit of Guam; prerequisites, amount, etc., remitted prior to commencement of next fiscal year
/us/usc/t48/s1421i Income tax
/us/usc/t48/s1421j Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t48/s1421k Designation of naval or military reservations; closed port
/us/usc/t48/s1421n Applicability of Federal copyright laws
/us/usc/t48/s1421o Federal assistance for fire control, watershed protection, and reforestation
/us/usc/t48/s1421p Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t48/s1421q Applicability of Federal laws
/us/usc/t48/s1421q-1 Applicability of laws referred to in section 502(a)(1) of Covenant to Establish a Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
/us/usc/t48/s1421r Port of Guam Improvement Enterprise Program
/us/usc/t48/s1422 Governor and Lieutenant Governor; term of office; qualifications; powers and duties; annual report to Congress
/us/usc/t48/s1422a Removal of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or member of legislature; referendum election
/us/usc/t48/s1422b Vacancy in office of Governor or Lieutenant Governor
/us/usc/t48/s1422c Executive agencies and instrumentalities
/us/usc/t48/s1422d Transfer of functions from government comptroller for Guam to Inspector General, Department of the Interior
/us/usc/t48/s1423 Legislature of Guam
/us/usc/t48/s1423b Selection and qualification of members; officers; rules and regulations; quorum
/us/usc/t48/s1423c Privileges of members
/us/usc/t48/s1423d Oath of office
/us/usc/t48/s1423e Prohibition against acceptance of salary increases or newly created offices
/us/usc/t48/s1423f Qualifications of members
/us/usc/t48/s1423g Vacancies
/us/usc/t48/s1423h Regular and special sessions
/us/usc/t48/s1423i Approval of bills
/us/usc/t48/s1423j Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t48/s1423k Right of petition
/us/usc/t48/s1424 District Court of Guam; local courts; jurisdiction
/us/usc/t48/s1424-1 Jurisdiction and powers of local courts
/us/usc/t48/s1424-2 Relations between courts of United States and courts of Guam
/us/usc/t48/s1424-3 Appellate jurisdiction of District Court; procedure; review by United States Court of Appeals for Ninth Circuit; rules; appeals to appellate court
/us/usc/t48/s1424-4 Criminal offenses; procedure; definitions
/us/usc/t48/s1424b Judge of District Court; appointment, tenure, removal, and compensation; appointment of United States attorney and marshal
/us/usc/t48/s1424c Review of claims respecting land on Guam
/us/usc/t48/s1425a Legislative authority to create authorities; appointment of members; powers of authorities
/us/usc/t48/s1425b Issuance of notes, bonds, and obligations
/us/usc/t48/s1425c Authorization of loans, conveyances, etc.
/us/usc/t48/s1425d Ratification of prior act
/us/usc/t48/s1425e Additional powers
/us/usc/t48/s1428 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t48/s1428a Submission of plan for use of funds; contents of plan; term, interest rate, and premium charge of loan
/us/usc/t48/s1428b Prerequisite for loan or loan guarantee; maximum participation in available funds; reserves for loan guarantees
/us/usc/t48/s1428c Accounting procedures
/us/usc/t48/s1428d Report for inclusion in annual report by Governor
/us/usc/t48/s1428e Audit of books and records of agency, or agencies, administering loan funds
/us/usc/t48/s1451 Rights of Indians not impaired; boundaries
/us/usc/t48/s1452 Regulation of Indians
/us/usc/t48/s1469a Congressional declaration of policy respecting “Insular Areas”
/us/usc/t48/s1469a-1 Full amounts to be covered into treasuries of Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands; reductions prohibited
/us/usc/t48/s1469b Auditing of transactions of territorial and local governments
/us/usc/t48/s1469c Availability of services, facilities, and equipment of agencies and instrumentalities of United States; reimbursement requirements
/us/usc/t48/s1469d General technical assistance
/us/usc/t48/s1469e Insular government purchases
/us/usc/t48/s1489 Loss of title of United States to lands in territories through adverse possession or prescription forbidden
/us/usc/t48/s1491 License, permit, etc., for transportation for storage or storage of spent nuclear fuel or high-level radioactive waste; prerequisites; applicability; “territory or possession” defined
/us/usc/t48/s1492 Energy resources of Caribbean and Pacific insular areas
/us/usc/t48/s1492a Study of electric rates in the insular areas
/us/usc/t48/s1493 Prosecution; authorization to seek review; local or Federal appellate courts; decisions, judgments or orders
/us/usc/t48/s1494 Purposes
/us/usc/t48/s1494a Annual reports to Congress
/us/usc/t48/s1494b Enforcement and administration in insular areas
/us/usc/t48/s1494c Drug Enforcement Agency personnel assignments
/us/usc/t48/s1501 Lands in Territories
/us/usc/t48/s1502 Previously acquired lands; bona fide resident aliens; mining or incorporated village lands
/us/usc/t48/s1503 Acquisition by inheritance, in collection of debts, etc.
/us/usc/t48/s1504 Conveyance of lands in Territories by aliens before escheat proceedings
/us/usc/t48/s1505 Proceedings for escheat of improperly held lands
/us/usc/t48/s1506 Condemnation and sale of lands in escheat proceedings
/us/usc/t48/s1507 Public lands
/us/usc/t48/s1508 Application to District of Columbia
/us/usc/t48/s1541 Organization and status
/us/usc/t48/s1542 Voting franchise; discrimination prohibited
/us/usc/t48/s1543 United States citizenship requirement for government officials
/us/usc/t48/s1544 Reports by Governor; jurisdiction of Secretary of the Interior; exceptions
/us/usc/t48/s1545 Lease and sale of public property; conveyance of title in certain lands to the government of Virgin Islands
/us/usc/t48/s1546 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t48/s1561 Rights and prohibitions
/us/usc/t48/s1571 Legislature
/us/usc/t48/s1572 Legislators
/us/usc/t48/s1573 Time, frequency, and duration of regular sessions; special sessions; place of holding
/us/usc/t48/s1574 Legislative powers and activities
/us/usc/t48/s1574-1 Applicability of laws referred to in section 502(a)(1) of Covenant to Establish a Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
/us/usc/t48/s1574a Revenue bonds or other obligations
/us/usc/t48/s1574b Federal guarantee for issuance of revenue bonds or other obligations
/us/usc/t48/s1574c Priority for payment of principal and interest of revenue bonds or other obligations
/us/usc/t48/s1575 Legislative procedure
/us/usc/t48/s1576 General elections; time; transfer of Council functions, property, etc.
/us/usc/t48/s1591 Governor and Lieutenant Governor; election; eligibility; official residence; powers and duties; report
/us/usc/t48/s1593 Initiative and recall
/us/usc/t48/s1595 Vacancy in office of Governor or Lieutenant Governor
/us/usc/t48/s1597 Reorganization of government
/us/usc/t48/s1599 Transfer of functions from government comptroller for Virgin Islands to Inspector General, Department of the Interior
/us/usc/t48/s1611 District Court of Virgin Islands; local courts; jurisdiction; practice and procedure
/us/usc/t48/s1612 Jurisdiction of District Court
/us/usc/t48/s1613 Relations between courts of United States and courts of Virgin Islands; review by United States Court of Appeals for Third Circuit; reports to Congress; rules
/us/usc/t48/s1613a Appellate jurisdiction of District Court; procedure; review by United States Court of Appeals for Third Circuit; rules; appeals to appellate court
/us/usc/t48/s1614 Judges of District Court
/us/usc/t48/s1615 Judicial divisions
/us/usc/t48/s1616 Trial by jury
/us/usc/t48/s1617 United States attorney; appointment; duties
/us/usc/t48/s1631 Establishment and maintenance; scope
/us/usc/t48/s1641 Method of payment of official salaries
/us/usc/t48/s1642 Use of certain proceeds for expenditure; income tax obligations of inhabitants
/us/usc/t48/s1642a Availability of collected customs duties for expenditures as Legislature may provide
/us/usc/t48/s1643 Import provisions with respect to trade-marks
/us/usc/t48/s1644 Import duties on articles entering United States or possessions from Virgin Islands
/us/usc/t48/s1645 Remittance of duties, taxes, and fees to be collected in next fiscal year; authorization, prerequisites, amount, etc.
/us/usc/t48/s1661 Islands of eastern Samoa
/us/usc/t48/s1662 Sovereignty of United States extended over Swains Island
/us/usc/t48/s1662a Amendment of constitution of American Samoa
/us/usc/t48/s1663 Acknowledgment of deeds
/us/usc/t48/s1666 Extension of scientific, technical, and other assistance; grant-in-aid program restriction; limitations on expenditures
/us/usc/t48/s1668 Reporting duties of Governor and transfer of functions from government comptroller for American Samoa to Inspector General, Department of the Interior
/us/usc/t48/s1669 Administration and enforcement of collection of customs duties; employment and training of residents
/us/usc/t48/s1670 Industrial development bonds
/us/usc/t48/s1681 Continuance of civil government for Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands; assistance programs; maximum fiscal year costs; reimbursement
/us/usc/t48/s1681a Appointment of High Commissioner
/us/usc/t48/s1681b Transfer of functions from government comptroller for Guam to Inspector General, Department of the Interior
/us/usc/t48/s1683 Auditing of transactions of Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
/us/usc/t48/s1684 Expenditure of funds for administration of Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
/us/usc/t48/s1685 Transfer of property or money for administration of Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
/us/usc/t48/s1688 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Economic Development Loan Fund
/us/usc/t48/s1689 Plan for use of grant to Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Economic Development Loan Fund; loans; terms
/us/usc/t48/s1690 Loans from Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Economic Loan Fund; restrictions; guarantees
/us/usc/t48/s1691 Fiscal control and accounting procedures for plan for use of grant
/us/usc/t48/s1692 Comprehensive annual financial report by chief executives of governments of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, and Northern Mariana Islands; contents; other reports
/us/usc/t48/s1693 Audit of government; access to books, records, etc.
/us/usc/t48/s1695 Federal education and health care programs; nonapplicability or nonparticipation
/us/usc/t48/s1704 Concurrent jurisdiction; exceptions for national defense purposes
/us/usc/t48/s1705 Tidelands, submerged lands, or filled lands
/us/usc/t48/s1706 Reserved rights
/us/usc/t48/s1707 Payment of rents, royalties, and fees to local government
/us/usc/t48/s1708 Discrimination prohibited in rights of access to, and benefits from, conveyed lands
/us/usc/t48/s1711 Delegate to House of Representatives from Guam and Virgin Islands
/us/usc/t48/s1712 Election of delegates; majority; runoff election; vacancy; commencement of term
/us/usc/t48/s1713 Qualifications for Office of Delegate
/us/usc/t48/s1714 Territorial legislature; determination of election procedure
/us/usc/t48/s1715 Operation of Office; House privileges; compensation, allowances, and benefits; privileges and immunities; voting in committee
/us/usc/t48/s1731 Delegate to House of Representatives from American Samoa
/us/usc/t48/s1732 Election of delegates
/us/usc/t48/s1733 Qualifications for Office of Delegate
/us/usc/t48/s1734 Territorial government; determination of election procedure
/us/usc/t48/s1735 Operation of Office; compensation, allowances, and benefits; privileges and immunities
/us/usc/t48/s1751 Delegate to House of Representatives from Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
/us/usc/t48/s1752 Election of Delegate
/us/usc/t48/s1753 Qualifications for office of Delegate
/us/usc/t48/s1754 Determination of election procedure
/us/usc/t48/s1755 Compensation, privileges, and immunities
/us/usc/t48/s1756 Lack of effect on covenant
/us/usc/t48/s1757 Definition
/us/usc/t48/s1801 Approval of Covenant to Establish a Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
/us/usc/t48/s1802 Consideration of issues affecting relations with United States
/us/usc/t48/s1803 Financial assistance to Government of Northern Mariana Islands
/us/usc/t48/s1804 Direct grant assistance
/us/usc/t48/s1805 Failure to meet performance standards; resolution of issues; withholding of funds
/us/usc/t48/s1806 Immigration and transition
/us/usc/t48/s1807 Technical assistance program
/us/usc/t48/s1808 Operations
/us/usc/t48/s1821 District Court for the Northern Mariana Islands
/us/usc/t48/s1822 Jurisdiction of District Court; original jurisdiction; procedural requirements
/us/usc/t48/s1823 Appellate jurisdiction of District Court; procedure; review by United States Court of Appeals for Ninth Circuit; rules
/us/usc/t48/s1824 Relations between courts of United States and courts of Northern Mariana Islands; applicability of statutory provisions
/us/usc/t48/s1825 Effective date
/us/usc/t48/s1826 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t48/s1841 Funds and services
/us/usc/t48/s1842 Covering into Commonwealth treasury of tax proceeds collected pursuant to Covenant
/us/usc/t48/s1843 Exemption from taxation for income derived from sources within Commonwealth
/us/usc/t48/s1844 Political union between Territory of Guam and Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands
/us/usc/t48/s1845 Plans for development, utilization, and conservation of water and related land resources
/us/usc/t48/s1846 Exemption from assessment and taxation of real property owned by Commonwealth in United States capital
/us/usc/t48/s1901 Approval of Compact of Free Association
/us/usc/t48/s1902 Agreements with Federated States of Micronesia
/us/usc/t48/s1903 Agreements with and other provisions related to Marshall Islands
/us/usc/t48/s1904 Interpretation of and United States policy regarding Compact of Free Association
/us/usc/t48/s1905 Supplemental provisions
/us/usc/t48/s1906 Construction contract assistance
/us/usc/t48/s1907 Limitations
/us/usc/t48/s1908 Transitional immigration rules
/us/usc/t48/s1909 Timing
/us/usc/t48/s1910 Implementation of audit agreements
/us/usc/t48/s1911 Compensatory adjustments
/us/usc/t48/s1912 Jurisdiction
/us/usc/t48/s1921 Approval of U.S.-FSM Compact of Free Association and the U.S.-RMI Compact of Free Association; references to subsidiary agreements or separate agreements
/us/usc/t48/s1921a Agreements with Federated States of Micronesia
/us/usc/t48/s1921b Agreements with and other provisions related to the Republic of the Marshall Islands
/us/usc/t48/s1921c Interpretation of and United States policy regarding U.S.-FSM Compact and U.S.-RMI Compact
/us/usc/t48/s1921d Supplemental provisions
/us/usc/t48/s1921e Construction contract assistance
/us/usc/t48/s1921f Prohibition
/us/usc/t48/s1921g Compensatory adjustments
/us/usc/t48/s1921h Authorization and continuing appropriation
/us/usc/t48/s1931 Approval of Compact of Free Association
/us/usc/t48/s1932 Extension of Compact of Free Association to Palau
/us/usc/t48/s1933 Supplemental provisions
/us/usc/t48/s1934 Jurisdiction
/us/usc/t48/s1952 Fiscal procedures assistance
/us/usc/t48/s1953 Antidrug program
/us/usc/t48/s1954 Public auditor and special prosecutor
/us/usc/t48/s1955 Audit certification
/us/usc/t48/s1956 Acquisition of defense sites
/us/usc/t48/s1957 Federal programs coordination personnel
/us/usc/t48/s1958 Referendum costs
/us/usc/t48/s1959 Agreements
/us/usc/t48/s1960 Modification of energy assistance funding
/us/usc/t48/s1961 Submission of agreements
/us/usc/t48/s1962 Transition funding
/us/usc/t48/s1971 Transfer of surplus personal property owned by United States
/us/usc/t48/s1972 Controlled substances in freely associated states
/us/usc/t48/s1973 Freely Associated State Air Carrier
/us/usc/t48/s2001 Findings
/us/usc/t48/s2002 Reports
/us/usc/t48/s2003 Conference
/us/usc/t48/s2004 Administrative matters
/us/usc/t48/s2101 Effective date
/us/usc/t48/s2102 Severability
/us/usc/t48/s2103 Supremacy
/us/usc/t48/s2104 Definitions
/us/usc/t48/s2105 Placement
/us/usc/t48/s2106 Compliance with Federal laws
/us/usc/t48/s2121 Financial Oversight and Management Board
/us/usc/t48/s2122 Location of Oversight Board
/us/usc/t48/s2123 Executive Director and staff of Oversight Board
/us/usc/t48/s2124 Powers of Oversight Board
/us/usc/t48/s2125 Exemption from liability for claims
/us/usc/t48/s2126 Treatment of actions arising from chapter
/us/usc/t48/s2127 Budget and funding for operation of Oversight Board
/us/usc/t48/s2128 Autonomy of Oversight Board
/us/usc/t48/s2129 Ethics
/us/usc/t48/s2141 Approval of Fiscal Plans
/us/usc/t48/s2142 Approval of Budgets
/us/usc/t48/s2143 Effect of finding of noncompliance with Budget
/us/usc/t48/s2144 Review of activities to ensure compliance with Fiscal Plan
/us/usc/t48/s2145 Recommendations on financial stability and management responsibility
/us/usc/t48/s2146 Oversight Board duties related to restructuring
/us/usc/t48/s2147 Oversight Board authority related to debt issuance
/us/usc/t48/s2148 Required reports
/us/usc/t48/s2149 Termination of Oversight Board
/us/usc/t48/s2150 No full faith and credit of the United States
/us/usc/t48/s2151 Analysis of pensions
/us/usc/t48/s2152 Intervention in litigation
/us/usc/t48/s2161 Applicability of other laws; definitions
/us/usc/t48/s2162 Who may be a debtor
/us/usc/t48/s2163 Reservation of territorial power to control territory and territorial instrumentalities
/us/usc/t48/s2164 Petition and proceedings relating to petition
/us/usc/t48/s2165 Limitation on jurisdiction and powers of court
/us/usc/t48/s2166 Jurisdiction
/us/usc/t48/s2167 Venue
/us/usc/t48/s2168 Selection of presiding judge
/us/usc/t48/s2169 Abstention
/us/usc/t48/s2170 Applicable rules of procedure
/us/usc/t48/s2171 Leases
/us/usc/t48/s2172 Filing of plan of adjustment
/us/usc/t48/s2173 Modification of plan
/us/usc/t48/s2174 Confirmation
/us/usc/t48/s2175 Role and capacity of Oversight Board
/us/usc/t48/s2176 Compensation of professionals
/us/usc/t48/s2177 Interim compensation
/us/usc/t48/s2191 Rules of construction
/us/usc/t48/s2192 Right of Puerto Rico to determine its future political status
/us/usc/t48/s2193 Application of regulation to Puerto Rico
/us/usc/t48/s2194 Automatic stay upon enactment
/us/usc/t48/s2195 Protection from inter-debtor transfers
/us/usc/t48/s2196 Congressional Task Force on Economic Growth in Puerto Rico
/us/usc/t48/s2197 Report
/us/usc/t48/s2198 Report on territorial debt
/us/usc/t48/s2199 Expansion of HUBZones in Puerto Rico
/us/usc/t48/s2200 Determination on debt
/us/usc/t48/s2211 Definitions
/us/usc/t48/s2212 Position of Revitalization Coordinator
/us/usc/t48/s2213 Critical Projects
/us/usc/t48/s2214 Miscellaneous provisions
/us/usc/t48/s2215 Federal agency requirements
/us/usc/t48/s2216 Judicial review
/us/usc/t48/s2217 Savings clause
/us/usc/t48/s2231 Creditor collective action
/us/usc/t48/s2232 Applicable law
/us/usc/t48/s2241 Sense of Congress regarding permanent, pro-growth fiscal reforms
As of Dec. 23, 2021