/us/usc/t54/s100101 Promotion and regulation
/us/usc/t54/s100102 Definitions
/us/usc/t54/s100301 Establishment
/us/usc/t54/s100302 Directors and other employees
/us/usc/t54/s100303 Effect on other laws
/us/usc/t54/s100501 Areas included in System
/us/usc/t54/s100502 General management plans
/us/usc/t54/s100503 Five-year strategic plans
/us/usc/t54/s100504 Study and planning of park, parkway, and recreational-area facilities
/us/usc/t54/s100505 Periodic review of System
/us/usc/t54/s100506 Boundary changes to System units
/us/usc/t54/s100507 Additional areas for System
/us/usc/t54/s100701 Protection, interpretation, and research in System
/us/usc/t54/s100702 Research mandate
/us/usc/t54/s100703 Cooperative study units
/us/usc/t54/s100704 Inventory and monitoring program
/us/usc/t54/s100705 Availability of System units for scientific study
/us/usc/t54/s100706 Integration of study results into management decisions
/us/usc/t54/s100707 Confidentiality of information
/us/usc/t54/s100721 Definitions
/us/usc/t54/s100722 Liability
/us/usc/t54/s100723 Actions
/us/usc/t54/s100724 Use of recovered amounts
/us/usc/t54/s100725 Donations
/us/usc/t54/s100731 Findings and declaration
/us/usc/t54/s100732 Preservation and management of System units by Secretary; promulgation of regulations
/us/usc/t54/s100733 Recordation of mining claims; publication of notice
/us/usc/t54/s100734 Report on finding or notification of potential damage to natural and historical landmarks
/us/usc/t54/s100735 Civil actions for just compensation by mining claim holders
/us/usc/t54/s100736 Acquisition of land by Secretary
/us/usc/t54/s100737 Financial disclosure by officer or employee of Secretary
/us/usc/t54/s100751 Regulations
/us/usc/t54/s100752 Destruction of animals and plant life
/us/usc/t54/s100753 Disposal of timber
/us/usc/t54/s100754 Relinquishment of legislative jurisdiction
/us/usc/t54/s100755 Applicability of other laws
/us/usc/t54/s100801 Definitions
/us/usc/t54/s100802 Interpretation and education authority
/us/usc/t54/s100803 Interpretation and education evaluation and quality improvement
/us/usc/t54/s100804 Improved use of partners and volunteers in interpretation and education
/us/usc/t54/s100901 Authority of Secretary to carry out certain activities
/us/usc/t54/s100902 Rights of way for public utilities and power and communication facilities
/us/usc/t54/s100903 Solid waste disposal operations
/us/usc/t54/s100904 Admission and special recreation use fees
/us/usc/t54/s100905 Commercial filming
/us/usc/t54/s100906 Advisory committees
/us/usc/t54/s101101 Authority to accept land, rights-of-way, buildings, other property, and money
/us/usc/t54/s101102 Authority to accept and use funds to consolidate Federal land ownership
/us/usc/t54/s101111 Purpose and establishment of Foundation
/us/usc/t54/s101112 Board
/us/usc/t54/s101113 Gifts, devises, or bequests
/us/usc/t54/s101114 Disposition of property or income
/us/usc/t54/s101115 Corporate succession and powers and duties acting as trustee; personal liability for malfeasance
/us/usc/t54/s101116 Corporate powers
/us/usc/t54/s101117 Authority of Board
/us/usc/t54/s101118 Tax exemptions; contributions toward costs of local government; contributions, gifts, or transfers to or for use of United States
/us/usc/t54/s101119 Liability of United States
/us/usc/t54/s101120 Promotion of local fundraising support
/us/usc/t54/s101121 Second Century Endowment for the National Park Service
/us/usc/t54/s101122 Authorization of appropriations; use of funds
/us/usc/t54/s101301 Maintenance management system
/us/usc/t54/s101302 Authority of Secretary to carry out certain activities
/us/usc/t54/s101303 Medical attention for employees
/us/usc/t54/s101304 Personal equipment and property
/us/usc/t54/s101305 Travel expenses of System employees and dependents of deceased employees
/us/usc/t54/s101321 Service employee training
/us/usc/t54/s101322 Management development and training
/us/usc/t54/s101331 Definitions
/us/usc/t54/s101332 General authority of Secretary
/us/usc/t54/s101333 Criteria for providing housing
/us/usc/t54/s101334 Authorization for housing agreements
/us/usc/t54/s101335 Housing programs
/us/usc/t54/s101336 Contracts for the management of field employee quarters
/us/usc/t54/s101337 Leasing of seasonal employee quarters
/us/usc/t54/s101338 General leasing provisions
/us/usc/t54/s101339 Assessment and priority listing
/us/usc/t54/s101340 Use of funds
/us/usc/t54/s101501 Airports in or near System units
/us/usc/t54/s101511 Authority of Secretary
/us/usc/t54/s101512 Conveyance to States of roads leading to certain historical areas
/us/usc/t54/s101521 Transportation service and facility programs
/us/usc/t54/s101522 Transportation projects
/us/usc/t54/s101523 Procedures applicable to transportation plans and projects
/us/usc/t54/s101524 Special rule for service contract to provide transportation services
/us/usc/t54/s101531 Fee for use of transportation services
/us/usc/t54/s101701 Challenge cost-share agreement authority
/us/usc/t54/s101702 Cooperative agreements
/us/usc/t54/s101703 Cooperative management agreements
/us/usc/t54/s101704 Reimbursable agreements
/us/usc/t54/s101901 Utility services
/us/usc/t54/s101911 Definitions
/us/usc/t54/s101912 Findings and declaration of policy
/us/usc/t54/s101913 Award of concession contracts
/us/usc/t54/s101914 Term of concession contracts
/us/usc/t54/s101915 Protection of concessioner investment
/us/usc/t54/s101916 Reasonableness of rates and charges
/us/usc/t54/s101917 Franchise fees
/us/usc/t54/s101918 Transfer or conveyance of concession contracts or leasehold surrender interests
/us/usc/t54/s101919 National Park Service Concessions Management Advisory Board
/us/usc/t54/s101920 Contracting for services
/us/usc/t54/s101921 Multiple contracts within a System unit
/us/usc/t54/s101922 Use of nonmonetary consideration in concession contracts
/us/usc/t54/s101923 Recordkeeping requirements
/us/usc/t54/s101924 Promotion of sale of Indian, Alaska Native, Native Samoan, and Native Hawaiian handicrafts
/us/usc/t54/s101925 Commercial use authorizations
/us/usc/t54/s101926 Regulations
/us/usc/t54/s101931 Contract authority
/us/usc/t54/s101932 Award of commercial services contracts
/us/usc/t54/s101933 Term of commercial services contracts
/us/usc/t54/s101934 Capital improvements
/us/usc/t54/s101935 Financial management
/us/usc/t54/s101936 Regulations
/us/usc/t54/s101937 Savings provision
/us/usc/t54/s101938 Sunset
/us/usc/t54/s102101 General provisions
/us/usc/t54/s102102 Authority of Secretary to enter into lease for buildings and associated property
/us/usc/t54/s102301 Volunteers in parks program
/us/usc/t54/s102302 National Capital region arts and cultural affairs
/us/usc/t54/s102303 National Park System Advisory Board
/us/usc/t54/s102304 National Park Service Advisory Council
/us/usc/t54/s102501 Purpose
/us/usc/t54/s102502 Definition of museum object
/us/usc/t54/s102503 Authority of Secretary
/us/usc/t54/s102504 Review and approval
/us/usc/t54/s102701 Law enforcement personnel within System
/us/usc/t54/s102702 Crime prevention assistance
/us/usc/t54/s102711 Authority of Secretary to use applicable appropriations for the System to render assistance to nearby law enforcement and fire prevention agencies and for related activities outside the System
/us/usc/t54/s102712 Aid to visitors, grantees, permittees, or licensees in emergencies
/us/usc/t54/s102901 Conveyance of property and interests in property in System units or related areas
/us/usc/t54/s103101 Availability and use of appropriations
/us/usc/t54/s103102 Appropriations authorized and available for certain purposes
/us/usc/t54/s103103 Amounts provided by private entities for utility services
/us/usc/t54/s103104 Recovery of costs associated with special use permits
/us/usc/t54/s103301 Military maneuvers
/us/usc/t54/s103302 Camps for military instruction
/us/usc/t54/s103303 Performance of duties of commissions
/us/usc/t54/s103304 Recovery of land withheld
/us/usc/t54/s103305 Travel expenses incident to study of battlefields
/us/usc/t54/s103306 Studies
/us/usc/t54/s103501 Establishment
/us/usc/t54/s103502 Signature projects and programs
/us/usc/t54/s103503 Summary to Congress
/us/usc/t54/s104901 Central warehouses at System units
/us/usc/t54/s104902 Services or other accommodations for public
/us/usc/t54/s104903 Care, removal, and burial of indigents
/us/usc/t54/s104904 Hire of work animals, vehicles, and equipment with or without personal services
/us/usc/t54/s104905 Preparation of mats for reproduction of photographs
/us/usc/t54/s104906 Protection of right of individuals to bear arms
/us/usc/t54/s104907 Limitation on extension or establishment of national parks in Wyoming
/us/usc/t54/s104908 Bows in parks
/us/usc/t54/s104909 Wildlife management in parks
/us/usc/t54/s200101 Findings and declaration of policy
/us/usc/t54/s200102 Definitions
/us/usc/t54/s200103 Authority of Secretary to carry out certain functions and activities
/us/usc/t54/s200104 Consultations of Secretary with administrative officers; execution of administrative responsibilities in conformity with nationwide plan
/us/usc/t54/s200301 Definitions
/us/usc/t54/s200302 Establishment of Land and Water Conservation Fund
/us/usc/t54/s200303 Availability of funds
/us/usc/t54/s200304 Statement of estimated requirements
/us/usc/t54/s200305 Financial assistance to States
/us/usc/t54/s200306 Allocation of Fund amounts for Federal purposes
/us/usc/t54/s200307 Availability of Fund amounts for publicity purposes
/us/usc/t54/s200308 Contracts for acquisition of land and water
/us/usc/t54/s200309 Contracts for options to acquire land and water in System
/us/usc/t54/s200310 Transfers to and from Fund
/us/usc/t54/s200401 Definitions
/us/usc/t54/s200402 National Parks and Public Land Legacy Restoration Fund
/us/usc/t54/s200501 Definitions
/us/usc/t54/s200502 Federal assistance
/us/usc/t54/s200503 Rehabilitation grants and innovation grants
/us/usc/t54/s200504 Recovery action programs
/us/usc/t54/s200505 State action
/us/usc/t54/s200506 Non-Federal share of project costs
/us/usc/t54/s200507 Conversion of recreation property
/us/usc/t54/s200508 Coordination of program
/us/usc/t54/s200509 Recordkeeping
/us/usc/t54/s200510 Inapplicability of matching provisions
/us/usc/t54/s200511 Funding limitations
/us/usc/t54/s300101 Policy
/us/usc/t54/s300301 Agency
/us/usc/t54/s300302 Certified local government
/us/usc/t54/s300303 Council
/us/usc/t54/s300304 Cultural park
/us/usc/t54/s300305 Historic conservation district
/us/usc/t54/s300306 Historic Preservation Fund
/us/usc/t54/s300307 Historic preservation review commission
/us/usc/t54/s300308 Historic property
/us/usc/t54/s300309 Indian tribe
/us/usc/t54/s300310 Local government
/us/usc/t54/s300311 National Register
/us/usc/t54/s300312 National Trust
/us/usc/t54/s300313 Native Hawaiian
/us/usc/t54/s300314 Native Hawaiian organization
/us/usc/t54/s300315 Preservation or historic preservation
/us/usc/t54/s300316 Secretary
/us/usc/t54/s300317 State
/us/usc/t54/s300318 State historic preservation review board
/us/usc/t54/s300319 Tribal land
/us/usc/t54/s300320 Undertaking
/us/usc/t54/s300321 World Heritage Convention
/us/usc/t54/s302101 Maintenance by Secretary
/us/usc/t54/s302102 Inclusion of properties on National Register
/us/usc/t54/s302103 Criteria and regulations relating to National Register, National Historic Landmarks, and World Heritage List
/us/usc/t54/s302104 Nominations for inclusion on National Register
/us/usc/t54/s302105 Owner participation in nomination process
/us/usc/t54/s302106 Retention of name
/us/usc/t54/s302107 Regulations
/us/usc/t54/s302108 Review of threats to historic property
/us/usc/t54/s302301 Regulations
/us/usc/t54/s302302 Program evaluation
/us/usc/t54/s302303 Responsibilities of State Historic Preservation Officer
/us/usc/t54/s302304 Contracts and cooperative agreements
/us/usc/t54/s302501 Definitions
/us/usc/t54/s302502 Certification as part of State program
/us/usc/t54/s302503 Requirements for certification
/us/usc/t54/s302504 Participation of certified local governments in National Register nominations
/us/usc/t54/s302505 Eligibility and responsibility of certified local government
/us/usc/t54/s302701 Program to assist Indian tribes in preserving historic property
/us/usc/t54/s302702 Indian tribe to assume functions of State Historic Preservation Officer
/us/usc/t54/s302703 Apportionment of grant funds
/us/usc/t54/s302704 Contracts and cooperative agreements
/us/usc/t54/s302705 Agreement for review under tribal historic preservation regulations
/us/usc/t54/s302706 Eligibility for inclusion on National Register
/us/usc/t54/s302901 Awarding of grants and availability of grant funds
/us/usc/t54/s302902 Grants to States
/us/usc/t54/s302903 Grants to National Trust
/us/usc/t54/s302904 Direct grants for the preservation of properties included on National Register
/us/usc/t54/s302905 Religious property
/us/usc/t54/s302906 Grants and loans to Indian tribes and nonprofit organizations representing ethnic or minority groups
/us/usc/t54/s302907 Grants to Indian tribes and Native Hawaiian organizations
/us/usc/t54/s302908 Grants to the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau
/us/usc/t54/s302909 Prohibited use of grant amounts
/us/usc/t54/s302910 Recordkeeping
/us/usc/t54/s303101 Establishment
/us/usc/t54/s303102 Funding
/us/usc/t54/s303103 Use and availability
/us/usc/t54/s303901 Loan insurance program for preservation of property included on National Register
/us/usc/t54/s303902 Training in, and dissemination of information concerning, professional methods and techniques for preservation of historic property
/us/usc/t54/s303903 Preservation education and training program
/us/usc/t54/s304101 Establishment; vacancies
/us/usc/t54/s304102 Duties of Council
/us/usc/t54/s304103 Cooperation between Council and instrumentalities of executive branch of Federal Government
/us/usc/t54/s304104 Compensation of members of Council
/us/usc/t54/s304105 Administration
/us/usc/t54/s304106 International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property
/us/usc/t54/s304107 Transmittal of legislative recommendations, testimony, or comments to any officer or agency of the United States prior to submission to Congress
/us/usc/t54/s304108 Regulations, procedures, and guidelines
/us/usc/t54/s304109 Budget submission
/us/usc/t54/s304110 Report by Secretary to Council
/us/usc/t54/s304111 Reimbursements from State and local agencies
/us/usc/t54/s304112 Effectiveness of Federal grant and assistance programs
/us/usc/t54/s305101 Definitions
/us/usc/t54/s305102 Duties of Secretary in providing a national historic light station program
/us/usc/t54/s305103 Selection of eligible entity and conveyance of historic light stations
/us/usc/t54/s305104 Terms of conveyance
/us/usc/t54/s305105 Description of property
/us/usc/t54/s305106 Historic light station sales
/us/usc/t54/s305301 Definitions
/us/usc/t54/s305302 National Center for Preservation Technology and Training
/us/usc/t54/s305303 Preservation Technology and Training Board
/us/usc/t54/s305304 Preservation grants
/us/usc/t54/s305305 General provisions
/us/usc/t54/s305306 Service preservation centers and offices
/us/usc/t54/s305501 Definitions
/us/usc/t54/s305502 Cooperative agreement to operate museum
/us/usc/t54/s305503 Activities and functions
/us/usc/t54/s305504 Matching grants to Committee
/us/usc/t54/s305505 Annual report
/us/usc/t54/s306101 Assumption of responsibility for preservation of historic property
/us/usc/t54/s306102 Preservation program
/us/usc/t54/s306103 Recordation of historic property prior to alteration or demolition
/us/usc/t54/s306104 Agency Preservation Officer
/us/usc/t54/s306105 Agency programs and projects
/us/usc/t54/s306106 Review of plans of transferees of surplus federally owned historic property
/us/usc/t54/s306107 Planning and actions to minimize harm to National Historic Landmarks
/us/usc/t54/s306108 Effect of undertaking on historic property
/us/usc/t54/s306109 Costs of preservation as eligible project costs
/us/usc/t54/s306110 Annual preservation awards program
/us/usc/t54/s306111 Environmental impact statement
/us/usc/t54/s306112 Waiver of provisions in event of natural disaster or imminent threat to national security
/us/usc/t54/s306113 Anticipatory demolition
/us/usc/t54/s306114 Documentation of decisions respecting undertakings
/us/usc/t54/s306121 Lease or exchange
/us/usc/t54/s306122 Contracts for management of historic property
/us/usc/t54/s306131 Standards and guidelines
/us/usc/t54/s307101 World Heritage Convention
/us/usc/t54/s307102 Effective date of regulations
/us/usc/t54/s307103 Access to information
/us/usc/t54/s307104 Inapplicability of division to White House, Supreme Court building, or United States Capitol
/us/usc/t54/s307105 Attorney’s fees and costs to prevailing parties in civil actions
/us/usc/t54/s307106 Authorization for expenditure of appropriated funds
/us/usc/t54/s307107 Donations and bequests of money, personal property, and less than fee interests in historic property
/us/usc/t54/s307108 Privately donated funds
/us/usc/t54/s308101 Definition
/us/usc/t54/s308102 Preservation assistance
/us/usc/t54/s308103 Battlefield acquisition grant program
/us/usc/t54/s308104 Battlefield interpretation modernization grant program
/us/usc/t54/s308105 Battlefield restoration grant program
/us/usc/t54/s308301 Definition
/us/usc/t54/s308302 Program
/us/usc/t54/s308303 Preservation and interpretation of Underground Railroad history, historic sites, and structures
/us/usc/t54/s308304 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t54/s308401 Definition of network
/us/usc/t54/s308402 African American Civil Rights Network
/us/usc/t54/s308403 Cooperative agreements and memoranda of understanding
/us/usc/t54/s308404 Sunset
/us/usc/t54/s308501 National women’s rights history project national registry
/us/usc/t54/s308502 National women’s rights history project partnerships network
/us/usc/t54/s308701 Policy
/us/usc/t54/s308702 Definitions
/us/usc/t54/s308703 National Maritime Heritage Grants Program
/us/usc/t54/s308704 Funding
/us/usc/t54/s308705 Designation of America’s National Maritime Museum
/us/usc/t54/s308706 Regulations
/us/usc/t54/s308707 Applicability of other authorities
/us/usc/t54/s308901 Definitions
/us/usc/t54/s308902 Establishment
/us/usc/t54/s308903 Grants
/us/usc/t54/s308904 Guidelines and regulations
/us/usc/t54/s308905 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t54/s309101 Sites and structures that commemorate former Presidents
/us/usc/t54/s311101 Definitions
/us/usc/t54/s311102 Establishment
/us/usc/t54/s311103 Designation of Preserve America Communities
/us/usc/t54/s311104 Regulations
/us/usc/t54/s311105 Authorization of appropriations
/us/usc/t54/s312101 Definitions
/us/usc/t54/s312102 Establishment and purposes
/us/usc/t54/s312103 Principal office
/us/usc/t54/s312104 Board of trustees
/us/usc/t54/s312105 Powers
/us/usc/t54/s312106 Consultation with National Park System Advisory Board
/us/usc/t54/s312301 Definition
/us/usc/t54/s312302 Declaration of national interest
/us/usc/t54/s312303 Establishment
/us/usc/t54/s312304 Duties and powers; administrative support
/us/usc/t54/s312305 Reports
/us/usc/t54/s312501 Definition
/us/usc/t54/s312502 Threat of irreparable loss or destruction of significant scientific, prehistorical, historical, or archeological data by Federal construction projects
/us/usc/t54/s312503 Survey and recovery by Secretary
/us/usc/t54/s312504 Progress reports by Secretary on surveys and work undertaken as result of surveys
/us/usc/t54/s312505 Notice of dam construction
/us/usc/t54/s312506 Administration
/us/usc/t54/s312507 Assistance to Secretary by Federal agencies responsible for construction projects
/us/usc/t54/s312508 Costs for identification, surveys, evaluation, and data recovery with respect to historic property
/us/usc/t54/s320101 Declaration of national policy
/us/usc/t54/s320102 Powers and duties of Secretary
/us/usc/t54/s320103 Cooperation with governmental and private agencies and individuals
/us/usc/t54/s320104 Jurisdiction of States in acquired land
/us/usc/t54/s320105 Criminal penalties
/us/usc/t54/s320106 Limitation on obligation or expenditure of appropriated amounts
/us/usc/t54/s320301 National monuments
/us/usc/t54/s320302 Permits
/us/usc/t54/s320303 Regulations
As of Dec. 23, 2021